Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CanDetectWhenThereAreNoBlocksPresent()
            var results = default(IEnumerable<Block>);
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var blockFinder = default(BlockFinder);

            "Given I have a board that contains no blocks".Context(() =>
                    board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                    var numericalBoardFiller = new NumericalBoardFiller();
                    blockFinder = new BlockFinder();

            "When I find blocks".Do(() => results = blockFinder.Find(board));

            "Then no blocks should be returned"
                .Observation(() => results.Count().ShouldEqual(0));
        public void CanFillAnEmptyBoard()
            var numericalBoardFiller = default(NumericalBoardFiller);
            var board = default(Board);

            "Given that I have a board with with 41 selectable squares".Context(() =>
                numericalBoardFiller = new NumericalBoardFiller();
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();

            "When I fill the board".Do(() => numericalBoardFiller.Fill(board));

            "Then every square that is not selectable should not contain a tile".Observation(
                () => board.AllSquares().Where(sq => !sq.IsSelectable && sq.HasTile).Count().ShouldEqual(0));

            "Then every square that is selectable should contain a tile".Observation(
                () => board.AllSquares().Where(sq => sq.IsSelectable && sq.HasTile).Count().ShouldEqual(41));
        public void CanRaiseARemoveFoundBlocksEventWhenAnimationHasFinished()
            var blocksFoundAnimation = default(BlocksFoundAnimation);
            var result = default(IGameEvent);
            var board = default(IBoard);

            "Given I have a blocks found event with a number of blocks found"
                .Context(() =>
                        var blocks =
                                    new Block(new[] {new BoardCoordinate(3, 3), new BoardCoordinate(3, 4)})
                                    , new Block(new[] {new BoardCoordinate(5, 5), new BoardCoordinate(3, 4) })

                        board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                        var numericalBoardFiller = new NumericalBoardFiller();

                        blocksFoundAnimation = new BlocksFoundAnimation(blocks, board);

                        GameEvents.Dispatcher = new ActionEventDispatcher(e => result = e);

            "When I call OnFinshed on the animation"
                .Do(() => blocksFoundAnimation.OnFinished());

            "Then the event raised should be a remove found blocks event"
                .Observation(() => result.ShouldBeOfType<RemoveFoundBlocksEvent>());

            "Then there should be 3 squares on the remove found blocks event"
                .Observation(() => ((RemoveFoundBlocksEvent) result).SquaresInBlocks

            "Then there should be 1 square with cooardinates 3, 3"
                .Observation(() => ((RemoveFoundBlocksEvent) result).SquaresInBlocks
                    .Count(c => c.X == 3 && c.Y == 3).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then there should be 1 square with cooardinates 3, 4"
                .Observation(() =>((RemoveFoundBlocksEvent)result).SquaresInBlocks
                    .Count(c => c.X == 3 && c.Y == 4).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then there should be 1 square with cooardinates 5, 5"
                .Observation(() => ((RemoveFoundBlocksEvent)result).SquaresInBlocks
                    .Count(c => c.X == 5 && c.Y == 5).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then there should be no squares in blocks"
                .Observation(() => board.AllSquares().Count(sq => sq.IsInBlock).ShouldEqual(0));
        public void CanSetIsInBlockToTrueForAllSquares()
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var blocksFoundAnimation = default(BlocksFoundAnimation);
            var blocks = default(IEnumerable<Block>);

            "Given I have a blocks found event with a number of blocks found"
                .Context(() =>
                        board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                        var numericalBoardFiller = new NumericalBoardFiller();
                        blocks =
                                    new Block(new[] {new BoardCoordinate(3, 3), new BoardCoordinate(3, 4)})
                                    , new Block(new[] {new BoardCoordinate(5, 5)})

            "When I initiate the animation"
                .Do(() => blocksFoundAnimation = new BlocksFoundAnimation(blocks, board));

            "Then the square at coordinate 3, 3 should be marked as in block"
                .Observation(() => board[3, 3].IsInBlock.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at coordinate 3, 4 should be marked as in block"
                .Observation(() => board[3, 4].IsInBlock.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at coordinate 5, 5 should be marked as in block"
                .Observation(() => board[5, 5].IsInBlock.ShouldBeTrue());
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Fill(IBoard board)
            var numericalBoardFiller = new NumericalBoardFiller();

            board[3, 1].Tile = new TestTile(2);
            board[4, 1].Tile = new TestTile(2);
            board[3, 2].Tile = new TestTile(2);
            board[4, 2].Tile = new TestTile(2);

            board[4, 3].Tile = new TestTile(2);
            board[5, 2].Tile = new TestTile(2);
            board[5, 3].Tile = new TestTile(2);
        public void SquaresShouldContainNumbersInOrder()
            var numericalBoardFiller = default(NumericalBoardFiller);
            var board = default(Board);

            "Given that I have a board with with 41 selectable squares".Context(() =>
                numericalBoardFiller = new NumericalBoardFiller();
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();

            "When I fill the board".Do(() => numericalBoardFiller.Fill(board));

            "Then the 1st selectable square should contain the colour 1".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[0].Colour.ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then the 2nd selectable square should contain the colour 2".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[1].Colour.ShouldEqual(2));

            "Then the 3rd selectable square should contain the colour 3".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[2].Colour.ShouldEqual(3));

            "Then the 4th selectable square should contain the colour 4".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[3].Colour.ShouldEqual(4));

            "Then the 5th selectable square should contain the colour 5".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[4].Colour.ShouldEqual(5));

            "Then the 6th selectable square should contain the colour 6".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[5].Colour.ShouldEqual(6));

            "Then the 7tn selectable square should contain the colour 7".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[6].Colour.ShouldEqual(7));

            "Then the 8th selectable square should contain the colour 8".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[7].Colour.ShouldEqual(8));

            "Then the 9th selectable square should contain the colour 9".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[8].Colour.ShouldEqual(9));

            "Then the 10th selectable square should contain the colour 10".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[9].Colour.ShouldEqual(10));

            "Then the 11th selectable square should contain the colour 11".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[10].Colour.ShouldEqual(11));

            "Then the 12th selectable square should contain the colour 12".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[11].Colour.ShouldEqual(12));

            "Then the 13th selectable square should contain the colour 13".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[12].Colour.ShouldEqual(13));

            "Then the 14th selectable square should contain the colour 14".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[13].Colour.ShouldEqual(14));

            "Then the 15th selectable square should contain the colour 15".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[14].Colour.ShouldEqual(15));

            "Then the 16th selectable square should contain the colour 16".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[15].Colour.ShouldEqual(16));

            "Then the 17th selectable square should contain the colour 17".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[16].Colour.ShouldEqual(17));

            "Then the 18th selectable square should contain the colour 18".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[17].Colour.ShouldEqual(18));

            "Then the 19th selectable square should contain the colour 19".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[18].Colour.ShouldEqual(19));

            "Then the 20th selectable square should contain the colour 20".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[19].Colour.ShouldEqual(20));

            "Then the 21st selectable square should contain the colour 21".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[20].Colour.ShouldEqual(21));

            "Then the 22nd selectable square should contain the colour 22".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[21].Colour.ShouldEqual(22));

            "Then the 23rd selectable square should contain the colour 23".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[22].Colour.ShouldEqual(23));

            "Then the 24th selectable square should contain the colour 24".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[23].Colour.ShouldEqual(24));

            "Then the 25th selectable square should contain the colour 25".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[24].Colour.ShouldEqual(25));

            "Then the 26th selectable square should contain the colour 26".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[25].Colour.ShouldEqual(26));

            "Then the 27th selectable square should contain the colour 27".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[26].Colour.ShouldEqual(27));

            "Then the 28th selectable square should contain the colour 28".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[27].Colour.ShouldEqual(28));

            "Then the 29th selectable square should contain the colour 29".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[28].Colour.ShouldEqual(29));

            "Then the 30th selectable square should contain the colour 30".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[29].Colour.ShouldEqual(30));

            "Then the 31st selectable square should contain the colour 31".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[30].Colour.ShouldEqual(31));

            "Then the 32nd selectable square should contain the colour 32".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[31].Colour.ShouldEqual(32));

            "Then the 33rd selectable square should contain the colour 33".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[32].Colour.ShouldEqual(33));

            "Then the 34th selectable square should contain the colour 34".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[33].Colour.ShouldEqual(34));

            "Then the 35th selectable square should contain the colour 35".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[34].Colour.ShouldEqual(35));

            "Then the 36th selectable square should contain the colour 36".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[35].Colour.ShouldEqual(36));

            "Then the 37th selectable square should contain the colour 37".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[36].Colour.ShouldEqual(37));

            "Then the 38th selectable square should contain the colour 38".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[37].Colour.ShouldEqual(38));

            "Then the 39th selectable square should contain the colour 39".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[38].Colour.ShouldEqual(39));

            "Then the 40th selectable square should contain the colour 40".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[39].Colour.ShouldEqual(40));

            "Then the 41st selectable square should contain the colour 41".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[40].Colour.ShouldEqual(41));