}                                                         // first dimension is vertical

    public void Setup(string name, string id, Sensor[] sensors, int numLayers)
        ObjectGO = Utilities.GetGameObjectByName(name, new string[] { ">>" });
        Name     = ObjectGO.name;
        ID       = id;
        Selected = Focussed = false;
        ParentGO = new GameObject("SensedObject " + ID);

        ParentGO.transform.position = ObjectGO.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.center;
        ObjectGO.transform.parent   = ParentGO.transform;
        Sensors = new Sensor[sensors.Length];
        Array.Copy(sensors, Sensors, sensors.Length);
        for (int s = 0; s < Sensors.Length; s++)


        LayerCount    = numLayers;
        SurfaceNormal = -Vector3.forward;                                 // TODO how to make this for general objects

        float panelMinX = ObjectGO.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.min.x;
        float panelMaxX = ObjectGO.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.max.x;
        float panelMinY = ObjectGO.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.min.y;
        float panelMaxY = ObjectGO.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.max.y;

        //PanelGridStep = (panelMaxX - panelMinX) / 20;  // 20 points along the x axis
        int panelW = (int)System.Math.Floor((panelMaxX - panelMinX) / PanelGridStep);
        int panelH = (int)System.Math.Floor((panelMaxY - panelMinY) / PanelGridStep);

        InterpolatedValues = new float[panelH, panelW, LayerCount];
    // get the position of the grid points in the world
    public Vector3 GetGridPosition(int i, int j, int k)
        float  xPos, yPos, zPos;
        Bounds b = ObjectGO.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds;

        xPos = PanelGridStep / 2 + b.min.x + j * PanelGridStep;
        yPos = PanelGridStep / 2 + b.min.y + i * PanelGridStep;
        zPos = b.center.z + SurfaceNormal.z * b.extents.z;
        return(new Vector3(xPos, yPos, zPos));
    void LoadIndicator()
        Bounds bound = ObjectGO.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds;

        //IndicatorPrefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>(@"Prefabs/SensorIndicatorPrefab");
        //if (IndicatorPrefab == null)
        //    IndicatorGO = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
        IndicatorGO = GameObject.Instantiate <GameObject>(Specs.SensorIndicatorPrefab);

        IndicatorGO.transform.position = bound.center + (bound.extents.y + Utilities.Scaled(3)) * Vector3.up;
        IndicatorGO.AddComponent <MouseHandler>();
        IndicatorGO.GetComponent <MouseHandler>().SetHandler(ObjectSelectedByIndicator, MouseHandler.MOUSE_EVENT.DOWN);
    public void ObjectSelectedByIndicator()
        Selected = true;
        Camera  cam        = Camera.main;
        Bounds  bound      = ObjectGO.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds;
        Vector3 desiredPos = bound.center + SurfaceNormal * Utilities.Scaled(30);

        cam.GetComponent <AvatarInteraction>().MoveCam(desiredPos, Quaternion.LookRotation(-SurfaceNormal, Vector3.up));

        BoxCollider col = ObjectGO.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();

        if (col == null)
            col = ObjectGO.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
        col.bounds.SetMinMax(bound.min, bound.max);

        if (!ObjectGO.GetComponent <MouseHandler>())
            MouseHandler mh = ObjectGO.AddComponent <MouseHandler>();
            mh.SetHandler(ObjectSelectedByObject, MouseHandler.MOUSE_EVENT.BUTTON);
    // interpolate the measurements to layer queryLayer then interpolate over the layer
    void InterpolateLayer(int[] dataIndices, int queryLayer)
        int desiredSensCount = 3;  // number of sensed positions (measured or interpolated) needed on each layer, 3 for tirangle
        int layerSensCount   = 0;  // number of sensed positions (measured or interpolated) on a layer
        int indx             = 0;

        //float[] valueAtPos = new float[Sensors.Length];

        int[] sensorLayerDist       = new int[Sensors.Length];  // distance (in terms of number of layers) of sensors to query layer
        int[] sensorLayerDistPermut = new int[Sensors.Length];  // permutation of distance array, needed after sorting the array

        Vector3 bary, queryPoint;                               // placeholder for bary centric coordinates, and the query point

        Vector3[] verts        = new Vector3[desiredSensCount]; // points on layer needed for interpolatation (vertices of polygon)
        float[]   sensedValues = new float[desiredSensCount];   // values (measured or interpolated) on the layer
        bool      tooClose;                                     // flag to check if two sensed locations are too close (i.e. same sensro location )

        for (int i = 0; i < Sensors.Length; i++)
            sensorLayerDist[i]       = Math.Abs(queryLayer - Sensors[i].Layer);
            sensorLayerDistPermut[i] = i;
        Array.Sort(sensorLayerDist, sensorLayerDistPermut);

        // while not enough points on the layer, interpolate sensors to layer
        while (layerSensCount < desiredSensCount && indx < Sensors.Length)
            tooClose = false;
            // if sensor is too close to prev. sensor positions, skip
            for (int j = 0; j < indx; j++)      // TODO finde a beeter threshold for distance , check distance between points projected to same layer
                if (Vector3.Distance(Sensors[sensorLayerDistPermut[j]].Pos, Sensors[sensorLayerDistPermut[indx]].Pos) < Utilities.Scaled(0.1F) * ObjectGO.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.magnitude)
                    tooClose = true;
            if (tooClose)

            if (sensorLayerDist[indx] == 0)
                verts[layerSensCount]        = new Vector3(Sensors[sensorLayerDistPermut[indx]].Pos.x, Sensors[sensorLayerDistPermut[indx]].Pos.y, Sensors[sensorLayerDistPermut[indx]].Pos.z);
                sensedValues[layerSensCount] = Sensors[sensorLayerDistPermut[indx]].Values[dataIndices[sensorLayerDistPermut[indx]]];
                verts[layerSensCount]        = new Vector3(Sensors[sensorLayerDistPermut[indx]].Pos.x, Sensors[sensorLayerDistPermut[indx]].Pos.y, Sensors[sensorLayerDistPermut[indx]].Pos.z);
                sensedValues[layerSensCount] = Sensors[sensorLayerDistPermut[indx]].Values[dataIndices[sensorLayerDistPermut[indx]]];
        //Debug.Log(string.Format("({0},  {1},  {2})", sensedValues[0], sensedValues[1], sensedValues[2]));
        for (int i = 0; i < InterpolatedValues.GetLength(0); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < InterpolatedValues.GetLength(1); j++)
                queryPoint = GetGridPosition(i, j, queryLayer);
                bary       = Utilities.BarycentricCoordinates(verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], queryPoint);
                //interpVals[i, j, queryLayer] = bary[0] * sensedValues[0] + bary[1] * MCPosB + bary[2] * MCPosC;
                InterpolatedValues[i, j, queryLayer] = bary[0] * sensedValues[0] + bary[1] * sensedValues[1] + bary[2] * sensedValues[2];