public void GetXmlTest()
            string expected = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<function controlid=""unittest"">
    <update_sotransaction key=""Sales Order-SO0001"" />

            Stream            stream      = new MemoryStream();
            XmlWriterSettings xmlSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();

            xmlSettings.Encoding    = Encoding.UTF8;
            xmlSettings.Indent      = true;
            xmlSettings.IndentChars = "    ";

            IaXmlWriter xml = new IaXmlWriter(stream, xmlSettings);

            OrderEntryTransactionUpdate record = new OrderEntryTransactionUpdate("unittest")
                TransactionId = "Sales Order-SO0001",

            record.WriteXml(ref xml);

            stream.Position = 0;
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);

            Diff xmlDiff = DiffBuilder.Compare(expected).WithTest(reader.ReadToEnd())

            Assert.IsFalse(xmlDiff.HasDifferences(), xmlDiff.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SubtotalEntryTest()
            string expected = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<function controlid=""unittest"">
    <update_sotransaction key=""Sales Order-SO0001"">
            <updatesotransitem line_num=""1"">
                <description>Subtotal Description</description>

            OrderEntryTransactionUpdate record = new OrderEntryTransactionUpdate("unittest")
                TransactionId = "Sales Order-SO0001",

            OrderEntryTransactionLineUpdate line1 = new OrderEntryTransactionLineUpdate()
                LineNo   = 1,
                ItemId   = "02354032",
                Quantity = 12,


            OrderEntryTransactionLineCreate line2 = new OrderEntryTransactionLineCreate()
                ItemId   = "02354032",
                Quantity = 1200,


            TransactionSubtotalUpdate subtotal1 = new TransactionSubtotalUpdate()
                Description = "Subtotal Description",
                Total       = 1200,


            this.CompareXml(expected, record);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void GetXmlTest()
            string expected = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<function controlid=""unittest"">
    <update_sotransaction key=""Sales Order-SO0001"" />

            OrderEntryTransactionUpdate record = new OrderEntryTransactionUpdate("unittest")
                TransactionId = "Sales Order-SO0001",

            this.CompareXml(expected, record);
        public static bool UpdateInvoice(string doucmentId, string attachmentsId, string invoiceNum, System.Xml.Linq.XElement invoiceLineItem)
            var lineNo   = Convert.ToInt32(invoiceLineItem?.Element("LINE_NUM")?.Value ?? "1");
            var memo     = invoiceLineItem?.Element("MEMO")?.Value ?? string.Empty;
            var itemid   = invoiceLineItem?.Element("ITEMID")?.Value ?? string.Empty;
            var quantity = Convert.ToInt32(invoiceLineItem?.Element("QUANTITY")?.Value ?? "1");

                var updateInvoice = new OrderEntryTransactionUpdate
                    TransactionId = doucmentId,
                    AttachmentsId = attachmentsId,
                    Lines         =
                        new List <AbstractOrderEntryTransactionLine>
                        new OrderEntryTransactionLineUpdate {
                            LineNo = lineNo, Memo = memo, ItemId = itemid, Quantity = quantity
                    }                             //A line Item update is required to call this function. Dumb...
                var task = Client.Execute(updateInvoice);

                var response = task.Result;
                var result   = response.Results[0];
                if (result is null || result.Status != "success")
                    ErrorLogger.LogError(invoiceNum, "Dailed to update Invoice.");
            catch (Exception e)
                ErrorLogger.LogError(invoiceNum, $"Updating Invoice #{invoiceNum} Errored: {e.Message}");

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void GetAllXmlTest()
            string expected = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<function controlid=""unittest"">
    <update_sotransaction key=""Sales Order-SO0001"">
        <exchratetype>Intacct Daily Rate</exchratetype>

            OrderEntryTransactionUpdate record = new OrderEntryTransactionUpdate("unittest")
                TransactionId        = "Sales Order-SO0001",
                TransactionDate      = new DateTime(2015, 06, 30),
                GlPostingDate        = new DateTime(2015, 06, 30),
                OriginalDocumentDate = new DateTime(2015, 06, 15),
                ReferenceNumber      = "234235",
                PaymentTerm          = "N30",
                DueDate             = new DateTime(2020, 09, 24),
                Message             = "Submit",
                ShippingMethod      = "USPS",
                ShipToContactName   = "28952",
                BillToContactName   = "289533",
                AttachmentsId       = "6942",
                BaseCurrency        = "USD",
                TransactionCurrency = "USD",
                ExchangeRateDate    = new DateTime(2015, 06, 30),
                ExchangeRateType    = "Intacct Daily Rate",
                VsoePriceList       = "VSOEPricing",
                State        = "Pending",
                ProjectId    = "P2904",
                CustomFields = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>
                    { "customfield1", "customvalue1" }

            this.CompareXml(expected, record);
        public void SubtotalEntryTest()
            string expected = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<function controlid=""unittest"">
    <update_sotransaction key=""Sales Order-SO0001"">
            <updatesotransitem line_num=""1"">
                <description>Subtotal Description</description>

            Stream            stream      = new MemoryStream();
            XmlWriterSettings xmlSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();

            xmlSettings.Encoding    = Encoding.UTF8;
            xmlSettings.Indent      = true;
            xmlSettings.IndentChars = "    ";

            IaXmlWriter xml = new IaXmlWriter(stream, xmlSettings);

            OrderEntryTransactionUpdate record = new OrderEntryTransactionUpdate("unittest")
                TransactionId = "Sales Order-SO0001",

            OrderEntryTransactionLineUpdate line1 = new OrderEntryTransactionLineUpdate()
                LineNo   = 1,
                ItemId   = "02354032",
                Quantity = 12,


            OrderEntryTransactionLineCreate line2 = new OrderEntryTransactionLineCreate()
                ItemId   = "02354032",
                Quantity = 1200,


            TransactionSubtotalUpdate subtotal1 = new TransactionSubtotalUpdate()
                Description = "Subtotal Description",
                Total       = 1200,


            record.WriteXml(ref xml);

            stream.Position = 0;
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);

            Diff xmlDiff = DiffBuilder.Compare(expected).WithTest(reader.ReadToEnd())

            Assert.IsFalse(xmlDiff.HasDifferences(), xmlDiff.ToString());
        public void GetAllXmlTest()
            string expected = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<function controlid=""unittest"">
    <update_sotransaction key=""Sales Order-SO0001"">
        <exchratetype>Intacct Daily Rate</exchratetype>

            Stream            stream      = new MemoryStream();
            XmlWriterSettings xmlSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();

            xmlSettings.Encoding    = Encoding.UTF8;
            xmlSettings.Indent      = true;
            xmlSettings.IndentChars = "    ";

            IaXmlWriter xml = new IaXmlWriter(stream, xmlSettings);

            OrderEntryTransactionUpdate record = new OrderEntryTransactionUpdate("unittest")
                TransactionId        = "Sales Order-SO0001",
                TransactionDate      = new DateTime(2015, 06, 30),
                GlPostingDate        = new DateTime(2015, 06, 30),
                OriginalDocumentDate = new DateTime(2015, 06, 15),
                ReferenceNumber      = "234235",
                PaymentTerm          = "N30",
                DueDate             = new DateTime(2020, 09, 24),
                Message             = "Submit",
                ShippingMethod      = "USPS",
                ShipToContactName   = "28952",
                BillToContactName   = "289533",
                AttachmentsId       = "6942",
                BaseCurrency        = "USD",
                TransactionCurrency = "USD",
                ExchangeRateDate    = new DateTime(2015, 06, 30),
                ExchangeRateType    = "Intacct Daily Rate",
                VsoePriceList       = "VSOEPricing",
                State        = "Pending",
                ProjectId    = "P2904",
                CustomFields = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>
                    { "customfield1", "customvalue1" }

            record.WriteXml(ref xml);

            stream.Position = 0;
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);

            Diff xmlDiff = DiffBuilder.Compare(expected).WithTest(reader.ReadToEnd())

            Assert.IsFalse(xmlDiff.HasDifferences(), xmlDiff.ToString());