Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ProcessWorkerResponseTest()
            KMeansJobData      jobData = new KMeansJobData(Guid.NewGuid(), 4, null, 2, 10, DateTime.Now);
            KMeansJob_Accessor target  = new KMeansJob_Accessor(jobData, "server");


            // Upload a block with an arbitrary ClusterPoint, so we can verify it gets copied
            ClusterPoint  arbitraryPoint = new ClusterPoint(1, 2, Guid.NewGuid());
            List <string> blockList;

            using (ObjectCachedBlockWriter <ClusterPoint> pointPartitionWriteStream = new ObjectCachedBlockWriter <ClusterPoint>(target.Points, point => point.ToByteArray(), ClusterPoint.Size,
                                                                                                                                 Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP") + @"\" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()))
                blockList = pointPartitionWriteStream.BlockList;

            KMeansTaskData taskData = new KMeansTaskData(jobData, Guid.NewGuid(), 0, 1, target.Centroids.Uri, DateTime.Now, 0, null);

            target.tasks.Add(new KMeansTask(taskData));

            KMeansTaskResult taskResult          = new KMeansTaskResult(taskData);
            CloudBlob        pointsBlockListBlob = AzureHelper.CreateBlob(jobData.JobID.ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

            using (Stream stream = pointsBlockListBlob.OpenWrite())
                BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
                bf.Serialize(stream, blockList);
            taskResult.PointsBlockListBlob = pointsBlockListBlob.Uri;
            taskResult.NumPointsChanged    = 2;
            Guid centroidID = Guid.NewGuid();

            taskResult.PointsProcessedDataByCentroid = new Dictionary <Guid, PointsProcessedData> {
                { centroidID, new PointsProcessedData()
                      NumPointsProcessed = 2,
                      PartialPointSum    = new Point(1, 2)
                  } }
            target.ProcessWorkerResponse(taskResult, new List <Worker>());

            // Verify that the first ClusterPoint in Points is indeed equal to arbitraryPoint
            using (ObjectStreamReader <ClusterPoint> pointsStream = new ObjectStreamReader <ClusterPoint>(target.Points, ClusterPoint.FromByteArray, ClusterPoint.Size))
                ClusterPoint point = pointsStream.First();
                Assert.AreEqual(arbitraryPoint.X, point.X);
                Assert.AreEqual(arbitraryPoint.Y, point.Y);
                Assert.AreEqual(arbitraryPoint.CentroidID, point.CentroidID);
        /// <summary>
        /// Assigns each ClusterPoint in the "points" blob to the nearest centroid, recording results into TaskResult.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessPoints()
            CloudBlockBlob pointsBlob = AzureHelper.GetBlob(task.Points);

            // Do the mapping and write the new blob
            int numThreads = Environment.ProcessorCount;
            PointsProcessedData[,] pointSumsPerCentroidPerThread = new PointsProcessedData[numThreads, task.K];
            int[] pointsChangedPerThread = new int[numThreads];
            string[][] blockIDsPerThread = new string[numThreads][];

            System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, numThreads, threadID =>
                // A note about caching: The outer block, using (ObjectCachedStreamReader...), reads from the appropriate partition in the Points blob, or, if it exists, a cache file on disk corresponding to the current iteration.
                // In the previous iteration (if any), this cache file was generated by the inner block, using (ObjectCachedBlockWriter...), which writes to a set of block on the Points blob, as well as to the cache file on disk corresponding to the *next iteration*.
                // Note the "task.Iteration + 1" in this using statement.
                // The reason why we have separate cache files for each iteration is that we can't write to a cache file while we're reading it. So instead we have to write to a separate file.
                // TODO: Having separate cache files is wasteful of disk space. Ideally we would only keep cache files from the current iteration and the next one.

                using (ObjectCachedStreamReader<ClusterPoint> stream = new ObjectCachedStreamReader<ClusterPoint>(pointsBlob, ClusterPoint.FromByteArray, ClusterPoint.Size,
                    AzureHelper.GetLocalResourceRootPath("cache"), task.JobID.ToString(), task.PartitionNumber, task.M, subPartitionNumber: threadID, subTotalPartitions: numThreads, iterationNumber: task.Iteration))
                    // Log cache hit or miss
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("[WorkerRole] Cache {1} for file {0}", stream.CacheFilePath, stream.UsingCache ? "hit" : "miss");

                    // Process the points
                    using (ObjectCachedBlockWriter<ClusterPoint> writeStream = new ObjectCachedBlockWriter<ClusterPoint>(pointsBlob, point => point.ToByteArray(), ClusterPoint.Size,
                        AzureHelper.GetCachedFilePath(AzureHelper.GetLocalResourceRootPath("cache"), task.JobID.ToString(), task.PartitionNumber, task.M, threadID, task.Iteration + 1)))
                        foreach (var point in stream)
                            // Assign the point to the nearest centroid
                            Guid oldCentroidID = point.CentroidID;
                            int closestCentroidIndex = centroids.MinIndex(centroid => Point.Distance(point, centroid));
                            Guid newCentroidID = point.CentroidID = centroids[closestCentroidIndex].ID;

                            // Write the updated point to the writeStream

                            // Update the number of points changed
                            if (oldCentroidID != newCentroidID)

                            // Update the point sums
                            if (pointSumsPerCentroidPerThread[threadID, closestCentroidIndex] == null)
                                pointSumsPerCentroidPerThread[threadID, closestCentroidIndex] = new PointsProcessedData();
                            pointSumsPerCentroidPerThread[threadID, closestCentroidIndex].PartialPointSum += point;
                            pointSumsPerCentroidPerThread[threadID, closestCentroidIndex].NumPointsProcessed++;

                        // Collect the block IDs from writeStream
                        blockIDsPerThread[threadID] = writeStream.BlockList.ToArray();

            // Combine the per-thread block lists and write the full block list to a blob. Then include that as part of TaskResult
            List<string> blockIDs = new List<string>();
            foreach (string[] blockIDsFromThread in blockIDsPerThread)
            CloudBlob blockIDsBlob = AzureHelper.CreateBlob(task.JobID.ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            using (Stream stream = blockIDsBlob.OpenWrite())
                BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
                bf.Serialize(stream, blockIDs);
            TaskResult.PointsBlockListBlob =  blockIDsBlob.Uri;

            // Total up the per-thread pointSumsPerCentroid
            TaskResult.PointsProcessedDataByCentroid = new Dictionary<Guid, PointsProcessedData>();
            for (int i = 0; i < task.K; ++i)
                Guid centroidID = centroids[i].ID;
                TaskResult.PointsProcessedDataByCentroid[centroidID] = new PointsProcessedData();

                for (int j = 0; j < numThreads; ++j)
                    if (pointSumsPerCentroidPerThread[j, i] != null)
                        TaskResult.PointsProcessedDataByCentroid[centroidID].PartialPointSum += pointSumsPerCentroidPerThread[j, i].PartialPointSum;
                        TaskResult.PointsProcessedDataByCentroid[centroidID].NumPointsProcessed += pointSumsPerCentroidPerThread[j, i].NumPointsProcessed;

            // Total up the per-thread numPointsChanged
            TaskResult.NumPointsChanged = 0;
            foreach (int threadPointsChanged in pointsChangedPerThread)
                TaskResult.NumPointsChanged += threadPointsChanged;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ProcessWorkerResponseTest()
            KMeansJobData jobData = new KMeansJobData(Guid.NewGuid(), 4, null, 2, 10, DateTime.Now);
            KMeansJob_Accessor target = new KMeansJob_Accessor(jobData, "server");

            // Upload a block with an arbitrary ClusterPoint, so we can verify it gets copied
            ClusterPoint arbitraryPoint = new ClusterPoint(1, 2, Guid.NewGuid());
            List<string> blockList;
            using (ObjectCachedBlockWriter<ClusterPoint> pointPartitionWriteStream = new ObjectCachedBlockWriter<ClusterPoint>(target.Points, point => point.ToByteArray(), ClusterPoint.Size,
                Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP") + @"\" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()))
                blockList = pointPartitionWriteStream.BlockList;

            KMeansTaskData taskData = new KMeansTaskData(jobData, Guid.NewGuid(), 0, 1, target.Centroids.Uri, DateTime.Now, 0, null);

            target.tasks.Add(new KMeansTask(taskData));

            KMeansTaskResult taskResult = new KMeansTaskResult(taskData);
            CloudBlob pointsBlockListBlob = AzureHelper.CreateBlob(jobData.JobID.ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            using (Stream stream = pointsBlockListBlob.OpenWrite())
                BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
                bf.Serialize(stream, blockList);
            taskResult.PointsBlockListBlob = pointsBlockListBlob.Uri;
            taskResult.NumPointsChanged = 2;
            Guid centroidID = Guid.NewGuid();
            taskResult.PointsProcessedDataByCentroid = new Dictionary<Guid, PointsProcessedData> {
                { centroidID, new PointsProcessedData() {
                        NumPointsProcessed = 2,
                        PartialPointSum = new Point(1, 2)
            target.ProcessWorkerResponse(taskResult, new List<Worker>());

            // Verify that the first ClusterPoint in Points is indeed equal to arbitraryPoint
            using (ObjectStreamReader<ClusterPoint> pointsStream = new ObjectStreamReader<ClusterPoint>(target.Points, ClusterPoint.FromByteArray, ClusterPoint.Size))
                ClusterPoint point = pointsStream.First();
                Assert.AreEqual(arbitraryPoint.X, point.X);
                Assert.AreEqual(arbitraryPoint.Y, point.Y);
                Assert.AreEqual(arbitraryPoint.CentroidID, point.CentroidID);