Ejemplo n.º 1
        //public async Task SendMessage(string user, string message)
        //    await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", user, message);

        public override async Task OnConnectedAsync()
            //await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", "User Connected " + Context.ConnectionId);


            if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                string id   = Context.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
                string role = Context.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Role).Value;

                ObservedUser user = Users.FirstOrDefault(k => k.UserId == id);

                if (user == null)
                    user = new ObservedUser()
                        UserId = id,

                    // add connection id

                    // append to obs. users
                    // append connections

                // add log if not exist as login
                if (!ApplicationContext.ActiveLogs.Any(k => k.UserId == id))
                    var ip = _context.HttpContext?.Connection?.RemoteIpAddress?.ToString();

                    var log = _userLogsMethods.AddStartLog(id, ip, DataContract.UserLogStatus.Login);

                    if (log != null)

                        await Clients.All.SendAsync("RefreshLogs");

                //var cId = Context.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
                //string id = cId.Value;

                //ApplicationContext.Methods.Users.AddStartLog(id, "");

            await base.OnConnectedAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override async Task OnDisconnectedAsync(Exception exception)

            //await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", "User Disconnected " + Context.ConnectionId);

            if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                string id   = Context.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
                string role = Context.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Role).Value;

                ObservedUser user = Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HasConnection(Context.ConnectionId));

                if (user != null)
                    // remove connectionid

                    // no connections left
                    // this maybe a refresh of one page
                    // or closed the app
                    // we will wait n seconds to see if the user still disconnected
                    // then we will mark as disconnected
                    if (!user.IsActive)
                        await Task.Delay(5000).ContinueWith(k => CheckIfUserDisconnected(id));
                    //// if not active > disconnected
                    //if (!user.IsActive)


                //if (user != null)
                //    Users.Remove(user);

                //if (Users.Any(x => x.ConnectionId == Context.ConnectionId))
                //    ObservedUser user = Users.First(x => x.ConnectionId == Context.ConnectionId);

                //    var cId = Context.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
                //    string id = cId.Value;

                //    ApplicationContext.Methods.Users.EndLog(id, "");


            await base.OnDisconnectedAsync(exception);