Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void PopulateOperandView(BHAVEditor master, EditorScope escope, TableLayoutPanel panel)
            panel.Controls.Add(new OpLabelControl(master, escope, Operand, new OpStaticTextProvider("Cycles the object with ID in the Target location to the next object of a specified type. Returns false when none or no more are available.")));
            var types = new OpStaticNamedPropertyProvider(EditorScope.Behaviour.Get <STR>(164), 0);

            types.EnsureProperty(100, "obj with same semiglobal as");
            panel.Controls.Add(new OpComboControl(master, escope, Operand, "Search Type:", "SearchType", types));

            panel.Controls.Add(new OpScopeControl(master, escope, Operand, "Target Scope: ", "TargetOwner", "TargetData"));

            panel.Controls.Add(new OpLabelControl(master, escope, Operand, new OpStaticTextProvider("Properties for specific search types:")));
            panel.Controls.Add(new OpObjectControl(master, escope, Operand, "Object Type: ", "GUID"));
            panel.Controls.Add(new OpValueControl(master, escope, Operand, "Local: ", "Local", new OpStaticValueBoundsProvider(-32768, 32767)));
        public override void PopulateOperandView(BHAVEditor master, EditorScope escope, TableLayoutPanel panel)
            panel.Controls.Add(new OpLabelControl(master, escope, Operand, new OpStaticTextProvider("Finds a location to place the Stack Object, using a variety of modes and options.")));
            var modes = new OpStaticNamedPropertyProvider(EditorScope.Behaviour.Get <STR>(239));

            modes.EnsureProperty(5, "random");
            panel.Controls.Add(new OpComboControl(master, escope, Operand, "Mode:", "Mode", modes));

            panel.Controls.Add(new OpFlagsControl(master, escope, Operand, "Flags:", new OpFlag[] {
                new OpFlag("Use Local As Ref", "UseLocalAsRef"),
                new OpFlag("Prefer Non-Empty", "PreferNonEmpty"),
                new OpFlag("User Editable Tiles Only", "UserEditableTilesOnly"),
            panel.Controls.Add(new OpLabelControl(master, escope, Operand, new OpStaticTextProvider("If 'Use Local As Ref' is set, the object with ID specified in the local is used as the starting position instead of the caller.")));
            panel.Controls.Add(new OpComboControl(master, escope, Operand, "Local:", "Local", new OpStaticNamedPropertyProvider(escope.GetVarScopeDataNames(VMVariableScope.Local))));