public OpenShiftDTO GetOpenShifts()
            OpenShiftDTO model = new OpenShiftDTO();
            var          email = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

            //Get the user info.
            var users = db.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Email == email && k.IsRegisteredExternal == true);

            if (users != null)
                // check if the user is an employee.
                model.IsExternalandEmp = users.Employees.Any(a => a.Email == email && a.UserProfile.Id != null);
                model.IsEmployee = db.Employees.Any(a => a.Email == email && a.UserProfile.Id != null);

            // Temporary List of data for Distance Dropdown.
            List <DropDownDTO> DistanceListStatic = new List <DropDownDTO>();

            DistanceListStatic.Add(new DropDownDTO {
                Value = 1, Text = "1 Kms"
            DistanceListStatic.Add(new DropDownDTO {
                Value = 5, Text = "5 Kms"
            DistanceListStatic.Add(new DropDownDTO {
                Value = 10, Text = "10 Kms"
            DistanceListStatic.Add(new DropDownDTO {
                Value = 20, Text = "20 Kms"

            model.Distance = DistanceListStatic;

            //Filter by Choice dropdown..
            List <DropDownDTO> FilterByChoice = new List <DropDownDTO>();

            FilterByChoice.Add(new DropDownDTO {
                Value = 1, Text = "Distance"
            FilterByChoice.Add(new DropDownDTO {
                Value = 2, Text = "Total Pay"
            FilterByChoice.Add(new DropDownDTO {
                Value = 3, Text = "Hourly Rate"

            model.Filter = FilterByChoice;


            //return model;
        private ExternalShiftEmployeeIndexDTO ExternalShiftEpmloyee(OpenShiftDTO location, string distance)
            var email = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            ExternalShiftEmployeeIndexDTO retVal = new ExternalShiftEmployeeIndexDTO();

            retVal.ExternalShits = GetExternalShiftsList(location, distance);

            var empExternalShiftRequests = from sr in db.ExternalShiftRequests
                                           where sr.CreatedBy.Email == email &&
                                           sr.Type == ExternalShiftRequestType.TakeExternalShift
                                           select sr.ExternalShiftBroadcast.Id;

            retVal.ExternalShiftRequests = empExternalShiftRequests.AsEnumerable();
        private IEnumerable <ExternalBroadcastDTO> GetExternalShiftsList(OpenShiftDTO location, string distancekm)
            var email = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            var dtNow = WebUI.Common.Common.DateTimeNowLocal();
            List <ExternalBroadcastDTO> ExternalBroadCastList = new List <ExternalBroadcastDTO>();
            //Getting user info from userProfile.
            var userinfo = db.UserProfiles.Where(a => a.Email == email && a.IsRegisteredExternal == true).FirstOrDefault();

            if (userinfo != null)
                //Get user Qualifications
                var userQualifications = db.UserQualifications.Where(a => a.UserProfileId == userinfo.Id).ToList();

                List <Guid> userQuailificaions = new List <Guid>();
                List <Guid> userSkill          = new List <Guid>();

                foreach (var item in userQualifications)

                //Get user Skill
                var userSkills = db.UserSkills.Where(a => a.UserProfileId == userinfo.Id).ToList();
                foreach (var skill in userSkills)

                //Need to make status same as ShiftChangeRequestStatus
                var externalShifts = db.ExternalShiftBroadcasts.Where(a => a.Status == ExternalShiftStatus.Pending).ToList();

                foreach (var externalShift in externalShifts)
                    //Get ExternalShiftBroadCast
                    List <Guid> externalShiftQuilificaion = new List <Guid>();
                    List <Guid> externalShiftSkills       = new List <Guid>();
                    //Get ExternalShiftQualifications
                    foreach (var item in externalShift.ShiftQualifications)
                        var ExternalShiftQualification = db.ExternalShiftQualifications.Where(a => a.Id == item.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                    //Get ExternalShiftSkills
                    foreach (var item in externalShift.ShiftSkills)
                        var externalShiftSkill = db.ExternalShiftSkills.Where(a => a.Id == item.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                    //Get Shifts which are externaly BroadCasted.
                    var shift = db.Shifts.Where(a => a.ExternalShiftBroadcastId == externalShift.Id && a.IsPublished == true && a.Employee == null && a.StartTime > dtNow).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (shift != null)
                        ShiftDTO objShift = MapperFacade.MapperConfiguration.Map <Shift, ShiftDTO>(shift);
                        //Get Business Location details
                        var businessLocation = db.BusinessLocations.Where(a => a.Id == objShift.BusinessLocationId).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (location.Address.PlaceLatitude != null && location.Address.PlaceLongitude != null)
                            //var LocationString = location.Split(',');
                            //var userLocation = LocationString[0];
                            //var businessloc = db.BusinessLocations.Where(a => a.Address.Line1.Contains(userLocation)).ToList();

                            //New Location Lat, Long
                            double lat1  = Convert.ToDouble(location.Address.PlaceLatitude);
                            double long1 = Convert.ToDouble(location.Address.PlaceLongitude);

                            //Business Lat,Long
                            double lat2  = Convert.ToDouble(businessLocation.Address.PlaceLatitude);
                            double long2 = Convert.ToDouble(businessLocation.Address.PlaceLongitude);

                            //Get Distance between User and Businesslocation.
                            var    oUserLocaction    = new GeoCoordinate(lat1, long1);
                            var    oBusinessLocation = new GeoCoordinate(lat2, long1);
                            double distance          = oUserLocaction.GetDistanceTo(oBusinessLocation);
                            double DistanceInKM      = distance / 1000;
                            double selectedDistence  = Convert.ToDouble(distancekm);
                            if (DistanceInKM <= selectedDistence)
                                if (Check(userQuailificaions, externalShiftQuilificaion) && Check(userSkill, externalShiftSkills) == true)
                                    var Externalshift = MapperFacade.MapperConfiguration.Map <ExternalShiftBroadcast, ExternalBroadcastDTO>(externalShift);
                                    Externalshift.Distance = DistanceInKM;
                            //User Lat, Long
                            double lat1  = 0;
                            double long1 = 0;
                            if (userinfo.CurrentAddress.PlaceLatitude != null && userinfo.CurrentAddress.PlaceLongitude != null)
                                lat1  = Convert.ToDouble(userinfo.CurrentAddress.PlaceLatitude);
                                long1 = Convert.ToDouble(userinfo.CurrentAddress.PlaceLongitude);
                                lat1  = Convert.ToDouble(userinfo.Address.PlaceLatitude);
                                long1 = Convert.ToDouble(userinfo.Address.PlaceLongitude);
                            //Business Lat,Long
                            double lat2  = Convert.ToDouble(businessLocation.Address.PlaceLatitude);
                            double long2 = Convert.ToDouble(businessLocation.Address.PlaceLongitude);

                            //Get Distance between User and Businesslocation.
                            var    oUserLocaction    = new GeoCoordinate(lat1, long1);
                            var    oBusinessLocation = new GeoCoordinate(lat2, long1);
                            double distance          = oUserLocaction.GetDistanceTo(oBusinessLocation);
                            double DistanceInKM      = distance / 1000;
                            double selectedDistence  = Convert.ToDouble(distancekm);
                            if (DistanceInKM <= selectedDistence)
                                if (Check(userQuailificaions, externalShiftQuilificaion) && Check(userSkill, externalShiftSkills) == true)
                                    var Externalshift = MapperFacade.MapperConfiguration.Map <ExternalShiftBroadcast, ExternalBroadcastDTO>(externalShift);
                                    Externalshift.Distance = DistanceInKM;
        public OpenShiftDTO GetFilteredOpenShifts(string JsonResult, string Distancce)
            OpenShiftDTO model = new OpenShiftDTO();

            //deserialize json Object of Address
            OpenShiftDTO location = new OpenShiftDTO();

            location = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <OpenShiftDTO>(JsonResult);

            var email = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            var dtNow = WebUI.Common.Common.DateTimeNowLocal();
            //Get the user info.
            var user = db.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Email == email);
            // check if the user is an employee.
            var emp = user.Employees.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UserProfile.Id != null);

            if (emp != null)
                model.OpenShiftsEmployee = OpenShiftEmployee();

                model.OpenShiftList = (from shift in model.OpenShiftsEmployee.OpenShifts
                                       select new openShiftsList
                    Id = shift.Id,
                    locationName = shift.BusinessLocationName,
                    startTime = shift.StartTime,
                    EndTime = shift.FinishTime,
                    RoleName = shift.RoleName,
                    date = shift.StartDay

                //Check if user is also an external user as well.
                var exteruser = emp.UserProfile.IsRegisteredExternal;
                if (exteruser == true)
                    //Get Externalshifts
                    model.ExternalShiftBroadCastEmpoyee = ExternalShiftEpmloyee(location, Distancce);

                    foreach (var item in model.ExternalShiftBroadCastEmpoyee.ExternalShits)
                        var op = new openShiftsList();
                        op.Id           = item.Id;
                        op.RoleName     = item.Shifts.FirstOrDefault().RoleName;
                        op.locationName = item.BusinessLocationName;
                        op.startTime    = item.Shifts.FirstOrDefault().StartTime;
                        op.EndTime      = item.Shifts.FirstOrDefault().FinishTime;
                        //Getting total hours
                        TimeSpan time = op.EndTime.Subtract(op.startTime);
                        op.totalhourse = time.TotalHours;
                      = item.Shifts.FirstOrDefault().StartDay;
                        op.Description = item.Description;
                        op.rate        = item.Wage;
                        //getting total pay
                        int totalhours = Convert.ToInt32(op.totalhourse);
                        op.totalPrice      = op.rate * totalhours;
                        op.IsExternalShift = true;
                        op.Distance        = Convert.ToInt32(item.Distance);
                //Get Externalshifts
                model.ExternalShiftBroadCastEmpoyee = ExternalShiftEpmloyee(location, Distancce);

                //add External shifts to list
                model.OpenShiftList = new List <openShiftsList>();

                foreach (var item in model.ExternalShiftBroadCastEmpoyee.ExternalShits)
                    var op = new openShiftsList();
                    op.Id           = item.Id;
                    op.RoleName     = item.Shifts.FirstOrDefault().RoleName;
                    op.locationName = item.BusinessLocationName;
                    op.startTime    = item.Shifts.FirstOrDefault().StartTime;
                    op.EndTime      = item.Shifts.FirstOrDefault().FinishTime;
                    //Getting total hours
                    TimeSpan time = op.EndTime.Subtract(op.startTime);
                    op.totalhourse = time.TotalHours;
                  = item.Shifts.FirstOrDefault().StartDay;
                    op.Description = item.Description;
                    op.rate        = item.Wage;
                    //getting total pay
                    int totalhours = Convert.ToInt32(op.totalhourse);
                    op.totalPrice      = op.rate * totalhours;
                    op.IsExternalShift = true;
                    op.Distance        = Convert.ToInt32(item.Distance);
