Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Login function
        /// Also takes care of handling guids for the anvandare
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AnvID">Userid</param>
        /// <param name="pwd">Password</param>
        /// <returns>A guid valid in 24 hours to identify the reparator/user</returns>
        public string login(string AnvID, string pwd)
            // Create parameter collection
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            // Add anvandID and pwd as parameters
            pc.Add("pAnvID", AnvID);
            pc.Add("pPwd", pwd);

            // Create SQL clause
            string sSql = " select reparator from reparator "
                          + " where anvID = :pAnvID "
                          + " and pwd = :pPwd "
                          + " and visas = true ";
            string    errSt = "";
            DataTable dt    = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errSt, pc);

            if (errSt != "")
                return("-1" + errSt);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a user has a valid authentication
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident">Identity GUID</param>
        /// <returns>1 = OK, -1 doesnt exist</returns>
        public int checkIdent(string ident)
            string sSql = " select AnvID "
                          + " from Authenticate "
                          + " where ident = :pIdent "
                          + " and validUntil >= :pValidUntil ";

            NxParameterCollection pColl = new NxParameterCollection();

            DateTime validUntil = DateTime.Now;

            pColl.Add("pIdent", ident);
            pColl.Add("pValidUntil", validUntil);

            string    errSt = "";
            DataTable dt    = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errSt, pColl);

            CLog cl = new CLog();

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                string anvID = dt.Rows[0]["AnvID"].ToString();
                cl.log("Authenticating identity : " + anvID + " (" + ident + ")", "1");
            cl.log("Authenticating identity : " + ident, "-1");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void addToReservdelPyr(ReservdelCL r, ref string error)
            string sSql = " update reservdelPyr "
                          + " set antal = antal + :antal "
                          + " where vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr "
                          + " and artnr = :artnr "
                          + " and artnamn = :artnamn "
                          + " and PyramidExport is null ";

            error = "";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("vart_ordernr", r.VartOrdernr);
            pc.Add("artnr", r.Artnr);
            pc.Add("antal", r.Antal);
            pc.Add("artnamn", r.ArtNamn);
            int updated = cdb.updateData(sSql, ref error, pc);

            if (error != "")
            if (updated < 1)
                sSql = " insert into reservdelPyr(vart_ordernr, artnr, artnamn, antal) "
                       + " values (:vart_ordernr, :artnr, :artnamn, :antal) ";
                cdb.updateData(sSql, ref error, pc);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the AllRep flag on an order
        /// (This flag indicates that all reparators
        /// can log in. The normal process is that
        /// there is a list (in the shReparator table) with
        /// the reparators that can log in on a certain order).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VartOrdernr"></param>
        /// <param name="allRep"></param>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-02-08 KJBO
        public ServHuvCL updateAllRep(string VartOrdernr, bool allRep, string ident)
            ServHuvCL   shc      = new ServHuvCL();
            CReparator  cr       = new CReparator();
            ReparatorCL repIdent = cr.getReparator(ident);

            string sSql = " update servicehuvud "
                          + " set AllRep = :AllRep "
                          + " where vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr ";
            NxParameterCollection np = new NxParameterCollection();

            np.Add("AllRep", allRep);
            np.Add("vart_ordernr", VartOrdernr);

            string errText = "";
            int    iRc     = cdb.updateData(sSql, ref errText, np);

            if (errText != "")
                if (errText.Length > 2000)
                    errText = errText.Substring(1, 2000);
                shc.ErrCode    = -100;
                shc.ErrMessage = errText;
            shc.Vart_ordernr = VartOrdernr;
            return(getServiceHuvud(shc, ident));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // 2018-08-30 KJBO
        public ErrorCL updateCiAntal(int orderArtId, Decimal antal)
            ErrorCL err = new ErrorCL();

            err.ErrCode    = 0;
            err.ErrMessage = "";

            string sSql = " update orderArt "
                          + " set ciAntal = :ciAntal "
                          + " where orderArtId = :orderArtId ";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("ciAntal", antal);
            pc.Add("orderArtId", orderArtId);
            string errText = "";

            cdb.updateData(sSql, ref errText, pc);

            if (errText != "")
                if (errText.Length > 2000)
                    errText = errText.Substring(1, 2000);
                err.ErrCode    = -100;
                err.ErrMessage = errText;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private int checkUniqueMaterialShort(gMaterialCL m, ref string errTxt)
            string sSql = " SELECT count(*) countRows "
                          + " FROM gMaterial "
                          + " where materialShort = :materialShort ";

            if (m.materialId != 0)
                sSql += " and materialId <> :materialId";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("materialShort", m.materialShort);
            if (m.materialId != 0)
                pc.Add("materialId", m.materialId);
            errTxt = "";
            DataTable dt = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errTxt, pc);

            if (errTxt != "")
            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
            DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private bool checkUniqueThicknShort(gMaterialThicknCL mt, ref string errTxt)
            string sSql = " select count(*) countThicknShort "
                          + " from gMaterialThickn "
                          + " where thicknShort = :thicknShort "
                          + " and materialSizeId = :materialSizeId ";

            if (mt.materialThicknId > 0)
                sSql += "  and materialThicknId <> :materialThicknId ";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("thicknShort", mt.thicknShort);
            pc.Add("materialSizeId", mt.materialSizeId);
            if (mt.materialThicknId > 0)
                pc.Add("materialThicknId", mt.materialThicknId);
            DataTable dt = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errTxt, pc);

            if (errTxt != "")
            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
            DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];

            return(Convert.ToInt32(dr["countThicknShort"]) == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private DataTable getOrderArtRows(string vartOrdernr, ref string error)
            String sSql = "select oa.orderArtId, a.artnamn, a.artikelkod, coalesce(sum(oa.coAntal),0) - coalesce(sum(oa.ciAntal),0) sum_antal "
                          + " from orderArt oa "
                          + " join artikel a on oa.artnr = a.artnr "
                          + " where oa.vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr "
                          + " group by oa.orderArtId, a.artnamn, a.artikelkod ";

            String sSqlOa = "select coalesce(sum(oas.antal),0) oa_sum "
                            + " from oaStorage oas "
                            + " where oas.orderArtId = :orderArtId ";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("vart_ordernr", vartOrdernr);
            pc.Add("orderArtId", DbType.Int32);
            error = "";
            DataTable dt = cdb.getData(sSql, ref error, pc);

            dt.Columns.Add("oa_sum", Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));

            DataTable dt2 = null;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                int orderArtId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["orderArtId"]);
                pc["orderArtId"].Value = orderArtId;
                dt2 = cdb.getData(sSqlOa, ref error, pc);
                if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
                    dr["oa_sum"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dt2.Rows[0]["oa_sum"]);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the login function for SmManager service
        /// The reparator has to be in the category of AL_ST
        /// in order to be accepted
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name=Login parameters></param>
        /// <returns>Login parameters with reparator name and ident added</returns>
        public LoginAdm loginAdmin(LoginAdm login)
            // Create parameter collection
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            // Add anvandID and pwd as parameters
            pc.Add("pAnvID", login.AnvID);
            pc.Add("pPwd", login.pwd);

            // Create SQL clause
            string sSql = " select reparator, rep_kat_id, coalesce(canResetPyramid,false) canResetPyramid from reparator "
                          + " where anvID = :pAnvID "
                          + " and pwd = :pPwd "
                          + " and visas = true ";

            string    errSt = "";
            DataTable dt    = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errSt, pc);

            LoginAdm la = new LoginAdm();

            if (errSt != "")
                la.ErrCode    = -1;
                la.ErrMessage = errSt;

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                la.ErrCode    = 1001;
                la.ErrMessage = "Felaktigt användarnamn eller lösenord";

            DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];

            if (dr["rep_kat_id"].ToString() != "AL_ST")
                la.ErrCode    = 1002;
                la.ErrMessage = "Rättigheter saknas till denna app";

            la.AnvID           = login.AnvID;
            la.ident           = UpdateAuthenticate(login.AnvID);
            la.pwd             = "";
            la.reparator       = dr["reparator"].ToString();
            la.canResetPyramid = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["canResetPyramid"]);
            la.ErrCode         = 0;
            la.ErrMessage      = "";

Ejemplo n.º 10
        private NxParameterCollection setParameters(gReuseMatCL mat, ReparatorCL rep)
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("reuseMatId", mat.reuseMatId);
            pc.Add("minDiam", mat.minDiam);
            pc.Add("reusePercentage", mat.reusePercentage);
            pc.Add("reg", rep.AnvID);
            pc.Add("regdate", DateTime.Now);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void setParameters(NxParameterCollection np, gWorkingCostCL wc, ReparatorCL rep)
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            np.Add("workingCostId", wc.workingCostId);
            np.Add("cuttingHourNet", wc.cuttingHourNet);
            np.Add("cuttingHourSales", wc.cuttingHourSales);
            np.Add("handlingHourNet", wc.handlingHourNet);
            np.Add("handlingHourSales", wc.handlingHourSales);
            np.Add("cuttingMargin", wc.cuttingMargin);
            np.Add("reg", rep.AnvID);
            np.Add("regdate", now);
            np.Add("updat", rep.AnvID);
            np.Add("updatDat", now);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public int validateRepKat(string repKatID)
            string sSql = " SELECT count(*) countRepKat "
                          + " FROM rep_kat "
                          + " where rep_kat_id = :rep_kat_id ";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("rep_kat_id", repKatID);
            string errText = "";

            DataTable dt = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errText, pc);

            int errCode = -100;

            if (errText == "" && dt.Rows.Count == 0)

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                int count = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["countRepKat"]);
                if (count == 1)

Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a reparator class from anvID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AnvID">ID=PK</param>
        /// <returns>One reparator</returns>
        public ReparatorCL getReparatorFromID(string anvID)
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("pAnvID", anvID);

            string sSql = "SELECT r.reparator, r.rep_kat_id, r.AnvID "
                          + " FROM reparator r"
                          + " where r.AnvID = :pAnvID "
                          + " and r.visas = true ";
            string    errTxt = "";
            DataTable dt     = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errTxt, pc);

            if (errTxt != "")
                ReparatorCL r = new ReparatorCL();
                r.Reparator  = "";
                r.AnvID      = "";
                r.RepKatID   = "";
                r.ErrCode    = -1;
                r.ErrMessage = "Databasfel : " + errTxt;

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                ReparatorCL r = new ReparatorCL();
                r.Reparator = dt.Rows[0]["reparator"].ToString();
                r.AnvID     = dt.Rows[0]["AnvID"].ToString();
                r.RepKatID  = dt.Rows[0]["rep_kat_id"].ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private bool validatePictCategory(PictureCL p)
            if (p.PictCatID == 0)

            string sSql = " select count(*) antal "
                          + " from PictCategory "
                          + " where pictCatID = :pictCatID ";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("pictCatID", p.PictCatID);

            string err = "";

            DataTable dt = cdb.getData(sSql, ref err, pc);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)

            return(Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["antal"]) == 1);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private bool validateGasketAgainstMaterialSize(gGasketCL g)
            string sSql = " SELECT ms.materialLength * 1000 materialLengthMm, ms.materialWidth * 1000 materialWidthMm "
                          + " FROM gMaterialThickn mt "
                          + " join gMaterialSize ms on mt.materialSizeId = ms.materialSizeId "
                          + " where mt.materialThicknId = :materialThicknId ";
            string dummy             = "";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("materialThicknId", g.materialThicknId);
            DataTable dt = cdb.getData(sSql, ref dummy, pc);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                Decimal materialLength = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["materialLengthMm"]);
                Decimal materialWidth  = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["materialWidthMm"]);
                if (g.outerDiam > materialLength || g.innerDiam > materialWidth)
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public DataRow getDeliveryAddress(string kund_id, ref string err)
            String sSql = "SELECT coalesce(lev_adress1,'') lev_adress1 , "
                          + " coalesce(lev_adress2, '') lev_adress2, "
                          + " coalesce(lev_postnr, '') + ' ' + coalesce(lev_stad, '') lev_adress3 "
                          + " , foretagskod "
                          + " , kund "
                          + " , coalesce(lev_postnr, '') + ' ' + coalesce(lev_stad, '') lev_adress4 "
                          + " , coalesce(land, '') land "
                          + " FROM kund "
                          + " where kund_id = :kund_id ";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("kund_id", kund_id);
            err = "";
            DataTable dt = cdb.getData(sSql, ref err, pc);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                err = "Adressuppgifter saknas för kund : " + kund_id;
                log.log("Adressuppgifter saknas för kund : " + kund_id, "0");

Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Count how many articles that are du to
        /// be sent to CompactStore
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <param name="vartOrdernr"></param>
        /// <returns>No of items or -1 if error (ident fails)</returns>
        /// 2018-04-22
        private Decimal countArtForStorageAut(string vartOrdernr)
            string sSql = "SELECT coalesce(sum(oa.coAntal),0) - coalesce(sum(oa.ciAntal),0) sum_antal "
                          + " FROM orderArt oa "
                          + " where oa.vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr ";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("vart_ordernr", vartOrdernr);
            string    error       = "";
            DataTable dt          = cdb.getData(sSql, ref error, pc);
            Decimal   orderArtSum = 0;

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                orderArtSum = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["sum_antal"]);
            sSql = "select coalesce(sum(oas.antal),0) sum_oas "
                   + " from oaStorage oas "
                   + " join orderArt oa on oas.orderArtId = oa.orderArtId "
                   + " where oa.vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr ";
            error = "";
            dt    = cdb.getData(sSql, ref error, pc);
            Decimal sum_oas = 0;

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                sum_oas = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["sum_oas"]);
            return(orderArtSum - sum_oas);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public int validateSalart(int salartID, bool forServiceDetalj, ref int salartCatID)
            string sSql = " select st.SalartCatID "
                          + " FROM Salart s "
                          + " join SalartType st on s.salartTypeID = st.SalartTypeID ";

            if (forServiceDetalj)
                sSql += "where s.SalartTypeID = 1";
                sSql += "where s.SalartTypeID > 1";
            sSql += " and s.SalartId = :salartID ";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("salartID", salartID);

            string errText = "";

            DataTable dt = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errText, pc);

            int rc = -1;

            salartCatID = 0;
            if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                rc          = 1;
                salartCatID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["SalartCatID"]);

Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a list of all reparators connected to an order
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VartOrdernr"></param>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-02-02 KJBO
        public List <ShReparatorCL> getShReparatorList(string VartOrdernr, string ident)
            List <ShReparatorCL> shRepList = new List <ShReparatorCL>();
            string sSql = "SELECT id, vart_ordernr, AnvID "
                          + " FROM shReparator "
                          + " where vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr ";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("vart_ordernr", VartOrdernr);
            ErrorCL   err = new ErrorCL();
            DataTable dt  = cdb.getData(sSql, ident, ref err, pc);

            if (err.ErrCode != 0)
                ShReparatorCL shRep = new ShReparatorCL();
                shRep.ErrCode    = err.ErrCode;
                shRep.ErrMessage = err.ErrMessage;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                ShReparatorCL shRep = new ShReparatorCL();
                shRep.Id          = Convert.ToInt32(dr["id"]);
                shRep.VartOrdernr = dr["vart_ordernr"].ToString();
                shRep.AnvID       = dr["AnvID"].ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private ErrorCL setTempCiAntal(int orderArtId, string vartOrdernr, string artnr, decimal tempCiAntal)
            ErrorCL errCl = new ErrorCL();

            errCl.ErrCode    = 0;
            errCl.ErrMessage = "";
            string sSql = " update orderArt "
                          + " set tempCiAntal = :tempCiAntal ";

            if (orderArtId != 0)
                sSql += " where orderArtId = :orderArtId ";
                sSql += " where vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr "
                        + " and artnr = :artnr ";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("tempCiAntal", tempCiAntal);
            if (orderArtId != 0)
                pc.Add("orderArtId", orderArtId);
                pc.Add("vart_ordernr", vartOrdernr);
                pc.Add("artnr", artnr);
            string errText = "";

            cdb.updateData(sSql, ref errText, pc);
            if (errText != "")
                errCl.ErrCode = -100;
                errText       = "Error when updating tempCiAntal on orderArt table. Message : " + errText;
                if (errText.Length > 2000)
                    errText = errText.Substring(1, 2000);
                errCl.ErrMessage = errText;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void logMessage(int logLevel, string message, string messageDescr = "")
            if (logLevel <= CConfig.devLogLevel)
                string sSql = " insert into devLog (logDate, logLevel, message, messageDescr) "
                              + " values(:logDate, :logLevel, :message, :messageDescr) ";

                NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();
                pc.Add("logDate", DateTime.Now);
                pc.Add("logLevel", logLevel);
                pc.Add("message", message);
                pc.Add("messageDescr", messageDescr);

                string err = "";
                cdb.updateData(sSql, ref err, pc);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a list of all reuse material sizes
        /// Set reuseMatId to 0 to get all objects
        /// Otherwise return only the object matching the
        /// Id number

        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <param name="reuseMatId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-08-31 KJBO
        public List <gReuseMatCL> getReuseMaterial(string ident, int reuseMatId)
            List <gReuseMatCL> rmList = new List <gReuseMatCL>();
            CReparator         cr     = new CReparator();
            int identOK = cr.checkIdent(ident);

            if (identOK == -1)
                gReuseMatCL gm = new gReuseMatCL();
                gm.ErrCode    = -10;
                gm.ErrMessage = "Ogiltigt login";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();
            string sSql = " SELECT gm.reuseMatId, gm.minDiam, gm.reusePercentage, coalesce(min(gmNext.minDiam), 1500) gmMaxDiam "
                          + " FROM gReuseMat gm "
                          + " left outer join gReuseMat gmNext on gm.minDiam < gmNext.minDiam ";

            if (reuseMatId > 0)
                sSql += "where gm.reuseMatId = :reuseMatId ";
                pc.Add("reuseMatId", reuseMatId);
            sSql += " group by gm.reuseMatId, gm.minDiam, gm.reusePercentage ";
            string    errText = "";
            DataTable dt      = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errText, pc);

            int errCode = -100;

            if (errText != "")
                gReuseMatCL gm = new gReuseMatCL();
                if (errText.Length > 2000)
                    errText = errText.Substring(1, 2000);
                gm.ErrCode    = errCode;
                gm.ErrMessage = errText;
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                gReuseMatCL gm = new gReuseMatCL();
                gm.ErrCode         = 0;
                gm.ErrMessage      = "";
                gm.reuseMatId      = Convert.ToInt32(dr["reuseMatId"]);
                gm.minDiam         = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["minDiam"]);
                gm.maxDiam         = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["gmMaxDiam"]);
                gm.reusePercentage = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["reusePercentage"]);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the next "free" picture number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int getNextBildNr(PictureCL p)
            string sSql = " select coalesce(max(bild_nr),0) as bild_nr "
                          + " from servrad_bild "
                          + " where vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr "
                          + " and radnr = :radnr ";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("vart_ordernr", p.VartOrdernr);
            pc.Add("radnr", p.Radnr);

            string err = "";

            DataTable dt = cdb.getData(sSql, ref err, pc);

            return(Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["bild_nr"]) + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private int validateServiceRow(ReservdelCL r)
            string sSql = " select count(*) as antal "
                          + " from servicerad "
                          + " where vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr "
                          + " and radnr = :radnr ";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("vart_ordernr", r.VartOrdernr);
            pc.Add("radnr", r.Radnr);

            string errText = "";

            DataTable dt = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errText, pc);

Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Count the number of this article on this order
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="err"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //  2018-04-30 Indentive AB Kjbo
        private Decimal countArtOnOrder(ReservdelCL r, ref String err)
            String sSql = "select coalesce(sum(antal),0) sum_antal "
                          + " from reservdel "
                          + " where vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr "
                          + " and artnr = :artnr ";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("vart_ordernr", r.VartOrdernr);
            pc.Add("artnr", r.Artnr);
            err = "";
            DataTable dt = cdb.getData(sSql, ref err, pc);

            if (err != "")
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private bool drawingExists(string ventil_id, int drawingNo)
            string sSql = " select count(*) countDrawing "
                          + " from valveDrawing "
                          + " where ventil_id = :ventil_id "
                          + " and drawingNo = :drawingNo ";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("ventil_id", ventil_id);
            pc.Add("drawingNo", drawingNo);
            string    err = "";
            DataTable dt  = cdb.getData(sSql, ref err, pc);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
            return(Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["countDrawing"]) > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if an order is open for editing
        /// The return value is a string, 1 = open, -1 = closed or an error message
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <param name="VartOrdernr"></param>
        /// <returns>1 - Open -1 - Closed or an error message</returns>
        public string isOpen(string ident, string VartOrdernr)
            CReparator cr = new CReparator();

            int identOK = cr.checkIdent(ident);

            if (identOK == -1)
                return("Ogiltigt login");

            string sSql = " select Coalesce(OpenForApp, false) as OpenForApp, "
                          + " Coalesce(Godkand, true) as Godkand "
                          + " from servicehuvud "
                          + " where vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr ";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("vart_ordernr", VartOrdernr);

            string    errText = "";
            DataTable dt      = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errText, pc);

            int errCode = -100;

            if (errText == "" && dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                errText = "Det finns ingen order med aktuellt ordernr";
                errCode = -10;

            if (errText != "")
                if (errText.Length > 2000)
                    errText = errText.Substring(1, 2000);
                ServiceHuvudCL sh = new ServiceHuvudCL();
                sh.ErrCode    = errCode;
                sh.ErrMessage = errText;

            DataRow dr          = dt.Rows[0];
            Boolean bOpenForApp = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["OpenForApp"]);
            Boolean bGodkand    = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["Godkand"]);

            if (bOpenForApp && !bGodkand)
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private int duplicateExists(VentilCL v)
            // 2019-04-29 KJBO
            // Problems when other properties has changed than position
            // Only do a duplicate check if position has changed
            if (v.VentilID != "")
                if (!positionHasChanged(v))

            string sSql = " select count(*) as antal "
                          + " from ventil "
                          + " where kund_id = :kund_id "
                          + " and \"position\" = :position ";

            if (v.VentilID != null)
                sSql += " and ventil_id <> :ventil_id ";

            NxParameterCollection np = new NxParameterCollection();

            np.Add("kund_id", v.KundID);
            np.Add("position", v.Position);
            if (v.VentilID != null)
                np.Add("ventil_id", v.VentilID);

            string    err = "";
            DataTable dt  = cdb.getData(sSql, ref err, np);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Save access level for gasket handling
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <param name="reparator"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-08-21 KJBO
        public ReparatorCL saveGasketLevel(string ident, ReparatorCL reparator)
            ReparatorCL rep     = new ReparatorCL();
            int         identOK = checkIdent(ident);

            if (identOK == -1)
                rep.ErrCode    = -10;
                rep.ErrMessage = "Ogiltigt login";

            if (reparator.AnvID == "")
                rep.ErrCode    = -1;
                rep.ErrMessage = "Reparatör måste väljas";

            string sSql = " update reparator "
                          + " set gasketLevel = :gasketLevel "
                          + " where AnvID = :AnvID ";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("AnvID", reparator.AnvID);
            pc.Add("gasketLevel", reparator.gasketLevel);
            string errSt = "";
            int    rc    = cdb.updateData(sSql, ref errSt, pc);

            if (errSt != "")
                if (errSt.Length > 2000)
                    errSt = errSt.Substring(1, 2000);
                rep.ErrCode    = -10;
                rep.ErrMessage = errSt;

            return(getReparators(ident, reparator.AnvID)[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        private int getNextReservNr(ReservdelCL r)
            string sSql = " SELECT coalesce(max(reserv_nr),0) as maxRow "
                          + " from reservdel "
                          + " where vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr "
                          + " and radnr = :radnr ";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("vart_ordernr", r.VartOrdernr);
            pc.Add("radnr", r.Radnr);

            string    err = "";
            DataTable dt  = cdb.getData(sSql, ref err, pc);

            int maxrow = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][0]);
