public OrderNotification Chargeback(OrderChargeback orderChargeback)
     return(SendOrder(orderChargeback, HttpUtils.BuildUrl(_env, "/api/chargeback")));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void SendOrdersToRiskifiedExample()
            #region preprocessing and loading config

            string domain    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MerchantDomain"];
            string authToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MerchantAuthenticationToken"];
            RiskifiedEnvironment riskifiedEnv = (RiskifiedEnvironment)Enum.Parse(typeof(RiskifiedEnvironment), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RiskifiedEnvironment"]);

            // Generating a random starting order number
            // we need to send the order with a new order number in order to create it on riskified
            var rand     = new Random();
            int orderNum = rand.Next(1000, 200000);

            // Make orderNum a string to use as customer id
            string idString = $"customerId_{orderNum.ToString()}";


            #region order object creation

            // generate a new order - the sample generates a fixed order with same details but different order number each time
            // see GenerateOrder for more info on how to create the Order objects
            var order = GenerateOrder(orderNum);


            #region sending data to riskified

            // read action from console
            const string menu = "Commands:\n" +
                                "'p' for checkout\n" +
                                "'e' for checkout denied\n" +
                                "'c' for create\n" +
                                "'u' for update\n" +
                                "'s' for submit\n" +
                                "'d' for cancel\n" +
                                "'r' for partial refund\n" +
                                "'f' for fulfill\n" +
                                "'x' for decision\n" +
                                "'h' for historical sending\n" +
                                "'y' for chargeback submission\n" +
                                "'v' for decide (sync only)\n" +
                                "'l' for eligible for Deco payment \n" +
                                "'o' for opt-in to Deco payment \n" +
                                "'account' for account actions menu\n" +
                                "'q' to quit";

            const string accountActionsMenu = "Account Action Commands:\n" +
                                              "'li' for login(account)\n" +
                                              "'cc' for customer create (account)\n" +
                                              "'cu' for customer update (account)\n" +
                                              "'lo' for logout (account)\n" +
                                              "'pw' for password reset (account)\n" +
                                              "'wl' for wishlist (account)\n" +
                                              "'re' for redeem (account)\n" +
                                              "'co' for contact (account)\n" +
                                              "'menu' for main menu\n" +
                                              "'q' to quit";

            string commandStr = Console.ReadLine();

            // loop on console actions
            while (commandStr != null && (!commandStr.Equals("q")))
                // the OrdersGateway is responsible for sending orders to Riskified servers
                OrdersGateway gateway = new OrdersGateway(riskifiedEnv, authToken, domain);
                    OrderNotification         res    = null;
                    AccountActionNotification accRes = null;
                    switch (commandStr)
                    case "menu":
                    case "account":

                    case "p":
                        Console.WriteLine("Order checkout Generated with merchant order number: " + orderNum);
                        var orderCheckout = GenerateOrderCheckout(orderNum.ToString());
                        orderCheckout.Id = orderNum.ToString();

                        // sending order checkout for creation (if new orderNum) or update (if existing orderNum)
                        res = gateway.Checkout(orderCheckout);

                    case "a":
                        Console.WriteLine("Order Advise Generated with merchant order number: " + orderNum);
                        var orderAdviseCheckout = GenerateAdviseOrderCheckout(orderNum.ToString());
                        orderAdviseCheckout.Id = orderNum.ToString();

                        // sending order checkout for creation (if new orderNum) or update (if existing orderNum)
                        res = gateway.Advise(orderAdviseCheckout);

                    case "e":
                        Console.WriteLine("Order checkout Generated.");
                        var orderCheckoutDenied = GenerateOrderCheckoutDenied(orderNum);

                        Console.Write("checkout to deny id: ");
                        string orderCheckoutDeniedId = Console.ReadLine();

                        orderCheckoutDenied.Id = orderCheckoutDeniedId;

                        // sending order checkout for creation (if new orderNum) or update (if existing orderNum)
                        res = gateway.CheckoutDenied(orderCheckoutDenied);

                    case "c":
                        Console.WriteLine("Order Generated with merchant order number: " + orderNum);
                        order.Id = orderNum.ToString();
                        // sending order for creation (if new orderNum) or update (if existing orderNum)
                        res = gateway.Create(order);

                    case "s":
                        Console.WriteLine("Order Generated with merchant order number: " + orderNum);
                        order.Id = orderNum.ToString();
                        // sending order for submitting and analysis
                        // it will generate a callback to the notification webhook (if defined) with a decision regarding the order
                        res = gateway.Submit(order);

                    case "v":
                        Console.WriteLine("Order Generated with merchant order number: " + orderNum);
                        order.Id = orderNum.ToString();
                        // sending order for synchronous decision
                        // it will generate a synchronous response with the decision regarding the order
                        // (for sync flow only)
                        res = gateway.Decide(order);

                    case "u":
                        Console.Write("Updated order id: ");
                        string upOrderId = Console.ReadLine();
                        order.Id = int.Parse(upOrderId).ToString();
                        res      = gateway.Update(order);

                    case "d":
                        Console.Write("Cancelled order id: ");
                        string canOrderId = Console.ReadLine();
                        res = gateway.Cancel(
                            new OrderCancellation(
                                merchantOrderId: int.Parse(canOrderId),
                                cancelledAt: DateTime.Now,
                                cancelReason: "Customer cancelled before shipping"));

                    case "r":
                        Console.Write("Refunded order id: ");
                        string refOrderId = Console.ReadLine();
                        res = gateway.PartlyRefund(
                            new OrderPartialRefund(
                                merchantOrderId: int.Parse(refOrderId),
                                partialRefunds: new[]
                            new PartialRefundDetails(
                                refundId: "12345",
                                refundedAt: DateTime.Now,              // make sure to initialize DateTime with the correct timezone
                                amount: 5.3,
                                currency: "USD",
                                reason: "Customer partly refunded on shipping fees")

                    case "f":
                        Console.Write("Fulfill order id: ");
                        string           fulfillOrderId   = Console.ReadLine();
                        OrderFulfillment orderFulfillment = GenerateFulfillment(int.Parse(fulfillOrderId));
                        res = gateway.Fulfill(orderFulfillment);


                    case "x":
                        Console.Write("Decision order id: ");
                        string        decisionOrderId = Console.ReadLine();
                        OrderDecision orderDecision   = GenerateDecision(int.Parse(decisionOrderId));
                        res = gateway.Decision(orderDecision);


                    case "h":
                        int startOrderNum     = orderNum;
                        var orders            = new List <Order>();
                        var financialStatuses = new[] { "paid", "cancelled", "chargeback" };
                        for (int i = 0; i < 22; i++)
                            Order o = GenerateOrder(orderNum++);
                            o.FinancialStatus = financialStatuses[i % 3];
                        Console.WriteLine("Orders Generated with merchant order numbers: {0} to {1}", startOrderNum, orderNum - 1);
                        // sending 3 historical orders with different processing state
                        Dictionary <string, string> errors;
                        bool success = gateway.SendHistoricalOrders(orders, out errors);
                        if (success)
                            Console.WriteLine("All historical orders sent successfully");
                            Console.WriteLine("Some historical orders failed to send:");
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Join("\n", errors.Select(p => p.Key + ":" + p.Value).ToArray()));

                    case "y":
                        Console.Write("Chargeback order id: ");
                        string          chargebackOrderId = Console.ReadLine();
                        OrderChargeback orderChargeback   = GenerateOrderChargeback(chargebackOrderId);
                        res = gateway.Chargeback(orderChargeback);


                    case "l":
                        Console.Write("Check Deco eligibility on id: ");
                        string      eligibleOrderId     = Console.ReadLine();
                        OrderIdOnly eligibleOrderIdOnly = GenerateOrderIdOnly(eligibleOrderId);
                        res = gateway.Eligible(eligibleOrderIdOnly);


                    case "o":
                        Console.Write("Opt-in to Deco payment on id: ");
                        string      optInOrderId     = Console.ReadLine();
                        OrderIdOnly optInOrderIdOnly = GenerateOrderIdOnly(optInOrderId);
                        res = gateway.OptIn(optInOrderIdOnly);


                    case "li":
                        Console.Write("Login account action");
                        Login login = GenerateLogin(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.Login(login);

                    case "cc":
                        Console.Write("Customer Create account action");
                        CustomerCreate customerCreate = GenerateCustomerCreate(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.CustomerCreate(customerCreate);

                    case "cu":
                        Console.Write("Customer Update account action");
                        CustomerUpdate customerUpdate = GenerateCustomerUpdate(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.CustomerUpdate(customerUpdate);

                    case "lo":
                        Console.Write("Logout account action");
                        Logout logout = GenerateLogout(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.Logout(logout);

                    case "pw":
                        Console.Write("ResetPasswordRequest account action");
                        ResetPasswordRequest resetPasswordRequest = GenerateResetPasswordRequest(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.ResetPasswordRequest(resetPasswordRequest);

                    case "wl":
                        Console.Write("WishlistChanges account action");
                        WishlistChanges wishlistChanges = GenerateWishlistChanges(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.WishlistChanges(wishlistChanges);

                    case "re":
                        Console.Write("Redeem account action");
                        Redeem redeem = GenerateRedeem(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.Redeem(redeem);

                    case "co":
                        Console.Write("Customer Reach-Out account action");
                        CustomerReachOut customerReachOut = GenerateCustomerReachOut(idString);

                        accRes = gateway.CustomerReachOut(customerReachOut);

                    if (res != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\nOrder sent successfully:" +
                                          "\nStatus at Riskified: " + res.Status +
                                          "\nOrder ID received:" + res.Id +
                                          "\nDescription: " + res.Description +
                                          "\nWarnings: " + (res.Warnings == null ? "---" : string.Join("        \n", res.Warnings)) + "\n\n");
                    if (accRes != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\nAccount Action sent successfully:" +
                                          "\nDecision: " + accRes.Decision);
                catch (OrderFieldBadFormatException e)
                    // catching
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception thrown on order field validation: " + e.Message);
                catch (RiskifiedTransactionException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception thrown on transaction: " + e.Message);

                // ask for next action to perform
                if (commandStr.Equals("account"))
                commandStr = Console.ReadLine();

Ejemplo n.º 3
 public OrderNotification Chargeback(OrderChargeback orderChargeback)
     return(SendOrder(orderChargeback, HttpUtils.BuildUrl(_riskifiedBaseWebhookUrl, "/api/chargeback")));