public static IEnumerable <ObjectFactoryCmdlet> CreateObjectFactories(this OdcmModel model, string pathPrefix = "")
            if (model == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model));
            if (pathPrefix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pathPrefix));

            // Iterate over each namespace in the model except for the "Edm" namespace
            foreach (OdcmNamespace @namespace in model.Namespaces.Where(n => n.Name != "Edm"))
                // Iterate over each type in the namespace
                foreach (OdcmClass @class in @namespace.Classes.Where(c =>
                                                                      // Make sure we ignore the "Service" entity (i.e. the root)
                                                                      c.Kind != OdcmClassKind.Service
                                                                      // Ignore any types that inherit from other custom types
                                                                      && (c.Base == null || c.Base.Namespace.Name == "Edm" || c.Base.FullName.Equals("microsoft.graph.entity", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))))
                    // Convert the ODCM class into an ObjectFactoryCmdlet (each derived type will be represented by a parameter set)
                    ObjectFactoryCmdlet objectFactory = @class.ToObjectFactory(pathPrefix);

                    yield return(objectFactory);
        private static IEnumerable <CSharpAttribute> CreateAttributes(this ObjectFactoryCmdlet cmdlet)
            if (cmdlet == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cmdlet));

            // Cmdlet attribute
            yield return(CSharpClassAttributeHelper.CreateCmdletAttribute(cmdlet.Name, cmdlet.ImpactLevel, cmdlet.DefaultParameterSetName));

            // ODataType attribute
            yield return(CSharpClassAttributeHelper.CreateODataTypeAttribute(cmdlet.ResourceTypeFullName));
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an ObjectFactoryCmdlet into a CSharpFile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmdlet">The object factory cmdlet</param>
        /// <returns>The converted CSharpFile.</returns>
        public static CSharpFile ToCSharpFile(this ObjectFactoryCmdlet cmdlet)
            if (cmdlet == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cmdlet));

            // Get the C# file details
            CSharpFile cSharpFile = new CSharpFile(cmdlet.RelativeFilePath + ".cs")
                Usings  = CSharpFileHelper.GetDefaultUsings(),
                Classes = cmdlet.ToCSharpClass().SingleObjectAsEnumerable(),

        private static CSharpClass ToCSharpClass(this ObjectFactoryCmdlet cmdlet)
            if (cmdlet == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cmdlet));

            // Create the result object
            CSharpClass result = new CSharpClass($"{cmdlet.Name.Verb}_{cmdlet.Name.Noun}")
                DocumentationComment = cmdlet.Documentation.ToCSharpDocumentationComment(),
                AccessModifier       = CSharpAccessModifier.Public,
                BaseType             = nameof(ObjectFactoryCmdletBase),
                Attributes           = cmdlet.CreateAttributes(),
                Properties           = cmdlet.CreateProperties(),

        private static ObjectFactoryCmdlet ToObjectFactory(this OdcmClass @class, string pathPrefix)
            if (@class == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(@class));
            if (pathPrefix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pathPrefix));

            // Create the cmdlet
            ObjectFactoryCmdlet cmdlet = new ObjectFactoryCmdlet(@class.GetObjectFactoryCmdletName())
                RelativeFilePath     = $"{pathPrefix.TrimEnd('\\')}\\{@class.GetObjectFactoryCmdletName().Noun}",
                ResourceTypeFullName = @class.FullName,
                ImpactLevel          = ConfirmImpact.None,
                Documentation        = new CmdletDocumentation()
                    Synopsis     = $"Creates a new object which represents a \"{@class.FullName}\" (or one of its derived types).",
                    Descriptions = new string[]
                        $"Creates a new object which represents a \"{@class.FullName}\" (or one of its derived types).",

            // Add the parameters for the entity's properties - there should be 1 parameter set per derived type
                property => property.IsComputed() || property.IsImmutable(),
                sharedParameterSetName: null,
                addSwitchParameters: true,
                markAsPowerShellParameter: true,
                allowPipelineInputByName: false,
                setBaseTypeParameterSetAsDefault: true);
