Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a denormalized order record from a global record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="globalOrder"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static OrderSet.OrderRow Create(ClientMarketData.OrderRow globalOrder)
            // Create a new order record from the record factory.
            OrderSet.OrderRow orderRow = orderSet.Order.NewOrderRow();

            // These records are global and use the global system of identifiers.
            orderRow.IsLocal = false;

            // Copy each field that has an analog in the local record set into the new record.
            foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in globalOrder.Table.Columns)
                orderRow[dataColumn.ColumnName] = globalOrder[dataColumn];

            // AccountId cross-referenced data is filled in here.
            orderRow.AccountMnemonic = globalOrder.AccountRow.Mnemonic;
            orderRow.AccountName     = globalOrder.AccountRow.ObjectRow.Name;

            // SecurityId cross-referenced data is filled in here.
            orderRow.SecuritySymbol = globalOrder.SecurityRowByFKSecurityOrderSecurityId.Symbol;
            orderRow.SecurityName   = globalOrder.SecurityRowByFKSecurityOrderSecurityId.ObjectRow.Name;

            // CurrencyId cross-referenced data is filled in here.
            orderRow.SettlementSymbol = globalOrder.SecurityRowByFKSecurityOrderSettlementId.Symbol;
            orderRow.SettlementName   = globalOrder.SecurityRowByFKSecurityOrderSettlementId.ObjectRow.Name;

            // BrokerId cross-referenced data is filled in here.
            if (!globalOrder.IsBrokerIdNull())
                ClientMarketData.BrokerRow brokerRow = ClientMarketData.Broker.FindByBrokerId(globalOrder.BrokerId);
                if (brokerRow != null)
                    orderRow.BrokerSymbol = brokerRow.Symbol;
                    orderRow.BrokerName   = brokerRow.ObjectRow.Name;

            // TimeInForce cross-referenced data is filled in here.
            orderRow.TimeInForceMnemonic = globalOrder.TimeInForceRow.Mnemonic;

            // TimeInForce cross-referenced data is filled in here.
            orderRow.OrderTypeMnemonic = globalOrder.OrderTypeRow.Mnemonic;

            // This is a complete record of the order, including the referenced data.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a denormalized order record from a local record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localOrder">A local order record.</param>
        /// <returns>A order record that is independant of the global data set for all the anscillary data.</returns>
        public static OrderSet.OrderRow Create(LocalOrderSet.OrderRow localOrder)
            // Create a new, empty order record.
            OrderSet.OrderRow orderRow = orderSet.Order.NewOrderRow();

            // This new record is a copy of a local record and uses the local system of identifiers.
            orderRow.IsLocal = true;

            // Copy each field that has an analog in the local record set into the new record.
            foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in localOrder.Table.Columns)
                orderRow[dataColumn.ColumnName] = localOrder[dataColumn];

            // AccountId cross-referenced data is filled in here.
            if (!localOrder.IsAccountIdNull())
                ClientMarketData.AccountRow accountRow = ClientMarketData.Account.FindByAccountId(orderRow.AccountId);
                if (accountRow != null)
                    orderRow.AccountMnemonic = accountRow.Mnemonic;
                    orderRow.AccountName     = accountRow.ObjectRow.Name;

            // SecurityId cross-referenced data is filled in here.
            if (!localOrder.IsSecurityIdNull())
                ClientMarketData.SecurityRow securityRow = ClientMarketData.Security.FindBySecurityId(orderRow.SecurityId);
                if (securityRow != null)
                    orderRow.SecuritySymbol = securityRow.Symbol;
                    orderRow.SecurityName   = securityRow.ObjectRow.Name;

            // CurrencyId cross-referenced data is filled in here.
            if (!localOrder.IsSettlementIdNull())
                ClientMarketData.CurrencyRow currencyRow = ClientMarketData.Currency.FindByCurrencyId(orderRow.SettlementId);
                if (currencyRow != null)
                    orderRow.SettlementSymbol = currencyRow.SecurityRow.Symbol;
                    orderRow.SettlementName   = currencyRow.SecurityRow.ObjectRow.Name;

            // BrokerId cross-referenced data is filled in here.
            if (!localOrder.IsBrokerIdNull())
                ClientMarketData.BrokerRow brokerRow = ClientMarketData.Broker.FindByBrokerId(orderRow.BrokerId);
                if (brokerRow != null)
                    orderRow.BrokerSymbol = brokerRow.Symbol;
                    orderRow.BrokerName   = brokerRow.ObjectRow.Name;

            // TransactionType cross-referenced data is filled in here.
            if (!localOrder.IsTransactionTypeCodeNull())
                ClientMarketData.TransactionTypeRow transactionTypeRow = ClientMarketData.TransactionType.FindByTransactionTypeCode(orderRow.TransactionTypeCode);
                if (transactionTypeRow != null)
                    orderRow.TransactionTypeMnemonic = transactionTypeRow.Mnemonic;

            // TimeInForce cross-referenced data is filled in here.
            if (!localOrder.IsTimeInForceCodeNull())
                ClientMarketData.TimeInForceRow timeInForceRow = ClientMarketData.TimeInForce.FindByTimeInForceCode(orderRow.TimeInForceCode);
                if (timeInForceRow != null)
                    orderRow.TimeInForceMnemonic = timeInForceRow.Mnemonic;

            // TimeInForce cross-referenced data is filled in here.
            if (!localOrder.IsOrderTypeCodeNull())
                ClientMarketData.OrderTypeRow orderTypeRow = ClientMarketData.OrderType.FindByOrderTypeCode(orderRow.OrderTypeCode);
                if (orderTypeRow != null)
                    orderRow.OrderTypeMnemonic = orderTypeRow.Mnemonic;

            // This is a complete record of the order, including the referenced data.