Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static OrderFulfillment GenerateFulfillment(int fulfillOrderId)
            FulfillmentDetails[] fulfillmentList =
                new FulfillmentDetails(
                    fulfillmentId: "123",
                    createdAt: new DateTime(2013,            12, 8, 14, 12, 12, DateTimeKind.Local),
                    status: FulfillmentStatusCode.Success,
                    lineItems: new LineItem[] { new LineItem("Bag",10.0, 1) },
                    trackingCompany: "TestCompany")

            OrderFulfillment orderFulfillment = new OrderFulfillment(
                merchantOrderId: fulfillOrderId,
                fulfillments: fulfillmentList);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        ///Use a greedy algorithm to fulfill the order
        private OrderFulfillment FulfillWithGreedyMultipleShipments(Order order, WarehouseNetwork warehouseNetwork)
            var orderFulfillment = new OrderFulfillment();

            // <comment for reviewers only:> This is a semi-hacky way to get around "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute." exceptions.  It is safe here as long as I know this is the only code modifying the collection
            var orderKeys = new List <string>(order.Keys);

            foreach (var warehouse in warehouseNetwork)
                var partialOrder = new Order();

                foreach (var itemName in orderKeys)
                    if (!warehouse.Inventory.ContainsKey(itemName))

                    var orderItemQuantity  = order[itemName];
                    var warehouseItemCount = warehouse.Inventory[itemName];

                    var amountCanFullfill = Math.Min(orderItemQuantity, warehouseItemCount);

                    if (amountCanFullfill > 0)
                        partialOrder.Add(itemName, amountCanFullfill);

                        //No need to update warehouse inventory directly here
                        //Do need to update order quantity remaining to fulfill, BUT the KeyValuePair object in C# is immutable... need to update the order dictionary itself
                        order[itemName] -= amountCanFullfill;

                if (partialOrder.Count > 0)
                    orderFulfillment.Add(warehouse.Name, partialOrder);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ToSvRecipient_WhenNullAddress_ReturnsWithNoAddress()
            const string name        = "Bubba Gump";
            var          fulfillment = new OrderFulfillment
                ShipmentDetails = new OrderFulfillmentShipmentDetails
                    Recipient = new OrderFulfillmentRecipient
                        Address     = null,
                        DisplayName = name

            var recipient = new List <OrderFulfillment> {

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void SendOrdersToRiskifiedExample()
            #region preprocessing and loading config

            string domain    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MerchantDomain"];
            string authToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MerchantAuthenticationToken"];
            RiskifiedEnvironment riskifiedEnv = (RiskifiedEnvironment)Enum.Parse(typeof(RiskifiedEnvironment), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RiskifiedEnvironment"]);

            // Generating a random starting order number
            // we need to send the order with a new order number in order to create it on riskified
            var rand     = new Random();
            int orderNum = rand.Next(1000, 200000);

            // Make orderNum a string to use as customer id
            string idString = $"customerId_{orderNum.ToString()}";


            #region order object creation

            // generate a new order - the sample generates a fixed order with same details but different order number each time
            // see GenerateOrder for more info on how to create the Order objects
            var order = GenerateOrder(orderNum);


            #region sending data to riskified

            // read action from console
            const string menu = "Commands:\n" +
                                "'p' for checkout\n" +
                                "'e' for checkout denied\n" +
                                "'c' for create\n" +
                                "'u' for update\n" +
                                "'s' for submit\n" +
                                "'d' for cancel\n" +
                                "'r' for partial refund\n" +
                                "'f' for fulfill\n" +
                                "'x' for decision\n" +
                                "'h' for historical sending\n" +
                                "'y' for chargeback submission\n" +
                                "'v' for decide (sync only)\n" +
                                "'l' for eligible for Deco payment \n" +
                                "'o' for opt-in to Deco payment \n" +
                                "'account' for account actions menu\n" +
                                "'q' to quit";

            const string accountActionsMenu = "Account Action Commands:\n" +
                                              "'li' for login(account)\n" +
                                              "'cc' for customer create (account)\n" +
                                              "'cu' for customer update (account)\n" +
                                              "'lo' for logout (account)\n" +
                                              "'pw' for password reset (account)\n" +
                                              "'wl' for wishlist (account)\n" +
                                              "'re' for redeem (account)\n" +
                                              "'co' for contact (account)\n" +
                                              "'menu' for main menu\n" +
                                              "'q' to quit";

            string commandStr = Console.ReadLine();

            // loop on console actions
            while (commandStr != null && (!commandStr.Equals("q")))
                // the OrdersGateway is responsible for sending orders to Riskified servers
                OrdersGateway gateway = new OrdersGateway(riskifiedEnv, authToken, domain);
                    OrderNotification         res    = null;
                    AccountActionNotification accRes = null;
                    switch (commandStr)
                    case "menu":
                    case "account":

                    case "p":
                        Console.WriteLine("Order checkout Generated with merchant order number: " + orderNum);
                        var orderCheckout = GenerateOrderCheckout(orderNum.ToString());
                        orderCheckout.Id = orderNum.ToString();

                        // sending order checkout for creation (if new orderNum) or update (if existing orderNum)
                        res = gateway.Checkout(orderCheckout);

                    case "a":
                        Console.WriteLine("Order Advise Generated with merchant order number: " + orderNum);
                        var orderAdviseCheckout = GenerateAdviseOrderCheckout(orderNum.ToString());
                        orderAdviseCheckout.Id = orderNum.ToString();

                        // sending order checkout for creation (if new orderNum) or update (if existing orderNum)
                        res = gateway.Advise(orderAdviseCheckout);

                    case "e":
                        Console.WriteLine("Order checkout Generated.");
                        var orderCheckoutDenied = GenerateOrderCheckoutDenied(orderNum);

                        Console.Write("checkout to deny id: ");
                        string orderCheckoutDeniedId = Console.ReadLine();

                        orderCheckoutDenied.Id = orderCheckoutDeniedId;

                        // sending order checkout for creation (if new orderNum) or update (if existing orderNum)
                        res = gateway.CheckoutDenied(orderCheckoutDenied);

                    case "c":
                        Console.WriteLine("Order Generated with merchant order number: " + orderNum);
                        order.Id = orderNum.ToString();
                        // sending order for creation (if new orderNum) or update (if existing orderNum)
                        res = gateway.Create(order);

                    case "s":
                        Console.WriteLine("Order Generated with merchant order number: " + orderNum);
                        order.Id = orderNum.ToString();
                        // sending order for submitting and analysis
                        // it will generate a callback to the notification webhook (if defined) with a decision regarding the order
                        res = gateway.Submit(order);

                    case "v":
                        Console.WriteLine("Order Generated with merchant order number: " + orderNum);
                        order.Id = orderNum.ToString();
                        // sending order for synchronous decision
                        // it will generate a synchronous response with the decision regarding the order
                        // (for sync flow only)
                        res = gateway.Decide(order);

                    case "u":
                        Console.Write("Updated order id: ");
                        string upOrderId = Console.ReadLine();
                        order.Id = int.Parse(upOrderId).ToString();
                        res      = gateway.Update(order);

                    case "d":
                        Console.Write("Cancelled order id: ");
                        string canOrderId = Console.ReadLine();
                        res = gateway.Cancel(
                            new OrderCancellation(
                                merchantOrderId: int.Parse(canOrderId),
                                cancelledAt: DateTime.Now,
                                cancelReason: "Customer cancelled before shipping"));

                    case "r":
                        Console.Write("Refunded order id: ");
                        string refOrderId = Console.ReadLine();
                        res = gateway.PartlyRefund(
                            new OrderPartialRefund(
                                merchantOrderId: int.Parse(refOrderId),
                                partialRefunds: new[]
                            new PartialRefundDetails(
                                refundId: "12345",
                                refundedAt: DateTime.Now,              // make sure to initialize DateTime with the correct timezone
                                amount: 5.3,
                                currency: "USD",
                                reason: "Customer partly refunded on shipping fees")

                    case "f":
                        Console.Write("Fulfill order id: ");
                        string           fulfillOrderId   = Console.ReadLine();
                        OrderFulfillment orderFulfillment = GenerateFulfillment(int.Parse(fulfillOrderId));
                        res = gateway.Fulfill(orderFulfillment);


                    case "x":
                        Console.Write("Decision order id: ");
                        string        decisionOrderId = Console.ReadLine();
                        OrderDecision orderDecision   = GenerateDecision(int.Parse(decisionOrderId));
                        res = gateway.Decision(orderDecision);


                    case "h":
                        int startOrderNum     = orderNum;
                        var orders            = new List <Order>();
                        var financialStatuses = new[] { "paid", "cancelled", "chargeback" };
                        for (int i = 0; i < 22; i++)
                            Order o = GenerateOrder(orderNum++);
                            o.FinancialStatus = financialStatuses[i % 3];
                        Console.WriteLine("Orders Generated with merchant order numbers: {0} to {1}", startOrderNum, orderNum - 1);
                        // sending 3 historical orders with different processing state
                        Dictionary <string, string> errors;
                        bool success = gateway.SendHistoricalOrders(orders, out errors);
                        if (success)
                            Console.WriteLine("All historical orders sent successfully");
                            Console.WriteLine("Some historical orders failed to send:");
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Join("\n", errors.Select(p => p.Key + ":" + p.Value).ToArray()));

                    case "y":
                        Console.Write("Chargeback order id: ");
                        string          chargebackOrderId = Console.ReadLine();
                        OrderChargeback orderChargeback   = GenerateOrderChargeback(chargebackOrderId);
                        res = gateway.Chargeback(orderChargeback);


                    case "l":
                        Console.Write("Check Deco eligibility on id: ");
                        string      eligibleOrderId     = Console.ReadLine();
                        OrderIdOnly eligibleOrderIdOnly = GenerateOrderIdOnly(eligibleOrderId);
                        res = gateway.Eligible(eligibleOrderIdOnly);


                    case "o":
                        Console.Write("Opt-in to Deco payment on id: ");
                        string      optInOrderId     = Console.ReadLine();
                        OrderIdOnly optInOrderIdOnly = GenerateOrderIdOnly(optInOrderId);
                        res = gateway.OptIn(optInOrderIdOnly);


                    case "li":
                        Console.Write("Login account action");
                        Login login = GenerateLogin(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.Login(login);

                    case "cc":
                        Console.Write("Customer Create account action");
                        CustomerCreate customerCreate = GenerateCustomerCreate(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.CustomerCreate(customerCreate);

                    case "cu":
                        Console.Write("Customer Update account action");
                        CustomerUpdate customerUpdate = GenerateCustomerUpdate(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.CustomerUpdate(customerUpdate);

                    case "lo":
                        Console.Write("Logout account action");
                        Logout logout = GenerateLogout(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.Logout(logout);

                    case "pw":
                        Console.Write("ResetPasswordRequest account action");
                        ResetPasswordRequest resetPasswordRequest = GenerateResetPasswordRequest(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.ResetPasswordRequest(resetPasswordRequest);

                    case "wl":
                        Console.Write("WishlistChanges account action");
                        WishlistChanges wishlistChanges = GenerateWishlistChanges(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.WishlistChanges(wishlistChanges);

                    case "re":
                        Console.Write("Redeem account action");
                        Redeem redeem = GenerateRedeem(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.Redeem(redeem);

                    case "co":
                        Console.Write("Customer Reach-Out account action");
                        CustomerReachOut customerReachOut = GenerateCustomerReachOut(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.CustomerReachOut(customerReachOut);

                    if (res != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\nOrder sent successfully:" +
                                          "\nStatus at Riskified: " + res.Status +
                                          "\nOrder ID received:" + res.Id +
                                          "\nDescription: " + res.Description +
                                          "\nWarnings: " + (res.Warnings == null ? "---" : string.Join("        \n", res.Warnings)) + "\n\n");
                    if (accRes != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\nAccount Action sent successfully:" +
                                          "\nDecision: " + accRes.Decision);
                catch (OrderFieldBadFormatException e)
                    // catching
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception thrown on order field validation: " + e.Message);
                catch (RiskifiedTransactionException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception thrown on transaction: " + e.Message);

                // ask for next action to perform
                if (commandStr.Equals("account"))
                commandStr = Console.ReadLine();

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static int runAll()
                string domain    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MerchantDomain"];
                string authToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MerchantAuthenticationToken"];
                RiskifiedEnvironment riskifiedEnv = (RiskifiedEnvironment)Enum.Parse(typeof(RiskifiedEnvironment), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RiskifiedEnvironment"]);

                OrderNotification res = null;
                var rand     = new Random();
                int orderNum = rand.Next(1000, 200000);
                var order    = GenerateOrder(orderNum);

                OrdersGateway gateway = new OrdersGateway(riskifiedEnv, authToken, domain);

                var orderCheckout = GenerateOrderCheckout(orderNum.ToString());
                orderCheckout.Id = orderNum.ToString();
                res = gateway.Checkout(orderCheckout);

                var orderCheckoutDenied = GenerateOrderCheckoutDenied(orderNum);
                orderCheckoutDenied.Id = orderNum.ToString();
                res = gateway.CheckoutDenied(orderCheckoutDenied);

                order.Id = orderNum.ToString();
                res      = gateway.Create(order);

                order.Id = orderNum.ToString();
                res = gateway.Submit(order);

                res = gateway.Update(order);
                res = gateway.Cancel(
                    new OrderCancellation(
                        merchantOrderId: order.Id,
                        cancelledAt: DateTime.Now,
                        cancelReason: "Customer cancelled before shipping"));

                order.Id = orderNum.ToString();
                // sending order for creation (if new orderNum) or update (if existing orderNum)
                res = gateway.Create(order);

                order.Id = orderNum.ToString();
                // sending order for submitting and analysis
                // it will generate a callback to the notification webhook (if defined) with a decision regarding the order
                res = gateway.Submit(order);

                order.Id = order.Id;
                res      = gateway.Update(order);

                res = gateway.Cancel(
                    new OrderCancellation(
                        merchantOrderId: int.Parse(order.Id),
                        cancelledAt: DateTime.Now,
                        cancelReason: "Customer cancelled before shipping"));

                res = gateway.PartlyRefund(
                    new OrderPartialRefund(
                        merchantOrderId: int.Parse(order.Id),
                        partialRefunds: new[]
                    new PartialRefundDetails(
                        refundId: "12345",
                        refundedAt: DateTime.Now,                      // make sure to initialize DateTime with the correct timezone
                        amount: 5.3,
                        currency: "USD",
                        reason: "Customer partly refunded on shipping fees")

                OrderFulfillment orderFulfillment = GenerateFulfillment(int.Parse(order.Id));
                res = gateway.Fulfill(orderFulfillment);

                OrderDecision orderDecision = GenerateDecision(int.Parse(order.Id));
                res = gateway.Decision(orderDecision);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("[failed] " + ex.ToString());

 /// <summary>
 /// Validates the cancellation data
 /// Sends a cancellation message for a specific order (id should already exist) to Riskified server for status and charge fees update
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="orderCancellation"></param>
 /// <returns>The order notification result containing status,description and sent order id in case of successful transfer</returns>
 /// <exception cref="OrderFieldBadFormatException">On bad format of the order (missing fields data or invalid data)</exception>
 /// <exception cref="RiskifiedTransactionException">On errors with the transaction itself (network errors, bad response data)</exception>
 public OrderNotification Fulfill(OrderFulfillment orderFulfillment)
     return(SendOrder(orderFulfillment, HttpUtils.BuildUrl(_env, "/api/fulfill")));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Validates the cancellation data
 /// Sends a cancellation message for a specific order (id should already exist) to Riskified server for status and charge fees update
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="orderCancellation"></param>
 /// <returns>The order notification result containing status,description and sent order id in case of successful transfer</returns>
 /// <exception cref="OrderFieldBadFormatException">On bad format of the order (missing fields data or invalid data)</exception>
 /// <exception cref="RiskifiedTransactionException">On errors with the transaction itself (network errors, bad response data)</exception>
 public OrderNotification Fulfill(OrderFulfillment orderFulfillment)
     return(SendOrder(orderFulfillment, HttpUtils.BuildUrl(_riskifiedBaseWebhookUrl, "/api/fulfill")));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public async Task <Order> FulfillOrderRows(OrderFulfillment orderFulfillment) =>
 await _client.PostAsync <Order>("api/orderdelivery", orderFulfillment);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public OrderFulfillment GetOrderFulfillment(AmazonOrder amazonOrder)
            var orderFulfillment = new OrderFulfillment()
                ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType2.AmazonOrderID,
                FulfillmentData = new OrderFulfillmentFulfillmentData()
                        ShippingMethod = "Standard"
               Item1 = new OrderFulfillmentItemCollection()

            orderFulfillment.FulfillmentDate = amazonOrder.Order.ShippingDate.HasValue ? amazonOrder.Order.ShippingDate.Value.ToUniversalTime().AddMinutes(-15) : DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-15); //-15 because server times differ

            foreach (var amazonOrderItem in amazonOrder.Items)
                var item = new OrderFulfillmentItem()
                        Item = amazonOrderItem.AmazonOrderItemId,
                        ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType3.AmazonOrderItemCode,
                        Quantity = decimal.ToInt32(amazonOrderItem.QuantityOrdered).ToString()
            return orderFulfillment;
        public ActionResult Save(OrderViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("New", viewModel));

            var customerInDb = _context.Customers.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Phone == viewModel.Phone);

            if (customerInDb == null)
                var newCustomer = new Customer {
                    Name = viewModel.Name, Phone = viewModel.Phone
                customerInDb = _context.Customers.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Phone == viewModel.Phone);

            var applianceInDb = _context.ServiceAppliances.Find(viewModel.ApplianceId);

            if (applianceInDb == null)

            var serviceTypeInDb = _context.ServiceTypes.Find(viewModel.ServiceTypeId);

            if (serviceTypeInDb == null)

            var order = new Order
                CustomerId         = customerInDb.Id,
                OrderDate          = DateTime.Now,
                EmployeeId         = int.Parse(Session["employeeId"].ToString()),
                Description        = viewModel.Description,
                OrderNumber        = new Random().Next(1000000, 9999999).ToString(),
                ServiceApplianceId = applianceInDb.Id


            var orderInDb    = _context.Orders.SingleOrDefault(o => o.OrderNumber == order.OrderNumber);
            var orderService = new OrderService
                OrderId           = orderInDb.Id,
                ServicetypeId     = serviceTypeInDb.Id,
                TotalServicePrice = serviceTypeInDb.Price


            var orderServiceInDb = _context.OrderServices
                                   .SingleOrDefault(s => s.OrderId == orderInDb.Id && s.ServicetypeId == serviceTypeInDb.Id);
            var orderFulfillment = new OrderFulfillment
                OrderServiceId = orderServiceInDb.Id,
                DateDone       = null,
                DateStart      = null,
                EmployeeId     = null


Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Post a fulfillment of an order
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderId">Requested order ID, specifies the order to update.</param>
        ///  /// <param name="orderFulfillment">Requested order ID</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="Order"/>.</returns>
        public virtual async Task <Entities.Order> UpdateFulfillmentAsync(string orderId, OrderFulfillment orderFulfillment)
            var         req     = PrepareRequest($"orders/{orderId}/fulfillments");
            HttpContent content = null;

            if (orderFulfillment != null)
                var body = orderFulfillment.ToDictionary();
                content = new JsonContent(body);

            return(await ExecuteRequestAsync <Entities.Order>(req, HttpMethod.Post, content));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public bool ConfirmOrderShimpmentDetails(MarketplaceOrderFulfillment marketplaceOrder, string submittedBy)
            if (!marketplaceOrder.OrderItems.Any())

            // create configuratin to use US marketplace
            var config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig {
                ServiceURL = RequestHelper.ServiceUrl

            config.SetUserAgentHeader(_ApplicationName, _Version, "C#");
            _amazonClient = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(_credential.AccessKeyId, _credential.SecretKey, config);

                // create fulfillment item list from the order items
                var fulfillmentItems = new List <OrderFulfillmentItem>();
                foreach (var item in marketplaceOrder.OrderItems)
                    fulfillmentItems.Add(new OrderFulfillmentItem
                        Item     = item.OrderItemId,
                        Quantity = item.Quantity.ToString()

                // create the order fulfillment information
                var fulfillment = new OrderFulfillment
                    Item            = marketplaceOrder.OrderId,
                    FulfillmentDate = marketplaceOrder.FulfillmentDate,
                    FulfillmentData = new OrderFulfillmentFulfillmentData
                        Item                  = marketplaceOrder.Carrier.Code,
                        ShippingMethod        = marketplaceOrder.ShippingMethod,
                        ShipperTrackingNumber = marketplaceOrder.ShipperTrackingNumber
                    Item1 = fulfillmentItems.ToArray()

                // create Amazon envelope object
                var amazonEnvelope = new AmazonEnvelope
                    Header = new Header {
                        DocumentVersion = "1.01", MerchantIdentifier = _credential.MerchantId
                    MessageType = AmazonEnvelopeMessageType.OrderFulfillment,
                    Message     = new AmazonEnvelopeMessage[] {
                        new AmazonEnvelopeMessage {
                            MessageID = "1", Item = fulfillment

                // parse the envelope into file
                var xmlFullName = XmlParser.WriteXmlToFile(amazonEnvelope, "OrderFulfillment");

                var submitController = new SubmitFeedController(_amazonClient, _logger, _credential.MarketplaceId, _credential.MerchantId, submittedBy);
                var streamResponse   = submitController.SubmitFeedAndGetResponse(xmlFullName, AmazonFeedType._POST_ORDER_FULFILLMENT_DATA_);
                parsedResultStreamAndLogReport(streamResponse, AmazonEnvelopeMessageType.OrderFulfillment, submittedBy);

                _logger.Add(LogEntrySeverity.Information, LogEntryType.AmazonOrdersProvider, string.Format("{0} - Successfully sent confirming order shipment for Order ID \'{1}\'", ChannelName, marketplaceOrder.OrderId));
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.Add(LogEntrySeverity.Error, LogEntryType.AmazonOrdersProvider,
                            string.Format("{0} - Error in confirming order shipment for OrderId: {3}. <br/>Error Message: {1} <br/> Access Key: {2}", ChannelName,

Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// A single warehouse fulfilling the complete order should always be more optimal than split orders (In my current understanding)
        private bool TryFulfillCompleteOrder(Order order, WarehouseNetwork warehouseNetwork, out OrderFulfillment orderFulfillment)
            foreach (var warehouse in warehouseNetwork)
                var canFulfill = true;

                foreach (var orderItem in order)
                    if (!warehouse.Inventory.ContainsKey(orderItem.Key) ||
                        warehouse.Inventory[orderItem.Key] < orderItem.Value)
                        canFulfill = false;

                if (canFulfill)
                    orderFulfillment = new OrderFulfillment
                        { warehouse.Name, order }

            orderFulfillment = null;