Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void OnGrantEquipment(On.RoR2.GenericPickupController.orig_GrantEquipment orig, GenericPickupController self, CharacterBody body, Inventory inventory)
            #region Sharedequipment

            var equip = PickupCatalog.GetPickupDef(self.pickupIndex).equipmentIndex;

            if (!BlackList.HasEquipment(equip) &&
                NetworkServer.active &&
                IsValidEquipmentPickup(self.pickupIndex) &&
                foreach (var player in PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances.Select(p => p.master)
                         .Where(p => !p.IsDeadAndOutOfLivesServer() || ShareSuite.DeadPlayersGetItems.Value))
                    SyncToolbotEquip(player, ref equip);

                    // Sync Mul-T Equipment, but perform primary equipment pickup only for clients
                    if (player.inventory == inventory)

                    self.NetworkpickupIndex = PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex(equip);

            orig(self, body, inventory);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void GenericPickupControllerOnGrantEquipment(On.RoR2.GenericPickupController.orig_GrantEquipment orig, GenericPickupController self, CharacterBody body, Inventory inventory)
            if (NetworkServer.active)
                var tracker = body.master.GetComponent <DurabilityTracker>();
                if (tracker != null)
                    _nextDropDurability = inventory.activeEquipmentSlot == 0 ? tracker.durability : tracker.durabilityAlt;
                    _nextDropDurability = FullDurability;
            orig(self, body, inventory);
            if (NetworkServer.active)
                float durability = FullDurability;
                var   tracker    = self.gameObject.GetComponent <DurabilityTracker>();
                if (tracker != null)
                    durability          = tracker.durability;
                    tracker.durability  = _nextDropDurability;
                    _nextDropDurability = FullDurability;

                var masterTracker = body.master.GetComponent <DurabilityTracker>();
                if (masterTracker == null)
                    masterTracker = body.masterObject.AddComponent <DurabilityTracker>();
                if (inventory.activeEquipmentSlot == 0)
                    masterTracker.durability = durability;
                    masterTracker.durabilityAlt = durability;

                var networkUser = body.master?.playerCharacterMasterController?.networkUser;
                if (networkUser != null && !networkUser.isLocalPlayer)
                    var message = new UpdateDurabilityMessage
                        durability    = masterTracker.durability,
                        durabilityAlt = masterTracker.durabilityAlt
                    _cmdUpdateDurability.Invoke(message, networkUser);
        private static void OnGrantEquipment(On.RoR2.GenericPickupController.orig_GrantEquipment orig,
                                             GenericPickupController self, CharacterBody body, Inventory inventory)
            #region Sharedequipment

            if (!ShareSuite.EquipmentShared.Value || !GeneralHooks.IsMultiplayer() || !NetworkServer.active)
                orig(self, body, inventory);

            // Get the old and new equipment's index
            var oldEquip            = body.inventory.currentEquipmentIndex;
            var oldEquipPickupIndex = GetPickupIndex(oldEquip);
            var newEquip            = PickupCatalog.GetPickupDef(self.pickupIndex).equipmentIndex;

            // Send the pickup message
            ChatHandler.SendPickupMessage(body.master, self.pickupIndex);

            // Give the equipment to the picker

            // Destroy the object

            // If the old equipment was not shared and the new one is, drop the blacklisted equipment and any other
            // shared equipment that the other players have
            if (!EquipmentShared(oldEquip) && EquipmentShared(newEquip))
                CreateDropletIfExists(oldEquipPickupIndex, self.transform.position);
                DropAllOtherSharedEquipment(self, body, oldEquip);
            // If the old equipment was shared and the new one isn't, but the picker is the only one alive with the
            // shared equipment, drop it on the ground and return
            else if (EquipmentShared(oldEquip) && !EquipmentShared(newEquip) && GetLivingPlayersWithEquipment(oldEquip) < 1 ||
                     !EquipmentShared(oldEquip) && !EquipmentShared(newEquip))
                CreateDropletIfExists(oldEquipPickupIndex, self.transform.position);
            // If the new equip is shared, create a droplet of the old one.
            else if (EquipmentShared(newEquip))
                CreateDropletIfExists(oldEquipPickupIndex, self.transform.position);
            // If the equipment they're picking up is not shared and someone else is alive with the shared equipment,
            // return

            // Loop over everyone who has an inventory and isn't the picker
            foreach (var player in PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances.Select(p => p.master)
                     .Where(p => p.inventory && p != body.master))
                var playerInventory     = player.inventory;
                var playerOrigEquipment = playerInventory.currentEquipmentIndex;

                // If the player currently has an equipment that's blacklisted
                if (!EquipmentShared(playerOrigEquipment))
                    // And the config option is set so that they will drop the item when shared
                    if (!ShareSuite.DropBlacklistedEquipmentOnShare.Value)
                    // Create a droplet of their current blacklisted equipment on the ground
                    var transform   = player.GetBodyObject().transform;
                    var pickupIndex = PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex(playerOrigEquipment);
                    PickupDropletController.CreatePickupDroplet(pickupIndex, transform.position,
                                                                transform.forward * 20f);

                // Give the player the new equipment
                self.NetworkpickupIndex = PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex(newEquip);

                // Sync the equipment if they're playing MUL-T
                SyncToolbotEquip(player, ref newEquip);

Ejemplo n.º 4
 private void GenericPickupController_GrantEquipment(On.RoR2.GenericPickupController.orig_GrantEquipment orig, GenericPickupController self, CharacterBody body, Inventory inventory)
     orig(self, body, inventory);
     LastPickedUpItem[inventory] = PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex(inventory.GetEquipmentIndex());