Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestEqual()
            var left  = new Opaque(new byte[] { 0x80, 0x77 });
            var right = new Opaque(new byte[] { 0x80, 0x77 });

            Assert.AreEqual(left, right);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void FromExpression_Creates_Same_CustomAttributeInfo_As_Calling_The_Constructor(
            Opaque <Expression <Func <Attribute> > > expr, CustomAttributeInfo expected)
            var actual = CustomAttributeInfo.FromExpression(expr.Value);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static Source CreateSource(int signum)
            var ret_ = g_unix_signal_source_new(signum);
            var ret  = Opaque.GetInstance <Source> (ret_, Transfer.Full);

Ejemplo n.º 4
 static void UnmanagedClosureMarshal(IntPtr closure_, IntPtr returnValue_, uint nParamValues_, Value[] paramValues_, IntPtr invocationHint_, IntPtr marshalData_)
     try {
         var closure     = Opaque.GetInstance <Closure>(closure_, Transfer.None);
         var returnValue = default(Value);
         if (returnValue_ != IntPtr.Zero)
             returnValue = Marshal.PtrToStructure <Value>(returnValue_);
         SignalInvocationHint?invocationHint = null;
         if (invocationHint_ != IntPtr.Zero)
             invocationHint = Marshal.PtrToStructure <SignalInvocationHint>(invocationHint_);
         var gcHandle    = (GCHandle)marshalData_;
         var marshalData = (UnmanagedClosureMarshalData)gcHandle.Target;
         marshalData.ClosureMarshal(closure, ref returnValue, paramValues_, invocationHint);
         if (returnValue_ != IntPtr.Zero)
             Marshal.StructureToPtr <Value>(returnValue, returnValue_, false);
     catch (Exception ex) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TestConstructor()
            Gauge32 e    = new Gauge32(3);
            Opaque  test = new Opaque(e.ToBytes());

            Assert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 0x44, 0x03, 0x42, 0x01, 0x03 }, test.ToBytes());
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Authenticate_TrueOnValidMembership()
            string ipAddress = "";

            var configuration = CreateNewConfig();
            var inspector     = new DigestAuthenticator(configuration);

            //the result of MD5 hashing some well known values (either specified in the header below or similar)
            string response = "dc950f2d7c24037a6c775bcc9198b6f8";


            NonceManager.Now = () => DateTime.Parse("4/6/2011 9:38:12 PM", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            string nonce = NonceManager.Generate(ipAddress, privateHashEncoder);
            //this should generate very specific nonce "NjM0Mzc3MjI2OTIwMDA6Yjg3ZWZlODM0Mjc1NThjZGVlZWVkYjRjNTI1MzFjMzM="

            var headers = new NameValueCollection()
                { "Authorization", string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                 @"Digest username=""Mufasa"",realm=""{0}"",
                     opaque=""{3}""", configuration.Realm, nonce, response, Opaque.Current()) }

            var result = inspector.Authenticate(CreateNewFakeContext(headers, ipAddress));

            NonceManager.Now = () => { return(DateTime.UtcNow); };
            Assert.Equal(result.Principal.Identity.Name, "Mufasa");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static Source CreateSourceSeconds(uint interval)
            var ret_ = g_timeout_source_new_seconds(interval);
            var ret  = Opaque.GetInstance <Source> (ret_, Transfer.Full);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static Task <bool> CanReachAsync(this INetworkMonitor monitor, IntPtr connectable, IntPtr cancellable = default(IntPtr))
            if (monitor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(monitor));
            var instance   = (Object)monitor;
            var completion = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> ();
            Action <IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr> nativeCallback = (sourceObjectPtr, resultPtr, userDataPtr) => {
                IntPtr errorPtr;
                var    ret = g_network_monitor_can_reach_async_finish(sourceObjectPtr, resultPtr, out errorPtr);
                if (errorPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
                    var error = Opaque.GetInstance <Error> (errorPtr, Transfer.Full);
                    completion.SetException(new GErrorException(error));
            var callbackGCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(nativeCallback);

            g_network_monitor_can_reach_async(instance.Handle, connectable, cancellable, nativeCallback, (IntPtr)callbackGCHandle);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        static OpaqueInt getItemAt(PtrArray <OpaqueInt> array, int index)
            var dataPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(array.Handle);
            var data    = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(dataPtr, IntPtr.Size * index);

            return(Opaque.GetInstance <OpaqueInt> (data, Transfer.None));
 public LineSegment?CalculateFrontFace(Opaque opaque)
     if (opaque.CrossSection(GetOrigin()) is LineSegment crossSec)
         return(crossSec.Intersect(viewTriangle, .0001f));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void TestConstructor()
     Gauge32 e = new Gauge32(3);
     Opaque test = new Opaque(e.ToBytes());
     Assert.AreEqual(new byte[] {0x44, 0x03, 0x42, 0x01, 0x03}, test.ToBytes());
     Assert.AreEqual("42 01 03", test.ToString());
     Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => test.AppendBytesTo(null));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void TestConstructor()
            Gauge32 e    = new Gauge32(3);
            Opaque  test = new Opaque(e.ToBytes());

            Assert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 0x44, 0x03, 0x42, 0x01, 0x03 }, test.ToBytes());
            Assert.AreEqual("42 01 03", test.ToString());
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => test.AppendBytesTo(null));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        internal static T Get <T> (GType type) where T : TypeClass
            if (!type.IsClassed)
                throw new ArgumentException("GType is not classed", nameof(type));
            var handle = g_type_class_ref(type);
            var ret    = Opaque.GetInstance <T> (handle, Transfer.Full);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public bool MoveNext()
            var ret_ = g_variant_iter_next_value(handle);

            if (ret_ == IntPtr.Zero)
            Current = Opaque.GetInstance <Variant> (ret_, Transfer.Full);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static Object New(GType objectType, params object[] parameters)
            IntPtr errorPtr;
            var    ret_ = g_initable_newv(objectType, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, out errorPtr);

            if (errorPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
                var error = Opaque.GetInstance <Error> (errorPtr, Transfer.Full);
                throw new GErrorException(error);
            var ret = Object.GetInstance(ret_, Transfer.Full);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override int GetHashCode()
            var hashCode = -81208087;

            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Color.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + PushReaction.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + BlocksMovement.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Flammable.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + RequiresNoTool.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Liquid.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Opaque.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Replaceable.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Solid.GetHashCode();
    private void CalculateShadowFaces(LightViewTriangle lightTriangle)
        for (int i = 0; i < sortedFrontFaces.Count; i++)
            LineSegment?prevSeg = i == 0 ? (LineSegment?)null : sortedFrontFaces[i - 1].Item1;
            LineSegment?nextSeg = i == sortedFrontFaces.Count - 1 ? (LineSegment?)null : sortedFrontFaces[i + 1].Item1;
            LineSegment seg     = sortedFrontFaces[i].Item1;
            Opaque      opaque  = sortedFrontFaces[i].Item2;

            if (opaque != null)
                if (seg.Length() > .0001)
                    if (!frontFacing.ContainsKey(opaque))
                        frontFacing.Add(opaque, new List <LineSegment>());
                if (prevSeg is LineSegment prev)
                    LineSegment right = new LineSegment(prev.p2, seg.p1);
                    if (right.Length() > .0001 && !right.GoesAwayFrom(lightTriangle.GetOrigin()))
                        rightFacing[opaque] = right;
                if (nextSeg is LineSegment next)
                    LineSegment left = new LineSegment(seg.p2, next.p1);
                    if (left.Length() > .0001 && left.GoesAwayFrom(lightTriangle.GetOrigin()))
                        leftFacing[opaque] = left;

        var rightExtent = sortedFrontFaces[0].Item1.p1;
        var leftExtent  = sortedFrontFaces[sortedFrontFaces.Count - 1].Item1.p2;

        rightmostFace = new LineSegment(lightTriangle.GetOrigin(), rightExtent);
        leftmostFace  = new LineSegment(lightTriangle.GetOrigin(), leftExtent);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public static extern void root(ref Opaque opaque,
                                A a,
                                B b,
                                C c,
                                D d,
                                E e,
                                F f,
                                G g,
                                H h,
                                I i,
                                J j,
                                K k,
                                L l,
                                M m,
                                N n,
                                O o,
                                P p);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void TestEqual()
            var left = new Opaque(new byte[] { 0x80, 0x77 });
            var right = new Opaque(new byte[] { 0x80, 0x77 });
            Assert.AreEqual(left, right);
// ReSharper disable RedundantCast
            Assert.AreEqual((Opaque)null, (Opaque)null);
// ReSharper restore RedundantCast
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, right);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(left, null);
            Assert.IsTrue(left != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(null != right);
// ReSharper disable EqualExpressionComparison
            Assert.IsTrue((Opaque)null == (Opaque)null);
// ReSharper restore EqualExpressionComparison
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public static bool Init(this IInitable initable)
            if (initable == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(initable));
            var instance = (Object)initable;
            var ret      = g_initable_init(instance.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, out var errorPtr);

            if (errorPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
                var error = Opaque.GetInstance <Error> (errorPtr, Transfer.Full);
                throw new GErrorException(error);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens a module.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Module"/>.</returns>
        /// <param name="fileName">The name of the file containing the module,
        /// or <c>null</c> to obtain a <see cref="Module"/> representing the main
        /// program itself.</param>
        /// <param name="flags">The flags used for opening the module. This can
        /// be the logical OR of any of the <see cref="ModuleFlags"/></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// First of all <see cref="#ctor"/> tries to open <paramref name="fileName"/>
        /// as a module. If that fails and <paramref name="fileName"/> has the ".la"-suffix
        /// (and is a libtool archive) it tries to open the corresponding module. If
        /// that fails and it doesn't have the proper module suffix for the platform
        /// (<see cref="Suffix"/>), this suffix will be appended and the corresponding
        /// module will be opended. If that fails and <paramref name="fileName"/> doesn't
        /// have the ".la"-suffix, this suffix is appended and <see cref="#ctor"/> tries
        /// to open the corresponding module. If eventually that fails as well,
        /// a <see cref="ModuleErrorException"/> is thrown.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ModuleErrorException">
        /// On failure
        /// </exception>
        public static Module Open(string fileName, ModuleFlags flags = 0)
            var fileName_ = GMarshal.StringToUtf8Ptr(fileName);

            try {
                lock (errorLock) {
                    var ret_ = g_module_open(fileName_, flags);
                    if (ret_ == IntPtr.Zero)
                        throw new ModuleErrorException(Error);
                    var ret = Opaque.GetInstance <Module> (ret_, Transfer.Full);
            } finally {
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void TestEqual()
            var left  = new Opaque(new byte[] { 0x80, 0x77 });
            var right = new Opaque(new byte[] { 0x80, 0x77 });

            Assert.AreEqual(left, right);
// ReSharper disable RedundantCast
            Assert.AreEqual((Opaque)null, (Opaque)null);
// ReSharper restore RedundantCast
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, right);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(left, null);
            Assert.IsTrue(left != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(null != right);
// ReSharper disable EqualExpressionComparison
            Assert.IsTrue((Opaque)null == (Opaque)null);
// ReSharper restore EqualExpressionComparison
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public static bool CanReach(this INetworkMonitor monitor, IntPtr connectable, IntPtr cancellable = default(IntPtr))
            if (monitor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(monitor));
            var instance = (Object)monitor;
            var ret      = g_network_monitor_can_reach(instance.Handle, connectable, cancellable, out var errorPtr);

            if (errorPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
                var error = Opaque.GetInstance <Error> (errorPtr, Transfer.Full);
                throw new GErrorException(error);

Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void TestEqual()
            var left  = new Opaque(new byte[] { 0x80, 0x77 });
            var right = new Opaque(new byte[] { 0x80, 0x77 });

            Assert.Equal(left, right);
// ReSharper disable RedundantCast
            Assert.Equal((Opaque)null, (Opaque)null);
            // ReSharper restore RedundantCast
#pragma warning disable xUnit2003 // Do not use equality check to test for null value
            Assert.NotEqual(null, right);
#pragma warning disable xUnit2000 // Constants and literals should be the expected argument
            Assert.NotEqual(left, null);
#pragma warning restore xUnit2000 // Constants and literals should be the expected argument
#pragma warning restore xUnit2003 // Do not use equality check to test for null value
            Assert.True(left != null);
            Assert.True(null != right);
// ReSharper disable EqualExpressionComparison
            Assert.True((Opaque)null == (Opaque)null);
// ReSharper restore EqualExpressionComparison

Ejemplo n.º 25
 public void TestEqual()
     var left = new Opaque(new byte[] { 0x80, 0x77 });
     var right = new Opaque(new byte[] { 0x80, 0x77 });
     Assert.AreEqual(left, right);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public Transparent(Opaque opaque, Color item)
     : base(item)
     this.opaque = opaque;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public Transparent(Opaque opaque)
     this.opaque = opaque;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 // constructors
 public Transparent()
     this.opaque = Opaque.A_ONE;
Ejemplo n.º 29
	static void TestOpaque ()
		Opaque op, op1;
		IntPtr handle;

		Console.WriteLine ("Testing Opaque new/free");
		op = new Opaque ();
		if (!op.Owned)
			Error ("Newly-created Opaque is not Owned");
		handle = op.Handle;
		op.Dispose ();
		op = new Opaque (handle);
		if (op.Owned)
			Error ("IntPtr-created Opaque is Owned");
		if (Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Memory error after initial new/free.");
		Opaquetest.ExpectError = true;
		if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial)
			Error ("Serial mismatch. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);
		if (!Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Opaque not properly freed.");
		op.Dispose ();
		if (Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Opaque created from IntPtr was freed by gtk#");

		Console.WriteLine ("Testing Opaque copy/free");
		op = new Opaque ();
		op1 = op.Copy ();
		handle = op1.Handle;
		op.Dispose ();
		op1.Dispose ();
		if (Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Memory error after initial copy/free.");
		op = new Opaque (handle);
		Opaquetest.ExpectError = true;
		if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial)
			Error ("Serial mismatch. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);

		if (!Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Opaque not properly freed.");
		op.Dispose ();
		if (Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Opaque created from IntPtr was freed by gtk#");

		Console.WriteLine ("Testing non-owned return.");
		op = new Opaque ();
		op1 = new Opaque ();
		op.Friend = op1;
		if (Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Memory error after setting op.Friend.");
		op1 = op.Friend;
		if (op1.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial || Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Error reading op.Friend. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op1.Serial);
		if (!op1.Owned)
			Error ("op1 not Owned after being read off op.Friend");
		op.Dispose ();
		op1.Dispose ();
		if (Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Memory error after freeing op and op1.");

		Console.WriteLine ("Testing returning a Gtk#-owned opaque from C# to C");
		ret_op = new Opaque ();
		op = Opaque.Check (new Gtksharp.OpaqueReturnFunc (ReturnOpaque), new Gtksharp.GCFunc (GC));
		if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial || Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Error during Opaque.Check. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);
		op.Dispose ();
		if (Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Memory error after clearing op.");

		Console.WriteLine ("Testing returning a Gtk#-owned opaque to a C method that will free it");
		ret_op = new Opaque ();
		op = Opaque.CheckFree (new Gtksharp.OpaqueReturnFunc (ReturnOpaque), new Gtksharp.GCFunc (GC));
		if (Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Error during Opaque.CheckFree.");
		Opaquetest.ExpectError = true;
		if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial)
			Error ("Error during Opaque.CheckFree. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);
		if (!Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Didn't get expected error accessing op.Serial!");
		Opaquetest.ExpectError = true;
		op.Dispose ();
		if (!Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Didn't get expected double free on op after CheckFree!");

		Console.WriteLine ("Testing leaking a C-owned opaque");
		ret_op = new Opaque ();
		ret_op.Owned = false;
		op = Opaque.Check (new Gtksharp.OpaqueReturnFunc (ReturnOpaque), new Gtksharp.GCFunc (GC));
		if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial || Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Error during Opaque.Check. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);
		handle = op.Handle;
		op.Dispose ();
		if (Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Memory error after disposing op.");
		op = new Opaque (handle);
		if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial || Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Failed to leak op. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);

		Console.WriteLine ("Testing handing over a C-owned opaque to a C method that will free it");
		ret_op = new Opaque ();
		ret_op.Owned = false;
		op = Opaque.CheckFree (new Gtksharp.OpaqueReturnFunc (ReturnOpaque), new Gtksharp.GCFunc (GC));
		if (Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Error during Opaque.CheckFree.");
		Opaquetest.ExpectError = true;
		if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial)
			Error ("Error during Opaque.CheckFree. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);
		if (!Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Didn't get expected error accessing op.Serial!");
		op.Dispose ();
		if (Opaquetest.Error)
			Error ("Double free on op!");
    static void TestOpaque()
        Opaque op, op1;
        IntPtr handle;

        Console.WriteLine("Testing Opaque new/free");
        op = new Opaque();
        if (!op.Owned)
            Error("Newly-created Opaque is not Owned");
        handle = op.Handle;
        op = new Opaque(handle);
        if (op.Owned)
            Error("IntPtr-created Opaque is Owned");
        if (Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Memory error after initial new/free.");
        Opaquetest.ExpectError = true;
        if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial)
            Error("Serial mismatch. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);
        if (!Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Opaque not properly freed.");
        if (Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Opaque created from IntPtr was freed by gtk#");

        Console.WriteLine("Testing Opaque copy/free");
        op     = new Opaque();
        op1    = op.Copy();
        handle = op1.Handle;
        if (Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Memory error after initial copy/free.");
        op = new Opaque(handle);
        Opaquetest.ExpectError = true;
        if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial)
            Error("Serial mismatch. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);

        if (!Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Opaque not properly freed.");
        if (Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Opaque created from IntPtr was freed by gtk#");

        Console.WriteLine("Testing non-owned return.");
        op        = new Opaque();
        op1       = new Opaque();
        op.Friend = op1;
        if (Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Memory error after setting op.Friend.");
        op1 = op.Friend;
        if (op1.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial || Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Error reading op.Friend. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op1.Serial);
        if (!op1.Owned)
            Error("op1 not Owned after being read off op.Friend");
        if (Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Memory error after freeing op and op1.");

        Console.WriteLine("Testing returning a Gtk#-owned opaque from C# to C");
        ret_op = new Opaque();
        op     = Opaque.Check(new Gtksharp.OpaqueReturnFunc(ReturnOpaque), new Gtksharp.GCFunc(GC));
        if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial || Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Error during Opaque.Check. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);
        if (Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Memory error after clearing op.");

        Console.WriteLine("Testing returning a Gtk#-owned opaque to a C method that will free it");
        ret_op = new Opaque();
        op     = Opaque.CheckFree(new Gtksharp.OpaqueReturnFunc(ReturnOpaque), new Gtksharp.GCFunc(GC));
        if (Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Error during Opaque.CheckFree.");
        Opaquetest.ExpectError = true;
        if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial)
            Error("Error during Opaque.CheckFree. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);
        if (!Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Didn't get expected error accessing op.Serial!");
        Opaquetest.ExpectError = true;
        if (!Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Didn't get expected double free on op after CheckFree!");

        Console.WriteLine("Testing leaking a C-owned opaque");
        ret_op       = new Opaque();
        ret_op.Owned = false;
        op           = Opaque.Check(new Gtksharp.OpaqueReturnFunc(ReturnOpaque), new Gtksharp.GCFunc(GC));
        if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial || Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Error during Opaque.Check. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);
        handle = op.Handle;
        if (Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Memory error after disposing op.");
        op = new Opaque(handle);
        if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial || Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Failed to leak op. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);

        Console.WriteLine("Testing handing over a C-owned opaque to a C method that will free it");
        ret_op       = new Opaque();
        ret_op.Owned = false;
        op           = Opaque.CheckFree(new Gtksharp.OpaqueReturnFunc(ReturnOpaque), new Gtksharp.GCFunc(GC));
        if (Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Error during Opaque.CheckFree.");
        Opaquetest.ExpectError = true;
        if (op.Serial != Opaque.LastSerial)
            Error("Error during Opaque.CheckFree. Expected {0}, Got {1}", Opaque.LastSerial, op.Serial);
        if (!Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Didn't get expected error accessing op.Serial!");
        if (Opaquetest.Error)
            Error("Double free on op!");
Ejemplo n.º 31
    //public override void Init(LightBase lightSource, Side illuminatedSide) {
    //  Debug.Assert(false);

    public void Init(LightBase lightSource, Side illuminatedSide, Opaque caster)
        base.Init(lightSource, illuminatedSide);
        this.caster = caster;
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public void OnAuthenticationFailure_RecognizesAndReportsStaleNonce()
            HttpContextBase context        = GetDefaultFakedContext();
            var             failureHandler = GetFailureHandler();

            string nonce = NonceManager.Generate(ipAddress, privateHashEncoder);

            var headers = new NameValueCollection()
                { "Authorization", string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                 @"Digest username=""Mufasa"",realm=""*****@*****.**"",
                     opaque=""5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41""", nonce) }

            A.CallTo(() => context.Request.Headers).Returns(headers);

            //jump ahead just outside the reach of our configuration
            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            NonceManager.Now = () => now + failureHandler.Configuration.NonceValidDuration.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            //record the values from the AddHeader call and make sure they match our expectations
            string headerName = string.Empty, headerValue = string.Empty;

            A.CallTo(() => context.Response.AddHeader(A <string> .Ignored, A <string> .Ignored))
            .Invokes(call => { headerName = (string)call.Arguments[0]; headerValue = (string)call.Arguments[1]; });

            failureHandler.OnAuthenticationFailure(context, inspectorResults);

            string expectedHeader = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                  "Digest realm=\"{0}\", nonce=\"{1}\", opaque=\"{2}\", stale=TRUE, algorithm=MD5, qop=\"auth\"",
                                                  realm, NonceManager.Generate(ipAddress, privateHashEncoder), Opaque.Current());


            Assert.True(headerName == "WWW-Authenticate" && expectedHeader == headerValue);
Ejemplo n.º 33
		public Value (Opaque val, string type_name)
			type = IntPtr.Zero;
			pad1 = new Padding ();
			pad2 = new Padding ();
			g_value_init (ref this, GType.FromName (type_name).Val);
			g_value_set_boxed (ref this, val.Handle);
Ejemplo n.º 34
		public Value (IntPtr obj, string prop_name, Opaque val)
			type = IntPtr.Zero;
			pad1 = new Padding ();
			pad2 = new Padding ();
			InitForProperty (Gst.GLib.Object.GetObject (obj), prop_name);
			g_value_set_boxed (ref this, val.Handle);
Ejemplo n.º 35
 public void TestConstructor()
     Gauge32 e = new Gauge32(3);
     Opaque test = new Opaque(e.ToBytes());
     Assert.AreEqual(new byte[] {0x44, 0x03, 0x42, 0x01, 0x03}, test.ToBytes());
Ejemplo n.º 36
 public static extern void root(ref Opaque a,
                                Normal b,
                                NormalWithZST c,
                                TupleRenamed d,
                                TupleNamed e);
Ejemplo n.º 37
        public void OnAuthenticationFailure_GeneratesCorrectHeaderForNewRequest()
            HttpContextBase context = GetDefaultFakedContext();

            //record the values from the AddHeader call and make sure they match our expectations
            string headerName = string.Empty, headerValue = string.Empty;

            A.CallTo(() => context.Response.AddHeader(A <string> .Ignored, A <string> .Ignored))
            .Invokes(call => { headerName = (string)call.Arguments[0]; headerValue = (string)call.Arguments[1]; });

            var failureHandler = GetFailureHandler();

            failureHandler.OnAuthenticationFailure(context, inspectorResults);

            string expectedHeader = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                  "Digest realm=\"{0}\", nonce=\"{1}\", opaque=\"{2}\", stale=FALSE, algorithm=MD5, qop=\"auth\"",
                                                  realm, NonceManager.Generate(ipAddress, privateHashEncoder), Opaque.Current());


            Assert.Equal(headerName, "WWW-Authenticate");
            Assert.Equal(expectedHeader, headerValue);