Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static SwaggerGenOptions ConfigureForNetTopologySuite(this SwaggerGenOptions c)
     c.DocumentFilter <DocumentFilter>();
     c.MapType <Geometry>(
         () => new OpenApiSchema
         ExternalDocs = new OpenApiExternalDocs
             Url = new Uri("http://geojson.org/geojson-spec.html#geometry-objects"),
         Type       = "object",
         Extensions = new Dictionary <string, IOpenApiExtension>
             ["clrType"] = new OpenApiString(typeof(Geometry).FullName)
         Description   = "GeoJSon geometry",
         Discriminator = new OpenApiDiscriminator
             PropertyName = "type",
         Required = new HashSet <string> {
         Properties = new Dictionary <string, OpenApiSchema>
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void Traverse(OpenApiExternalDocs docs)
     if (docs == null)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Visits <see cref="OpenApiExternalDocs"/> and child objects
        /// </summary>
        internal void Walk(OpenApiExternalDocs externalDocs)
            if (externalDocs == null)

        public static OpenApiExternalDocs LoadExternalDocs(ParseNode node)
            var mapNode = node.CheckMapNode("externalDocs");

            var externalDocs = new OpenApiExternalDocs();

            ParseMap(mapNode, externalDocs, _externalDocsFixedFields, _externalDocsPatternFields);

Ejemplo n.º 5
 private OAExternalDocs CreateExternalDocs(OpenApiExternalDocs ExternalDocs)
     if (ExternalDocs != null)
         return(new OAExternalDocs()
             Description = ExternalDocs.Description,
             Url = ExternalDocs.Url.ToString(),
     return(new OAExternalDocs());
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Apply(OpenApiDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
            var tags = new List <OpenApiTag>
                    Name         = "Companies",
                    Description  = "Companies related interface",
                    ExternalDocs = new OpenApiExternalDocs
                        Description = "Read more",
                        Url         = new Uri("https://github.com/matjazbravc")
                    Name         = "Departments",
                    Description  = "Departments related interface",
                    ExternalDocs = new OpenApiExternalDocs
                        Description = "Here are some Departments public interfaces"
                    Name         = "Employees",
                    Description  = "Employees related interface",
                    ExternalDocs = new OpenApiExternalDocs
                        Description = "Here are some Employees public interfaces"
                    Name         = "Users",
                    Description  = "Users related interface",
                    ExternalDocs = new OpenApiExternalDocs
                        Description = "Here are some Users public interfaces"

            // Sort in ascending order by AssemblyName
            swaggerDoc.Tags = tags.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void ValidateUrlIsRequiredInExternalDocs()
            // Arrange
            OpenApiExternalDocs externalDocs = new OpenApiExternalDocs();

            // Act
            var errors = externalDocs.Validate(ValidationRuleSet.GetDefaultRuleSet());

            // Assert

            bool result = !errors.Any();

            OpenApiError error = Assert.Single(errors);

            Assert.Equal(String.Format(SRResource.Validation_FieldIsRequired, "url", "External Documentation"), error.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Apply(OpenApiDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
            var tags = new List <OpenApiTag>
                    Name         = "ExchangeRatesCoinCap",
                    Description  = "Exchangerates API",
                    ExternalDocs = new OpenApiExternalDocs
                        Description = "Read more",
                        Url         = new Uri(DOCS_URI)

            // Sort in ascending order by AssemblyName
            swaggerDoc.Tags = tags.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits <see cref="OpenApiComponents"/>
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void Visit(OpenApiExternalDocs externalDocs)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits <see cref="OpenApiExternalDocs"/> and child objects
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="externalDocs"></param>
 internal void Walk(OpenApiExternalDocs externalDocs)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute validation rules against an <see cref="OpenApiExternalDocs"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">The object to be validated</param>
 public override void Visit(OpenApiExternalDocs item) => Validate(item);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public override void Visit(OpenApiExternalDocs externalDocs)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the <see cref="OpenApiPathItem" /> for the Authorize Endpoint
        /// </summary>
        public virtual OpenApiPathItem AuthorizeEndpointPathItem()
            var queryParameters = new List <OpenApiParameter>()
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In       = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name     = "client_id",
                    Required = true,
                    Schema   = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                    Description     = "identifier of the client",
                    AllowEmptyValue = false,
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In     = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name   = "request",
                    Schema = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                    Description = "instead of providing all parameters as individual query string parameters, you can provide a subset or all of them as a JWT",
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In     = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name   = "request_uri",
                    Schema = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                    Description = "URL of a pre-packaged JWT containing request parameters",
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In       = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name     = "scope",
                    Required = true,
                    Schema   = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                    Description     = "one or more registered scopes",
                    AllowEmptyValue = false,
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In       = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name     = "redirect_uri",
                    Required = true,
                    Schema   = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                    Description     = "must exactly match one of the allowed redirect URIs for that client",
                    AllowEmptyValue = false,
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In       = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name     = "response_type",
                    Required = true,
                    Schema   = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                        Enum = new List <IOpenApiAny>
                            new OpenApiString("id_token"),
                            new OpenApiString("token"),
                            new OpenApiString("id_token token"),
                            new OpenApiString("code"),
                            new OpenApiString("code id_token"),
                            new OpenApiString("code id_token token")
                    Description = "the response type: code, ideneity token and/or access token",
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In       = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name     = "response_mode",
                    Required = false,
                    Schema   = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                        Enum = new List <IOpenApiAny>
                            new OpenApiString("form_post"),
                    Description = "sends the token response as a form post instead of a fragment encoded redirect",
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In     = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name   = "state",
                    Schema = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                    Description = "identityserver will echo back the state value on the token response, this is for round tripping state between client and provider, correlating request and response and CSRF/replay protection. (recommended)",
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In     = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name   = "nonce",
                    Schema = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                    Description = "identityserver will echo back the nonce value in the identity token, this is for replay protection. Required for identity tokens via implicit grant",
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In       = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name     = "prompt",
                    Required = false,
                    Schema   = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                        Enum = new List <IOpenApiAny>
                            new OpenApiString("none"),
                            new OpenApiString("login"),
                    Description = "the login UI will be shown or not",
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In     = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name   = "code_challenge",
                    Schema = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                    Description = "sends the code challenge for PKCE",
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In       = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name     = "code_challenge_method",
                    Required = false,
                    Schema   = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                        Enum = new List <IOpenApiAny>
                            new OpenApiString("plain"),
                            new OpenApiString("S256"),
                    Description = "plain indicates that the challenge is using plain text (not recommended) S256 indicates the challenge is hashed with SHA256",
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In     = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name   = "login_hint",
                    Schema = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                    Description = "can be used to pre-fill the username field on the login page",
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In     = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name   = "ui_locales",
                    Schema = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                    Description = "gives a hint about the desired display language of the login UI",
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In     = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name   = "max_age",
                    Schema = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.String,
                    Description = "if the user’s logon session exceeds the max age (in seconds), the login UI will be shown",
                new OpenApiParameter()
                    In       = ParameterLocation.Query,
                    Name     = "acr_values",
                    Required = false,
                    Schema   = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type = DataTypes.Array,
                        Enum = new List <IOpenApiAny>
                            new OpenApiString("idp:name_of_idp"),
                            new OpenApiString("tenant:name_of_tenant "),
                    Description = "allows passing in additional authentication related information - identityserver special cases the following proprietary acr_values:",

            var body = new OpenApiMediaType()
                Schema = new OpenApiSchema()
                    Properties = queryParameters.ToDictionary(k => k.Name,
                                                              v => new OpenApiSchema()
                        Type        = v.Schema.Type,
                        Description = v.Description,
                        Enum        = v.Schema.Enum,
                    Required = queryParameters.Where(x => x.Required).Select(x => x.Name).ToHashSet()

            var responseExernalDoc = new OpenApiExternalDocs()
                Description = "Authorize Endpoint",
                Url         = new System.Uri("http://docs.identityserver.io/en/latest/endpoints/authorize.html")
            var responseDescription = "Request tokens or authorization codes via the browser";

            return(new OpenApiPathItem
                Description = "The authorize endpoint can be used to request tokens or authorization codes via the browser. This process typically involves authentication of the end-user and optionally consent.",
                Operations = new Dictionary <OperationType, OpenApiOperation>
                    [OperationType.Get] = new OpenApiOperation
                        Description = responseDescription,
                        ExternalDocs = responseExernalDoc,
                        Parameters = queryParameters,
                        Responses = new OpenApiResponses
                            ["302"] = new OpenApiResponse
                                Description = "OK",
                    [OperationType.Post] = new OpenApiOperation
                        Description = responseDescription,
                        ExternalDocs = responseExernalDoc,
                        RequestBody = new OpenApiRequestBody()
                            Content =
                                ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"] = body,
                                ["multipart/form-data"] = body,
                        Responses = new OpenApiResponses
                            ["200"] = new OpenApiResponse
                                Description = "OK",
                                Content = new Dictionary <string, OpenApiMediaType>()
                                    ["application/json"] = new OpenApiMediaType()
                                        Schema = new OpenApiSchema()
                                            Reference = new OpenApiReference {
                                                Type = ReferenceType.Schema, Id = "AuthorizeResponse"
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public override void Visit(OpenApiExternalDocs externalDocs)