Ejemplo n.º 1
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcRecurrencePattern(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _dayComponent     = new OptionalItemSet <IfcDayInMonthNumber>(this, 0, 2);
     _weekdayComponent = new OptionalItemSet <IfcDayInWeekNumber>(this, 0, 3);
     _monthComponent   = new OptionalItemSet <IfcMonthInYearNumber>(this, 0, 4);
     _timePeriods      = new OptionalItemSet <IfcTimePeriod>(this, 0, 8);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcTelecomAddress(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _telephoneNumbers        = new OptionalItemSet <IfcLabel>(this, 0, 4);
     _facsimileNumbers        = new OptionalItemSet <IfcLabel>(this, 0, 5);
     _electronicMailAddresses = new OptionalItemSet <IfcLabel>(this, 0, 7);
     _messagingIDs            = new OptionalItemSet <IfcURIReference>(this, 0, 9);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcPerson(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _middleNames  = new OptionalItemSet <IfcLabel>(this, 0, 4);
     _prefixTitles = new OptionalItemSet <IfcLabel>(this, 0, 5);
     _suffixTitles = new OptionalItemSet <IfcLabel>(this, 0, 6);
     _roles        = new OptionalItemSet <IfcActorRole>(this, 0, 7);
     _addresses    = new OptionalItemSet <IfcAddress>(this, 0, 8);
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcStructuralLoadCase(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _selfWeightCoefficients = new OptionalItemSet <IfcRatioMeasure>(this, 3, 11);
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcStructuralLoadConfiguration(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _values    = new ItemSet <IfcStructuralLoadOrResult>(this, 0, 2);
     _locations = new OptionalItemSet <IItemSet <IfcLengthMeasure> >(this, 0, 3);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcMove(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _punchList = new OptionalItemSet <IfcText>(this, 0, 13);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcTypeObject(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _hasPropertySets = new OptionalItemSet <IfcPropertySetDefinition>(this, 0, 6);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcCostItem(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _costValues     = new OptionalItemSet <IfcCostValue>(this, 0, 8);
     _costQuantities = new OptionalItemSet <IfcPhysicalQuantity>(this, 0, 9);
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcSurfaceTexture(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _parameter = new OptionalItemSet <IfcIdentifier>(this, 0, 5);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcSurfaceReinforcementArea(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _surfaceReinforcement1 = new OptionalItemSet <IfcLengthMeasure>(this, 3, 2);
     _surfaceReinforcement2 = new OptionalItemSet <IfcLengthMeasure>(this, 3, 3);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcIndexedPolyCurve(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _segments = new OptionalItemSet <IfcSegmentIndexSelect>(this, 0, 2);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcComplexPropertyTemplate(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _hasPropertyTemplates = new OptionalItemSet <IfcPropertyTemplate>(this, 0, 7);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcTable(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _rows    = new OptionalItemSet <IfcTableRow>(this, 0, 2);
     _columns = new OptionalItemSet <IfcTableColumn>(this, 0, 3);
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcReinforcingBarType(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _bendingParameters = new OptionalItemSet <IfcBendingParameterSelect>(this, 0, 16);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcAppliedValue(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _components = new OptionalItemSet <IfcAppliedValue>(this, 0, 10);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcPolygonalFaceSet(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _faces   = new ItemSet <IfcIndexedPolygonalFace>(this, 0, 3);
     _pnIndex = new OptionalItemSet <IfcPositiveInteger>(this, 0, 4);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcTypeProduct(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _representationMaps = new OptionalItemSet <IfcRepresentationMap>(this, 0, 7);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcCartesianPointList2D(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _coordList = new ItemSet <IItemSet <IfcLengthMeasure> >(this, 0, 1);
     _tagList   = new OptionalItemSet <IfcLabel>(this, 0, 2);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcDocumentInformation(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _editors = new OptionalItemSet <IfcActorSelect>(this, 0, 10);
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcMaterialConstituentSet(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _materialConstituents = new OptionalItemSet <IfcMaterialConstituent>(this, 0, 3);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcAnnotationFillArea(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _innerBoundaries = new OptionalItemSet <IfcCurve>(this, 0, 2);
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcConstructionResourceType(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _baseCosts = new OptionalItemSet <IfcAppliedValue>(this, 0, 10);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcCostSchedule(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _targetUsers = new OptionalItemSet <IfcActorSelect>(this, 0, 10);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcWorkControl(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _creators = new OptionalItemSet <IfcPerson>(this, 0, 8);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _enumerationValues = new OptionalItemSet <IfcValue>(this, 0, 3);
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcConstructionMaterialResource(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _suppliers = new OptionalItemSet <IfcActorSelect>(this, 0, 10);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcOrganization(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _roles     = new OptionalItemSet <IfcActorRole>(this, 0, 4);
     _addresses = new OptionalItemSet <IfcAddress>(this, 0, 5);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcPostalAddress(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _addressLines = new OptionalItemSet <IfcLabel>(this, 0, 5);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcTimeSeriesSchedule(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _applicableDates = new OptionalItemSet <IfcDateTimeSelect>(this, 0, 6);
 //internal constructor makes sure that objects are not created outside of the model/ assembly controlled area
 internal IfcTextureCoordinateGenerator(IModel model, int label, bool activated) : base(model, label, activated)
     _parameter = new OptionalItemSet <IfcReal>(this, 0, 3);