Ejemplo n.º 1
        public virtual ActionResult Example()
            var list = new List <OrderItemSummary>
                new OrderItemSummary
                    Image      = "1",
                    Name       = "produkt 1",
                    Price      = 15.12m,
                    Quantity   = 5,
                    TotalValue = 130m
                new OrderItemSummary
                    Image      = "1",
                    Name       = "produkt 1",
                    Price      = 15.12m,
                    Quantity   = 5,
                    TotalValue = 130m
                new OrderItemSummary
                    Image      = "1",
                    Name       = "produkt 1",
                    Price      = 15.12m,
                    Quantity   = 5,
                    TotalValue = 130m
            var email = new OrderSumEmail
                To                     = "*****@*****.**",
                CallbackUrl            = Url.Action(MVC.Konto.HistoriaZamowien()),
                Id                     = 5,
                OrderViewModelsSummary = new OrderViewModelsSummary
                    Firma           = false,
                    TotalTotalValue = 150,
                    OrderPayment    = new SharedShippingOrderSummaryModels
                        Description = "Payment opis",
                        Name        = "Payment name",
                        Price       = 55.21m
                    OrderShipping = new SharedShippingOrderSummaryModels
                        Description = "Shipping Opis",
                        Name        = "Shipping name",
                        Price       = 55.21m
                    UserAddressModel = new CartAddressModel
                        Imie        = "Tomasz",
                        KodPocztowy = "43-200",
                        Miasto      = "Pszczyna",
                        NazwaFirmy  = "",
                        Nazwisko    = "Kamiński",
                        Nip         = "",
                        Numer       = "12",
                        Telefon     = "789252925",
                        Ulica       = "Maków"
                    OrderViewItemsTotal = new OrderViewItemsTotal
                        TotalValue       = 55.21m,
                        OrderProductList = list

            return(new EmailViewResult(email));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public virtual async Task <ActionResult> Podsumowanie(OrderViewModelsSummary model, Cart shoppingCart)
            if (!shoppingCart.Lines.Any())

            var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(User.Identity.GetUserId <int>());

            int?userId   = null;
            var discount = 0;

            if (user != null)
                userId   = user.Id;
                discount = user.Rabat;

            var     orders           = new Orders();
            var     orderdetailslist = new List <OrderDetails>();
            decimal hehe             = 0;
            decimal discountVal      = 0;
            decimal?orderWeight      = 0;
            var     paymentPrice     = model.OrderPayment;
            var     shippingPrice    = model.OrderShipping;

            using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
                    foreach (var item in model.OrderViewItemsTotal.OrderProductList.ToList())
                        if (!item.ItemRemoved)
                            var product = _appRepository.GetSingle <Products>(i => i.ProductId == item.Id);

                            if (product.Quantity - product.ReservedQuantity >= item.Quantity)
                                var orderD = new OrderDetails
                                    ProductId     = item.Id,
                                    Quantity      = item.Quantity,
                                    ProdPrice     = item.Price,
                                    SubTotalPrice = item.TotalValue
                                hehe        += item.TotalValue;
                                orderWeight += product.Weight * item.Quantity;
                                product.ReservedQuantity += item.Quantity;
                                product.OrdersCount      += item.Quantity;
                                if (product.Quantity - product.ReservedQuantity <= 0)
                                    item.ItemRemoved = true;
                                    model.HasErrors  = true;
                                else if (product.Quantity - product.ReservedQuantity < item.Quantity)
                                    item.QuantityChanged = true;
                                    item.OldQuantity     = item.Quantity;
                                    item.Quantity        = (product.Quantity ?? 0) - product.ReservedQuantity;
                                    item.TotalValue      = item.Price * item.Quantity;
                                    var firstOrDefault = shoppingCart.Lines.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == item.Id);
                                    if (firstOrDefault != null)
                                        firstOrDefault.Quantity = item.Quantity;
                                    model.HasErrors = true;
                                    hehe           += item.TotalValue;
                    discountVal = Convert.ToDecimal(hehe * discount / 100);
                    if (model.HasErrors)
                        model.OrderViewItemsTotal.TotalValue = hehe;
                        model.TotalTotalValue = hehe + (hehe > 250 ? 0 : model.OrderShipping.Price) + (hehe > 250 ? 0 : model.OrderPayment.Price) - discountVal;
                    if (model.OrderViewItemsTotal.OrderProductList.Count == 0)

                    orders = new Orders
                        OrderWeight         = orderWeight ?? 0,
                        Email               = model.UserAddressModel.Email,
                        ProductsPrice       = hehe,
                        TotalPrice          = (hehe + (hehe > 250 ? 0 : paymentPrice.Price) + (hehe > 250 ? 0 : shippingPrice.Price)) - discountVal,
                        Name                = model.UserAddressModel.Imie,
                        Surname             = model.UserAddressModel.Nazwisko,
                        OrderDate           = DateTime.Today,
                        SentDate            = DateTime.Today,
                        ShippingId          = model.OrderShipping.Id,
                        PaymentId           = model.OrderPayment.Id,
                        City                = model.UserAddressModel.Miasto,
                        Street              = model.UserAddressModel.Ulica,
                        Number              = model.UserAddressModel.Numer,
                        PostalCode          = model.UserAddressModel.KodPocztowy,
                        OrderDetails        = orderdetailslist,
                        UserId              = userId,
                        OrderInfo           = (model.OrderPayment.Id == 1 || model.OrderPayment.Id == 3)?"Oczekujące":"Przyjęte",
                        UserHints           = model.UserHints,
                        NazwaFirmy          = model.UserAddressModel.NazwaFirmy,
                        OrderNip            = model.UserAddressModel.Nip,
                        Phone               = model.UserAddressModel.Telefon,
                        Discount            = discount,
                        FreeShippingPayment = hehe > 250
                    await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ex.GetType() != typeof(UpdateException))
            var email = new OrderSumEmail
                To                     = model.UserAddressModel.Email,
                CallbackUrl            = Url.Action(MVC.Konto.HistoriaZamowien()),
                Id                     = orders.OrderId,
                OrderViewModelsSummary = new OrderViewModelsSummary
                    Firma           = model.UserAddressModel.Nip != null,
                    TotalTotalValue = orders.TotalPrice,
                    Discount        = discount,
                    DiscountValue   = discountVal.ToString("c"),
                    OrderPayment    = new SharedShippingOrderSummaryModels
                        Description = paymentPrice.Description,
                        Name        = paymentPrice.Name,
                        Price       = hehe > 250?0:paymentPrice.Price
                    OrderShipping = new SharedShippingOrderSummaryModels
                        Description = shippingPrice.Description,
                        Name        = shippingPrice.Name,
                        Price       = hehe > 250 ? 0 : shippingPrice.Price
                    UserAddressModel    = model.UserAddressModel,
                    OrderViewItemsTotal = new OrderViewItemsTotal
                        TotalValue       = hehe,
                        OrderProductList = orderdetailslist.Select(m => new OrderItemSummary
                            Image      = m.Products.IconName ?? "NoPhoto_small",
                            Name       = m.Products.Name,
                            Price      = m.Products.Price ?? 0,
                            Quantity   = m.Quantity,
                            TotalValue = m.SubTotalPrice,
                            Packing    = m.Products.Packing

            return(View("OrderSubmitted", orders.OrderId));