Ejemplo n.º 1
 // process structure
 /// <summary>Loads binary .X object data and returns a compatible mesh.</summary>
 /// <param name="fileName">The platform-specific absolute file name of the object.</param>
 /// <param name="structure">The object structure to process.</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Receives the compatible mesh.</param>
 /// <param name="encoding">The fallback encoding.</param>
 private static bool ProcessStructure(string fileName, Structure structure, out OpenBveApi.Geometry.GenericObject obj, System.Text.Encoding encoding)
     System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
     OpenBveApi.Geometry.FaceVertexMesh compatibleMesh = new OpenBveApi.Geometry.FaceVertexMesh();
     obj = null;
      * file
     for (int i = 0; i < structure.Data.Length; i++) {
         Structure f = structure.Data[i] as Structure;
         if (f == null) {
             IO.ReportError(fileName, "Top-level inlined arguments are invalid");
             return false;
         switch (f.Name) {
             case "Mesh":
                      * mesh
                     if (f.Data.Length < 4) {
                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "Mesh is expected to have at least 4 arguments");
                         return false;
                     } else if (!(f.Data[0] is int)) {
                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nVertices is expected to be a DWORD in Mesh");
                         return false;
                     } else if (!(f.Data[1] is Structure[])) {
                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "vertices[nVertices] is expected to be a Vector array in Mesh");
                         return false;
                     } else if (!(f.Data[2] is int)) {
                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaces is expected to be a DWORD in Mesh");
                         return false;
                     } else if (!(f.Data[3] is Structure[])) {
                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "faces[nFaces] is expected to be a MeshFace array in Mesh");
                         return false;
                     int nVertices = (int)f.Data[0];
                     if (nVertices < 0) {
                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nVertices is expected to be non-negative in Mesh");
                         return false;
                     Structure[] sVertices = (Structure[])f.Data[1];
                     if (nVertices != sVertices.Length) {
                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nVertices does not match with the length of array vertices in Mesh");
                         return false;
                     int nFaces = (int)f.Data[2];
                     if (nFaces < 0) {
                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaces is expected to be non-negative in Mesh");
                         return false;
                     Structure[] sFaces = (Structure[])f.Data[3];
                     if (nFaces != sFaces.Length) {
                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaces does not match with the length of array faces in Mesh");
                         return false;
                      * collect vertices
                     OpenBveApi.Geometry.Vertex[] vertices = new OpenBveApi.Geometry.Vertex[nVertices];
                     for (int j = 0; j < nVertices; j++) {
                         if (sVertices[j].Name != "Vector") {
                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "vertices[" + j.ToString(culture) + "] is expected to be of template Vertex in Mesh");
                             return false;
                         } else if (sVertices[j].Data.Length != 3) {
                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "vertices[" + j.ToString(culture) + "] is expected to have 3 arguments in Mesh");
                             return false;
                         } else if (!(sVertices[j].Data[0] is double)) {
                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "x is expected to be a float in vertices[" + j.ToString(culture) + "] in Mesh");
                             return false;
                         } else if (!(sVertices[j].Data[1] is double)) {
                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "y is expected to be a float in vertices[" + j.ToString(culture) + "] in Mesh");
                             return false;
                         } else if (!(sVertices[j].Data[2] is double)) {
                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "z is expected to be a float in vertices[" + j.ToString(culture) + "] in Mesh");
                             return false;
                         double x = (double)sVertices[j].Data[0];
                         double y = (double)sVertices[j].Data[1];
                         double z = (double)sVertices[j].Data[2];
                         vertices[j].SpatialCoordinates = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(x, y, z);
                      * collect faces
                     int[][] faces = new int[nFaces][];
                     OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3[][] faceNormals = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3[nFaces][];
                     int[] faceMaterials = new int[nFaces];
                     for (int j = 0; j < nFaces; j++) {
                         faceMaterials[j] = -1;
                     for (int j = 0; j < nFaces; j++) {
                         if (sFaces[j].Name != "MeshFace") {
                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "faces[" + j.ToString(culture) + "] is expected to be of template MeshFace in Mesh");
                             return false;
                         } else if (sFaces[j].Data.Length != 2) {
                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "face[" + j.ToString(culture) + "] is expected to have 2 arguments in Mesh");
                             return false;
                         } else if (!(sFaces[j].Data[0] is int)) {
                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaceVertexIndices is expected to be a DWORD in face[" + j.ToString(culture) + "] in Mesh");
                             return false;
                         } else if (!(sFaces[j].Data[1] is int[])) {
                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "faceVertexIndices[nFaceVertexIndices] is expected to be a DWORD array in face[" + j.ToString(culture) + "] in Mesh");
                             return false;
                         int nFaceVertexIndices = (int)sFaces[j].Data[0];
                         if (nFaceVertexIndices < 0) {
                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaceVertexIndices is expected to be non-negative in MeshFace in Mesh");
                             return false;
                         int[] faceVertexIndices = (int[])sFaces[j].Data[1];
                         if (nFaceVertexIndices != faceVertexIndices.Length) {
                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaceVertexIndices does not match with the length of array faceVertexIndices in face[" + j.ToString(culture) + "] in Mesh");
                             return false;
                         faces[j] = new int[nFaceVertexIndices];
                         faceNormals[j] = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3[nFaceVertexIndices];
                         for (int k = 0; k < nFaceVertexIndices; k++) {
                             if (faceVertexIndices[k] < 0 | faceVertexIndices[k] >= nVertices) {
                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "faceVertexIndices[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] does not reference a valid vertex in face[" + j.ToString(culture) + "] in Mesh");
                                 return false;
                             faces[j][k] = faceVertexIndices[k];
                             faceNormals[j][k] = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                      * collect additional templates
                     Material[] materials = new Material[] { };
                     for (int j = 4; j < f.Data.Length; j++) {
                         Structure g = f.Data[j] as Structure;
                         if (g == null) {
                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "Unexpected inlined argument encountered in Mesh");
                             return false;
                         switch (g.Name) {
                             case "MeshMaterialList":
                                      * meshmateriallist
                                     if (g.Data.Length < 3) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "MeshMaterialList is expected to have at least 3 arguments in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     } else if (!(g.Data[0] is int)) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nMaterials is expected to be a DWORD in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     } else if (!(g.Data[1] is int)) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaceIndexes is expected to be a DWORD in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     } else if (!(g.Data[2] is int[])) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "faceIndexes[nFaceIndexes] is expected to be a DWORD array in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     int nMaterials = (int)g.Data[0];
                                     if (nMaterials < 0) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nMaterials is expected to be non-negative in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     int nFaceIndexes = (int)g.Data[1];
                                     if (nFaceIndexes < 0) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaceIndexes is expected to be non-negative in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     } else if (nFaceIndexes > nFaces) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaceIndexes does not reference valid faces in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     int[] faceIndexes = (int[])g.Data[2];
                                     if (nFaceIndexes != faceIndexes.Length) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaceIndexes does not match with the length of array faceIndexes in face[" + j.ToString(culture) + "] in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     for (int k = 0; k < nFaceIndexes; k++) {
                                         if (faceIndexes[k] < 0 | faceIndexes[k] >= nMaterials) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "faceIndexes[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] does not reference a valid Material template in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                      * collect material templates
                                     int mn = materials.Length;
                                     Array.Resize<Material>(ref materials, mn + nMaterials);
                                     for (int k = 0; k < nMaterials; k++) {
                                         materials[mn + k].FaceColor = new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGBA(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                                         materials[mn + k].SpecularColor = new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                                         materials[mn + k].EmissiveColor = new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                                         materials[mn + k].TextureFilename = null;
                                     int materialIndex = mn;
                                     for (int k = 3; k < g.Data.Length; k++) {
                                         Structure h = g.Data[k] as Structure;
                                         if (h == null) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "Unexpected inlined argument encountered in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         } else if (h.Name != "Material") {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "Material template expected in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         } else {
                                              * material
                                             if (h.Data.Length < 4) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "Material is expected to have at least 4 arguments in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(h.Data[0] is Structure)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "faceColor is expected to be a ColorRGBA in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(h.Data[1] is double)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "power is expected to be a float in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(h.Data[2] is Structure)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "specularColor is expected to be a ColorRGBA in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(h.Data[3] is Structure)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "emissiveColor is expected to be a ColorRGBA in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             Structure faceColor = (Structure)h.Data[0];
                                             Structure specularColor = (Structure)h.Data[2];
                                             Structure emissiveColor = (Structure)h.Data[3];
                                             double red, green, blue, alpha;
                                              * collect face color
                                             if (faceColor.Name != "ColorRGBA") {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "faceColor is expected to be a ColorRGBA in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (faceColor.Data.Length != 4) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "faceColor is expected to have 4 arguments in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(faceColor.Data[0] is double)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "red is expected to be a float in faceColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(faceColor.Data[1] is double)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "green is expected to be a float in faceColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(faceColor.Data[2] is double)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "blue is expected to be a float in faceColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(faceColor.Data[3] is double)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "alpha is expected to be a float in faceColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             red = (double)faceColor.Data[0];
                                             green = (double)faceColor.Data[1];
                                             blue = (double)faceColor.Data[2];
                                             alpha = (double)faceColor.Data[3];
                                             if (red < 0.0 | red > 1.0) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "red is expected to be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 in faceColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 red = red < 0.5 ? 0.0 : 1.0;
                                             if (green < 0.0 | green > 1.0) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "green is expected to be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 in faceColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 green = green < 0.5 ? 0.0 : 1.0;
                                             if (blue < 0.0 | blue > 1.0) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "blue is expected to be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 in faceColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 blue = blue < 0.5 ? 0.0 : 1.0;
                                             if (alpha < 0.0 | alpha > 1.0) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "alpha is expected to be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 in faceColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 alpha = alpha < 0.5 ? 0.0 : 1.0;
                                             materials[materialIndex].FaceColor = new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGBA((float)red, (float)green, (float)blue, (float)alpha);
                                              * collect specular color
                                             if (specularColor.Name != "ColorRGB") {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "specularColor is expected to be a ColorRGB in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (specularColor.Data.Length != 3) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "specularColor is expected to have 3 arguments in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(specularColor.Data[0] is double)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "red is expected to be a float in specularColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(specularColor.Data[1] is double)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "green is expected to be a float in specularColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(specularColor.Data[2] is double)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "blue is expected to be a float in specularColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             red = (double)specularColor.Data[0];
                                             green = (double)specularColor.Data[1];
                                             blue = (double)specularColor.Data[2];
                                             if (red < 0.0 | red > 1.0) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "red is expected to be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 in specularColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 red = red < 0.5 ? 0.0 : 1.0;
                                             if (green < 0.0 | green > 1.0) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "green is expected to be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 in specularColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 green = green < 0.5 ? 0.0 : 1.0;
                                             if (blue < 0.0 | blue > 1.0) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "blue is expected to be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 in specularColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 blue = blue < 0.5 ? 0.0 : 1.0;
                                             materials[materialIndex].SpecularColor = new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB((float)red, (float)green, (float)blue);
                                              * collect emissive color
                                             if (emissiveColor.Name != "ColorRGB") {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "emissiveColor is expected to be a ColorRGBA in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (emissiveColor.Data.Length != 3) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "emissiveColor is expected to have 3 arguments in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(emissiveColor.Data[0] is double)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "red is expected to be a float in emissiveColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(emissiveColor.Data[1] is double)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "green is expected to be a float in emissiveColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             } else if (!(emissiveColor.Data[2] is double)) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "blue is expected to be a float in emissiveColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             red = (double)emissiveColor.Data[0];
                                             green = (double)emissiveColor.Data[1];
                                             blue = (double)emissiveColor.Data[2];
                                             if (red < 0.0 | red > 1.0) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "red is expected to be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 in emissiveColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 red = red < 0.5 ? 0.0 : 1.0;
                                             if (green < 0.0 | green > 1.0) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "green is expected to be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 in emissiveColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 green = green < 0.5 ? 0.0 : 1.0;
                                             if (blue < 0.0 | blue > 1.0) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "blue is expected to be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 in emissiveColor in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                 blue = blue < 0.5 ? 0.0 : 1.0;
                                             materials[materialIndex].EmissiveColor = new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB((float)red, (float)green, (float)blue);
                                              * collect additional templates
                                             for (int l = 4; l < h.Data.Length; l++) {
                                                 Structure e = h.Data[l] as Structure;
                                                 if (e == null) {
                                                     IO.ReportError(fileName, "Unexpected inlined argument encountered in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                     return false;
                                                 switch (e.Name) {
                                                     case "TextureFilename":
                                                              * texturefilename
                                                             if (e.Data.Length != 1) {
                                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "filename is expected to have 1 argument in TextureFilename in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                                 return false;
                                                             } else if (!(e.Data[0] is string)) {
                                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "filename is expected to be a string in TextureFilename in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                                                 return false;
                                                             string filename = (string)e.Data[0];
                                                             materials[materialIndex].TextureFilename = filename;
                                                         } break;
                                                          * unknown
                                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "Unsupported template " + e.Name + " encountered in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                              * finish
                                     if (materialIndex != mn + nMaterials) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nMaterials does not match the number of Material templates encountered in Material in MeshMaterialList in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                      * assign materials
                                     for (int k = 0; k < nFaceIndexes; k++) {
                                         faceMaterials[k] = faceIndexes[k];
                                     if (nMaterials != 0) {
                                         for (int k = 0; k < nFaces; k++) {
                                             if (faceMaterials[k] == -1) {
                                                 faceMaterials[k] = 0;
                                      * assign reflective colors to the vertices within each face which uses each material
                                     for (int currentMaterial = 0; currentMaterial < materials.Length; currentMaterial++) {
                                         for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < faces.Length; faceIndex++) {
                                             if (faceMaterials[faceIndex] == currentMaterial) {
                                                 foreach (int vertex in faces[faceIndex]) {
                                                     vertices[vertex].ReflectiveColor = materials[currentMaterial].FaceColor;
                                 } break;
                             case "MeshTextureCoords":
                                      * meshtexturecoords
                                     if (g.Data.Length != 2) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "MeshTextureCoords is expected to have 2 arguments in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     } else if (!(g.Data[0] is int)) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nTextureCoords is expected to be a DWORD in MeshTextureCoords in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     } else if (!(g.Data[1] is Structure[])) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "textureCoords[nTextureCoords] is expected to be a Coords2d array in MeshTextureCoords in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     int nTextureCoords = (int)g.Data[0];
                                     Structure[] textureCoords = (Structure[])g.Data[1];
                                     if (nTextureCoords < 0 | nTextureCoords > nVertices) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nTextureCoords does not reference valid vertices in MeshTextureCoords in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     for (int k = 0; k < nTextureCoords; k++) {
                                         if (textureCoords[k].Name != "Coords2d") {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "textureCoords[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] is expected to be a Coords2d in MeshTextureCoords in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         } else if (textureCoords[k].Data.Length != 2) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "textureCoords[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] is expected to have 2 arguments in MeshTextureCoords in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         } else if (!(textureCoords[k].Data[0] is double)) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "u is expected to be a float in textureCoords[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] in MeshTextureCoords in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         } else if (!(textureCoords[k].Data[1] is double)) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "v is expected to be a float in textureCoords[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] in MeshTextureCoords in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         double u = (double)textureCoords[k].Data[0];
                                         double v = (double)textureCoords[k].Data[1];
                                         vertices[k].TextureCoordinates = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector2(u, v);
                                 } break;
                             case "MeshNormals":
                                      * meshnormals
                                     if (g.Data.Length != 4) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "MeshNormals is expected to have 4 arguments in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     } else if (!(g.Data[0] is int)) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nNormals is expected to be a DWORD in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     } else if (!(g.Data[1] is Structure[])) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "normals is expected to be a Vector array in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     } else if (!(g.Data[2] is int)) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaceNormals is expected to be a DWORD in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     } else if (!(g.Data[3] is Structure[])) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "faceNormals is expected to be a MeshFace array in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     int nNormals = (int)g.Data[0];
                                     if (nNormals < 0) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nNormals is expected to be non-negative in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     Structure[] sNormals = (Structure[])g.Data[1];
                                     if (nNormals != sNormals.Length) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nNormals does not match with the length of array normals in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     int nFaceNormals = (int)g.Data[2];
                                     if (nFaceNormals < 0 | nFaceNormals > nFaces) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nNormals does not reference valid vertices in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                     Structure[] sFaceNormals = (Structure[])g.Data[3];
                                     if (nFaceNormals != sFaceNormals.Length) {
                                         IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaceNormals does not match with the length of array faceNormals in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                         return false;
                                      * collect normals
                                     OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3[] normals = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3[nNormals];
                                     for (int k = 0; k < nNormals; k++) {
                                         if (sNormals[k].Name != "Vector") {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "normals[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] is expected to be of template Vertex in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         } else if (sNormals[k].Data.Length != 3) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "normals[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] is expected to have 3 arguments in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         } else if (!(sNormals[k].Data[0] is double)) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "x is expected to be a float in normals[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         } else if (!(sNormals[k].Data[1] is double)) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "y is expected to be a float in normals[" + k.ToString(culture) + " ]in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         } else if (!(sNormals[k].Data[2] is double)) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "z is expected to be a float in normals[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         double x = (double)sNormals[k].Data[0];
                                         double y = (double)sNormals[k].Data[1];
                                         double z = (double)sNormals[k].Data[2];
                                         OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3 normal = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(x, y, z);
                                         if (!normal.IsNullVector()) {
                                         normals[k] = normal;
                                      * collect faces
                                     for (int k = 0; k < nFaceNormals; k++) {
                                         if (sFaceNormals[k].Name != "MeshFace") {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "faceNormals[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] is expected to be of template MeshFace in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         } else if (sFaceNormals[k].Data.Length != 2) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "faceNormals[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] is expected to have 2 arguments in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         } else if (!(sFaceNormals[k].Data[0] is int)) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaceVertexIndices is expected to be a DWORD in faceNormals[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         } else if (!(sFaceNormals[k].Data[1] is int[])) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "faceVertexIndices[nFaceVertexIndices] is expected to be a DWORD array in faceNormals[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         int nFaceVertexIndices = (int)sFaceNormals[k].Data[0];
                                         if (nFaceVertexIndices < 0 | nFaceVertexIndices > faces[k].Length) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaceVertexIndices does not reference a valid vertex in MeshFace in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         int[] faceVertexIndices = (int[])sFaceNormals[k].Data[1];
                                         if (nFaceVertexIndices != faceVertexIndices.Length) {
                                             IO.ReportError(fileName, "nFaceVertexIndices does not match with the length of array faceVertexIndices in faceNormals[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] in MeshFace in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                             return false;
                                         for (int l = 0; l < nFaceVertexIndices; l++) {
                                             if (faceVertexIndices[l] < 0 | faceVertexIndices[l] >= nNormals) {
                                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "faceVertexIndices[" + l.ToString(culture) + "] does not reference a valid normal in faceNormals[" + k.ToString(culture) + "] in MeshFace in MeshNormals in Mesh");
                                                 return false;
                                             faceNormals[k][l] = normals[faceVertexIndices[l]];
                                 } break;
                                  * unknown
                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "Unsupported template " + g.Name + " encountered in Mesh");
                      * default material
                     if (materials.Length == 0) {
                         materials = new Material[1];
                         materials[0].FaceColor = new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGBA(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                         materials[0].EmissiveColor = new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                         materials[0].SpecularColor = new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                         materials[0].TextureFilename = null;
                         for (int j = 0; j < nFaces; j++) {
                             faceMaterials[j] = 0;
                      * eliminate non-visible faces and associated properties
                     int[][] visibleFaces = new int[nFaces][];
                     int newFaceCount = 0;
                     for (int currentFace = 0; currentFace < faces.Length; currentFace++) {
                         if (faces[currentFace].Length >= 3) {
                             visibleFaces[newFaceCount] = faces[currentFace];
                             faceNormals[newFaceCount] = faceNormals[currentFace];
                             faceMaterials[newFaceCount] = faceMaterials[currentFace];
                     Array.Resize<int[]>(ref visibleFaces, newFaceCount);
                     Array.Resize<OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3[]>(ref faceNormals, newFaceCount);
                     Array.Resize<int>(ref faceMaterials, newFaceCount);
                      * prepare compatible mesh for data
                     int vertexCount = 0;
                     for (int j = 0; j < visibleFaces.Length; j++) {
                         foreach (int face in visibleFaces[j]) {
                     Array.Resize<OpenBveApi.Geometry.Vertex>(ref compatibleMesh.Vertices, vertexCount);
                     Array.Resize<OpenBveApi.Geometry.Face>(ref compatibleMesh.Faces, visibleFaces.Length);
                     Array.Resize<OpenBveApi.Geometry.Material>(ref compatibleMesh.Materials, materials.Length);
                      * apply vertex data
                     vertexCount = 0;
                     for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < visibleFaces.Length; faceIndex++) {
                         compatibleMesh.Faces[faceIndex].Vertices = new int[visibleFaces[faceIndex].Length];
                          *  go through each list of vertices in face and get vertex data
                         for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < visibleFaces[faceIndex].Length; vertexIndex++) {
                             OpenBveApi.Geometry.Vertex newVertex = new OpenBveApi.Geometry.Vertex();
                             newVertex.SpatialCoordinates = vertices[visibleFaces[faceIndex][vertexIndex]].SpatialCoordinates;
                             newVertex.ReflectiveColor = vertices[visibleFaces[faceIndex][vertexIndex]].ReflectiveColor;
                             newVertex.TextureCoordinates = vertices[visibleFaces[faceIndex][vertexIndex]].TextureCoordinates;
                             newVertex.Tag = visibleFaces[faceIndex][vertexIndex];
                              * check for null vector normal and create face derived normal if necessary
                             if (!faceNormals[faceIndex][vertexIndex].IsNullVector()) {
                                 newVertex.Normal = faceNormals[faceIndex][vertexIndex];
                             } else if (visibleFaces[faceIndex].Length >= 3) {
                                 OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3 vertexA = vertices[visibleFaces[faceIndex][0]].SpatialCoordinates;
                                 OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3 vertexB = vertices[visibleFaces[faceIndex][1]].SpatialCoordinates;
                                 OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3 vertexC = vertices[visibleFaces[faceIndex][2]].SpatialCoordinates;
                                 if (!OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3.CreateNormal(vertexA, vertexB, vertexC, out newVertex.Normal)) {
                                     newVertex.Normal = OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3.Up;
                              * assign vertex to mesh and finalise faces
                             compatibleMesh.Vertices[vertexCount] = newVertex;
                             compatibleMesh.Faces[faceIndex].Vertices[vertexIndex] = vertexCount;
                             compatibleMesh.Faces[faceIndex].Type = OpenBveApi.Geometry.FaceType.Polygon;
                      * assign texture wrap mode, texture handles, X format transparent color, and emissive colors
                     for (int materialIndex = 0; materialIndex < materials.Length; materialIndex++) {
                         bool emissive = materials[materialIndex].EmissiveColor.R != 0 | materials[materialIndex].EmissiveColor.G != 0 | materials[materialIndex].EmissiveColor.B != 0;
                         if (materials[materialIndex].TextureFilename != null) {
                              * default to clamp to edge and override if necessary
                             OpenBveApi.Texture.TextureWrapMode horizontalWrapMode, verticalWrapMode;
                             horizontalWrapMode = OpenBveApi.Texture.TextureWrapMode.ClampToEdge;
                             verticalWrapMode = OpenBveApi.Texture.TextureWrapMode.ClampToEdge;
                             for (int j = 0; j < compatibleMesh.Faces.Length; j++) {
                                 for (int k = 0; k < visibleFaces[j].Length; k++) {
                                     if (vertices[visibleFaces[j][k]].TextureCoordinates.X < 0.0 | vertices[visibleFaces[j][k]].TextureCoordinates.X > 1.0) {
                                         horizontalWrapMode = OpenBveApi.Texture.TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
                                     if (vertices[visibleFaces[j][k]].TextureCoordinates.Y < 0.0 | vertices[visibleFaces[j][k]].TextureCoordinates.Y > 1.0) {
                                         verticalWrapMode = OpenBveApi.Texture.TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
                              * register texture and get handle
                             string folder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);
                             string textureFile = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(folder, materials[materialIndex].TextureFilename);
                             OpenBveApi.Path.PathReference path = new OpenBveApi.Path.FileReference(textureFile);
                             OpenBveApi.General.Origin origin = new OpenBveApi.General.Origin(path, null, encoding);
                             OpenBveApi.Color.TransparentColor transparentColor = new OpenBveApi.Color.TransparentColor(0, 0, 0, true);
                             OpenBveApi.Texture.TextureParameters parameters = new OpenBveApi.Texture.TextureParameters(transparentColor, horizontalWrapMode, verticalWrapMode, null);
                             OpenBveApi.Texture.TextureHandle handle;
                             if (Interfaces.Host.RegisterTexture(origin, parameters, out handle) == OpenBveApi.General.Result.Successful) {
                                 compatibleMesh.Materials[materialIndex].DaytimeTexture = handle;
                             } else {
                                 compatibleMesh.Materials[materialIndex].DaytimeTexture = null;
                             if (!System.IO.File.Exists(textureFile)) {
                                 IO.ReportError(fileName, materialIndex.ToString(), textureFile.ToString());
                         compatibleMesh.Materials[materialIndex].EmissiveColor = materials[materialIndex].EmissiveColor;
                         compatibleMesh.Materials[materialIndex].NighttimeTexture = null;
                      * assign material reference to face
                     for (int j = 0; j < faceMaterials.Length; j++) {
                         compatibleMesh.Faces[j].Material = faceMaterials[j];
             case "Header":
                  * unknown
                 IO.ReportError(fileName, "Unsupported template " + f.Name + " encountered");
      * return
     obj = compatibleMesh;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>Gets the handle to the object associated to this structure.</summary>
 /// <param name="encoding">The fallback encoding for loading objects.</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Receives the handle to the object associated to this structure.</param>
 /// <returns>The success of this operation. The operation fails if the object cannot be loaded or registered.</returns>
 internal bool Get(Encoding encoding, out OpenBveApi.Geometry.ObjectHandle handle)
     if (this.Status == StructureStatus.Pending) {
         OpenBveApi.Path.FileReference file = new OpenBveApi.Path.FileReference(this.File);
         OpenBveApi.General.Origin origin = new OpenBveApi.General.Origin(file, null, encoding);
         OpenBveApi.General.Result result = Interfaces.Host.LoadObject(origin, out this.Object);
         if (result == OpenBveApi.General.Result.Successful) {
             if (this.Mirrored) {
                 this.Object.Scale(new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
             result = Interfaces.Host.RegisterObject(this.Object, out this.Handle);
             if (result == OpenBveApi.General.Result.Successful) {
                 this.Status = StructureStatus.LoadedAndRegistered;
                 handle = this.Handle;
                 return true;
             } else {
                 this.Status = StructureStatus.LoadedCannotRegister;
                 handle = null;
                 return false;
         } else {
             this.Status = StructureStatus.CannotLoad;
             handle = null;
             return false;
     } else if (this.Status == StructureStatus.LoadedPendingRegistration) {
         OpenBveApi.General.Result result = Interfaces.Host.RegisterObject(this.Object, out this.Handle);
         if (result == OpenBveApi.General.Result.Successful) {
             this.Status = StructureStatus.LoadedAndRegistered;
             handle = this.Handle;
             return true;
         } else {
             this.Status = StructureStatus.LoadedCannotRegister;
             handle = null;
             return false;
     } else if (this.Status == StructureStatus.LoadedAndRegistered) {
         handle = this.Handle;
         return true;
     } else {
         handle = null;
         return false;