Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task GetApiLinksNotPermitted()
            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().WithAccessToken(AccessTokens.ValidAccessToken_InvalidService).Build();

            .UponReceiving("a GET index request that is unauthorised to retrieve API links")
            .With(new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Get,
                Path    = "/",
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + AccessTokens.ValidAccessToken_InvalidService },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.Hal}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
            .WillRespondWith(new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }

            UnauthorizedException actualException;

            using (var client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                actualException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <UnauthorizedException>(
                    async() => await client.InitialiseIndexResource(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri));

                new UnauthorizedException(RequestId, 401, $"[GET] {this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri} is not authorized."));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task PostAdWhereAdvertiserNotRelatedToRequestor()
            var oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();


            .UponReceiving("a POST advertisement request to create a job for an advertiser not related to the requestor's account")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Post,
                Path    = AdvertisementLink,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 403,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    message = "Forbidden",
                    errors  = new[] { new { code = "RelationshipError" } }

            var requestModel = new AdvertisementModelBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer).WithRequestCreationId(CreationIdForAdWithMinimumRequiredData).WithAdvertiserId("999888777").Build();

            UnauthorizedException actualException;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                actualException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <UnauthorizedException>(
                    async() => await client.CreateAdvertisementAsync(requestModel));

                new UnauthorizedException(
                    new AdvertisementErrorResponse
                Message = "Forbidden",
                Errors  = new[] { new AdvertisementError {
                                      Code = "RelationshipError"
                                  } }
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task PostAdWithExistingCreationId()
            const string creationId      = "CreationIdOf8e2fde50-bc5f-4a12-9cfb-812e50500184";
            const string advertisementId = "8e2fde50-bc5f-4a12-9cfb-812e50500184";
            OAuth2Token  oAuth2Token     = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();
            var          location        = $"http://localhost{AdvertisementLink}/{advertisementId}";


            .Given("There is a standout advertisement with maximum data")
            .UponReceiving($"a POST advertisement request to create a job ad with the same creation id '{creationId}'")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Post,
                Path    = AdvertisementLink,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer).WithRequestCreationId(creationId).Build()
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 409,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Location", location },
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    message = "Conflict",
                    errors  = new[] { new { field = "creationId", code = "AlreadyExists" } }

            CreationIdAlreadyExistsException actualException;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                actualException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <CreationIdAlreadyExistsException>(
                    async() => await client.CreateAdvertisementAsync(new AdvertisementModelBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer).WithRequestCreationId(creationId).Build()));

            var expectedException = new CreationIdAlreadyExistsException(RequestId, new Uri(location),
                                                                         new AdvertisementErrorResponse
                Message = "Conflict",
                Errors  = new[] { new AdvertisementError {
                                      Field = "creationId", Code = "AlreadyExists"
                                  } }

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task PostAdWithNoCreationId()
            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();


            .UponReceiving("a POST advertisement request to create a job ad without a creation id")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Post,
                Path    = AdvertisementLink,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer).Build()
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 422,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    message = "Validation Failure",
                    errors  = new[]
                        new { field = "creationId", code = "Required" }

            ValidationException exception;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ValidationException>(
                    async() => await client.CreateAdvertisementAsync(new AdvertisementModelBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer).Build()));

                new ValidationException(
                    new AdvertisementErrorResponse
                Message = "Validation Failure",
                Errors  = new[] { new AdvertisementError {
                                      Field = "creationId", Code = "Required"
                                  } }
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task ExpireAdvertisementWithPostVerb()
            const string advertisementId = "8e2fde50-bc5f-4a12-9cfb-812e50500184";
            OAuth2Token  oAuth2Token     = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();
            string       link            = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{advertisementId}";
            string       viewRenderedAdvertisementLink = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{advertisementId}/view";
            DateTime     expiryDate = new DateTime(2015, 10, 7, 21, 19, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            .Given("There is a standout advertisement with maximum data")
            .UponReceiving("a POST advertisement request to expire an advertisement")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Post,
                Path    = link,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementPatchVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", this._acceptHeader },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = this._expireRequest
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 200,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new AdvertisementResponseContentBuilder(this.AllFieldsInitializer)
                       .WithLink("self", link)
                       .WithLink("view", viewRenderedAdvertisementLink)
                       .WithAdditionalProperties(AdditionalPropertyType.ResidentsOnly.ToString(), AdditionalPropertyType.Graduate.ToString())

            AdvertisementResource result;
            var requestUri = new Uri(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri, link);

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                using (HttpRequestMessage request = this.CreatePatchRequest(requestUri, this._expireRequest, oAuth2Token.AccessToken, "POST"))
                    using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request))

                        result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AdvertisementResource>(
                            await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), new ResourceConverter(null, requestUri, response.Headers));

            AdvertisementResource expectedResult = new AdvertisementResourceBuilder(this.AllFieldsInitializer)
                                                   .WithId(new Guid(advertisementId))

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task ExpireAdvertisementWhereAdvertiserNotRelatedToRequestor()
            var         advertisementId = new Guid("8e2fde50-bc5f-4a12-9cfb-812e50500184");
            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token     = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().WithAccessToken(AccessTokens.OtherThirdPartyUploader).Build();
            var         link            = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{advertisementId}";

            .Given("There is a standout advertisement with maximum data")
            .UponReceiving("a PATCH advertisement request to expire a job for an advertiser not related to the requestor's account")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Patch,
                Path    = link,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementPatchVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", this._acceptHeader },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new[]
                        op    = "replace",
                        path  = "state",
                        value = AdvertisementState.Expired.ToString()
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 403,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    message = "Forbidden",
                    errors  = new[] { new { code = "RelationshipError" } }

            UnauthorizedException actualException;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                actualException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <UnauthorizedException>(
                    async() => await client.ExpireAdvertisementAsync(new Uri(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri, link)));

                new UnauthorizedException(
                    new AdvertisementErrorResponse
                Message = "Forbidden",
                Errors  = new[] { new Error {
                                      Code = "RelationshipError"
                                  } }
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task GetExistingAdvertisementWithWarnings()
            const string advertisementId = "8e2fde50-bc5f-4a12-9cfb-812e50500184";

            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();
            var         link        = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{advertisementId}";
            var         viewRenderedAdvertisementLink = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{advertisementId}/view";

            .Given("There is a standout advertisement with maximum data")
            .UponReceiving("a GET advertisement request for an advertisement with warnings")
            .With(new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Get,
                Path    = link,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
            .WillRespondWith(new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 200,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Processing-Status", "Completed" },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new AdvertisementResponseContentBuilder(AllFieldsInitializer)
                       .WithLink("self", link)
                       .WithLink("view", viewRenderedAdvertisementLink)
                    new { field = "standout.logoId", code = "missing" },
                    new { field = "standout.bullets", code = "missing" })
                       .WithAdditionalProperties(AdditionalPropertyType.ResidentsOnly.ToString(), AdditionalPropertyType.Graduate.ToString())

            AdvertisementResource result;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                result = await client.GetAdvertisementAsync(new Uri(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri, link));

            AdvertisementResource expectedResult = new AdvertisementResourceBuilder(this.AllFieldsInitializer)
                                                   .WithId(new Guid(advertisementId))
                new Error {
                Field = "standout.logoId", Code = "missing"
                new Error {
                Field = "standout.bullets", Code = "missing"

        public async Task GetAllAdvertisementsByAdvertiserNextPage()
            const string advertiserId     = "456";
            const string advertisementId1 = "f7302df2-704b-407c-a42a-62ff822b5461";
            const string beforeJobId      = "5";
            const string queryString      = "advertiserId=" + advertiserId + "&beforeId=" + beforeJobId;
            const string selfLink         = "/advertisement?" + queryString;
            OAuth2Token  oAuth2Token      = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();

            .Given("A page size of 3 with more than 1 page of data")
            .UponReceiving("a GET advertisements request for the second page of advertisements belonging to the advertiser")
            .With(new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Get,
                Path    = "/advertisement",
                Query   = queryString,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementListVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
            .WillRespondWith(new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 200,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementListVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    _embedded = new
                        advertisements = new[]
                            new AdvertisementSummaryResponseContentBuilder()
                            .WithJobTitle("Exciting Developer role in a great CBD location. Great $$")
                            .WithResponseLink("self", this.GenerateSelfLink(advertisementId1))
                            .WithResponseLink("view", this.GenerateViewLink(advertisementId1))
                    _links = new
                        self = new { href = selfLink }

            AdvertisementSummaryPageResource pageResource = new AdvertisementSummaryPageResource
                Links = new Links(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri)
                    { "self", new Link {
                          Href = "/advertisement"
                      } },
                    { "next", new Link {
                          Href = $"/advertisement?advertiserId={advertiserId}&beforeId={beforeJobId}"
                      } }

            var oAuthClient = Mock.Of <IOAuth2TokenClient>(c => c.GetOAuth2TokenAsync() == Task.FromResult(oAuth2Token));
            AdvertisementSummaryPageResource nextPageResource;

            using (var client = new Hal.Client(new HttpClient(new AdPostingApiMessageHandler(new OAuthMessageHandler(oAuthClient)))))

                nextPageResource = await pageResource.NextPageAsync();

            AdvertisementSummaryPageResource expectedNextPageResource = new AdvertisementSummaryPageResource
                AdvertisementSummaries = new List <AdvertisementSummaryResource>
                    new AdvertisementSummaryResource
                        Id           = new Guid(advertisementId1),
                        AdvertiserId = advertiserId,
                        JobReference = "JOB1111",
                        JobTitle     = "Exciting Developer role in a great CBD location. Great $$",
                        Links        = new Links(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri)
                            { "self", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId1}"
                              } },
                            { "view", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId1}/view"
                              } }
                Links = new Links(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri)
                    { "self", new Link {
                          Href = selfLink
                      } }
                RequestId = RequestId

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public async Task UpdateExpiredAdvertisement()
            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();
            var         link        = $"{AdvertisementLink}/c294088d-ff50-4374-bc38-7fa805790e3e";

            .Given("There is an expired advertisement")
            .UponReceiving("a PUT advertisement request to update an expired advertisement")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Put,
                Path    = link,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer).Build()
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 403,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    message = "Forbidden",
                    errors  = new[] { new { code = "Expired" } }

            Advertisement         requestModel = new AdvertisementModelBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer).Build();
            UnauthorizedException actualException;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                actualException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <UnauthorizedException>(
                    async() => await client.UpdateAdvertisementAsync(new Uri(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri, link), requestModel));

            var expectedException =
                new UnauthorizedException(
                    new AdvertisementErrorResponse
                Message = "Forbidden",
                Errors  = new[] { new AdvertisementError {
                                      Code = "Expired"
                                  } }

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task PostAdWithInvalidFieldValues()
            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();


            .UponReceiving("a POST advertisement request to create a job ad with invalid field values")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Post,
                Path    = AdvertisementLink,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                       .WithSalaryMinimum((decimal) - 1.0)
                       .WithJobTitle("Temporary part-time libraries North-West inter-library loan business unit administration assistant")
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 422,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    message = "Validation Failure",
                    errors  = new[]
                        new { field = "applicationEmail", code = "InvalidEmailAddress" },
                        new { field = "applicationFormUrl", code = "InvalidUrl" },
                        new { field = "salary.minimum", code = "ValueOutOfRange" },
                        new { field = "jobTitle", code = "MaxLengthExceeded" },
                        new { field = "salary.display", code = "Required" }

            ValidationException exception;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ValidationException>(
                    async() =>
                    await client.CreateAdvertisementAsync(new AdvertisementModelBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                                                          .WithSalaryMinimum((decimal) - 1.0)
                                                          .WithJobTitle("Temporary part-time libraries North-West inter-library loan business unit administration assistant")

            var expectedException =
                new ValidationException(
                    new AdvertisementErrorResponse
                Message = "Validation Failure",
                Errors  = new[]
                    new AdvertisementError {
                        Field = "applicationEmail", Code = "InvalidEmailAddress"
                    new AdvertisementError {
                        Field = "applicationFormUrl", Code = "InvalidUrl"
                    new AdvertisementError {
                        Field = "salary.minimum", Code = "ValueOutOfRange"
                    new AdvertisementError {
                        Field = "jobTitle", Code = "MaxLengthExceeded"
                    new AdvertisementError {
                        Field = "salary.display", Code = "Required"

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task UpdateAdWhereAdvertiserNotRelatedToRequestor()
            var oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().WithAccessToken(AccessTokens.OtherThirdPartyUploader).Build();
            var link        = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{AdvertisementId}";

            .Given("There is a standout advertisement with maximum data")
            .UponReceiving("a PUT advertisement request to update a job for an advertiser not related to the requestor's account")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Put,
                Path    = link,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(this.AllFieldsInitializer)
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 403,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    message = "Forbidden",
                    errors  = new[] { new { code = "RelationshipError" } }

            var requestModel = new AdvertisementModelBuilder(this.AllFieldsInitializer).Build();

            UnauthorizedException actualException;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                actualException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <UnauthorizedException>(
                    async() => await client.UpdateAdvertisementAsync(new Uri(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri, link), requestModel));

                new UnauthorizedException(
                    new AdvertisementErrorResponse
                Message = "Forbidden",
                Errors  = new[] { new AdvertisementError {
                                      Code = "RelationshipError"
                                  } }
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public async Task UpdateWithInvalidAdvertisementDetailsWithCleanseJobAdDetailsOption()
            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();
            var         link        = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{AdvertisementId}";
            var         viewRenderedAdvertisementLink = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{AdvertisementId}/view";
            var         adDetailsBeforeCleanse        = "<p style=\"text-align:justify; font-family:'Comic Sans MS', cursive, sans-serif\">Whimsical</p>";
            var         adDetailsAfterCleanse         = "<p style=\"text-align:justify\">Whimsical</p>";

            .Given("There is a standout advertisement with maximum data")
            .UponReceiving("a PUT advertisement request for advertisement with invalid advertisement details and with 'CleanseJobAdDetails' processing option")
            .With(new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Put,
                Path    = link,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 200,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new AdvertisementResponseContentBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                       .WithLink("self", link)
                       .WithLink("view", viewRenderedAdvertisementLink)

            AdvertisementResource result;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                result = await client.UpdateAdvertisementAsync(new Uri(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri, link),
                                                               new AdvertisementModelBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)

            var expectedResult = new AdvertisementResourceBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                                 .WithId(new Guid(AdvertisementId))

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public async Task UpdateWithInvalidAdvertisementDetails()
            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();
            var         link        = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{AdvertisementId}";

            .Given("There is a standout advertisement with maximum data")
            .UponReceiving("a PUT advertisement request for advertisement with invalid advertisement details")
            .With(new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Put,
                Path    = link,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                       .WithAdvertisementDetails("Ad details with <a href='www.youtube.com'>a link</a> and incomplete <h2> element")
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 422,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    message = "Validation Failure",
                    errors  = new[] { new { field = "advertisementDetails", code = "InvalidFormat" } }

            ValidationException actualException;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                actualException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ValidationException>(
                    async() => await client.UpdateAdvertisementAsync(new Uri(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri, link),
                                                                     new AdvertisementModelBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                                                                     .WithAdvertisementDetails("Ad details with <a href='www.youtube.com'>a link</a> and incomplete <h2> element")

            var expectedException =
                new ValidationException(
                    new AdvertisementErrorResponse
                Message = "Validation Failure",
                Errors  = new[] { new AdvertisementError {
                                      Field = "advertisementDetails", Code = "InvalidFormat"
                                  } }

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public async Task PostAdWithDuplicateTemplateCustomFieldNames()
            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();


            .UponReceiving("a POST advertisement request to create a job ad with duplicated names for template custom fields")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Post,
                Path    = AdvertisementLink,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                    new KeyValuePair <object, object>("FieldNameA", "Template Value 1"),
                    new KeyValuePair <object, object>("FieldNameB", "Template Value 2"),
                    new KeyValuePair <object, object>("FieldNameA", "Template Value 3"))
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 422,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    message = "Validation Failure",
                    errors  = new[]
                        new { field = "template.items[0]", code = "AlreadySpecified" },
                        new { field = "template.items[2]", code = "AlreadySpecified" }
            ValidationException exception;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ValidationException>(
                    async() =>
                    await client.CreateAdvertisementAsync(new AdvertisementModelBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                                                              new TemplateItem {
                    Name = "FieldNameA", Value = "Template Value 1"
                                                              new TemplateItem {
                    Name = "FieldNameB", Value = "Template Value 2"
                                                              new TemplateItem {
                    Name = "FieldNameA", Value = "Template Value 3"

            var expectedException = new ValidationException(
                new AdvertisementErrorResponse
                Message = "Validation Failure",
                Errors  = new[]
                    new AdvertisementError {
                        Field = "template.items[0]", Code = "AlreadySpecified"
                    new AdvertisementError {
                        Field = "template.items[2]", Code = "AlreadySpecified"

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public async Task GetAllAdvertisementsNextPage()
            const string advertisementId1 = "fa6939b5-c91f-4f6a-9600-1ea74963fbb2";
            const string advertisementId2 = "f7302df2-704b-407c-a42a-62ff822b5461";
            const string advertisementId3 = "3b138935-f65b-4ec7-91d8-fc250757b53d";
            const string beforeJobId      = "6";
            OAuth2Token  oAuth2Token      = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();

            .Given("A page size of 3 with more than 1 page of data")
            .UponReceiving("a GET advertisements request for the last page of data")
            .With(new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Get,
                Path    = "/advertisement",
                Query   = "beforeId=" + beforeJobId,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementListVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
            .WillRespondWith(new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 200,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementListVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    _embedded = new
                        advertisements = new[]
                            new AdvertisementSummaryResponseContentBuilder()
                            .WithJobTitle("Exciting tester role in a great CBD location. Great $$")
                            .WithResponseLink("self", this.GenerateSelfLink(advertisementId3))
                            .WithResponseLink("view", this.GenerateViewLink(advertisementId3))
                            new AdvertisementSummaryResponseContentBuilder()
                            .WithJobTitle("Exciting Developer role in a great CBD location. Great $$")
                            .WithResponseLink("self", this.GenerateSelfLink(advertisementId2))
                            .WithResponseLink("view", this.GenerateViewLink(advertisementId2))
                            new AdvertisementSummaryResponseContentBuilder()
                            .WithJobTitle("Exciting Developer role in a great CBD location. Great $$")
                            .WithResponseLink("self", this.GenerateSelfLink(advertisementId1))
                            .WithResponseLink("view", this.GenerateViewLink(advertisementId1))
                    _links = new
                        self = new { href = $"/advertisement?beforeId={beforeJobId}" }

            AdvertisementSummaryPageResource pageResource = new AdvertisementSummaryPageResource
                Links = new Links(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri)
                    { "self", new Link {
                          Href = "/advertisement"
                      } },
                    { "next", new Link {
                          Href = $"/advertisement?beforeId={beforeJobId}"
                      } }

            var oAuthClient = Mock.Of <IOAuth2TokenClient>(c => c.GetOAuth2TokenAsync() == Task.FromResult(oAuth2Token));
            AdvertisementSummaryPageResource nextPageResource;

            HttpMessageHandler pipeline = new HttpClientHandler()
                                          .DecorateWith(new OAuthMessageHandler(oAuthClient))
                                          .DecorateWith(new AdPostingApiMessageHandler());

            using (var client = new Hal.Client(new HttpClient(pipeline)))

                nextPageResource = await pageResource.NextPageAsync();

            AdvertisementSummaryPageResource expectedNextPageResource = new AdvertisementSummaryPageResource
                AdvertisementSummaries = new List <AdvertisementSummaryResource>
                    new AdvertisementSummaryResource
                        Id           = new Guid(advertisementId3),
                        AdvertiserId = "456",
                        JobReference = "JOB2222",
                        JobTitle     = "Exciting tester role in a great CBD location. Great $$",
                        Links        = new Links(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri)
                            { "self", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId3}"
                              } },
                            { "view", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId3}/view"
                              } }
                    new AdvertisementSummaryResource
                        Id           = new Guid(advertisementId2),
                        AdvertiserId = "456",
                        JobReference = "JOB1111",
                        JobTitle     = "Exciting Developer role in a great CBD location. Great $$",
                        Links        = new Links(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri)
                            { "self", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId2}"
                              } },
                            { "view", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId2}/view"
                              } }
                    new AdvertisementSummaryResource
                        Id           = new Guid(advertisementId1),
                        AdvertiserId = "123",
                        JobReference = "JOB1234",
                        JobTitle     = "Exciting Developer role in a great CBD location. Great $$",
                        Links        = new Links(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri)
                            { "self", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId1}"
                              } },
                            { "view", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId1}/view"
                              } }
                Links = new Links(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri)
                    { "self", new Link {
                          Href = $"/advertisement?beforeId={beforeJobId}"
                      } }
                RequestId = RequestId

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public async Task PostAdWithGranularLocation()
            const string advertisementId = "75b2b1fc-9050-4f45-a632-ec6b7ac2bb4a";
            OAuth2Token  oAuth2Token     = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();
            var          link            = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{advertisementId}";
            var          viewRenderedAdvertisementLink = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{advertisementId}/view";
            var          location = $"http://localhost{link}";


            var allFieldsWithGranularLocationInitializer = new AllFieldsInitializer(LocationType.UseGranularLocation);

            .UponReceiving("a POST advertisement request to create a job ad with granular location")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Post,
                Path    = AdvertisementLink,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(allFieldsWithGranularLocationInitializer)
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 200,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Location", location },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new AdvertisementResponseContentBuilder(allFieldsWithGranularLocationInitializer)
                       .WithLink("self", link)
                       .WithLink("view", viewRenderedAdvertisementLink)

            var requestModel = new AdvertisementModelBuilder(allFieldsWithGranularLocationInitializer)

            AdvertisementResource result;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                result = await client.CreateAdvertisementAsync(requestModel);

            AdvertisementResource expectedResult = new AdvertisementResourceBuilder(allFieldsWithGranularLocationInitializer)
                                                   .WithId(new Guid(advertisementId))

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public async Task PostAdWithInvalidFieldValues()
            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();


            .UponReceiving("a POST advertisement request to create a job ad with invalid field values")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Post,
                Path    = AdvertisementLink,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                       .WithStandoutBullets("new Uzi", "new Remington Model".PadRight(85, '!'), "new AK-47")
                    new KeyValuePair <object, object>("Template Line 1", "Template Value 1"),
                    new KeyValuePair <object, object>("", "value2"))
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 422,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    message = "Validation Failure",
                    errors  = new[]
                        new { field = "applicationEmail", code = "InvalidEmailAddress" },
                        new { field = "applicationFormUrl", code = "InvalidUrl" },
                        new { field = "salary.minimum", code = "ValueOutOfRange" },
                        new { field = "standout.bullets[1]", code = "MaxLengthExceeded" },
                        new { field = "template.items[1].name", code = "Required" }

            ValidationException exception;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ValidationException>(
                    async() =>
                    await client.CreateAdvertisementAsync(new AdvertisementModelBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                                                          .WithStandoutBullets("new Uzi", "new Remington Model".PadRight(85, '!'), "new AK-47")
                                                              new TemplateItem {
                    Name = "Template Line 1", Value = "Template Value 1"
                                                              new TemplateItem {
                    Name = "", Value = "value2"

            var expectedException =
                new ValidationException(
                    new AdvertisementErrorResponse
                Message = "Validation Failure",
                Errors  = new[]
                    new AdvertisementError {
                        Field = "applicationEmail", Code = "InvalidEmailAddress"
                    new AdvertisementError {
                        Field = "applicationFormUrl", Code = "InvalidUrl"
                    new AdvertisementError {
                        Field = "salary.minimum", Code = "ValueOutOfRange"
                    new AdvertisementError {
                        Field = "standout.bullets[1]", Code = "MaxLengthExceeded"
                    new AdvertisementError {
                        Field = "template.items[1].name", Code = "Required"

        public async Task GetAllAdvertisementsFirstPage()
            const string advertisementId3        = "9141cf19-b8d7-4380-9e3f-3b5c22783bdc";
            const string advertisementId2        = "7bbe4318-fd3b-4d26-8384-d41489ff1dd0";
            const string advertisementId1        = "e6e31b9c-3c2c-4b85-b17f-babbf7da972b";
            const string advertisement3Title     = "More Exciting Senior Developer role in a great CBD location. Great $$$";
            const string advertisement2Title     = "More Exciting Senior Tester role in a great CBD location. Great $$$";
            const string advertisement1Title     = "More Exciting Senior Developer role in a great CBD location. Great $$$";
            const string advertisement3Reference = "JOB4444";
            const string advertisement2Reference = "JOB3333";
            const string advertisement1Reference = "JOB12345";
            const string beforeJobId             = "6";
            const string nextLink    = "/advertisement?beforeId=" + beforeJobId;
            const string selfLink    = "/advertisement";
            OAuth2Token  oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();


            .Given("A page size of 3 with more than 1 page of data")
            .UponReceiving("a GET advertisements request for first page of data")
            .With(new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Get,
                Path    = "/advertisement",
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementListVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
            .WillRespondWith(new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 200,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementListVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    _embedded = new
                        advertisements = new[]
                            new AdvertisementSummaryResponseContentBuilder()
                            .WithResponseLink("self", this.GenerateSelfLink(advertisementId3))
                            .WithResponseLink("view", this.GenerateViewLink(advertisementId3))
                            new AdvertisementSummaryResponseContentBuilder()
                            .WithResponseLink("self", this.GenerateSelfLink(advertisementId2))
                            .WithResponseLink("view", this.GenerateViewLink(advertisementId2))
                            new AdvertisementSummaryResponseContentBuilder()
                            .WithResponseLink("self", this.GenerateSelfLink(advertisementId1))
                            .WithResponseLink("view", this.GenerateViewLink(advertisementId1))
                    _links = new
                        self = new { href = selfLink },
                        next = new { href = nextLink }

            AdvertisementSummaryPageResource pageResource;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                pageResource = await client.GetAllAdvertisementsAsync();

            AdvertisementSummaryPageResource expectedPageResource = new AdvertisementSummaryPageResource
                AdvertisementSummaries = new List <AdvertisementSummaryResource>
                    new AdvertisementSummaryResource
                        Id           = new Guid(advertisementId3),
                        AdvertiserId = "456",
                        JobReference = advertisement3Reference,
                        JobTitle     = advertisement3Title,
                        Links        = new Links(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri)
                            { "self", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId3}"
                              } },
                            { "view", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId3}/view"
                              } }
                    new AdvertisementSummaryResource
                        Id           = new Guid(advertisementId2),
                        AdvertiserId = "456",
                        JobReference = advertisement2Reference,
                        JobTitle     = advertisement2Title,
                        Links        = new Links(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri)
                            { "self", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId2}"
                              } },
                            { "view", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId2}/view"
                              } }
                    new AdvertisementSummaryResource
                        Id           = new Guid(advertisementId1),
                        AdvertiserId = "345",
                        JobReference = advertisement1Reference,
                        JobTitle     = advertisement1Title,
                        Links        = new Links(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri)
                            { "self", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId1}"
                              } },
                            { "view", new Link {
                                  Href = $"/advertisement/{advertisementId1}/view"
                              } }
                Links = new Links(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri)
                    { "self", new Link {
                          Href = "/advertisement"
                      } },
                    { "next", new Link {
                          Href = "/advertisement?beforeId=" + beforeJobId
                      } }
                RequestId = RequestId

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public async Task PostAdWithInvalidAdvertisementDetails()
            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();


            .UponReceiving("a POST advertisement request to create a job ad with invalid advertisement details")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Post,
                Path    = AdvertisementLink,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                       .WithAdvertisementDetails("Ad details with <a href='www.youtube.com'>a link</a> and incomplete <h2> element")
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 422,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    message = "Validation Failure",
                    errors  = new[]
                        new { field = "advertisementDetails", code = "InvalidFormat" }

            ValidationException exception;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ValidationException>(
                    async() =>
                    await client.CreateAdvertisementAsync(new AdvertisementModelBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                                                          .WithAdvertisementDetails("Ad details with <a href='www.youtube.com'>a link</a> and incomplete <h2> element")

            var expectedException =
                new ValidationException(
                    new AdvertisementErrorResponse
                Message = "Validation Failure",
                Errors  = new[] { new AdvertisementError {
                                      Field = "advertisementDetails", Code = "InvalidFormat"
                                  } }

Ejemplo n.º 20
        public async Task ExpireAlreadyExpiredAdvertisement()
            var         advertisementId = new Guid("c294088d-ff50-4374-bc38-7fa805790e3e");
            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token     = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();
            var         link            = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{advertisementId}";

            .Given("There is an expired advertisement")
            .UponReceiving("a PATCH advertisement request to expire an advertisement")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Patch,
                Path    = link,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementPatchVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", this._acceptHeader },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new[]
                        op    = "replace",
                        path  = "state",
                        value = AdvertisementState.Expired.ToString()
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 403,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    message = "Forbidden",
                    errors  = new[] { new { code = "Expired" } }

            UnauthorizedException actualException;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                actualException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <UnauthorizedException>(
                    async() => await client.ExpireAdvertisementAsync(new Uri(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri, link)));

            var expectedException =
                new UnauthorizedException(
                    new AdvertisementErrorResponse
                Message = "Forbidden",
                Errors  = new[] { new Error {
                                      Code = "Expired"
                                  } }

Ejemplo n.º 21
        public async Task PostAdWithInvalidAdvertisementDetailsWithCleanseJobAdDetailsOption()
            const string advertisementId = "75b2b1fc-9050-4f45-a632-ec6b7ac2bb4a";
            OAuth2Token  oAuth2Token     = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();
            var          link            = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{advertisementId}";
            var          viewRenderedAdvertisementLink = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{advertisementId}/view";
            var          location = $"http://localhost{link}";
            var          adDetailsBeforeCleanse = "<p style=\"text-align:justify; color:#FF00AA\">Colourful</p>";
            var          adDetailsAfterCleanse  = "<p style=\"text-align:justify\">Colourful</p>";


            .UponReceiving("a POST advertisement request to create a job ad with invalid advertisement details and with 'CleanseJobAdDetails' processing option")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Post,
                Path    = AdvertisementLink,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 200,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Location", location },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new AdvertisementResponseContentBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                       .WithLink("self", link)
                       .WithLink("view", viewRenderedAdvertisementLink)

            var requestModel = new AdvertisementModelBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)

            AdvertisementResource result;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                result = await client.CreateAdvertisementAsync(requestModel);

            AdvertisementResource expectedResult = new AdvertisementResourceBuilder(this.MinimumFieldsInitializer)
                                                   .WithId(new Guid(advertisementId))

Ejemplo n.º 22
        public async Task ExpireAdvertisementUsingInvalidRequestContent()
            var         advertisementId = new Guid("8e2fde50-bc5f-4a12-9cfb-812e50500184");
            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token     = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().WithAccessToken(AccessTokens.OtherThirdPartyUploader).Build();
            var         link            = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{advertisementId}";
            var         acceptHeader    = this._acceptHeader;
            var         requestBody     = new[]
                    op    = "add",
                    path  = "state",
                    value = "open"

            .Given("There is a standout advertisement with maximum data")
            .UponReceiving("a PATCH advertisement request to expire a job using invalid request content")
                new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Patch,
                Path    = link,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementPatchVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", acceptHeader },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = requestBody
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 422,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new
                    message = "Validation Failure",
                    errors  = new[] { new { code = "InvalidRequestContent" } }

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                using (HttpRequestMessage request = this.CreatePatchRequest(
                           new Uri(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri, link), requestBody, AccessTokens.OtherThirdPartyUploader))
                    using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request))
                        Assert.Equal(422, (int)response.StatusCode);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public async Task UpdateWithSameQuestionnaireId()
            OAuth2Token oAuth2Token = new OAuth2TokenBuilder().Build();
            var         link        = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{AdvertisementId}";
            var         viewRenderedAdvertisementLink             = $"{AdvertisementLink}/{AdvertisementId}/view";
            Guid        questionnaireIdUsedForCreateAdvertisement = new Guid("77d26391-eb70-4511-ac3e-2de00c7b9e29");

            .Given("There is a standout advertisement with maximum data and a questionnaire ID")
            .UponReceiving("a PUT advertisement request to update a job ad with a questionnaire ID")
            .With(new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method  = HttpVerb.Put,
                Path    = link,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Authorization", "Bearer " + oAuth2Token.AccessToken },
                    { "Content-Type", RequestContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "Accept", $"{ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1}, {ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementErrorVersion1}" },
                    { "User-Agent", AdPostingApiFixture.UserAgentHeaderValue }
                Body = new AdvertisementContentBuilder(this.AllFieldsInitializer)
                new ProviderServiceResponse
                Status  = 200,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Content-Type", ResponseContentTypes.AdvertisementVersion1 },
                    { "X-Request-Id", RequestId }
                Body = new AdvertisementResponseContentBuilder(this.AllFieldsInitializer)
                       .WithLink("self", link)
                       .WithLink("view", viewRenderedAdvertisementLink)

            Advertisement requestModel = new AdvertisementModelBuilder(this.AllFieldsInitializer)
            AdvertisementResource result;

            using (AdPostingApiClient client = this.Fixture.GetClient(oAuth2Token))
                result = await client.UpdateAdvertisementAsync(new Uri(this.Fixture.AdPostingApiServiceBaseUri, link), requestModel);

            AdvertisementResource expectedResult = new AdvertisementResourceBuilder(this.AllFieldsInitializer)
                                                   .WithId(new Guid(AdvertisementId))
