Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 促销品吊牌补打
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="barcode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string orderDetailByBarcod40mm(string barcode)
            string sql = string.Format(@"select dbo.f_EBPwd(t3.tm) qrcode,t1.sphh,t2.tm tm1,t3.tm tm2,t2.cmdm,t1.zbyid,t1.lymxid,t5.yphh,t1.sl0,t4.hx from yx_v_dddjcmmx t1
	INNER JOIN (select sphh,cmdm,tm from yx_t_tmb where tzid=1 and tmlx=1) t2 on t1.cmdm=t2.cmdm and t1.sphh=t2.sphh 
	INNER JOIN (select sphh,cmdm,tm from yx_t_tmb where tzid=1 and tmlx=2) t3 on t1.cmdm=t3.cmdm and t1.sphh=t3.sphh 
  INNER JOIN YX_T_Spdmb t5 ON t1.sphh=t5.sphh
  inner join yx_v_sphxggb t4 on t5.yphh=t4.yphh and t2.cmdm=t4.cmdm
where  t3.tm = '{0}' AND T1.DJLX=905 AND t1.djzt=1 ", barcode);
            List <OrderLabelDetail> list = new List <OrderLabelDetail>();

            using (IDataReader reader = dal.ExecuteReader(sql))
                while (reader.Read())
                    OrderLabelDetail detail = new OrderLabelDetail();
                    detail.Spid   = reader["tm2"].ToString();
                    detail.Qrcode = reader["qrcode"].ToString();
                    detail.Sphh   = reader["sphh"].ToString();
                    detail.Tm     = reader["tm1"].ToString();
                    detail.Hx     = reader["hx"].ToString();
                    detail.Sn     = "";
                    //detail.Lsdj = reader["lsdj"].ToString();
                    detail.Num = int.Parse(reader["sl0"].ToString());
            return(xmlHelper.ToString <List <OrderLabelDetail> >(list));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void LoadData()
            WebService.LabelPrint serv = new WebService.LabelPrint();
            string rel = serv.BarCodeOrderId(txtBarCode.Text);
            List <OrderLabelInfo> Labels = Serializer.XmlDeSerialize <List <OrderLabelInfo> >(rel);

            if (Labels.Count == 0)
            foreach (OrderLabelInfo lable in Labels)
                if (!dictLable.ContainsKey(lable.Sphh))
                    dictLable.Add(lable.Sphh, lable);
            rel = serv.BarCodeDetail(txtBarCode.Text);
            OrderLabelDetail detail = Serializer.XmlDeSerialize <OrderLabelDetail>(rel);
            ListViewItem     lvi    = new ListViewItem(new string[] { detail.Spid, detail.Tm, detail.Qrcode, detail.Hx, detail.Lsdj });


            txtBarCode.Text = "";

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 绘制一张标签
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topx"></param>
        /// <param name="topy"></param>
        /// <param name="grap"></param>
        /// <param name="detail"></param>
        private void Tag_Draw(int topx, int topy, Graphics grap, OrderLabelDetail detail)
            OrderLabelInfo currLable = DictLabel[detail.Sphh];
            //Form1.log.InfoFormat("货号:{0} 品名:{1} QRCOE:{2} Spid:{3}",
            //    detail.Sphh, currLable.Pm, detail.Qrcode, detail.Spid);
            string        tm     = "http://tm.lilanz.com/tm.aspx?id=" + detail.Qrcode;
            QRCodeEncoder qrcode = new QRCodeEncoder();

            qrcode.QRCodeScale   = 1;
            qrcode.QRCodeVersion = 4;
            Bitmap bitQR = qrcode.Encode(tm);

            Image ImgCode128 = Code128Rendering.MakeBarcodeImage(detail.Spid, 1, false);

            Bitmap bitCode128 = new Bitmap(ImgCode128);
            /*ean 13*/
            Ean13 _ean13 = new Ean13(detail.Tm);

            _ean13.Scale = 1f;

             * grap.DrawEllipse(pen, topx + 22, topy +  6, 1, 1);
             * grap.DrawEllipse(penWhite, topx + 22, topy - 8, 1, 1);

            grap.DrawString("合 格 证", FontTitle, brush, new Point(topx + 18, topy + 10));
            DrawItem(grap, "品名:", currLable.Pm, topx + 5, topy + 15);
            DrawItem2(grap, "货号:", detail.Sphh, topx + 5, topy + 18);
            DrawItem2(grap, "号型:", detail.Hx, topx + 5, topy + 21);

            DrawMaterial(grap, currLable.Material, topx + 5, topy + 24);//纤维含量

            currY += 3;
            DrawLevel(grap, currLable.Dj, detail.Sn, topx + 5, currY); //等级

            currY += 3;
            DrawStandard(grap, currLable.Zxbz, topx + 5, currY);
            currY += 3;
            DrawSecurity(grap, currLable.Aqlb, topx + 5, currY);

            DrawItemPrice(grap, String.Format("¥{0}", currLable.Lsdj), topx, topy + 63);

            _ean13.DrawEan13Barcode(grap, new Point(topx + 5, topy + 70));//ean 13

            grap.DrawImage(bitCode128, new Rectangle(topx + 4, topy + 80, 38, 6), 0, 0,
                           bitCode128.Width, bitCode128.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            grap.DrawString(detail.Spid, FontCode128, brush, new Point(topx + 8, topy + 86));

            grap.DrawString("(仅供内部使用)", font5, brush, new Point(topx + 16, topy + 89));

            grap.DrawImage(bitQR, new Rectangle(topx + 16, topy + 92, 13, 13), 0, 0, bitQR.Width, bitQR.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public string orderDetailItem(int id, string sphh)
            string sql = String.Format(@"SELECT t4.gg, dbo.f_EBPwd(spid) qrcode,spid,tm,t2.sphh,t2.tm1,t2.tm2,t4.hx,t3.lsdj,dbo.f_36(t1.lsh-100000) sn,t4.hx2,t2.zbyid,t2.cmdm,t3.tml  
   FROM yx_T_spidb t1
        INNER JOIN  (
            select distinct t1.sphh,t2.tm tm1,t3.tm tm2,t2.cmdm,t1.zbyid from yx_v_dddjcmmx t1
	        INNER JOIN (select sphh,cmdm,tm from yx_t_tmb where tzid=1 and tmlx=1) t2 on t1.cmdm=t2.cmdm and t1.sphh=t2.sphh 
	        INNER JOIN (select sphh,cmdm,tm from yx_t_tmb where tzid=1 and tmlx=2) t3 on t1.cmdm=t3.cmdm and t1.sphh=t3.sphh 
	        where id={0} ) t2 ON t1.tm=t2.tm2
   INNER JOIN YX_T_Spdmb t3 ON t2.sphh=t3.sphh
   left join yx_v_sphxggb t4 on t3.yphh=t4.yphh and t2.cmdm=t4.cmdm
   where lydjid={0} AND t3.sphh='{1}' ORDER BY t2.sphh,t2.cmdm,spid", id, sphh);
            List <OrderLabelDetail> list = new List <OrderLabelDetail>();

            Dictionary <string, decimal> filler = ItemFillter(sphh);

            using (IDataReader reader = dal.ExecuteReader(sql))
                while (reader.Read())
                    OrderLabelDetail detail = new OrderLabelDetail();
                    detail.Spid   = reader["spid"].ToString();
                    detail.Qrcode = reader["qrcode"].ToString();
                    detail.Sphh   = reader["sphh"].ToString();
                    detail.Tm     = reader["tm1"].ToString();
                    detail.Filler = 0;//默认为0嗯

                    if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                        if (reader["hx2"].ToString().Trim() == "")
                            detail.Hx = reader["hx"].ToString();
                            detail.Hx = String.Format("上衣:{0} 裤子:{1}", reader["hx"].ToString().TrimEnd(), reader["hx2"].ToString().TrimEnd());

                        detail.Gg = reader["gg"].ToString();
                    string cmdm = reader["cmdm"].ToString().Remove(0, 2);

                    if (filler.ContainsKey(cmdm))
                        detail.Filler = filler[cmdm];
                    detail.Sn = reader["sn"].ToString();
                    //detail.Lsdj = reader["lsdj"].ToString();
            return(xmlHelper.ToString <List <OrderLabelDetail> >(list));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public string BarCodeDetail(String barcode)
            OrderLabelDetail detail = new OrderLabelDetail();
            String           sql    = String.Format(@"SELECT t1.spid,dbo.f_EBPwd(t1.spid) barcode,t1.tm,t1.lydjid,t2.yid,t3.cmdm,t3.sphh, dbo.f_36(t1.lsh-100000) sn
FROM YX_T_Spidb t1
inner join yx_t_dddjb t2 on t1.lydjid=t2.id 
INNER JOIN yx_t_tmb t3 ON t1.tm=t3.tm 
and t3.tzid=1 
and t3.tmlx=2 
and t1.spid='{0}'", barcode);

            using (IDataReader reader = dal.ExecuteReader(sql))
                if (reader.Read())
                    detail.Spid   = reader[0].ToString();
                    detail.Qrcode = reader[1].ToString();
                    detail.Sphh   = reader["sphh"].ToString();
                    detail.Cmdm   = reader["cmdm"].ToString();
                    detail.HxKind = int.Parse(reader["yid"].ToString());
                    detail.Sn     = reader["sn"].ToString();
            sql = String.Format(@"select tm,t2.yphh,t2.lsdj from yx_t_tmb t1
inner join YX_T_Spdmb t2 on t1.sphh=t2.sphh
where t1.tzid=1 and tmlx=1 and cmdm='{0}' and t1.sphh='{1}'", detail.Cmdm, detail.Sphh);
            using (IDataReader reader = dal.ExecuteReader(sql))
                if (reader.Read())
                    detail.Tm   = reader[0].ToString();
                    detail.Yphh = reader[1].ToString();
                    detail.Lsdj = reader[2].ToString();
            sql = String.Format("SELECT hx,hx2,gg from yx_v_sphxggb where yphh='{0}' and cmdm='{1}'",
                                detail.Yphh, detail.Cmdm);
            using (IDataReader reader = dal.ExecuteReader(sql))
                if (reader.Read())
                    detail.Hx = reader[0].ToString();
                    if (reader[1].ToString().Trim() != "")
                        detail.Hx = String.Format("上衣:{0} 裤子:{1}",
                                                  reader[0].ToString().Trim(), reader[1].ToString().Trim());
                    detail.Gg = reader[2].ToString();
            Dictionary <string, decimal> filler = ItemFillter(detail.Sphh);

            string cmdm = detail.Cmdm.ToString().Remove(0, 2);

            if (filler.ContainsKey(cmdm))
                detail.Filler = filler[cmdm];

            return(xmlHelper.ToString <OrderLabelDetail>(detail));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 绘制一张标签
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topx"></param>
        /// <param name="topy"></param>
        /// <param name="grap"></param>
        /// <param name="detail"></param>
        private void Tag_Draw(int topx, int topy, Graphics grap, OrderLabelDetail detail)
            OrderLabelInfo currLable = DictLabel[detail.Sphh];

            CurrentTemp = currLable.Template;

            string        tm     = "http://tm.lilanz.com/tm.aspx?id=" + detail.Qrcode;
            QRCodeEncoder qrcode = new QRCodeEncoder();

            qrcode.QRCodeScale   = 1;
            qrcode.QRCodeVersion = 4;
            Bitmap bitQR = qrcode.Encode(tm);

            Image ImgCode128 = Code128Rendering.MakeBarcodeImage(detail.Spid, 1, false);

            Bitmap bitCode128 = new Bitmap(ImgCode128);
            /*ean 13*/
            Ean13 _ean13 = new Ean13(detail.Tm);

            _ean13.Scale = 1f;

             * grap.DrawEllipse(pen, topx + 22, topy +  6, 1, 1);
             * grap.DrawEllipse(penWhite, topx + 22, topy - 8, 1, 1);
            //grap.DrawRectangle(pen, topx, topy, LabelWidth, LabelHeigth);

            grap.DrawString("合 格 证", FontTitle, brush, new Point(topx + (LabelWidth - 8) / 2, topy + 10));

            DrawItem(grap, "品名:", currLable.Pm, topx + 5, topy + 15);

            DrawItem2(grap, "货号:", detail.Sphh, topx + 5, topy + 18);

            currY = topy + 21;

            if (detail.Gg == null)
                detail.Gg = "";
            if (detail.Hx == null)
                detail.Hx = "";

            if (detail.Hx.TrimEnd().Length > 0 || detail.Gg.TrimEnd().Length > 0)
                if (detail.Hx.TrimEnd().Length > 0)
                    DrawItem2(grap, "号型:", detail.Hx, topx + 5, currY);
                    DrawItem2(grap, "规格:", detail.Gg, topx + 5, currY);
                currY = currY + 3;

             * 40mm促销品
            if (LabelWidth == 40)
                DrawItem(grap, "颜色:", currLable.Iname.Split('-')[1], topx + 5, currY);
                currY = currY + 3;

            if (currLable.Template.TrimEnd().ToUpper() != "K")
                DrawMaterial(grap, "纤维含量:", currLable.Material, topx + 5, currY);//纤维含量
                DrawMaterial(grap, "材质:", currLable.Material, topx + 5, currY);//纤维含量
                currY += 3;
                DrawItem(grap, "生产日期:", currLable.ProDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), topx + 5, currY);

                 * J版需要打生产日期、商标

            currY += 3;
            DrawLevel(grap, currLable.Dj, detail.Sn, topx + 5, currY); //等级

            currY += 3;
            DrawStandard(grap, currLable.Zxbz, topx + 5, currY);
            currY += 3;
            DrawSecurity(grap, currLable.Aqlb, topx + 5, currY);

            currY = topy + (LabelHeigth - 43);

            DrawItemPrice(grap, String.Format("¥{0}", currLable.Lsdj), topx, currY);

            _ean13.DrawEan13Barcode(grap, new Point(topx + (LabelWidth - 36) / 2, currY));//ean 13

            currY += 10;
            grap.DrawImage(bitCode128, new Rectangle(topx + 3, currY, (LabelWidth - 6), 6), 0, 0,
                           bitCode128.Width, bitCode128.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //左右各留3mm

            currY += 6;
            float FontWidth = grap.MeasureString(detail.Spid, FontCode128).Width;

            grap.DrawString(detail.Spid, FontCode128, brush, new Point(topx + (LabelWidth - (int)FontWidth) / 2, currY));

            currY += 3;
            grap.DrawString("(仅供内部使用)", font5, brush, new Point(topx + (LabelWidth - 12) / 2, currY));

            currY += 3;
            grap.DrawImage(bitQR, new Rectangle(topx + (LabelWidth - 13) / 2, currY, 13, 13), 0, 0, bitQR.Width, bitQR.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);