Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will update the given seller with its database info using its fiscal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
        public static void UpdateLocalSellerByFiscalCode(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
            //the select query
            String QueryCommand = "SELECT * FROM seller.furnizori WHERE cod_fiscal = :p_seller_fiscal_code";
            //the sole parameter
            NpgsqlParameter QueryParameter = new NpgsqlParameter("p_seller_fiscal_code", seller.FiscalCode);

            //we check the connection
            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            //before returning the reader result to a dataTable
            DataTable result = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteReaderToDataTable(QueryCommand, QueryParameter);

            //once we have the table we close the connection
            //we check if we have any viable values and if we do we update the given seller
            if (result != null && result.Rows.Count > 0)
                seller.ID   = result.Rows[0].Field <Int32>("ID");
                seller.Name = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("DENUMIRE");
                seller.CommercialRegistryNumber = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("NR_REGISTRU_COMERT");
                seller.FiscalCode   = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("COD_FISCAL");
                seller.Headquarters = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("SEDIUL");
                seller.WorkPoint    = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("PUNCT_LUCRU");
                seller.Phone        = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("TELEFON");
                seller.Email        = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("EMAIL");
                seller.Logo         = new Logo(result.Rows[0].Field <Byte[]>("SIGLA"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will add a new bank account to a given seller by piggy-backing on an already active connection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 /// <param name="bankAccount">the bank account controller</param>
 /// <param name="posgreSqlConnection">the active connection</param>
 public static void AddNewBankAccountForSeller(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller, BankAccount bankAccount, PostgreSqlConnection posgreSqlConnection)
     #region ActionLog
     //we generate the log Action
     String LogAction = $"Adaugat un nou cont bancar la banca {bankAccount.Bank} pentru societatea {seller.Name}";
     //we also generate the command
     String LogCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori(furnizor_id,cont,banca) " +
                         $"VALUES({seller.ID}, {bankAccount.Account}, {bankAccount.Bank}) " +
                         "ON CONFLICT(cont) " +
                         $"DO UPDATE SET banca= {bankAccount.Bank} RETURNING id";
     //and get the instance IP
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //we generate the query command string
     String QueryCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori(furnizor_id,cont,banca) " +
                           "VALUES(:p_seller_id, :p_account, :p_bank) " +
                           "ON CONFLICT(cont) " +
                           "DO UPDATE SET banca= :p_bank, activ = true " +
                           "RETURNING id";
     //and then set the parameters for the query
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>()
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_seller_id", seller.ID),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_account", bankAccount.Account),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_bank", bankAccount.Bank)
     //we execute the command returning the ID over an already active connection
     bankAccount.ID = (Int32)posgreSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //and log the command
     ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, LogCommand, IP, PgSqlConnection);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// update a given seller by id
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 public static void UpdateSellerByID(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
     #region ActionLog
     //the log action detailing the event
     String LogAction = $"S-au actualizat datele societatii cu denumirea {seller.Name}";
     //the formatted log command
     //for safety reasons it does not contain the image
     String LogCommand = "UPDATE seller.furnizori " +
                         $"SET denumire = {seller.Name}, " +
                         $"nr_registru_comert = {seller.CommercialRegistryNumber}, " +
                         $"capital_social = {seller.JointStock}, " +
                         $"sediul = {seller.Headquarters}, " +
                         $"punct_lucru = {seller.WorkPoint}, " +
                         $"telefon = {seller.Phone}, " +
                         $"email = {seller.Email}, " +
                         $"WHERE id = {seller.ID}";
     //the ip of the instance user
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //the query update command string
     String QueryCommand = "UPDATE seller.furnizori " +
                           "SET denumire = :p_name, " +
                           "nr_registru_comert = :p_registry, " +
                           "capital_social = :p_joint_stock, " +
                           "sediul = :p_headquarters, " +
                           "punct_lucru = :p_adress, " +
                           "telefon = :p_phone, " +
                           "email = :p_email, " +
                           "sigla = :p_logo" +
                           "WHERE id = :p_seller_id";
     //the complete list of query parameters
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_name", seller.Name),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_registry", seller.CommercialRegistryNumber),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_joint_stock", seller.JointStock),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_headquarters", seller.Headquarters),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_adress", seller.WorkPoint),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_phone", seller.Phone),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_email", seller.Email),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_seller_id", seller.ID),
         new NpgsqlParameter()
             ParameterName = "p_logo",
             NpgsqlDbType  = NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Bytea,
             Value         = seller.Logo.LogoBase
     //we check the connection
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //and execute the non-query
     PgSqlConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //then also log the action on the same query
     ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, LogCommand, IP, PgSqlConnection);
     //then close the connection
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// update the seller with the given logo
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="logo">the given logo</param>
 /// <param name="seller">the seller</param>
 public static void AddLogoToSeller(Logo logo, ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
     #region Action Log
     //the log action detailing the event
     String LogAction = $"S-a adaugat/modificat logo-ul la societatea cu denumirea {seller.Name}";
     //the query formatted command
     String LogCommand = $"UPDATE seller.furnizori SET sigla = {logo.LogoBase.Take(10)} WHERE id = {seller.ID}";
     //the IP of the user instance
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //the update command
     String QueryCommand = "UPDATE seller.furnizori SET sigla = :p_logo WHERE id = :p_seller_id";
     //the command parameters
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_seller_id", seller.ID),
         new NpgsqlParameter()
             ParameterName = "p_logo",
             NpgsqlDbType  = NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Bytea,
             Value         = logo.LogoBase
     //we check the connection
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //and execute the update command
     PgSqlConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //before logging the command
     ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, LogCommand, IP, PgSqlConnection);
     //and closing the connection
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// update a given seller by its fiscal code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
        /// <param name="user">the logged in user for the instance</param>
        public void UpdateSellerByFiscalCode(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller, User user)
            #region ActionLog
            //the log action detailing the command
            String LogAction = $"S-au actualizat datele societatii cu denumirea {seller.Name}";
            //the formatted query command
            String LogCommand = "UPDATE seller.furnizori " +
                                $"SET denumire = {seller.Name}, " +
                                $"nr_registru_comert = {seller.CommercialRegistryNumber}, " +
                                $"capital_social = {seller.JointStock}, " +
                                $"sediul = {seller.Headquarters}, " +
                                $"punct_lucru = {seller.WorkPoint}, " +
                                $"telefon = {seller.Phone}, " +
                                $"email = {seller.Email}, " +
                                $"WHERE cod_fiscal = {seller.FiscalCode}";
            //the instance ip adress
            String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();

            Furnizori furnizor = base.Furnizori.Where(element => element.CodFiscal == seller.FiscalCode && element.UtilizatorId == user.ID).FirstOrDefault();


            base.LogActiuni.Add(ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, IP, LogCommand));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// update a given seller by id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
        public void UpdateSellerByID(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
            #region ActionLog
            //the log action detailing the event
            String LogAction = $"S-au actualizat datele societatii cu denumirea {seller.Name}";
            //the formatted log command
            //for safety reasons it does not contain the image
            String LogCommand = "UPDATE seller.furnizori " +
                                $"SET denumire = {seller.Name}, " +
                                $"nr_registru_comert = {seller.CommercialRegistryNumber}, " +
                                $"capital_social = {seller.JointStock}, " +
                                $"sediul = {seller.Headquarters}, " +
                                $"punct_lucru = {seller.WorkPoint}, " +
                                $"telefon = {seller.Phone}, " +
                                $"email = {seller.Email}, " +
                                $"WHERE id = {seller.ID}";
            //the ip of the instance user
            String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();

            Furnizori furnizor = base.Furnizori.Find(seller.ID);


            base.LogActiuni.Add(ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, IP, LogCommand));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will update the given seller with its database info using its ID as a link
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
        public static void UpdateLocalSellerByID(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
            //the select query command
            String QueryCommand = "SELECT * FROM seller.furnizori WHERE id = :p_seller";
            //the sole query parameter
            NpgsqlParameter QueryParameter = new NpgsqlParameter("p_seller", seller.ID);

            //we try to open the connection
            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            //then we will execute the query as a reader to the datatable
            DataTable result = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteReaderToDataTable(QueryCommand, QueryParameter);

            //and close the connection
            //if the table has at least one viable result
            if (result != null && result.Rows.Count > 0)
                seller.ID   = result.Rows[0].Field <Int32>("ID");
                seller.Name = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("DENUMIRE");
                seller.CommercialRegistryNumber = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("NR_REGISTRU_COMERT");
                seller.FiscalCode   = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("COD_FISCAL");
                seller.Headquarters = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("SEDIUL");
                seller.WorkPoint    = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("PUNCT_LUCRU");
                seller.Phone        = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("TELEFON");
                seller.Email        = result.Rows[0].Field <String>("EMAIL");
                seller.Logo         = new Logo(result.Rows[0].Field <Byte[]>("SIGLA"));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// update a given seller by its fiscal code
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 public static void UpdateSellerByFiscalCode(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
     #region ActionLog
     //the log action detailing the command
     String LogAction = $"S-au actualizat datele societatii cu denumirea {seller.Name}";
     //the formatted query command
     String LogCommand = "UPDATE seller.furnizori " +
                         $"SET denumire = {seller.Name}, " +
                         $"nr_registru_comert = {seller.CommercialRegistryNumber}, " +
                         $"capital_social = {seller.JointStock}, " +
                         $"sediul = {seller.Headquarters}, " +
                         $"punct_lucru = {seller.WorkPoint}, " +
                         $"telefon = {seller.Phone}, " +
                         $"email = {seller.Email}, " +
                         $"WHERE cod_fiscal = {seller.FiscalCode}";
     //the instance ip adress
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //the query command
     String QueryCommand = "UPDATE seller.furnizori " +
                           "SET denumire = :p_name, " +
                           "nr_registru_comert = :p_registry, " +
                           "capital_social = :p_joint_stock, " +
                           "sediul = :p_headquarters, " +
                           "punct_lucru = :p_adress, " +
                           "telefon = :p_phone, " +
                           "email = :p_email, " +
                           "sigla = :p_logo " +
                           "WHERE cod_fiscal = :p_fiscal_code";
     //the complete parameter list
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_name", seller.Name),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_registry", seller.CommercialRegistryNumber),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_fiscal_code", seller.FiscalCode),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_joint_stock", seller.JointStock),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_headquarters", seller.Headquarters),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_adress", seller.WorkPoint),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_phone", seller.Phone),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_email", seller.Email),
         new NpgsqlParameter()
             ParameterName = "p_logo",
             NpgsqlDbType  = NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Bytea,
             Value         = seller.Logo.LogoBase
     //we atempt to open the connection
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //execute the non query
     PgSqlConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //log the event
     ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, LogCommand, IP, PgSqlConnection);
     //and close the connection
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will add an entire list of bank accounts to the given seller
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 /// <param name="bankAccounts">the list of bank account</param>
 public void AddBankAccountsForSeller(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller, List <BankAccount> bankAccounts)
     foreach (var element in bankAccounts)
         AddNewBankAccountForSellerWithoutSave(seller, element);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will retrieve the complete list of viable bank accounts for a given seller
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 /// <returns>the valid bank account list</returns>
 public List <BankAccount> GetBankAccountsForSeller(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
     return(base.ConturiBancareFurnizori.Where(element => element.FurnizorId == seller.ID && (element.Activ ?? false))
            .Select(element => new BankAccount
         ID = element.Id,
         Bank = element.Banca,
         Account = element.Cont
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will add an entire list of bank accounts to the given seller
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 /// <param name="bankAccounts">the list of bank account</param>
 public static void AddBankAccountsForSeller(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller, List <BankAccount> bankAccounts)
     //we attemp to open the connection
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //before iterating the element is the bankAccounts list
     foreach (BankAccount bankAccount in bankAccounts)
         //and call the insert function with the active connection
         AddNewBankAccountForSeller(seller, bankAccount, PgSqlConnection);
     //once all is done we close the connection
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will add a new seller to the database and link it to the given user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">the given user</param>
        /// <param name="seller">the new seller</param>
        public void AddSellerToUser(User user, ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
            #region ActionLog
            //the log action will contain an explanation of the command
            String LogAction = $"S-a adaugat o noua firma cu denumirea {seller.Name} pentru utilizatorul {user.ID}";
            //the formatted log command
            String LogCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.furnizori(denumire,nr_registru_comert,cod_fiscal,capital_social,sediul,punct_lucru,telefon,email,utilizator_id) " +
                                $"VALUES({seller.Name},{seller.CommercialRegistryNumber},{seller.FiscalCode},{seller.JointStock},{seller.Headquarters},{seller.WorkPoint},{seller.Phone},{seller.Email},{user.ID}) " +
                                "ON CONFLICT(cod_fiscal) " +
                                $"DO UPDATE SET denumire = {seller.Name}, " +
                                $"nr_registru_comert = {seller.CommercialRegistryNumber}, " +
                                $"capital_social = {seller.JointStock}, " +
                                $"sediul = {seller.Headquarters}, " +
                                $"punct_lucru = {seller.WorkPoint}, " +
                                $"telefon = {seller.Phone}, " +
                                $"email = {seller.Email}, " +
                                $"utilizator_id = {user.ID} " +
                                "RETURNING id";
            //the instance IP
            String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();

            //we generate a new object over furnizor
            var furnizor = new Furnizori
                Denumire         = seller.Name,
                NrRegistruComert = seller.CommercialRegistryNumber,
                CodFiscal        = seller.FiscalCode,
                CapitalSocial    = seller.JointStock,
                Sediul           = seller.Headquarters,
                PunctLucru       = seller.WorkPoint,
                Telefon          = seller.Phone,
                Email            = seller.Email,
                Sigla            = seller.Logo.LogoBase
            //add it to the context

            //set the newly linked id back to the seller object
            seller.ID = furnizor.Id;

            //we also log the action
            base.LogActiuni.Add(ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, IP, LogCommand));

            //and save the context changes
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// update the seller with the given logo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logo">the given logo</param>
        /// <param name="seller">the seller</param>
        public void AddLogoToSeller(Logo logo, ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
            #region Action Log
            //the log action detailing the event
            String LogAction = $"S-a adaugat/modificat logo-ul la societatea cu denumirea {seller.Name}";
            //the query formatted command
            String LogCommand = $"UPDATE seller.furnizori SET sigla = {logo.LogoBase.Take(10)} WHERE id = {seller.ID}";
            //the IP of the user instance
            String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();

            var furnizor = base.Furnizori.Find(seller.ID);
            furnizor.Sigla = seller.Logo.LogoBase;


            base.LogActiuni.Add(ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, IP, LogCommand));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will retrieve the logo of a given seller
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seller">the logo</param>
        /// <returns>the logo object</returns>
        public static Logo GetLogoOfSeller(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
            //the query select command
            String QueryCommand = "SELECT sigla FROM seller.furnizori WHERE id = :p_seller AND activ";
            //the query parameter
            NpgsqlParameter QueryParameter = new NpgsqlParameter("p_seller", seller.ID);

            //once we have the query command and parameters we check to see if we are able to open the connection
            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            //we retrive the logo as a ByteArray
            Byte[] value = (Byte[])PgSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(QueryCommand, QueryParameter);
            //we close the connection
            //and return a new Logo over the
            return(new Logo(value));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will add a bew bank account for the given seller to the database
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 /// <param name="bankAccount">the new bank account</param>
 public static void AddNewBankAccountForSeller(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller, BankAccount bankAccount)
     #region ActionLog
     //we generate the log action
     String LogAction = $"Adaugat un nou cont bancar la banca {bankAccount.Bank} pentru societatea {seller.Name}";
     //and the log command
     String LogCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori(furnizor_id,cont,banca) " +
                         $"VALUES({seller.ID}, {bankAccount.Account}, {bankAccount.Bank}) " +
                         "ON CONFLICT(cont) " +
                         $"DO UPDATE SET banca= {bankAccount.Bank} RETURNING id";
     //before retriving the ip
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //we get the insert command for the bank account
     String QueryCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori(furnizor_id,cont,banca) " +
                           "VALUES(:p_seller_id, :p_account, :p_bank) " +
                           "ON CONFLICT(cont) " +
                           "DO UPDATE SET banca= :p_bank, activ = true" +
                           "RETURNING id";
     //and set the parameters
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>()
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_seller_id", seller.ID),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_account", bankAccount.Account),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_bank", bankAccount.Bank)
     //we check if we can open the connection
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //and if we can we execute the query
     bankAccount.ID = (Int32)PgSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //log it on the same connection
     ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, LogCommand, IP, PgSqlConnection);
     //before closing the connection
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will add a bew bank account for the given seller to the database
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 /// <param name="bankAccount">the new bank account</param>
 void AddNewBankAccountForSellerWithoutSave(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller, BankAccount bankAccount)
     #region ActionLog
     //we generate the log action
     String LogAction = $"Adaugat un nou cont bancar la banca {bankAccount.Bank} pentru societatea {seller.Name}";
     //and the log command
     String LogCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori(furnizor_id,cont,banca) " +
                         $"VALUES({seller.ID}, {bankAccount.Account}, {bankAccount.Bank}) " +
                         "ON CONFLICT(cont) " +
                         $"DO UPDATE SET banca= {bankAccount.Bank} RETURNING id";
     //before retriving the ip
     String IP = Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     ConturiBancareFurnizori contBancarFurnizor = new ConturiBancareFurnizori
         FurnizorId = seller.ID,
         Cont       = bankAccount.Account,
         Banca      = bankAccount.Bank
     base.LogActiuni.Add(ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, IP, LogCommand));
     bankAccount.ID = contBancarFurnizor.Id;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will retrieve the complete list of viable bank accounts for a given seller
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
        /// <returns>the valid bank account list</returns>
        public static List <BankAccount> GetBankAccountsForSeller(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
            //the select query
            String QueryCommand = "SELECT * " +
                                  "FROM seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori " +
                                  "WHERE furnizor_id = :p_seller_id and activ";
            //the query parameters
            NpgsqlParameter QueryParameter = new NpgsqlParameter(":p_seller_id", seller.ID);

            //if the connection fails to open we return a null list
            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            //we retrieve the query result into a DataTable
            DataTable result = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteReaderToDataTable(QueryCommand, QueryParameter);

            //we close the connection before leaving the method
            //then check if the result contains any elements
            if (result != null && result.Rows.Count > 0)
                //if there are valid elements we cast the dataTable to the structure
                return(result.AsEnumerable().Select(row => new BankAccount
                    ID = row.Field <Int32>("ID"),
                    Bank = row.Field <String>("BANCA"),
                    Account = row.Field <String>("CONT")
            //else we return null
Ejemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will update the given seller from the context based on its id value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 public void UpdateLocalSellerByID(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will retrieve the logo of a given seller
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the logo</param>
 /// <returns>the logo object</returns>
 public Logo GetLogoOfSeller(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
     return(new Logo(base.Furnizori.Find(seller.ID).Sigla));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will update the given seller from the context based on its fiscal code value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 public void UpdateLocalSellerByFiscalCode(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
     seller.ConsumeDatabaseObject(base.Furnizori.Where(element => element.CodFiscal == seller.FiscalCode).ToList().FirstOrDefault());
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will add a new seller to the database and link it to the given user
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user">the given user</param>
 /// <param name="seller">the new seller</param>
 public static void AddSellerToUser(User user, ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
     #region ActionLog
     //the log action will contain an explanation of the command
     String LogAction = $"S-a adaugat o noua firma cu denumirea {seller.Name} pentru utilizatorul {user.ID}";
     //the formatted log command
     String LogCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.furnizori(denumire,nr_registru_comert,cod_fiscal,capital_social,sediul,punct_lucru,telefon,email,utilizator_id) " +
                         $"VALUES({seller.Name},{seller.CommercialRegistryNumber},{seller.FiscalCode},{seller.JointStock},{seller.Headquarters},{seller.WorkPoint},{seller.Phone},{seller.Email},{user.ID}) " +
                         "ON CONFLICT(cod_fiscal) " +
                         $"DO UPDATE SET denumire = {seller.Name}, " +
                         $"nr_registru_comert = {seller.CommercialRegistryNumber}, " +
                         $"capital_social = {seller.JointStock}, " +
                         $"sediul = {seller.Headquarters}, " +
                         $"punct_lucru = {seller.WorkPoint}, " +
                         $"telefon = {seller.Phone}, " +
                         $"email = {seller.Email}, " +
                         $"utilizator_id = {user.ID} " +
                         "RETURNING id";
     //the instance IP
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //the insert query command
     //for any possible error we use the on conflict over the unique key
     String QueryCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.furnizori(denumire,nr_registru_comert,cod_fiscal,capital_social,sediul,punct_lucru,telefon,email,sigla,utilizator_id) " +
                           "VALUES(:p_name,:p_registry,:p_fiscal_code,:p_joint_stock,:p_headquarters,:p_adress,:p_phone,:p_email,:p_logo,:p_user_id) " +
                           "ON CONFLICT(cod_fiscal) " +
                           "DO UPDATE SET denumire = :p_name, " +
                           "nr_registru_comert = :p_registry, " +
                           "capital_social = :p_joint_stock, " +
                           "sediul = :p_headquarters, " +
                           "punct_lucru = :p_adress, " +
                           "telefon = :p_phone, " +
                           "email = :p_email, " +
                           "sigla = :p_logo, " +
                           "utilizator_id = :p_user_id " +
                           "RETURNING id";
     //we initialize the parameter list
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_name", seller.Name),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_registry", seller.CommercialRegistryNumber),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_fiscal_code", seller.FiscalCode),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_joint_stock", seller.JointStock),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_headquarters", seller.Headquarters),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_adress", seller.WorkPoint),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_phone", seller.Phone),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_email", seller.Email),
         //the logo parameter is special for it needs the specific dataType cast
         //implicit cast doesn't queite work for ByteA
         new NpgsqlParameter()
             ParameterName = "p_logo",
             NpgsqlDbType  = NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Bytea,
             Value         = seller.Logo.LogoBase
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_user_id", user.ID)
     //we check to see if we can open the connection
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //the execute the query as a scalar for we require the ID
     seller.ID = (Int32)PgSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //then we piggy-back the log on the same active connection
     ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, LogCommand, IP, PgSqlConnection);
     //and close the connection