Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        ovrPhysicsRaycaster = GameObject.Find("OVRCameraRig").GetComponent <OVRPhysicsRaycaster>();
        laserPointer        = GameObject.Find("LaserPointer").GetComponent <LaserPointer>();
        //sensorCursor = GameObject.Find("SensorPointerCursor");
        //robotCursor = GameObject.Find("RobotPointerCursor");

        ovrPhysicsRaycaster.eventMask = LayerMask.GetMask("SensorPointerSelect");
        laserPointer.cursorVisual     = sensorCursor;
        playerObject = GameObject.Find("OVRPlayerController").GetComponent <OVRPlayerController>();;
 //sets reference to player object.
 private void Awake()
     player        = GameObject.Find("Player");
     physicsCaster = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponentInChildren <OVRPhysicsRaycaster>();
Ejemplo n.º 3
    // The following 2 functions are equivalent to PointerInputModule.GetMousePointerEventData but are customized to
    // get data for ray pointers and canvas mouse pointers.

    /// <summary>
    /// State for a pointer controlled by a world space ray. E.g. gaze pointer
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    virtual protected MouseState GetGazePointerData()
        // Get the OVRRayPointerEventData reference
        OVRPointerEventData leftData;

        GetPointerData(kMouseLeftId, out leftData, true);

        //Now set the world space ray. This ray is what the user uses to point at UI elements
        leftData.worldSpaceRay = Pointer.State.DominantHandRay;
        leftData.scrollDelta   = GetExtraScrollDelta();

        //Populate some default values
        leftData.button           = PointerEventData.InputButton.Left;
        leftData.useDragThreshold = true;
        // Perform raycast to find intersections with world
        eventSystem.RaycastAll(leftData, m_RaycastResultCache);
        var raycast = FindFirstRaycast(m_RaycastResultCache);

        leftData.pointerCurrentRaycast = raycast;

        OVRRaycaster ovrRaycaster = raycast.module as OVRRaycaster;

        // We're only interested in intersections from OVRRaycasters
        if (ovrRaycaster)
            // The Unity UI system expects event data to have a screen position
            // so even though this raycast came from a world space ray we must get a screen
            // space position for the camera attached to this raycaster for compatability
            leftData.position = ovrRaycaster.GetScreenPosition(raycast);

            // Find the world position and normal the Graphic the ray intersected
            RectTransform graphicRect = raycast.gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            if (graphicRect != null)
                // Set are gaze indicator with this world position and normal
                Vector3 worldPos = raycast.worldPosition;
                Vector3 normal   = GetRectTransformNormal(graphicRect);
                Pointer.SetCursorStartDest(Pointer.State.DominantHandRay.origin, worldPos, normal);

        // Now process physical raycast intersections
        OVRPhysicsRaycaster physicsRaycaster = raycast.module as OVRPhysicsRaycaster;

        if (physicsRaycaster)
            Vector3 position = raycast.worldPosition;

            if (performSphereCastForGazepointer)
                // Here we cast a sphere into the scene rather than a ray. This gives a more accurate depth
                // for positioning a circular gaze pointer
                List <RaycastResult> results = new List <RaycastResult>();
                physicsRaycaster.Spherecast(leftData, results, m_SpherecastRadius);
                if (results.Count > 0 && results[0].distance < raycast.distance)
                    position = results[0].worldPosition;

            leftData.position = physicsRaycaster.GetScreenPos(raycast.worldPosition);

        // Stick default data values in right and middle slots for compatability

        // copy the apropriate data into right and middle slots
        OVRPointerEventData rightData;

        GetPointerData(kMouseRightId, out rightData, true);
        CopyFromTo(leftData, rightData);
        rightData.button = PointerEventData.InputButton.Right;

        OVRPointerEventData middleData;

        GetPointerData(kMouseMiddleId, out middleData, true);
        CopyFromTo(leftData, middleData);
        middleData.button = PointerEventData.InputButton.Middle;

        m_MouseState.SetButtonState(PointerEventData.InputButton.Left, GetInputButtonState(), leftData);
        m_MouseState.SetButtonState(PointerEventData.InputButton.Right, PointerEventData.FramePressState.NotChanged, rightData);
        m_MouseState.SetButtonState(PointerEventData.InputButton.Middle, PointerEventData.FramePressState.NotChanged, middleData);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     trackingSpace = OVRInputHelpers.FindTrackingSpace();
     raycaster     = GetComponentInChildren <OVRPhysicsRaycaster>();