Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Form_Request_EffortExtra()

            var data = new Effort.DataLoaders.ObjectData();

            var entitySimples = data.Table <EntitySimple>();

            entitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                ID = 1, ColumnInt = -1
            entitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                ID = 2, ColumnInt = -2

            var objectDataLoader = new ObjectDataLoader(data);

            var connection = Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient(objectDataLoader);

            //var connection = Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient();
            //// CLEAN
            //using (var context = new EntityContext(connection))
            //    context.EntitySimples.RemoveRange(context.EntitySimples);
            //    context.SaveChanges();

            // SEED
            using (var context = new EntityContext(connection))

                context.EntitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ColumnInt = 1
                var list = context.EntitySimples.ToList();

                context.EntitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ColumnInt = 2
                context.EntitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ColumnInt = 3


            // TEST
            using (var context = new EntityContext(connection))
                var list = context.EntitySimples.ToList();
        /// <summary>
        ///     Builds a controller of the required type using any data previously supplied (or defaults).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An initialized controller of type <typeparamref name="TController" />.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="SpecificationException">Thrown if the controller cannot be built.</exception>
        public TController Build()
            var dataLoader = new ObjectDataLoader(data);

            UnitOfWork = uowBuilder.WithData(dataLoader).Build();
            var mapperConfiguration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.AddProfile <ViewModelMappingProfile>(); });

            Mapper = mapperConfiguration.CreateMapper();
            var notifier = new FakeNotificationService();

            RulesService = new GameRulesService(UnitOfWork, Mapper, notifier);
            HttpContextBase httpContext;

            if (postedFile == null)
                httpContext = new FakeHttpContext(requestPath, requestMethod.ToString("G"));
                var filesCollection = new FakeHttpFileCollection(postedFile);
                httpContext = new FakeHttpContext(requestPath, filesCollection);
            var fakeIdentity  = new FakeIdentity(requestUsername);
            var fakePrincipal = new FakePrincipal(fakeIdentity, requestUserRoles);

            httpContext.User = fakePrincipal;
            var context = new ControllerContext {
                HttpContext = httpContext

             * Use Ninject to create the controller, as we don't know in advance what
             * type of controller or how many constructor parameters it has.
            var kernel     = BuildNinjectKernel(fakeIdentity, requestUserId, RulesService);
            var controller = kernel.Get <TController>();

            if (controller == null)
                throw new SpecificationException(
                          $"ControllerContextBuilder: Unable to create controller instance of type {nameof(TController)}");

            controller.ControllerContext = context;
            controller.TempData          = tempdata;
        public YourCustomDataContext GetNewDbContext()
            var data = new ObjectData();

            data.Table <SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity {
                Id = 1, Name = "Test 1", UpdateUser = "******", Updated = new DateTimeOffset(2017, 1, 22, 5, 32, 23, 0, new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0))
            data.Table <SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity {
                Id = 2, Name = "Test 2", UpdateUser = "******", Updated = new DateTimeOffset(2017, 1, 22, 5, 32, 23, 0, new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0))
            data.Table <SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity {
                Id = 3, Name = "Test 3", UpdateUser = "******", Updated = new DateTimeOffset(2017, 1, 22, 5, 32, 23, 0, new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0))
            data.Table <SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity {
                Id = 4, Name = "Test 4", UpdateUser = "******", Updated = new DateTimeOffset(2017, 1, 22, 5, 32, 23, 0, new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0))
            data.Table <SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity {
                Id = 5, Name = "Test 5", UpdateUser = "******", Updated = new DateTimeOffset(2017, 1, 22, 5, 32, 23, 0, new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0))

            data.Table <SimpleCompositeKeyEntity>("SimpleCompositeKeyEntities").Add(new SimpleCompositeKeyEntity {
                Id = 1, Name = "Another Key"

            var dataLoader = new ObjectDataLoader(data);

            var connection = Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient(dataLoader);

            var _context = new YourCustomDataContext(connection);


            if (Logging != null)
                _context.Database.Log = Logging;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public YourCustomDataContext GetNewDbContext()
            var data = new ObjectData();

            data.Table <SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity {
                Id = 1, Name = "Test 1"
            data.Table <SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity {
                Id = 2, Name = "Test 2"
            data.Table <SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity {
                Id = 3, Name = "Test 3"
            data.Table <SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity {
                Id = 4, Name = "Test 4"
            data.Table <SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity {
                Id = 5, Name = "Test 5"

            data.Table <SimpleCompositeKeyEntity>("SimpleCompositeKeyEntities").Add(new SimpleCompositeKeyEntity {
                Id = 1, Name = "Another Key"

            var dataLoader = new ObjectDataLoader(data);

            var connection = Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient(dataLoader);

            var _context = new YourCustomDataContext(connection);


            if (Logging != null)
                _context.Database.Log = Logging;

        public Form_Request_EffortExtra()

            var data = new ObjectData();

            var entitySimples = data.Table <EntitySimple>();

            entitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                ID = 1, ColumnInt = -1
            entitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                ID = 2, ColumnInt = -2

            var objectDataLoader = new ObjectDataLoader(data);

            var connection = DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient(objectDataLoader);

            // SEED
            using (var context = new EntityContext(connection))

                context.EntitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ColumnInt = 1
                context.EntitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ColumnInt = 2
                context.EntitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ColumnInt = 3
                var entity = context.EntitySimples.Where(x => x.ColumnInt == 2).First();


                context.EntitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ColumnInt = 4


                var entity2 = context.EntitySimples.Where(x => x.ColumnInt == 4).First();


                context.EntitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ColumnInt = 5

                var list2 = context.EntitySimples.ToList();

                context.EntitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ColumnInt = 9
                var list3 = context.EntitySimples.ToList();

                var entity3 = context.EntitySimples.Where(x => x.ColumnInt == 4).First();

            // TEST
            using (var context = new EntityContext(connection))
                var list = context.EntitySimples.ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public Form_General_Mik()

                var data = new ObjectData();

                // with [Table("TableTest")] on EntitySimple ==> not insert because not EntitySimples.
                // but without  [Table("TableTest")] on EntitySimple ==> insert because name is EntitySimples.
                data.Table <EntitySimple>("EntitySimples").Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ID = 1, ColumnInt = 55
                data.Table <EntitySimple>("EntitySimples").Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ID = 2, ColumnInt = 55
                data.Table <EntitySimple>("EntitySimples").Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ID = 3, ColumnInt = 55

                data.Table <EntitySimple>().Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ID = 1, ColumnInt = 55
                data.Table <EntitySimple>().Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ID = 2, ColumnInt = 55
                data.Table <EntitySimple>().Add(new EntitySimple {
                    ID = 3, ColumnInt = 55

                //data.Table<EntitySimple>("EntitySimples").Add(new EntitySimple { ColumnInt = 55 });
                //data.Table<EntitySimple>("EntitySimples").Add(new EntitySimple { ColumnInt = 55 });
                //data.Table<EntitySimple>("EntitySimples").Add(new EntitySimple { ColumnInt = 55 });
                data.Table <EntitySimple2>().Add(new EntitySimple2 {
                    ColumnInt = 55
                data.Table <Entity>().Add(new Entity {
                    ColumnInt = 55

                data.Table <Customer>().Add(new Customer {
                    ColumnInt = 55
                //     data.Table<Entity>().Add(new Entity { ColumnInt = 55 });
                var dataLoader = new ObjectDataLoader(data);

                var connection = Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient(dataLoader);

                //  var connection = Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient();

                // SEED
                using (var context = new EntityContext(connection))
                    context.EntitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                        ColumnInt = 1
                    context.EntitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                        ColumnInt = 2
                    context.EntitySimples.Add(new EntitySimple {
                        ColumnInt = 3
                    context.EntitySimples2.Add(new EntitySimple2 {
                        ColumnInt = 1
                    context.EntitySimples2.Add(new EntitySimple2 {
                        ColumnInt = 2
                    context.EntitySimples2.Add(new EntitySimple2 {
                        ColumnInt = 3
                    context.Entities.Add(new Entity {
                        ColumnInt = 1
                    context.Entities.Add(new Entity {
                        ColumnInt = 2
                    context.Entities.Add(new Entity {
                        ColumnInt = 3
                    context.Customers.Add(new Customer()
                        ColumnInt = 1
                    context.Customers.Add(new Customer {
                        ColumnInt = 2
                    context.Customers.Add(new Customer {
                        ColumnInt = 3

                // TEST
                using (var context = new EntityContext(connection))
                    var list1 = context.EntitySimples.ToList();  // 6
                    var list2 = context.EntitySimples2.ToList(); //4
                    var list3 = context.Entities.ToList();       // need 4
                    var list4 = context.Customers.ToList();      // need 4