Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ObjectBuy(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, UUID groupID, UUID categoryID,
                uint localID, byte saleType, int salePrice)
            if (salePrice < 0) return;

            if (salePrice > 0)
            {   // allow users with negative balances to buy freebies
                int avatarFunds = getCurrentBalance(agentID);
                if (avatarFunds < salePrice)
                    // The viewer runs a check on monies balance, however, let's make sure another viewer
                    // can't exploit this by removing and check their funds ourselves.
                    remoteClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Insufficient funds to purchase this item!", false);

            IClientAPI sourceAvatarClient = LocateClientObject(remoteClient.AgentId);
            if (sourceAvatarClient == null)
				sourceAvatarClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Purchase failed. No Controlling client found for sourceAvatar!", false);

            Scene s = LocateSceneClientIn(remoteClient.AgentId);
            //Scene s = GetScenePresence(remoteClient.AgentId);

            SceneObjectPart objectPart = s.GetSceneObjectPart(localID);
            if (objectPart == null)
				sourceAvatarClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Purchase failed. The object was not found.", false);

			/////  Prevent purchase spoofing, as well as viewer bugs.  /////
			// Verify that the object is actually for sale
			if (objectPart.ObjectSaleType == (byte)SaleType.Not)
				remoteClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Purchase failed. The item is not for sale.", false);
			// Verify that the viewer sale type actually matches the correct sale type of the object
			if (saleType != objectPart.ObjectSaleType)
				remoteClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Purchase failed.  The sale type does not match.", false);
			// Verify that the buyer is paying the correct amount
			if (salePrice != objectPart.SalePrice)
				remoteClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Purchase failed.  The payment price does not match the sale price.", false);

            string objName = objectPart.ParentGroup.RootPart.Name;
            Vector3 pos = objectPart.AbsolutePosition;
            int posx = (int)(pos.X + 0.5);
            int posy = (int)(pos.Y + 0.5);
            int posz = (int)(pos.Z + 0.5);
            string transDesc = String.Format("{0} in {1} at <{2},{3},{4}>", objName, objectPart.ParentGroup.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, posx, posy, posz);

            string sourceAlertText = "Purchased " + objName + " for Iz$" + salePrice;
            string destAlertText = resolveAgentName(agentID) + " paid you Iz$" + salePrice + " via " + objName;

            int transType = (int)MoneyTransactionType.ObjectSale;
            UUID transID = UUID.Zero;

            TransactionInfoBlock transInfo = new TransactionInfoBlock();
            transInfo.Amount = salePrice;
            transInfo.TransactionType = transType;
            transInfo.SourceID = remoteClient.AgentId;
            transInfo.DestID = objectPart.OwnerID;
            transInfo.IsSourceGroup = false;
            transInfo.IsDestGroup = false;
            transInfo.ItemDescription = Util.StringToBytes256(objName);

            if (agentID == objectPart.OwnerID)
                // we'll let them test the buy, but nothing happens money wise.
                if (!s.PerformObjectBuy(remoteClient, categoryID, localID, saleType))
                sourceAvatarClient.SendBlueBoxMessage(agentID, "", sourceAlertText);
                if (salePrice == 0)
                    // We need to add a counter here for Freebies thus bypassing the DB for transactions cause
                    // Freebies are a pain to have to track in the transaction history.
                    if (!s.PerformObjectBuy(remoteClient, categoryID, localID, saleType))
                    UUID originalOwnerID = objectPart.OwnerID;  // capture the original seller's UUID for the money transfer
                    if (!s.PerformObjectBuy(remoteClient, categoryID, localID, saleType))    // changes objectPart.OwnerID
                    transID = doMoneyTransfer(remoteClient.AgentId, originalOwnerID, salePrice, transType, transDesc);
                SendMoneyBalanceTransaction(sourceAvatarClient, transID, true, sourceAlertText, transInfo);

            IClientAPI destAvatarClient = LocateClientObject(objectPart.OwnerID);
            if (destAvatarClient == null)
                SendMoneyBalanceTransaction(destAvatarClient, transID, true, destAlertText, transInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void processLandBuy(Object osender, EventManager.LandBuyArgs e)
            if (e.transactionID != 0)
                // Not sure what this error is, duplicate purchase request for if the packet comes in a second time?
            e.transactionID = Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();

            // This method should not do any additional validation.
            // Any required validation should have been performed either
            // in LandManagementModule handleLandValidationRequest() or
            // in ValidateLandBuy above.

            int transType = (int)MoneyTransactionType.LandSale;
            string transDesc = "Land purchase";
            UUID sourceClientID = e.agentId;

            IClientAPI sourceClient = LocateClientObject(sourceClientID);

            if (!e.economyValidated)
                if (sourceClient != null)
                    sourceClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Could not validate user account balance for purchase.", false);
            if ((e.parcel == null) || (!e.landValidated))

            LandData parcel = e.parcel.landData;
            int transAmount = e.originalParcelPrice;
            UUID transID = UUID.Zero;
            UUID destClientID = e.originalParcelOwner;
            IClientAPI destClient = LocateClientObject(destClientID);

            // Pick a spot inside the parcel. Since blocks are 4x4, pick a spot 2m inside the bottom corner block.
            Vector3 pos = parcel.AABBMin;
            pos.X += 2;
            pos.Y += 2;
            transDesc += " at " + e.parcel.regionName + " (" + pos.X + "," + pos.Y + "): " + parcel.Name;
            // limit the result to 255 for the db storage
            if (transDesc.Length > 255)
                transDesc = transDesc.Substring(0, 255);

            // requires 2 users: source and dest clients must both be users (not groups, not same)
            transID = doMoneyTransfer(sourceClientID, destClientID, transAmount, transType, transDesc);

            TransactionInfoBlock transInfo = new TransactionInfoBlock();
            transInfo.Amount = transAmount;
            transInfo.TransactionType = transType;
            transInfo.ItemDescription = Util.StringToBytes256(transDesc);
            transInfo.SourceID = sourceClientID;
            transInfo.IsSourceGroup = false;
            transInfo.DestID = e.originalParcelOwner;
            if (e.originalIsGroup)
                // not currently supported (blocked in LandManagementModule handleLandValidationRequest())
                // unless price is 0, because we cannot pass a group ID to doMoneyTransfer above.
                transInfo.IsDestGroup = true;
                transInfo.IsDestGroup = false;

            if (sourceClient != null)
                string destName = resolveAgentName(destClientID);
                if (destName == String.Empty) destName = "a group (or unknown user)";
                string sourceText = "You paid Iz$" + transAmount + " to " + destName + " for a parcel of land.";
                SendMoneyBalanceTransaction(sourceClient, transID, true, sourceText, transInfo);
            if (destClient != null)
                string destName = resolveAgentName(sourceClientID);
                if (destName == String.Empty) destName = "a group (or unknown user)";
                string destText = "You were paid Iz$" + transAmount + " by " + destName + " for a parcel of land.";
                SendMoneyBalanceTransaction(destClient, transID, true, destText, transInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public bool ObjectGiveMoney(UUID objectID, UUID sourceAvatarID, UUID destAvatarID, int amount)
            if (amount < 0) return false;

            SceneObjectPart part = findPrim(objectID);
            if (part == null)
                return false;

            string objName = part.ParentGroup.Name;
            string description = String.Format("{0} paid {1}", objName, resolveAgentName(destAvatarID));
            int transType = (int)MoneyTransactionType.ObjectPays;

            if (amount > 0)
            {   // allow users with negative balances to buy freebies
                int sourceAvatarFunds = getCurrentBalance(sourceAvatarID);
                if (sourceAvatarFunds < amount)
                    return false;

            UUID transID = doMoneyTransfer(sourceAvatarID, destAvatarID, amount, transType, description);

            TransactionInfoBlock transInfo = new TransactionInfoBlock();
            transInfo.Amount = amount;
            transInfo.TransactionType = transType;
            transInfo.SourceID = sourceAvatarID;
            transInfo.DestID = destAvatarID;
            transInfo.IsSourceGroup = false;
            transInfo.IsDestGroup = false;
            transInfo.ItemDescription = Util.StringToBytes256(objName);

            IClientAPI sourceAvatarClient = LocateClientObject(sourceAvatarID);
            if (sourceAvatarClient == null)
                // Just a quick catch for a null reference, just cause they can't be found doesn't
                // mean the item can't pay out the money.
                string sourceText = objName + " paid out Iz$" + amount + " to " + resolveAgentName(destAvatarID);
                SendMoneyBalanceTransaction(sourceAvatarClient, transID, true, sourceText, transInfo);

            IClientAPI destAvatarClient = LocateClientObject(destAvatarID);
            if(destAvatarClient == null)
                // Quick catch due to scene issues, don't want to it to fall down if
                // the destination avatar is not in the same scene list or online at all.
            } else
                string destText = "You were paid Iz$" + amount + " by " + part.ParentGroup.Name;
                SendMoneyBalanceTransaction(destAvatarClient, transID, true, destText, transInfo);

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void MoneyTransferAction(Object osender, EventManager.MoneyTransferArgs e)
            if (e.amount < 0) return;

            //ScenePresence sourceAvatar = m_scene.GetScenePresence(e.sender);
            //IClientAPI sourceAvatarClient = sourceAvatar.ControllingClient;
            UUID sourceAvatarID = e.sender;
            int transType = e.transactiontype;
            string transDesc = e.description;
            UUID destAvatarID = e.receiver;
            int transAmount = e.amount;
            IClientAPI sourceAvatarClient;
            IClientAPI destAvatarClient;
            string sourceText = "";
            string destText = "";

            TransactionInfoBlock transInfo = new TransactionInfoBlock();
            transInfo.Amount = transAmount;
            transInfo.TransactionType = transType;
            transInfo.SourceID = sourceAvatarID;
            transInfo.DestID = destAvatarID;
            transInfo.IsSourceGroup = false;
            transInfo.IsDestGroup = false;
            transInfo.ItemDescription = new byte[0];

            sourceAvatarClient = LocateClientObject(sourceAvatarID);
            if (sourceAvatarClient == null)
                m_log.Debug("[CURRENCY]: Source Avatar not found!");

            if (transType == (int)MoneyTransactionType.PayObject)
                SceneObjectPart part = findPrim(e.receiver);
                if (!CheckPayObjectAmount(part, e.amount))
                    sourceAvatarClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Invalid amount used for payment to object.", false);

                // Check if the object or owner are muted.
                if (IsMutedObject(part.ParentGroup, sourceAvatarID))
                    sourceAvatarClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Cannot give money to an object or object owner that you have muted. If the viewer has automatically unblocked the owner, you can retry payment.", false);

                destAvatarID = part.OwnerID;
                destAvatarClient = LocateClientObject(destAvatarID);

                Vector3 pos = part.AbsolutePosition;
                int posx = (int)(pos.X + 0.5);  // round to nearest
                int posy = (int)(pos.Y + 0.5);  // round to nearest
                int posz = (int)(pos.Z + 0.5);  // round to nearest

                transInfo.DestID = destAvatarID;
                transInfo.ItemDescription = Util.StringToBytes256(part.ParentGroup.RootPart.Name);

                transDesc = String.Format("Paid {0} via object {1} in {2} at <{3},{4},{5}>", resolveAgentName(destAvatarID), part.ParentGroup.Name, part.ParentGroup.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, posx, posy, posz);
                sourceText = "You paid " + resolveAgentName(destAvatarID) + " Iz$" + transAmount + " via " + part.ParentGroup.Name;
                destText = resolveAgentName(sourceAvatarID) + " paid you Iz$" + transAmount;
                destAvatarID = (e.receiver);
                destAvatarClient = LocateClientObject(destAvatarID);
                if (destAvatarClient == null)
                else if (LocateSceneClientIn(destAvatarID).GetScenePresence(destAvatarID).IsBot)
                    sourceAvatarClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("You cannot pay a bot.", false);
                transDesc = "Gift";
                sourceText = "You paid " + resolveAgentName(destAvatarID) + " Iz$" + transAmount;
                destText = resolveAgentName(sourceAvatarID) + " paid you Iz$" + transAmount;

            if (transAmount > 0)
            {   // allow users with negative balances to buy freebies
                int avatarFunds = getCurrentBalance(sourceAvatarID);
                if (avatarFunds < transAmount)
                    sourceAvatarClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Insufficient funds at this time", false);

            UUID transID;
            bool success;
            if (sourceAvatarID == destAvatarID)
                // catching here, they can test but no reason to stuff crap in the db for testing
                transID = UUID.Zero;
                success = true;
                transID = doMoneyTransfer(sourceAvatarID, destAvatarID, transAmount, transType, transDesc);
                success = (transID != UUID.Zero);

            //if this is a scripted transaction let the script know money has changed hands
            if (transType == (int)MoneyTransactionType.PayObject)
                this.OnObjectPaid(e.receiver, sourceAvatarID, transAmount);

            SendMoneyBalanceTransaction(sourceAvatarClient, transID, success, sourceText, transInfo);

            if (destAvatarClient == null)
                // don't want to do anything, as they can not be found, this is ugly but will suffice
                // until we get the scene working correctly to pull every avatar
                SendMoneyBalanceTransaction(destAvatarClient, transID, success, destText, transInfo);

Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Send the Balance to the viewer
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="client">Client requesting information</param>
 private void SendMoneyBalanceTransaction(IClientAPI client, UUID transaction, bool success, string transactionDescription, TransactionInfoBlock transInfo)
     UUID avatarID = client.AgentId;
     int avatarFunds = getCurrentBalance(avatarID);
     client.SendMoneyBalance(transaction, success, transactionDescription, avatarFunds, transInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void ApplyMeshUploadCharge(UUID agentID, int meshCount, int textureCount)
            int transAmount = MeshUploadCharge(meshCount, textureCount);
            if (transAmount <= 0)

            string transDesc = "mesh upload";
            int transCode = (int)MoneyTransactionType.UploadCharge;
            UUID transID = ApplyCharge(agentID, transCode, transAmount, transDesc);

            // The viewer notifies the user for most upload transactions, except for mesh uploads.
            // So if there's a client, notify them now.
            IClientAPI client = LocateClientObject(agentID);
            if (client != null)
                TransactionInfoBlock transInfo = new TransactionInfoBlock();
                transInfo.Amount = transAmount;
                transInfo.TransactionType = transCode;
                transInfo.SourceID = agentID;
                transInfo.DestID = UUID.Zero;
                transInfo.IsSourceGroup = false;
                transInfo.IsDestGroup = false;
                transInfo.ItemDescription = Util.StringToBytes256(transDesc);

                string message;
                if ((transDesc == null) || (transDesc == String.Empty))
                    message = "You paid $" + transAmount.ToString() + ".";
                    message = "You paid $" + transAmount.ToString() + " for " + transDesc + ".";
                SendMoneyBalanceTransaction(client, transID, true, message, transInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void SendMoneyBalance(UUID transaction, bool success, string description, int balance, TransactionInfoBlock transInfo)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void SendMoneyBalance(OpenMetaverse.UUID transaction, bool success, string description, int balance, OpenMetaverse.Packets.MoneyBalanceReplyPacket.TransactionInfoBlock transInfo)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // Returns the transaction ID that shows up in the transaction history.
        public string ObjectGiveMoney(UUID objectID, UUID sourceAvatarID, UUID destAvatarID, int amount, out string reason)
            reason = String.Empty;
            if (amount <= 0)
                reason = "INVALID_AMOUNT";
                return String.Empty;

            SceneObjectPart part = findPrim(objectID);
            if (part == null)
                reason = "MISSING_PERMISSION_DEBIT";    // if you can't find it, no perms either
                return String.Empty;

            string objName = part.ParentGroup.Name;
            string description = String.Format("{0} paid {1}", objName, resolveAgentName(destAvatarID));
            int transType = (int)MoneyTransactionType.ObjectPays;

            if (amount > 0)
            {   // allow users with negative balances to buy freebies
                int sourceAvatarFunds = getCurrentBalance(sourceAvatarID);
                if (sourceAvatarFunds < amount)
                    reason = "LINDENDOLLAR_INSUFFICIENTFUNDS";
                    return String.Empty;

            UUID transID = doMoneyTransfer(sourceAvatarID, destAvatarID, amount, transType, description);
            // the transID UUID is actually a ulong stored in a UUID.
            string result = transID.GetULong().ToString();
            reason = String.Empty;

            TransactionInfoBlock transInfo = new TransactionInfoBlock();
            transInfo.Amount = amount;
            transInfo.TransactionType = transType;
            transInfo.SourceID = sourceAvatarID;
            transInfo.DestID = destAvatarID;
            transInfo.IsSourceGroup = false;
            transInfo.IsDestGroup = false;
            transInfo.ItemDescription = Util.StringToBytes256(objName);

            IClientAPI sourceAvatarClient = LocateClientObject(sourceAvatarID);
            if (sourceAvatarClient == null)
                // Just a quick catch for a null reference, just cause they can't be found doesn't
                // mean the item can't pay out the money.
                string sourceText = objName + " paid out Iz$" + amount + " to " + resolveAgentName(destAvatarID);
                SendMoneyBalanceTransaction(sourceAvatarClient, transID, true, sourceText, transInfo);

            IClientAPI destAvatarClient = LocateClientObject(destAvatarID);
            if(destAvatarClient == null)
                // Quick catch due to scene issues, don't want to it to fall down if
                // the destination avatar is not in the same scene list or online at all.
            } else
                string destText = "You were paid Iz$" + amount + " by " + part.ParentGroup.Name;
                SendMoneyBalanceTransaction(destAvatarClient, transID, true, destText, transInfo);

            return result;