Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Package GetPackage(string nupkgPath)
            var result = new Package();

            using (var packageFile = File.Open(nupkgPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                using (var packageReader = new PackageArchiveReader(packageFile))
                    var manifestReader = new NuspecReader(packageReader.GetNuspec());
                    result.Authors                  = manifestReader.GetAuthors();
                    result.DependencySets           = manifestReader.GetDependencyGroups();
                    result.Description              = manifestReader.GetDescription();
                    result.Id                       = manifestReader.GetIdentity().Id;
                    result.LicenseUrl               = manifestReader.GetLicenseUrl();
                    result.ProjectUrl               = manifestReader.GetProjectUrl();
                    result.Summary                  = manifestReader.GetSummary();
                    result.Version                  = manifestReader.GetIdentity().Version;
                    result.RequireLicenseAcceptance = manifestReader.GetRequireLicenseAcceptance();
                    result.Files                    = packageReader.GetFiles()
                                                      .Where(x => x != "[Content_Types].xml" &&
                                                             x != "_rels/.rels" &&
                                                             !x.EndsWith(".nuspec") &&
                                                      .Select(x => x.Replace("/", "\\"))
                                                      .OrderBy(x => x).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a PackageInput for Add.
 /// </summary>
 public PackageInput(string packagePath, bool isSymbolsPackage, NuspecReader nuspecReader)
     PackagePath      = packagePath ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(packagePath));
     IsSymbolsPackage = isSymbolsPackage;
     Nuspec           = nuspecReader ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(nuspecReader));
     Identity         = nuspecReader.GetIdentity();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Read dependency info from a nuspec.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This also verifies minClientVersion.</remarks>
        protected static FindPackageByIdDependencyInfo GetDependencyInfo(NuspecReader reader)
            // Since this is the first place a package is read after selecting it as the best version
            // check the minClientVersion here to verify we are okay to read this package.

            // Create dependency info
            return(new FindPackageByIdDependencyInfo(
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if a package is installed based on the provided package save mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packageIdentity">A package identity.</param>
        /// <param name="packageSaveMode">A package save mode.</param>
        /// <returns>A flag indicating whether or not the package is installed.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="packageIdentity" />
        /// is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        public bool PackageExists(PackageIdentity packageIdentity, PackageSaveMode packageSaveMode)
            if (packageIdentity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(packageIdentity));

            var nupkgPath  = GetInstalledPackageFilePath(packageIdentity);
            var nuspecPath = GetInstalledManifestFilePath(packageIdentity);

            var packageExists  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nupkgPath);
            var manifestExists = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nuspecPath);

            // When using -ExcludeVersion check that the actual package version matches.
            if (!PackagePathResolver.UseSideBySidePaths)
                if (packageExists)
                    using (var reader = new PackageArchiveReader(nupkgPath))
                        packageExists = packageIdentity.Equals(reader.NuspecReader.GetIdentity());

                if (manifestExists)
                    var reader = new NuspecReader(nuspecPath);
                    packageExists = packageIdentity.Equals(reader.GetIdentity());

            if (!packageExists)
                packageExists |= !string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetPackageDownloadMarkerFilePath(packageIdentity));

            // A package must have either a nupkg or a nuspec to be valid
            var result = packageExists || manifestExists;

            // Verify nupkg present if specified
            if ((packageSaveMode & PackageSaveMode.Nupkg) == PackageSaveMode.Nupkg)
                result &= packageExists;

            // Verify nuspec present if specified
            if ((packageSaveMode & PackageSaveMode.Nuspec) == PackageSaveMode.Nuspec)
                result &= manifestExists;

        private IReadOnlyList <LocalPackageInfo> GetPackageInfosCore(string id, ILogger logger)
            var result = new List <LocalPackageInfo>();

            // packages\{packageId}.{version}.nupkg
            var nupkgFiles = LocalFolderUtility.GetNupkgsFromFlatFolder(_source, logger)
                             .Where(path => LocalFolderUtility.IsPossiblePackageMatch(path, id));

            foreach (var nupkgInfo in nupkgFiles)
                using (var stream = nupkgInfo.OpenRead())
                    using (var packageReader = new PackageArchiveReader(stream))
                        NuspecReader reader;
                            reader = new NuspecReader(packageReader.GetNuspec());
                        catch (XmlException ex)
                            var message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.Protocol_PackageMetadataError, nupkgInfo.Name, _source);

                            throw new FatalProtocolException(message, ex);
                        catch (PackagingException ex)
                            var message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.Protocol_PackageMetadataError, nupkgInfo.Name, _source);

                            throw new FatalProtocolException(message, ex);

                        var identity = reader.GetIdentity();

                        if (string.Equals(identity.Id, id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            var cachePackage = new LocalPackageInfo(
                                new Lazy <NuspecReader>(() => reader),
                                new Func <PackageReaderBase>(() => new PackageArchiveReader(nupkgInfo.FullName))


Ejemplo n.º 6
        bool TryReadPackageIdentity(string packageFile, out PackageIdentity packageIdentity)
            packageIdentity = null;
                using (var reader = new PackageArchiveReader(new FileStream(packageFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)))
                    var nuspecReader = new NuspecReader(reader.GetNuspec());
                    packageIdentity = nuspecReader.GetIdentity();
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Warning(ex, "Could not read manifest from '{PackageFile:l}'", packageFile);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if a manifest is installed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packageIdentity">A package identity.</param>
        /// <returns>A flag indicating whether or not the package is installed.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="packageIdentity" />
        /// is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        public bool ManifestExists(PackageIdentity packageIdentity)
            if (packageIdentity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(packageIdentity));

            var path = GetInstalledManifestFilePath(packageIdentity);

            var exists = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(path);

            if (exists && !PackagePathResolver.UseSideBySidePaths)
                var reader = new NuspecReader(path);
                exists = packageIdentity.Equals(reader.GetIdentity());

        /// <summary>
        /// Apply build actions from the nuspec to items from the contentFiles folder.
        /// </summary>
        internal static List <LockFileContentFile> GetContentFileGroup(
            NuspecReader nuspec,
            List <ContentItemGroup> contentFileGroups)
            var results = new List <LockFileContentFile>(contentFileGroups.Count);
            var rootFolderPathLength = ContentFilesFolderName.Length;

            // Read the contentFiles section of the nuspec
            // Read the entries so that the bottom entry has priority
            var nuspecContentFiles = nuspec.GetContentFiles().ToList();

            // Initialize mappings
            var entryMappings    = new Dictionary <string, List <ContentFilesEntry> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            var languageMappings = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            foreach (var group in contentFileGroups)
                var codeLanguage = group.Properties[ManagedCodeConventions.PropertyNames.CodeLanguage] as string;

                foreach (var item in group.Items)
                    if (!entryMappings.ContainsKey(item.Path))
                        entryMappings.Add(item.Path, new List <ContentFilesEntry>());
                        languageMappings.Add(item.Path, codeLanguage);

            // Virtual root for file globbing
            var rootDirectory = new VirtualFileInfo(VirtualFileProvider.RootDir, isDirectory: true);

            // Apply all nuspec property mappings to the files returned by content model
            foreach (var filesEntry in nuspecContentFiles)
                // this is validated in the nuspec reader
                Debug.Assert(filesEntry.Include != null, "invalid contentFiles entry");

                // Create a filesystem matcher for globbing patterns
                var matcher = new Matcher(StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                if (filesEntry.Exclude != null)

                // Check each file against the patterns
                foreach (var file in entryMappings.Keys)
                    // Remove contentFiles/ from the string
                    Debug.Assert(file.StartsWith(ContentFilesFolderName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
                                 "invalid file path: " + file);

                    // All files should begin with the same root folder
                    if (file.Length > rootFolderPathLength)
                        var relativePath = file.Substring(rootFolderPathLength, file.Length - rootFolderPathLength);

                        // Check if the nuspec group include/exclude patterns apply to the file
                        var virtualDirectory = new VirtualFileProvider(new List <string>()
                        var globbingDirectory = new FileProviderGlobbingDirectory(
                            fileInfo: rootDirectory,
                            parent: null);

                        // Currently Matcher only returns the file name not the full path, each file must be
                        // check individually.
                        var matchResults = matcher.Execute(globbingDirectory);

                        if (matchResults.Files.Any())

            // Create lock file entries for each item in the contentFiles folder
            foreach (var file in entryMappings.Keys)
                // defaults
                var action       = BuildAction.Parse(PackagingConstants.ContentFilesDefaultBuildAction);
                var copyToOutput = false;
                var flatten      = false;

                // _._ is needed for empty codeLanguage groups
                if (file.EndsWith(PackagingCoreConstants.ForwardSlashEmptyFolder, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    action = BuildAction.None;
                    // apply each entry
                    // entries may not have all the attributes, if a value is null
                    // ignore it and continue using the previous value.
                    foreach (var filesEntry in entryMappings[file])
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filesEntry.BuildAction))
                            action = BuildAction.Parse(filesEntry.BuildAction);

                        if (filesEntry.CopyToOutput.HasValue)
                            copyToOutput = filesEntry.CopyToOutput.Value;

                        if (filesEntry.Flatten.HasValue)
                            flatten = filesEntry.Flatten.Value;

                // Add attributes to the lock file item
                var lockFileItem = new LockFileContentFile(file);

                // Add the language from the directory path
                lockFileItem.CodeLanguage = languageMappings[file].ToLowerInvariant();

                if (!action.IsKnown)
                    // Throw an error containing the package identity, invalid action, and file where it occurred.
                    var message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.Error_UnknownBuildAction, nuspec.GetIdentity(), action, file);
                    throw new PackagingException(message);

                lockFileItem.BuildAction  = action;
                lockFileItem.CopyToOutput = copyToOutput;

                // Check if this is a .pp transform. If the filename is ".pp" ignore it since it will
                // have no file name after the transform.
                var isPP = lockFileItem.Path.EndsWith(".pp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&

                if (copyToOutput)
                    string destination = null;

                    if (flatten)
                        destination = Path.GetFileName(lockFileItem.Path);
                        // Find path relative to the TxM
                        // Ex: contentFiles/cs/net45/config/config.xml -> config/config.xml
                        destination = GetContentFileFolderRelativeToFramework(file);

                    if (isPP)
                        // Remove .pp from the output file path
                        destination = destination.Substring(0, destination.Length - 3);

                    lockFileItem.OutputPath = destination;

                // Add the pp transform file if one exists
                if (isPP)
                    var destination = lockFileItem.Path.Substring(0, lockFileItem.Path.Length - 3);
                    destination = GetContentFileFolderRelativeToFramework(destination);

                    lockFileItem.PPOutputPath = destination;


Ejemplo n.º 9
        private async Task <bool?> CheckPackageExistsAsync(
            FileInfo nugetPackage,
            string nugetExePath,
            ILogger logger,
            string sourceName)
            if (!File.Exists(nugetPackage.FullName))
                    $"The NuGet package '{nugetPackage}' does not exist");

            logger.WriteDebug($"Searching for existing NuGet package '{nugetPackage}'");

            string packageVersion;
            string packageId;

            using (var fs = new FileStream(nugetPackage.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                using (var archive = new ZipArchive(fs))
                    ZipArchiveEntry nuspecEntry =
                            entry =>
                            .Equals(".nuspec", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                    if (nuspecEntry == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("The nuget package does not contain any nuspec");

                    var          nuspecReader = new NuspecReader(nuspecEntry.Open());
                    NuGetVersion nuGetVersion = nuspecReader.GetVersion();

                    packageVersion = nuGetVersion.ToNormalizedString();
                    packageId      = nuspecReader.GetIdentity().Id;

            SemanticVersion expectedVersion = SemanticVersion.Parse(packageVersion);

            var packageInfo = new { Id = packageId, Version = expectedVersion };

            var args = new List <string>

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceName))
                logger.WriteVerbose($"Using specific source name '{sourceName}'");


            if (packageInfo.Version.IsPrerelease)
                logger.WriteVerbose($"Package '{nugetPackage.Name}' is pre-release");

            var errorBuilder    = new StringBuilder();
            var standardBuilder = new List <string>();

            string expectedNameAndVersion = $"{packageInfo.Id} {expectedVersion.ToNormalizedString()}";

            logger.Write($"Looking for '{expectedNameAndVersion}' package");

            ExitCode exitCode =
                    arguments : args,
                    standardOutLog :
                    (message, prefix) =>
                logger.Write(message, prefix);
                    standardErrorAction : (message, prefix) =>
                logger.WriteError(message, prefix);
                    toolAction : logger.Write,
                    addProcessNameAsLogCategory : true,
                    addProcessRunnerCategory : true);

            if (!exitCode.IsSuccess)
                logger.WriteError($"Could not execute process to check if package '{expectedNameAndVersion}' exists");

            bool foundSpecificPackage = standardBuilder.Any(
                line => line.Equals(expectedNameAndVersion, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            if (foundSpecificPackage)
                logger.Write($"Found existing package id '{expectedNameAndVersion}'");
                logger.Write($"Could not find existing package id '{expectedNameAndVersion}'");
