public ScoredTeamResultRowViewModel()
     scoredResultRows = new ObservableViewModelCollection <ScoredResultRowViewModel, ScoredResultRowModel>()
         PreserveViewModels = false
     ScoredResultRows.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription(nameof(FinalPosition), ListSortDirection.Ascending));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public MainWindowViewModel()
            Mappings = new ObservableViewModelCollection <MappingViewModel>(this);
            Mappings.Observe(() => RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(Mappings)), nameof(MappingViewModel.DriveLetter), nameof(MappingViewModel.Directory));
            BrowserDirectories = new ObservableViewModelCollection <BrowerDirectoryViewModel>(this);

Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void Initialize()
     Resources = new ObservableViewModelCollection <ResourceViewModel, Resource>(Model.Resources,
                                                                                 r => new ResourceViewModel(r));
     _locator = new DocumentResourceLocator(this);
     Pages    = new ObservableViewModelCollection <PageViewModel, Page>(Model.Pages,
                                                                        GivePageViewModel, SetLocator, PageRemoved); // set locator
     Pages.CollectionChanged += Pages_CollectionChanged;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public CompositeFilterViewModel(
     CompositeFilter filter, 
     FilterViewModelFactory filterViewModelFactory, 
     FilterProvider filterProvider)
     : base(filter)
     FilterViewModelFactory = filterViewModelFactory;
     FilterProvider = filterProvider;
     Subfilters = new ObservableViewModelCollection<FilterViewModel, Filter>(filter.Subfilters, FilterViewModelFactory.CreateEditorViewModel);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Replaceds the items collection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oldItems">Old items.</param>
 partial void ReplacedItemsCollection(ObservableViewModelCollection <FileNodeViewModel, IFile> oldItems)
     if (oldItems != null)
         oldItems.CollectionChanged -= ItemsCollectionChanged;
     if (Items != null)
         Items.CollectionChanged += ItemsCollectionChanged;
         ItemsCollectionChanged(null, null);
        public EntityViewModel(Entity model) : base(model)
            Children   = new ObservableViewModelCollection <EntityViewModel, Entity>(Model.Children, vm => vm.Model, (m, i) => new EntityViewModel(m));
            Components = new ObservableViewModelCollection <EntityComponentViewModel, EntityComponent>(Model.Components, vm => vm.Model, (m, i) => new EntityComponentViewModel(m));

            foreach (EntityViewModel child in Children)
                child.Parent = this;

            Children.CollectionChanged += OnChildrenCollectionChanged;
            Model.PropertyChanged      += OnModelPropertyChanged;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Initialize()
            ConsoleList = new ObservableViewModelCollection <SummaryItemViewModel, DisplayConsole>(Model.ConsoleList, s =>
                var vm = new SummaryItemViewModel()
                    Model = Model, Data = s

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Initialize()
            ProfileList = new ObservableViewModelCollection <QueueMenuProfileViewModel, DisplayProfile>(
                Model.ProfileListView, s => new QueueMenuProfileViewModel()
                QueueVM = this,
                Item    = s

            AutoSelectList = new ObservableViewModelCollection <QueueMenuProfileViewModel, DisplayAutoSelect>(
                Model.AutoSelectListView, s => new QueueMenuProfileViewModel()
                QueueVM = this,
                Item    = s

            PriorityList = new List <PriorityItemViewModel>(
                Model.PriorityList.Select(p => new PriorityItemViewModel()
                QueueVM = this, Priority = p

            SelectableProfile.Add(new CollectionContainer()
                Collection = AutoSelectList
            SelectableProfile.Add(new CollectionContainer()
                Collection = ProfileList

            queueListener = new CollectionItemListener <DisplayQueueItem>(Model.QueueItems,
                                                                          item => item.PropertyChanged += QueueItemPropertyChanged,
                                                                          item => item.PropertyChanged -= QueueItemPropertyChanged);

            queueListener2 = new CollectionChangedEventListener(Model.QueueItems,
                                                                (sender, e) => ItemStateUpdated());

            itemsView        = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Model.QueueItems);
            itemsView.Filter = ItemsFilter;

            higeOneSegListener = new PropertyChangedEventListener(Model, (sender, e) =>
                if (e.PropertyName == "Setting" || e.PropertyName == "Setting.HideOneSeg")
        public AnnotateDeclarationViewModel(
            AnnotateDeclarationModel model,
            IEnumerable <IAnnotation> annotations,
            IAnnotationArgumentViewModelFactory argumentFactory
            : base(model)
            _argumentFactory      = argumentFactory;
            ApplicableAnnotations = AnnotationsForDeclaration(model.Target, annotations);
            AnnotationArguments   = new ObservableViewModelCollection <IAnnotationArgumentViewModel>();

            AddAnnotationArgument    = new DelegateCommand(LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(), ExecuteAddArgument, parameter => CanAddArgument);
            RemoveAnnotationArgument = new DelegateCommand(LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(), ExecuteRemoveArgument, parameter => CanRemoveArgument);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public MainWindow()
            DataContext = this;

            categories = new ObservableCollection<Category>();
            for (int c = 1; c < 6; c++)
                var cc = new Category { Name = string.Format("Category {0}", c) };
                for (int p = 1; p < 6; p++)
                    var cp = new Pattern(string.Format("Pattern {0}-{1}", c, p), string.Format("*{0}*", p));

            CategoryViewModels = new ObservableViewModelCollection<CategoryViewModel, Category>(categories, m => new CategoryViewModel(m));
            CategoryViewModels.First().IsSelected = true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public SettingsViewModel(SettingsModel model = null) : base(model)
     DefaultValues = new ObservableModelCollection <object>(Model.DefaultValues);
     Groups        = new ObservableViewModelCollection <ToolGroupViewModel, ToolGroup>(Model.Groups, g => new ToolGroupViewModel(g));
     Tools         = new ObservableViewModelCollection <ToolViewModel, Tool>(Model.Tools, m =>
         var viewModel = ToolViewModel.GetViewModel(m);
         var found     = Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g == viewModel.Group);
         if (found != null)
             viewModel.Group = found;
     }, v =>
         var found = Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g == v.Group);
         if (found != null)
             v.Group = found;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public MainWindowViewModel()
            Model       = new ClientModel();
            ConsoleList = new ObservableViewModelCollection <ConsoleViewModel, DisplayConsole>(
                Model.ConsoleList, console => new ConsoleViewModel()
                Name      = "コンソール" + (console.Id),
                ShortName = (console.Id).ToString(),
                Model     = console
            QueueVM = new QueueViewModel()
                Name = "キュー", Model = Model, MainPanel = this
            MainPanelMenu.Add(new LogViewModel()
                Name = "ログ", Model = Model
            MainPanelMenu.Add(new ProfileSettingViewModel()
                Name = "プロファイル", Model = Model
            MainPanelMenu.Add(new AutoSelectSettingViewModel()
                Name = "自動選択", Model = Model
            MainPanelMenu.Add(new ServiceSettingViewModel()
                Name = "チャンネル設定", Model = Model
            MainPanelMenu.Add(new SettingViewModel()
                Name = "基本設定", Model = Model
            ConsolePanelMenu.Add(new LogFileViewModel()
                Name = "ログファイル", Model = Model
            InfoPanelMenu.Add(new SummaryViewModel()
                Name = "サマリー", Model = Model, MainPanel = this
            InfoPanelMenu.Add(new DrcsImageListViewModel()
                Name = "DRCS外字", Model = Model
            InfoPanelMenu.Add(new AddQueueConsoleViewModel()
                Name = "追加コンソール", Model = Model
            InfoPanelMenu.Add(new DiskFreeSpaceViewModel()
                Name = "ディスク空き", Model = Model
            InfoPanelMenu.Add(new MakeScriptViewModel()
                Name = "その他", Model = Model
            InfoPanelMenu.Add(new ClientLogViewModel()
                Name = "クライアントログ", Model = Model

            SleepCancelVM = new SleepCancelViewModel()
                Model = Model
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public StatsPageViewModel()
     statisticiSets = new ObservableViewModelCollection <StatisticSetViewModel, StatisticSetModel>(x => StatisticSetViewModel.GetStatisticSetViewModel(x.GetType()));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Platform-specific code to execute when items in the collection are replaced.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oldItems">Items that were replaced.</param>
 partial void ReplacedItemsCollection(ObservableViewModelCollection <FileNodeViewModel, IFile> oldItems);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public MainWindowViewModel()
     CategoryViewModels = new ObservableViewModelCollection <CategoryViewModel, Category>(categories, c => new CategoryViewModel(c));
 public TestViewModel()
     Children = new ObservableViewModelCollection <TestViewModel>(this);