/// <summary>
        /// This method demonstrates how to close the device properly using the WinRT Serial API.
        /// When the SerialDevice is closing, it will cancel all IO operations that are still pending (not complete).
        /// The close will not wait for any IO completion callbacks to be called, so the close call may complete before any of
        /// the IO completion callbacks are called.
        /// The pending IO operations will still call their respective completion callbacks with either a task
        /// cancelled error or the operation completed.
        /// </summary>
        private async void CloseCurrentlyConnectedDevice()
            if (Device != null)
                // Notify callback that we're about to close the device
                OnDeviceClose?.Invoke(this, DeviceInformation);


                // This closes the handle to the device

                ActionQueue = null;
                Connection  = null;
                Device      = null;

                // Save the deviceInformation.Id in case deviceInformation is set to null when closing the
                // device
                var deviceName = DeviceInformation.Properties["System.ItemNameDisplay"] as string;

                await MainPage.Current.Dispatcher.RunAsync(
                    () => {
                    MainPage.Current.NotifyUser(deviceName + " is closed", NotifyType.StatusMessage);
        /// <summary>
        /// Closes the device
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>When the device is closing, it will cancel all IO operations that are still pending (not complete).</remarks>
        private void CloseCurrentlyConnectedDevice()
            if (IsDeviceConnected)
                // Notify callback that we're about to close the device
                OnDeviceClose?.Invoke(this, DeviceInformation);

                // This closes the handle to the device if device is disposable
                // TODO: comprendre pourquoi disposer les device cause un exception et décommenter ça :
                //		if (_device is IDisposable)
                //			(_device as IDisposable).Dispose();

                _device = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method demonstrates how to close the device properly using the WinRT Serial API.
        /// When the SerialDevice is closing, it will cancel all IO operations that are still pending (not complete).
        /// The close will not wait for any IO completion callbacks to be called, so the close call may complete before any of
        /// the IO completion callbacks are called.
        /// The pending IO operations will still call their respective completion callbacks with either a task
        /// cancelled error or the operation completed.
        /// </summary>
        private async void CloseCurrentlyConnectedDevice()
            if (Device != null)
                // Notify callback that we're about to close the device
                OnDeviceClose?.Invoke(this, DeviceInformation);

                // This closes the handle to the device

                // Save the deviceInformation.Id in case deviceInformation is set to null when closing the device
                Device = null;

                string deviceId = DeviceInformation.Id;

                await rootPage.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatchedHandler(() =>
                    MainPage.Current.NotifyUser(deviceId + " is closed", NotifyType.StatusMessage);