// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        var  activeControllerLeft = OVRInputHelpers.GetConnectedControllers(OVRInputHelpers.HandFilter.Left);
        Ray  pointerLeft;
        bool gotRayLeft = OVRInputHelpers.GetSelectionRay(activeControllerLeft, this.trackingSpace, out pointerLeft);

        var  activeControllerRight = OVRInputHelpers.GetConnectedControllers(OVRInputHelpers.HandFilter.Right);
        Ray  pointerRight;
        bool gotRayRight = OVRInputHelpers.GetSelectionRay(activeControllerRight, this.trackingSpace, out pointerRight);

        RaycastHit hitLeft;
        RaycastHit hitRight;

        if (gotRayLeft && this.boxCollider.Raycast(pointerLeft, out hitLeft, 500) || gotRayRight && this.boxCollider.Raycast(pointerRight, out hitRight, 500))
            // We got a hit in the scroll view. Check if we're already within the bounds - if so, do nothing.
            if (!isInBounds)
                // We entered the scroll view, so enable box colliders on children.
                foreach (var boxCollider in this.content.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <BoxCollider>())
                    boxCollider.enabled = true;

                isInBounds = true;
        else if (isInBounds)
            // We are outside the scroll view and were previously inside, so disable box colliders on children.
            foreach (var boxCollider in this.content.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <BoxCollider>())
                boxCollider.enabled = false;

            isInBounds = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void Update()
            // The scroll view has a viewport that masks the UI that is outside the scroll view.
            // However, it does not filter any ray casting that is outside the mask!
            // This means that the box colliders of the individual cells still get hit outside the scroll view itself,
            // which can interfer with the tabs above the scroll view.
            // To fix this issue, we cast a ray from current pointer to the scroll view's box collider.
            // If we get a hit, it means we're inside the scroll view - so we enable all the children box
            // colliders, which will behave as expected.
            // If we do not get a hit, it means that we're outside the scroll view - so we disable all the children
            // box colliders, which addresses the issue above.
            var  activeControllerLeft = OVRInputHelpers.GetConnectedControllers(OVRInputHelpers.HandFilter.Left);
            Ray  pointerLeft;
            bool gotRayLeft = OVRInputHelpers.GetSelectionRay(activeControllerLeft, this.trackingSpace, out pointerLeft);

            var  activeControllerRight = OVRInputHelpers.GetConnectedControllers(OVRInputHelpers.HandFilter.Right);
            Ray  pointerRight;
            bool gotRayRight = OVRInputHelpers.GetSelectionRay(activeControllerRight, this.trackingSpace, out pointerRight);

            RaycastHit hitLeft;
            RaycastHit hitRight;

            if (gotRayLeft && this.boxCollider.Raycast(pointerLeft, out hitLeft, 500) || gotRayRight && this.boxCollider.Raycast(pointerRight, out hitRight, 500))
                // We got a hit in the scroll view. Check if we're already within the bounds - if so, do nothing.
                if (!isInBounds)
                    // We entered the scroll view, so enable box colliders on children.
                    foreach (var boxCollider in this.content.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <BoxCollider>())
                        boxCollider.enabled = true;

                    isInBounds = true;
            else if (isInBounds)
                // We are outside the scroll view and were previously inside, so disable box colliders on children.
                foreach (var boxCollider in this.content.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <BoxCollider>())
                    boxCollider.enabled = false;

                isInBounds = false;

            // Get vector from either left or right thumbstick
            var moveVector = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis2D.PrimaryThumbstick);

            if (moveVector.x == 0 && moveVector.y == 0)
                moveVector = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis2D.SecondaryThumbstick);
            if (moveVector.x == 0 && moveVector.y == 0)
                moveVector = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis2D.PrimaryTouchpad);
            if (moveVector.x == 0 && moveVector.y == 0)
                moveVector = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis2D.SecondaryTouchpad);

            if (moveVector.y == 0)
                // No y-movement, so return. Also reset the speed multiplier
                this.lastSpeedMultiplier = 0;

            // Scroll by a fixed amount proportional to thumbstick position on each frame
            // and map this to a fraction of the total viewport size:
            //   moveVector.y: The thumbstick vertical position normalized to [-1,1].
            //   Time.deltaTime: The time delta since last frame
            //   speedMultiplier: Just a multiplier to get a good scrolling speed. Increase over time to speed up scrolling.
            // So, moveVector.y * Time.deltaTime * speedMultiplier = the amount to scroll in "units"
            //   proportional to thumbstick position since last frame.
            // this.cellHeight / this.content.sizeDelta.y = cell height / total content height.
            float speedMultiplier   = Mathf.Clamp(this.lastSpeedMultiplier * SpeedMultiplierIncrease, SpeedMultiplier, MaxSpeedMultiplier);
            float verticalIncrement = moveVector.y * Time.deltaTime * speedMultiplier * this.cellHeight / this.content.sizeDelta.y;

            this.lastSpeedMultiplier        = speedMultiplier;
            this.verticalNormalizedPosition = Mathf.Clamp01(this.verticalNormalizedPosition + verticalIncrement);