Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CommandStarted(CommandBuildStep command)
            lock (lockObject)
                long startTime = stopWatch.ElapsedTicks;
                commandExecutionIntervals.Add(command, new TimeInterval(startTime));

                // Get a list of unique input files
                var inputFiles = command.Command.GetInputFiles().Distinct().ToList();
                // Store it aside, so that we're sure to remove the same entries during CommandEnded
                commandInputFiles.Add(command, inputFiles);

                // Setup start read time for each file entry
                var inputHash = new HashSet <ObjectUrl>();
                foreach (ObjectUrl inputUrl in inputFiles)
                    if (inputHash.Contains(inputUrl))
                        logger.Error($"The command '{command.Title}' has several times the file '{inputUrl.Path}' as input. Input Files must not be duplicated");

                    ObjectAccesses inputAccesses;
                    if (!objectsAccesses.TryGetValue(inputUrl, out inputAccesses))
                        objectsAccesses.Add(inputUrl, inputAccesses = new ObjectAccesses());
                    inputAccesses.Reads.Add(new TimeInterval <BuildStep>(command, startTime));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void CommandStarted(CommandBuildStep command)
            lock (lockObject)
                long startTime = stopWatch.ElapsedTicks;
                commandExecutionIntervals.Add(command, new TimeInterval(startTime));

                // Get a list of unique input files
                var inputFiles = command.Command.GetInputFiles().Distinct().ToList();
                // Store it aside, so that we're sure to remove the same entries during CommandEnded
                commandInputFiles.Add(command, inputFiles);

                // Setup start read time for each file entry
                var inputHash = new HashSet<ObjectUrl>();
                foreach (ObjectUrl inputUrl in inputFiles)
                    if (inputHash.Contains(inputUrl))
                        logger.Error("The command '{0}' has several times the file '{1}' as input. Input Files must not be duplicated", command.Title, inputUrl.Path);

                    ObjectAccesses inputAccesses;
                    if (!objectsAccesses.TryGetValue(inputUrl, out inputAccesses))
                        objectsAccesses.Add(inputUrl, inputAccesses = new ObjectAccesses());
                    inputAccesses.Reads.Add(new TimeInterval<BuildStep>(command, startTime));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void CommandEnded(CommandBuildStep command)
            lock (lockObject)
                TimeInterval commandInterval = commandExecutionIntervals[command];

                long startTime = commandInterval.StartTime;
                long endTime   = stopWatch.ElapsedTicks;


                foreach (var outputObject in command.Result.OutputObjects)
                    var            outputUrl = outputObject.Key;
                    ObjectAccesses inputAccess;
                    if (objectsAccesses.TryGetValue(outputUrl, out inputAccess))
                        foreach (TimeInterval <BuildStep> input in inputAccess.Reads.Where(input => input.Object != command && input.Overlap(startTime, endTime)))
                            logger.Error($"Command {command} is writing {outputUrl} while command {input.Object} is reading it");

                    ObjectAccesses outputAccess;
                    if (!objectsAccesses.TryGetValue(outputUrl, out outputAccess))
                        objectsAccesses.Add(outputUrl, outputAccess = new ObjectAccesses());

                    foreach (var output in outputAccess.Writes.Where(output => output.Object.Key != command && output.Overlap(startTime, endTime)))
                        if (outputObject.Value != output.Object.Value)
                            logger.Error($"Commands {command} and {output.Object} are both writing {outputUrl} at the same time, but they are different objects");

                    outputAccess.Writes.Add(new TimeInterval <KeyValuePair <BuildStep, ObjectId> >(new KeyValuePair <BuildStep, ObjectId>(command, outputObject.Value), startTime, endTime));

                foreach (ObjectUrl inputUrl in command.Result.InputDependencyVersions.Keys)
                    ObjectAccesses outputAccess;
                    if (objectsAccesses.TryGetValue(inputUrl, out outputAccess))
                        foreach (TimeInterval <KeyValuePair <BuildStep, ObjectId> > output in outputAccess.Writes.Where(output => output.Object.Key != command && output.Overlap(startTime, endTime)))
                            logger.Error($"Command {output.Object} is writing {inputUrl} while command {command} is reading it");

                // Notify that we're done reading input files
                List <ObjectUrl> inputFiles;
                if (commandInputFiles.TryGetValue(command, out inputFiles))
                    foreach (ObjectUrl input in inputFiles)
                        objectsAccesses[input].Reads.Single(x => x.Object == command).End(endTime);

                // "Garbage collection" of accesses
                var newEarliestCommandAliveStartTime = commandExecutionIntervals.Count > 0 ? commandExecutionIntervals.Min(x => x.Value.StartTime) : endTime;
                if (newEarliestCommandAliveStartTime > earliestCommandAliveStartTime)
                    earliestCommandAliveStartTime = newEarliestCommandAliveStartTime;

                    // We can remove objects whose all R/W accesses are "completed" (EndTime is set)
                    // and happened before all the current running commands started, since they won't affect us
                    foreach (var objectAccesses in objectsAccesses.ToList())
                        if (objectAccesses.Value.Reads.All(x => x.EndTime != 0 && x.EndTime < earliestCommandAliveStartTime) &&
                            objectAccesses.Value.Writes.All(x => x.EndTime != 0 && x.EndTime < earliestCommandAliveStartTime))
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void CommandEnded(CommandBuildStep command)
            lock (lockObject)
                TimeInterval commandInterval = commandExecutionIntervals[command];

                long startTime = commandInterval.StartTime;
                long endTime = stopWatch.ElapsedTicks;


                foreach (var outputObject in command.Result.OutputObjects)
                    var outputUrl = outputObject.Key;
                    ObjectAccesses inputAccess;
                    if (objectsAccesses.TryGetValue(outputUrl, out inputAccess))
                        foreach (TimeInterval<BuildStep> input in inputAccess.Reads.Where(input => input.Object != command && input.Overlap(startTime, endTime)))
                            logger.Error("Command {0} is writing {1} while command {2} is reading it", command, outputUrl, input.Object);

                    ObjectAccesses outputAccess;
                    if (!objectsAccesses.TryGetValue(outputUrl, out outputAccess))
                        objectsAccesses.Add(outputUrl, outputAccess = new ObjectAccesses());

                    foreach (var output in outputAccess.Writes.Where(output => output.Object.Key != command && output.Overlap(startTime, endTime)))
                        if (outputObject.Value != output.Object.Value)
                            logger.Error("Commands {0} and {1} are both writing {2} at the same time, but they are different objects", command, output.Object, outputUrl);

                    outputAccess.Writes.Add(new TimeInterval<KeyValuePair<BuildStep, ObjectId>>(new KeyValuePair<BuildStep, ObjectId>(command, outputObject.Value), startTime, endTime));

                foreach (ObjectUrl inputUrl in command.Result.InputDependencyVersions.Keys)
                    ObjectAccesses outputAccess;
                    if (objectsAccesses.TryGetValue(inputUrl, out outputAccess))
                        foreach (TimeInterval<KeyValuePair<BuildStep, ObjectId>> output in outputAccess.Writes.Where(output => output.Object.Key != command && output.Overlap(startTime, endTime)))
                            logger.Error("Command {0} is writing {1} while command {2} is reading it", output.Object, inputUrl, command);

                // Notify that we're done reading input files
                List<ObjectUrl> inputFiles;
                if (commandInputFiles.TryGetValue(command, out inputFiles))
                    foreach (ObjectUrl input in inputFiles)
                        objectsAccesses[input].Reads.Single(x => x.Object == command).End(endTime);

                // "Garbage collection" of accesses
                var newEarliestCommandAliveStartTime = commandExecutionIntervals.Count > 0 ? commandExecutionIntervals.Min(x => x.Value.StartTime) : endTime;
                if (newEarliestCommandAliveStartTime > earliestCommandAliveStartTime)
                    earliestCommandAliveStartTime = newEarliestCommandAliveStartTime;

                    // We can remove objects whose all R/W accesses are "completed" (EndTime is set)
                    // and happened before all the current running commands started, since they won't affect us
                    foreach (var objectAccesses in objectsAccesses.ToList())
                        if (objectAccesses.Value.Reads.All(x => x.EndTime != 0 && x.EndTime < earliestCommandAliveStartTime)
                            && objectAccesses.Value.Writes.All(x => x.EndTime != 0 && x.EndTime < earliestCommandAliveStartTime))