Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void InsertEventToDB(FidoReturnValues lFidoReturnValues)
            var iKeepAlive = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsInt("fido.application.unnownkeepalive", 0);
            var db         = new SqLiteDB();
            var data       = new Dictionary <String, String>
                { "timer", iKeepAlive.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) },
                { "ip_address", lFidoReturnValues.SrcIP },
                { "hostname", lFidoReturnValues.Hostname.ToLower() },
                { "timestamp", Convert.ToDateTime(lFidoReturnValues.TimeOccurred).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) },
                { "previous_score", lFidoReturnValues.TotalScore.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) },
                { "alert_id", lFidoReturnValues.AlertID }

                //insert event to primary alert table
                db.Insert("event_alerts", data);
                const string eventAlerts = @"select count() from event_alerts";
                var          newRow      = db.ExecuteScalar(eventAlerts);

                //if there is threat data then insert otherwise
                //todo: figure out a better way to find out if a detector is empty
                if (lFidoReturnValues.Bit9 != null | lFidoReturnValues.Antivirus != null | lFidoReturnValues.FireEye != null |
                    lFidoReturnValues.Cyphort != null | lFidoReturnValues.ProtectWise != null | lFidoReturnValues.PaloAlto != null)
                    UpdateThreatToDB(lFidoReturnValues, newRow);

                //if there is machine data then insert otherwise
                if ((lFidoReturnValues.Landesk != null) | (lFidoReturnValues.Jamf != null))
                    UpdateMachineToDB(lFidoReturnValues, newRow);

                //if there is user data then insert otherwise
                if (lFidoReturnValues.UserInfo != null)
                    UpdateUserToDB(lFidoReturnValues, newRow);

                //if there is detailed threat data insert

                //if there is histiorical url data insert
            catch (Exception e)
                Fido_EventHandler.SendEmail("Fido Error",
                                            "Fido Failed: {0} Exception caught in insert of event alert to fidodb:" + e);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void SetupSyslog()
            //Load fido configs from database

            //Setup syslog
            var server1   = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.logger.syslog.server", "localhost");
            var port1     = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsInt("fido.logger.syslog.port", 514);
            var facility1 = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.logger.syslog.facility", "local1");
            var sender1   = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.logger.syslog.sender", "Fido");
            var layout1   = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.logger.syslog.layout", "$(message)");
            //SysLogger.Setup(server1, port1, facility1, sender1, layout1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private Dictionary <string, string> GetSysLogParams()
            var result = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            result.add("server", Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.logger.syslog.server", "localhost"));
            result.add("port", Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsInt("fido.logger.syslog.port", 514));
            result.add("facility", Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.logger.syslog.facility", "local1"));
            result.add("sender", Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.logger.syslog.sender", "Fido"));
            result.add("layout", Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.logger.syslog.layout", "$(message)"));
            result.add("isParamTest", Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsBool("fido.application.teststartup", true));
            result.add("detectors", Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.application.detectors", string.Empty).Split(','));

Ejemplo n.º 4
        //The load will grab configurations for what FIDO is monitoring,
        //then go to each configured external system to parse any alerts.
        //Finally, FIDO is configured to pause per iteration on a
        //configurable timed basis.
        private void Fido_Load(object sender, EventArgs aug)

            //Load fido configs from database

            var sysLogParams = GetSysLogParams();

                Console.WriteLine(isParamTest ? @"Running test configs." : @"Running production configs.");

                foreach (var detect in sysLogParams[detectors])
                    var parseConfigs = Object_Fido_Configs.ParseDetectorConfigs(detect);
                    //Get the detector, ie, email, log, web service, etc.
                    var sDetectorType = parseConfigs.DetectorType;
                    switch (sDetectorType)
                    case "api":
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Loading webservice receiver.");
                        Recieve_API.DirectToEngine(sDetectorType, detect);

                    case "log":
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Loaded log receiver.");
                        var sDefaultServer = parseConfigs.Server;
                        var sDefaultFile   = parseConfigs.File;
                        var sVendor        = parseConfigs.Vendor;
                        Receive_Logging.DirectToEngine(detect, sVendor, sDefaultServer, sDefaultFile, isParamTest);

                    case "sql":
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Loaded sql receiver.");
                        Receive_SQL.DirectToEngine(sDetectorType, detect);

                    case "email":
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Loaded email receiver.");
                        var sEmailVendor     = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.email.vendor", "imap");
                        var sDetectorsEmail  = parseConfigs.EmailFrom;
                        var sDetectorsFolder = parseConfigs.Folder;
                        Receive_Email.ReadEmail(sEmailVendor, sDetectorsFolder, null, sDetectorsEmail, isParamTest);
            catch (Exception e)
                Fido_EventHandler.SendEmail("Fido Error", "Fido Failed: {0} Exception caught in fidomain area:" + e);

            //Sleep for X # of seconds per iteration specified in Fido configuration
            var iSleep = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsInt("fido.application.sleepiteration", 5);

            Console.WriteLine(@"Fido processing complete... sleeping for " + (iSleep / 1000).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + @" seconds.");
            timer1.Enabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //ReadEmail is the handler for email based detectors. It is designed
        //to retrieve email from a configured email service and parse the alerts
        public static void ReadEmail(string sVendor, string sFolderName, string sFolderNameTest, string sDetectorEmail, bool isParamTest)
            switch (sVendor)
            //Outlook based email plugin which requires the Outlook client to be installed.
            case "outlook":
                #region Microsoft Outlook Plugin
                //  //Setup connection information to mailstore
                //  //If logon information is null then mailstore must be open already
                //  //var oApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application();
                //  //var sFolder = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Folder(sFolderName);
                //  //var oNameSpace = oApp.GetNamespace("MAPI");
                //  //oNameSpace.Logon(null, null, true, true);
                //  //var oInboxFolder = oNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox);
                //  //Outlook.Folder oFolder = oInboxFolder.Folder[sFolderName];

                //  //logging
                //  //Logging_Fido.Main.RunLogging("Running FIDO on file " + sFolderName);

                //  ////attach to folder and for each item in the folder then loop. During loop assign subject, body and detect malware type
                //  //foreach (var item in sFolder.Items)
                //  //{
                //  //  var oMailItem = item as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._MailItem;
                //  //  if (oMailItem != null)
                //  //  {
                //  //    var sMessageBody = oMailItem.Body;
                //  //  }
                //  //  if (oMailItem != null)
                //  //  {
                //  //    var sSubject = oMailItem.Subject;
                //  //  }
                //    //List<string> sERet = scan_email(sSubject, sMessageBody, sFolderName);
                //  //  if (sERet.First() == "Test Email")
                //  //  {
                //  //    oMailItem.Delete();
                //  //  }
                //  //  else
                //  //  {
                //  //    fido.Form1.Run_FIDO(sMessageBody, sERet, "fubar", false, false, true, sVendor);//MalwareType
                //  //    oMailItem.Delete();
                //  //  }
                //  }

                //catch (Exception e)
                //  Fido_Modules.Fido.Fido_EventHandler.SendEmail("Fido Error", "Fido Failed: {0} Exception caught in Outlook emailreceive area:" + e);

            case "exchange":
                #region Microsoft Exchange Plugin
                //still need to build out direct Exchange access

            //IMAP based email plugin which has been verified to work with Gmail
            case "imap":
                #region IMAP Plugin
                    //get encrypted password and decrypt
                    //then login
                    var sfidoemail  = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.email.fidoemail", null);
                    var sfidopwd    = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.email.fidopwd", null);
                    var sfidoacek   = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.email.fidoacek", null);
                    var sImapServer = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.email.imapserver", null);
                    var iImapPort   = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsInt("fido.email.imapport", 0);
                    sfidoacek = Aes_Crypto.DecryptStringAES(sfidoacek, "1");
                    sfidopwd  = Aes_Crypto.DecryptStringAES(sfidopwd, sfidoacek);
                    IImapClient gLogin = new ImapClient(sImapServer, iImapPort, sfidoemail, sfidopwd, AuthMethod.Login, true);

                    var sSeperator = new[] { "," };
                    gLogin.DefaultMailbox = isParamTest ? sFolderNameTest : sFolderName;
                    var listUids = new List <uint>();

                    //seperate out list of email addresses handed to emailreceive
                    //then run query based on each email from the specified folder
                    //and finally convert to array
                    string[] aryInboxSearch = sDetectorEmail.Split(sSeperator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    foreach (var search in aryInboxSearch)
                    var uids = listUids.ToArray();
                    uids = uids.Take(50).ToArray();
                    var msg          = gLogin.GetMessages(uids);
                    var mailMessages = msg as MailMessage[] ?? msg.ToArray();
                    for (var i = 0; i < mailMessages.Count(); i++)
                        var sMessageBody = mailMessages[i].Body;
                        var sSubject     = mailMessages[i].Subject;
                        var sERet        = ScanEmail(sSubject, sMessageBody, sFolderName, isParamTest);
                        if (sERet == "Test Email")
                            Console.WriteLine(@"Test email found, putting in processed folder.");
                            gLogin.MoveMessage(uids[i], "Processed");
                            Console.WriteLine(@"Finished processing email alert, puttig in processed folder.");
                            gLogin.MoveMessage(uids[i], "Processed");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Fido_EventHandler.SendEmail("Fido Error", "Fido Failed: {0} Exception caught in IMAP emailreceive area:" + e);
                Console.WriteLine(@"Finished processing email alerts.");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        //The load will grab configurations for what FIDO is monitoring,
        //then go to each configured external system to parse any alerts.
        //Finally, FIDO is configured to pause per iteration on a
        //configurable timed basis.
        private void Fido_Load(object sender, EventArgs aug)
            //Disabled the current time during current iteration.
            timer1.Enabled = false;

            if (!ConfigurationOK())


            //Beginning of primary area which starts parsing of alerts.
            var isParamTest = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsBool("fido.application.teststartup", true);
            var sDetectors  = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.application.detectors", string.Empty).Split(',');

                Console.WriteLine(isParamTest ? @"Running test configs." : @"Running production configs.");

                foreach (var detect in sDetectors)
                    var parseConfigs = Object_Fido_Configs.ParseDetectorConfigs(detect);
                    //Get the detector, ie, email, log, web service, etc.
                    var sDetectorType = parseConfigs.DetectorType;
                    switch (sDetectorType)
                    case "api":
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Loading webservice receiver.");
                        Recieve_API.DirectToEngine(sDetectorType, detect);

                    case "log":
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Loaded log receiver.");
                        var sDefaultServer = parseConfigs.Server;
                        var sDefaultFile   = parseConfigs.File;
                        var sVendor        = parseConfigs.Vendor;
                        Receive_Logging.DirectToEngine(detect, sVendor, sDefaultServer, sDefaultFile, isParamTest);

                    case "sql":
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Loaded sql receiver.");
                        Receive_SQL.DirectToEngine(sDetectorType, detect);

                    case "email":
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Loaded email receiver.");
                        var sEmailVendor     = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.email.vendor", "imap");
                        var sDetectorsEmail  = parseConfigs.EmailFrom;
                        var sDetectorsFolder = parseConfigs.Folder;
                        Receive_Email.ReadEmail(sEmailVendor, sDetectorsFolder, null, sDetectorsEmail, isParamTest);
            catch (Exception e)
                Fido_EventHandler.SendEmail("Fido Error", "Fido Failed: {0} Exception caught in fidomain area:" + e);

            //Sleep for X # of seconds per iteration specified in Fido configuration
            var iSleep = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsInt("fido.application.sleepiteration", 5);

            Console.WriteLine(@"Fido processing complete... sleeping for " + (iSleep / 1000).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + @" seconds.");
            timer1.Enabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        //The load will grab configurations for what FIDO is monitoring,
        //then go to each configured external system to parse any alerts.
        //Finally, FIDO is configured to pause per iteration on a
        //configurable timed basis.
        private void Fido_Load(object sender, EventArgs aug)
            //Disabled the current time during current iteration.
            timer1.Enabled = false;

            //Check to see if Fido configurations exists and if not
            //fail with prompt that configurations are not found.
            var sAppStartupPath = Application.StartupPath + @"\data\fido.db";

            if (!File.Exists(sAppStartupPath))
                Console.WriteLine(@"Failed to load FIDO DB.");
                Console.WriteLine(@"Loaded FIDO DB successfully.");

            //Load fido configs from database

            //Setup syslog
            var server1   = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.logger.syslog.server", "localhost");
            var port1     = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsInt("fido.logger.syslog.port", 514);
            var facility1 = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.logger.syslog.facility", "local1");
            var sender1   = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.logger.syslog.sender", "Fido");
            var layout1   = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.logger.syslog.layout", "$(message)");
            //SysLogger.Setup(server1, port1, facility1, sender1, layout1);

            //Beginning of primary area which starts parsing of alerts.
            var isParamTest = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsBool("fido.application.teststartup", true);
            var sDetectors  = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.application.detectors", string.Empty).Split(',');

                Console.WriteLine(isParamTest ? @"Running test configs." : @"Running production configs.");

                foreach (var detect in sDetectors)
                    var parseConfigs = Object_Fido_Configs.ParseDetectorConfigs(detect);
                    //Get the detector, ie, email, log, web service, etc.
                    var sDetectorType = parseConfigs.DetectorType;
                    switch (sDetectorType)
                    case "api":
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Loading webservice receiver.");
                        Recieve_API.DirectToEngine(sDetectorType, detect);

                    case "log":
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Loaded log receiver.");
                        var sDefaultServer = parseConfigs.Server;
                        var sDefaultFile   = parseConfigs.File;
                        var sVendor        = parseConfigs.Vendor;
                        Receive_Logging.DirectToEngine(detect, sVendor, sDefaultServer, sDefaultFile, isParamTest);

                    case "sql":
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Loaded sql receiver.");
                        Receive_SQL.DirectToEngine(sDetectorType, detect);

                    case "email":
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Loaded email receiver.");
                        var sEmailVendor     = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsString("fido.email.vendor", "imap");
                        var sDetectorsEmail  = parseConfigs.EmailFrom;
                        var sDetectorsFolder = parseConfigs.Folder;
                        Receive_Email.ReadEmail(sEmailVendor, sDetectorsFolder, null, sDetectorsEmail, isParamTest);
            catch (Exception e)
                Fido_EventHandler.SendEmail("Fido Error", "Fido Failed: {0} Exception caught in fidomain area:" + e);

            //Sleep for X # of seconds per iteration specified in Fido configuration
            var iSleep = Object_Fido_Configs.GetAsInt("fido.application.sleepiteration", 5);

            Console.WriteLine(@"Fido processing complete... sleeping for " + (iSleep / 1000).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + @" seconds.");
            timer1.Enabled = true;