Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult TransactionOffers(string id)
            RequestResult <List <AlertModel> > result = new RequestResult <List <AlertModel> >()
                Status = Status.Success
            OfferServices services = new OfferServices();
            OfferModel    model    = new OfferModel();

            if (id == "offer")
                model.Project.ProjectId     = 13;
                model.Vessel.VesselId       = 1;
                model.ProjectAdmin.PersonId = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                model.UserModifiedId        = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                result = services.InsComplete(model);
            else if (id == "accept")
                model.OfferId = 2;
                result        = services.Accept(model, (int)SessionWeb.User.PersonId);

            if (result.Status == Status.Success)
                foreach (AlertModel alert in result.Data)
                    var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <AlertHub>();
                    context.Clients.Group(string.Format("P{0}", alert.To))

            result.Data = null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult OfferTransaction(string id, OfferModel offer)
            RequestResult <List <AlertModel> > result = new RequestResult <List <AlertModel> >()
                Status = Status.Success
            List <AlertModel>     lstAlertToProjectCompany = new List <AlertModel>();
            List <AlertModel>     lstAlertToVesselCompany  = new List <AlertModel>();
            OfferServices         services         = new OfferServices();
            AlertTemplateServices templateServices = new AlertTemplateServices();
            AlertServices         alertServices    = new AlertServices();

                OfferModel val = new OfferModel();

                if (offer.OfferId != null)
                    val = services.GetById((int)offer.OfferId);
                    if (val == null)
                        throw new Exception("NOT_FOUND");

                if (id.ToLower() == "offer")
                    offer.ProjectAdmin.PersonId = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    offer.UserModifiedId        = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    result = services.InsComplete(offer);

                    Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    values.Add("ID", offer.Vessel.VesselId.ToString());
                    AlertTemplateModel template = templateServices.GetById(8);
                    AlertModel         alert    = alertServices.GetWithValues(template, values);

                    //Trick the form how i get the offer
                    val = services.GetById((int)offer.OfferId);
                else if (id.ToLower() == "accept")
                    offer.VesselAdmin.PersonId = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    offer.UserModifiedId       = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    result = services.Accept(offer, (int)SessionWeb.User.PersonId);

                    Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    values.Add("ID", "" + val.Project.ProjectId);
                    AlertTemplateModel template = templateServices.GetById(10);
                    AlertModel         alert    = alertServices.GetWithValues(template, values);

                    Dictionary <string, string> values2 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    values2.Add("ID", PersonSessionId.ToString());
                    AlertTemplateModel template2 = templateServices.GetById(11);
                    AlertModel         alert2    = alertServices.GetWithValues(template2, values2);
                else if (id.ToLower() == "reject")
                    offer.VesselAdmin.PersonId = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    offer.UserModifiedId       = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    result = services.Reject(offer);

                    Dictionary <string, string> values2 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    values2.Add("ID", PersonSessionId.ToString());
                    AlertTemplateModel template2 = templateServices.GetById(11);
                    AlertModel         alert2    = alertServices.GetWithValues(template2, values2);
                else if (id.ToLower() == "fix")
                    MessageServices chatServices = new MessageServices();
                    offer.VesselAdmin.PersonId = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    offer.UserModifiedId       = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;

                    if (val.Status == OfferModel.FIX && val.VesselAdmin.PersonId == SessionWeb.User.PersonId)
                            new MessageModel()
                            ReferenceId = offer.OfferId, From = SessionWeb.User.PersonId

                    if (val.Status == OfferModel.NEW)
                        result = services.Fix(offer);

                        Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        values.Add("ID", offer.OfferId.ToString());
                        AlertTemplateModel template = templateServices.GetById(9);
                        AlertModel         alert    = alertServices.GetWithValues(template, values);
                        alert.To = val.ProjectAdmin.PersonId;

                        Dictionary <string, string> values2 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        values2.Add("ID", PersonSessionId.ToString());
                        AlertTemplateModel template2 = templateServices.GetById(11);
                        AlertModel         alert2    = alertServices.GetWithValues(template2, values2);

                if (result.Status == Status.Success)
                    var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <AlertHub>();

                    foreach (AlertModel alert in result.Data)
                        context.Clients.Group(string.Format("P{0}", alert.To))
                    foreach (AlertModel alert in lstAlertToProjectCompany)
                        context.Clients.Group(string.Format("C{0}", val.Project.CompanyId))
                    foreach (AlertModel alert in lstAlertToVesselCompany)
                        context.Clients.Group(string.Format("C{0}", val.Vessel.Company.CompanyId.ToString()))
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message == "STATUS_NOT_VALID")
                    result.Message = "La oferta ya no se encuentra disponible.";
                    result.Status  = Status.Error;
                else if (ex.Message == "NOT_AVAILABILITY")
                    result.Message = "El barco seleccionado, no está disponible en las fechas seleccionadas.";
                    result.Status  = Status.Warning;
                    throw new Exception(result.Message);

            result.Data = null;
