Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void StartAnnualFiling()
            var settings     = Settings.GetAll().FirstOrDefault();
            var expiredForms = OGEForm450.GetAllBy("Year", settings.CurrentFilingYear);

            expiredForms = expiredForms.Where(x => x.FormStatus != Constants.FormStatus.CERTIFIED && x.FormStatus != Constants.FormStatus.CANCELED).ToList();

            // Any incomplete filing for settings.currentFilingYear filing year will be marked as 'expired'
            foreach (OGEForm450 form in expiredForms)
                form.FormStatus = form.FormStatus + " - " + Constants.FormStatus.EXPIRED;

            // The filing year will move to settings.currentFilingYear + 1
            settings.CurrentFilingYear += 1;
            settings.AnnualDueDate      = settings.AnnualDueDate.AddYears(1);

            // All employees with a filer type of '450 Filer' who are not 'On Leave' or 'On Detail' will be assigned a new 'Annual' OGE Form 450
            // New forms will be a copy of the previous filing year's form if applicable
            var emps = Employee.GetAllBy("FilerType", "450 Filer");

            emps = emps.Where(x => x.EmployeeStatus != Constants.EmployeeStatus.ON_DETAIL && x.EmployeeStatus != Constants.EmployeeStatus.ON_LEAVE && x.Inactive == false).ToList();

            foreach (Employee emp in emps)
                if (emp.ReportingStatus != Constants.ReportingStatus.ANNUAL)
                    emp.ReportingStatus = Constants.ReportingStatus.ANNUAL;

                CreateFormForEmployee(emp, settings);

            var email = new Notifications();

            email.Title       = "Annual Filing Complete";
            email.Subject     = "OGE Form 450: Annual Filing Initialization - COMPLETE";
            email.Body        = "The OGE Form 450 Annual Filing Initiation process has completed.  Access to the application has been restored.";
            email.Recipient   = settings.CcEmail;
            email.Status      = "Pending";
            email.Application = "OGE450";
            Settings.IN_MAINTENANCE_MODE = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private IHttpActionResult GetOGE450ChartData()
            var data = new OGE450ChartData();

            data.Labels = new List <string>(new string[] { "Not-Started", "Draft", "Missing Information", "Overdue", "Submitted", "Certified" });

            var settings = Settings.GetAll().FirstOrDefault();

            var forms = OGEForm450.GetAllBy("Year", settings.CurrentFilingYear);

            var notStarted  = forms.Where(x => x.FormStatus == Constants.FormStatus.NOT_STARTED).Count();
            var draft       = forms.Where(x => x.FormStatus == Constants.FormStatus.DRAFT).Count();
            var missingInfo = forms.Where(x => x.FormStatus == Constants.FormStatus.MISSING_INFORMATION).Count();
            var overdue     = forms.Where(x => x.IsOverdue == true).Count();
            var submitted   = forms.Where(x => x.FormStatus == Constants.FormStatus.SUBMITTED || x.FormStatus == Constants.FormStatus.RE_SUBMITTED).Count();
            var certified   = forms.Where(x => x.FormStatus == Constants.FormStatus.CERTIFIED).Count();

            data.Data = new List <int>(new int[] { notStarted, draft, missingInfo, overdue, submitted, certified });

            return(Json(data, CamelCase));