/// <summary>
        /// Outbound API used by MDES to notify the Token Requestor of significant Token updates, such as when the Token is activated, suspended, unsuspended or deleted; or when information about the Token or its product configuration has changed. This API is used by MDES to notify the Token Requestor of significant Token updates. Typical notification scenarios include  &lt;br&gt; &lt;br&gt;  1. Informing the merchant a token is active 2. Informing the merchant a token has been suspended by the Issuer 3. Informing the merchant a token has been unsuspended by the Issuer 4. Informing the merchant a token has been deleted by the Issuer 5. Informing the merchant of a product configuration change (such as a change in Card Art) 6. Informing the merchant of underlying changes to the FPAN metadata associated to the token&lt;br&gt;   __Connection Security__&lt;br&gt; Mastercard will connect via TLS protocol and verify the server certificate before establishing a connection to the client endpoint. During this handshake, the client server can request TLS client authentication. Mastercard will present a client certificate which identifies as �ws.mastercard.com� This client certificate is issued by the Entrust L1K certificate and should be available in most trust stores.  &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; __Conditional Objects__&lt;br&gt; The contents of the notifyTokenUpdated API will vary depending which of the above scneraios triggered the notification. &lt;br&gt;   1. *productConfig* - Provided when Product Configuration has changed (e.g. such as card art).      2. *tokenInfo* - Provided when either the details of the token or associated FPAN have changed (such as token or PAN expiry).      The optional objects will always contain a minimum set of data which be returned regardless of whether or not updates have been made. These fields are denoted as required fields.&lt;br&gt;
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Mastercard.Developer.DigitalEnablement.Client.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="notifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema">Contains the details of the request message.  (optional)</param>
        /// <returns>Task of ApiResponse (NotifyTokenUpdatedResponseSchema)</returns>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <ApiResponse <NotifyTokenUpdatedResponseSchema> > NotifyTokenUpdateForTokenStateChangeAsyncWithHttpInfo(NotifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema notifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema = null)
            var    localVarPath         = "./digitization/static/1/0/notifyTokenUpdated";
            var    localVarPathParams   = new Dictionary <String, String>();
            var    localVarQueryParams  = new List <KeyValuePair <String, String> >();
            var    localVarHeaderParams = new Dictionary <String, String>(this.Configuration.DefaultHeader);
            var    localVarFormParams   = new Dictionary <String, String>();
            var    localVarFileParams   = new Dictionary <String, FileParameter>();
            Object localVarPostBody     = null;

            // to determine the Content-Type header
            String[] localVarHttpContentTypes = new String[] {
            String localVarHttpContentType = this.Configuration.ApiClient.SelectHeaderContentType(localVarHttpContentTypes);

            // to determine the Accept header
            String[] localVarHttpHeaderAccepts = new String[] {
            String localVarHttpHeaderAccept = this.Configuration.ApiClient.SelectHeaderAccept(localVarHttpHeaderAccepts);

            if (localVarHttpHeaderAccept != null)
                localVarHeaderParams.Add("Accept", localVarHttpHeaderAccept);

            if (notifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema != null && notifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema.GetType() != typeof(byte[]))
                localVarPostBody = this.Configuration.ApiClient.Serialize(notifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema); // http body (model) parameter
                localVarPostBody = notifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema; // byte array

            // make the HTTP request
            IRestResponse localVarResponse = (IRestResponse)await this.Configuration.ApiClient.CallApiAsync(localVarPath,
                                                                                                            Method.POST, localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarFileParams,
                                                                                                            localVarPathParams, localVarHttpContentType);

            int localVarStatusCode = (int)localVarResponse.StatusCode;

            if (ExceptionFactory != null)
                Exception exception = ExceptionFactory("NotifyTokenUpdateForTokenStateChange", localVarResponse);
                if (exception != null)
                    throw exception;

            return(new ApiResponse <NotifyTokenUpdatedResponseSchema>(localVarStatusCode,
                                                                      localVarResponse.Headers.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => string.Join(",", x.Value)),
                                                                      (NotifyTokenUpdatedResponseSchema)this.Configuration.ApiClient.Deserialize(localVarResponse, typeof(NotifyTokenUpdatedResponseSchema))));
        /// <summary>
        /// Outbound API used by MDES to notify the Token Requestor of significant Token updates, such as when the Token is activated, suspended, unsuspended or deleted; or when information about the Token or its product configuration has changed. This API is used by MDES to notify the Token Requestor of significant Token updates. Typical notification scenarios include  &lt;br&gt; &lt;br&gt;  1. Informing the merchant a token is active 2. Informing the merchant a token has been suspended by the Issuer 3. Informing the merchant a token has been unsuspended by the Issuer 4. Informing the merchant a token has been deleted by the Issuer 5. Informing the merchant of a product configuration change (such as a change in Card Art) 6. Informing the merchant of underlying changes to the FPAN metadata associated to the token&lt;br&gt;   __Connection Security__&lt;br&gt; Mastercard will connect via TLS protocol and verify the server certificate before establishing a connection to the client endpoint. During this handshake, the client server can request TLS client authentication. Mastercard will present a client certificate which identifies as �ws.mastercard.com� This client certificate is issued by the Entrust L1K certificate and should be available in most trust stores.  &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; __Conditional Objects__&lt;br&gt; The contents of the notifyTokenUpdated API will vary depending which of the above scneraios triggered the notification. &lt;br&gt;   1. *productConfig* - Provided when Product Configuration has changed (e.g. such as card art).      2. *tokenInfo* - Provided when either the details of the token or associated FPAN have changed (such as token or PAN expiry).      The optional objects will always contain a minimum set of data which be returned regardless of whether or not updates have been made. These fields are denoted as required fields.&lt;br&gt;
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Mastercard.Developer.DigitalEnablement.Client.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="notifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema">Contains the details of the request message.  (optional)</param>
        /// <returns>Task of NotifyTokenUpdatedResponseSchema</returns>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <NotifyTokenUpdatedResponseSchema> NotifyTokenUpdateForTokenStateChangeAsync(NotifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema notifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema = null)
            ApiResponse <NotifyTokenUpdatedResponseSchema> localVarResponse = await NotifyTokenUpdateForTokenStateChangeAsyncWithHttpInfo(notifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema);

        /// <summary>
        /// Outbound API used by MDES to notify the Token Requestor of significant Token updates, such as when the Token is activated, suspended, unsuspended or deleted; or when information about the Token or its product configuration has changed. This API is used by MDES to notify the Token Requestor of significant Token updates. Typical notification scenarios include  &lt;br&gt; &lt;br&gt;  1. Informing the merchant a token is active 2. Informing the merchant a token has been suspended by the Issuer 3. Informing the merchant a token has been unsuspended by the Issuer 4. Informing the merchant a token has been deleted by the Issuer 5. Informing the merchant of a product configuration change (such as a change in Card Art) 6. Informing the merchant of underlying changes to the FPAN metadata associated to the token&lt;br&gt;   __Connection Security__&lt;br&gt; Mastercard will connect via TLS protocol and verify the server certificate before establishing a connection to the client endpoint. During this handshake, the client server can request TLS client authentication. Mastercard will present a client certificate which identifies as �ws.mastercard.com� This client certificate is issued by the Entrust L1K certificate and should be available in most trust stores.  &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; __Conditional Objects__&lt;br&gt; The contents of the notifyTokenUpdated API will vary depending which of the above scneraios triggered the notification. &lt;br&gt;   1. *productConfig* - Provided when Product Configuration has changed (e.g. such as card art).      2. *tokenInfo* - Provided when either the details of the token or associated FPAN have changed (such as token or PAN expiry).      The optional objects will always contain a minimum set of data which be returned regardless of whether or not updates have been made. These fields are denoted as required fields.&lt;br&gt;
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Mastercard.Developer.DigitalEnablement.Client.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="notifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema">Contains the details of the request message.  (optional)</param>
        /// <returns>NotifyTokenUpdatedResponseSchema</returns>
        public NotifyTokenUpdatedResponseSchema NotifyTokenUpdateForTokenStateChange(NotifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema notifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema = null)
            ApiResponse <NotifyTokenUpdatedResponseSchema> localVarResponse = NotifyTokenUpdateForTokenStateChangeWithHttpInfo(notifyTokenUpdatedRequestSchema);
