Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Browses a single branch of the address space and returns zero or more OPCBROWSEELEMENT
        ///     structures.
        ///     It is assumed that the underlying server address space is hierarchical. A flat space will always be
        ///     presented to the client as not having children. A hierarchical space can be presented to the client as
        ///     either not having children or having children.
        ///     A hierarchical presentation of the server address space would behave much like a file system, where
        ///     the directories are the branches or paths, and the files represent the leaves or items. For example, a
        ///     server could present a control system by showing all the control networks, then all of the devices on a
        ///     selected network, and then all of the classes of data within a device, then all of the data items of that
        ///     class. A further breakdown into vendor specific ‘Units’ and ‘Lines’ might be appropriate for a
        ///     BATCH system.
        ///     The browse position is initially set to the ‘root’ of the address space. On subsequent calls, the client
        ///     may choose to browse from the continuation point.
        ///     This browse can also be filtered by a vendor specific filter string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemId">
        ///     The name of the branch in the hierarchy to browse. If the root branch is
        ///     to be browsed then a NUL string is passed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="filter">
        ///     An enumeration {All, Branch, Item} specifying which subset of browse
        ///     elements to return. See the table in the comments section below to
        ///     determine which combination of bits in
        ///     in dwBrowseFilter.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="elementNameFilter">
        ///     A wildcard string that conforms to the Visual Basic LIKE operator,
        ///     which will be used to filter Element names. A NUL String implies no
        ///     filter.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="vendorFilter">
        ///     A server specific filter string. This is entirely free format and may be
        ///     entered by the user via an EDIT field. A pointer to a NUL string indicates
        ///     no filtering.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="returnAllProperties">
        ///     Server must return all properties which are available for each of the
        ///     returned elements. If true, pdwPropertyIDs is ignored.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="returnPropertyValues">Server must return the property values in addition to the property names. </param>
        /// <param name="propertyIds">
        ///     An array of Property IDs to be returned with each element. if
        ///     bReturnAllProperties is true, pdwPropertyIDs is ignored and all
        ///     properties are returned.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public OpcDaBrowseElement[] Browse(string itemId = "", OpcDaBrowseFilter filter = OpcDaBrowseFilter.All,
                                           string elementNameFilter = "",
                                           string vendorFilter      = "", bool returnAllProperties = false, bool returnPropertyValues = false,
                                           IList <int> propertyIds  = null)
            IntPtr continuationPoint     = IntPtr.Zero;
            int    dwMaxElementsReturned = OpcConfiguration.BatchSize;
            var    dwBrowseFilter        = (OPCBROWSEFILTER)filter;
            string szElementNameFilter   = elementNameFilter ?? string.Empty;
            string szVendorFilter        = vendorFilter ?? string.Empty;

            int[] pdwPropertyIDs = propertyIds != null?propertyIds.ToArray() : new int[0];

            int dwPropertyCount = propertyIds == null ? 0 : pdwPropertyIDs.Length;

            var elements = new List <OpcDaBrowseElement>();

                int pbMoreElements = 0;
                        var browseElements = new IntPtr();
                        int pdwCount       = 0;
                        DoComCall(ComObject, "IOpcBrowse::Browse", () => ComObject.Browse(itemId, ref continuationPoint, dwMaxElementsReturned, dwBrowseFilter,
                                                                                          szElementNameFilter, szVendorFilter, returnAllProperties, returnPropertyValues,
                                                                                          dwPropertyCount, pdwPropertyIDs, out pbMoreElements, out pdwCount, out browseElements), itemId, dwMaxElementsReturned, dwBrowseFilter,
                                  szElementNameFilter, szVendorFilter, returnAllProperties, returnPropertyValues,
                                  dwPropertyCount, pdwPropertyIDs);
                        ReadBrowseElementsAndDealocate(ref browseElements, pdwCount, elements);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        break; // stop browsing.
                } while ((continuationPoint != IntPtr.Zero && pbMoreElements != 0));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Browses a single branch of the address space and returns zero or more OPCBROWSEELEMENT
        ///     structures.
        ///     It is assumed that the underlying server address space is hierarchical. A flat space will always be
        ///     presented to the client as not having children. A hierarchical space can be presented to the client as
        ///     either not having children or having children.
        ///     A hierarchical presentation of the server address space would behave much like a file system, where
        ///     the directories are the branches or paths, and the files represent the leaves or items. For example, a
        ///     server could present a control system by showing all the control networks, then all of the devices on a
        ///     selected network, and then all of the classes of data within a device, then all of the data items of that
        ///     class. A further breakdown into vendor specific ‘Units’ and ‘Lines’ might be appropriate for a
        ///     BATCH system.
        ///     The browse position is initially set to the ‘root’ of the address space. On subsequent calls, the client
        ///     may choose to browse from the continuation point.
        ///     This browse can also be filtered by a vendor specific filter string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemId">
        ///     The name of the branch in the hierarchy to browse. If the root branch is
        ///     to be browsed then a NUL string is passed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="filter">
        ///     An enumeration {All, Branch, Item} specifying which subset of browse
        ///     elements to return. See the table in the comments section below to
        ///     determine which combination of bits in
        ///     in dwBrowseFilter.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="elementNameFilter">
        ///     A wildcard string that conforms to the Visual Basic LIKE operator,
        ///     which will be used to filter Element names. A NUL String implies no
        ///     filter.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="vendorFilter">
        ///     A server specific filter string. This is entirely free format and may be
        ///     entered by the user via an EDIT field. A pointer to a NUL string indicates
        ///     no filtering.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="returnAllProperties">
        ///     Server must return all properties which are available for each of the
        ///     returned elements. If true, pdwPropertyIDs is ignored.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="returnPropertyValues">Server must return the property values in addition to the property names. </param>
        /// <param name="propertyIds">
        ///     An array of Property IDs to be returned with each element. if
        ///     bReturnAllProperties is true, pdwPropertyIDs is ignored and all
        ///     properties are returned.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public OpcDaBrowseElement[] Browse(string itemId = "", OpcDaBrowseFilter filter = OpcDaBrowseFilter.All,
            string elementNameFilter = "",
            string vendorFilter = "", bool returnAllProperties = false, bool returnPropertyValues = false,
            IList<int> propertyIds = null)
            IntPtr continuationPoint = IntPtr.Zero;
            int dwMaxElementsReturned = OpcConfiguration.BatchSize;
            var dwBrowseFilter = (OPCBROWSEFILTER) filter;
            string szElementNameFilter = elementNameFilter ?? string.Empty;
            string szVendorFilter = vendorFilter ?? string.Empty;
            int[] pdwPropertyIDs = propertyIds != null ? propertyIds.ToArray() : new int[0];
            int dwPropertyCount = propertyIds == null ? 0 : pdwPropertyIDs.Length;

            var elements = new List<OpcDaBrowseElement>();
                int pbMoreElements = 0;
                        var browseElements = new IntPtr();
                        int pdwCount = 0;
                        DoComCall(ComObject,"IOpcBrowse::Browse", () => ComObject.Browse(itemId, ref continuationPoint, dwMaxElementsReturned, dwBrowseFilter,
                                szElementNameFilter, szVendorFilter, returnAllProperties, returnPropertyValues,
                                dwPropertyCount, pdwPropertyIDs, out pbMoreElements, out pdwCount, out browseElements), itemId, dwMaxElementsReturned, dwBrowseFilter,
                            szElementNameFilter, szVendorFilter, returnAllProperties, returnPropertyValues,
                            dwPropertyCount, pdwPropertyIDs);
                        ReadBrowseElementsAndDealocate(ref browseElements, pdwCount, elements);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        break; // stop browsing.
                } while ((continuationPoint != IntPtr.Zero && pbMoreElements != 0));

            return elements.ToArray();