Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override NumericDocValues GetNumeric(FieldInfo field)
            NormsDocValues dv = Norms[field.Name];

            Debug.Assert(dv != null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // note: just like segmentreader in 3.x, we open up all the files here (including separate norms) up front.
        // but we just don't do any seeks or reading yet.
        public Lucene3xNormsProducer(Directory dir, SegmentInfo info, FieldInfos fields, IOContext context)
            Directory separateNormsDir = info.Dir; // separate norms are never inside CFS

            maxdoc = info.DocCount;
            string segmentName = info.Name;
            bool   success     = false;

                long nextNormSeek = NORMS_HEADER.Length; //skip header (header unused for now)
                foreach (FieldInfo fi in fields)
                    if (fi.HasNorms)
                        string    fileName = GetNormFilename(info, fi.Number);
                        Directory d        = HasSeparateNorms(info, fi.Number) ? separateNormsDir : dir;

                        // singleNormFile means multiple norms share this file
                        bool       singleNormFile = IndexFileNames.MatchesExtension(fileName, NORMS_EXTENSION);
                        IndexInput normInput      = null;
                        long       normSeek;

                        if (singleNormFile)
                            normSeek = nextNormSeek;
                            if (singleNormStream == null)
                                singleNormStream = d.OpenInput(fileName, context);
                            // All norms in the .nrm file can share a single IndexInput since
                            // they are only used in a synchronized context.
                            // If this were to change in the future, a clone could be done here.
                            normInput = singleNormStream;
                            normInput = d.OpenInput(fileName, context);
                            // if the segment was created in 3.2 or after, we wrote the header for sure,
                            // and don't need to do the sketchy file size check. otherwise, we check
                            // if the size is exactly equal to maxDoc to detect a headerless file.
                            // NOTE: remove this check in Lucene 5.0!
                            string version       = info.Version;
                            bool   isUnversioned = (version == null || StringHelper.VersionComparer.Compare(version, "3.2") < 0) && normInput.Length == maxdoc;
                            if (isUnversioned)
                                normSeek = 0;
                                normSeek = NORMS_HEADER.Length;
                        NormsDocValues norm = new NormsDocValues(this, normInput, normSeek);
                        norms[fi.Name] = norm;
                        nextNormSeek  += maxdoc; // increment also if some norms are separate
                // TODO: change to a real check? see LUCENE-3619
                if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                    Debugging.Assert(singleNormStream == null || nextNormSeek == singleNormStream.Length, singleNormStream != null ? "len: {0} expected: {1}" : "null", singleNormStream?.Length ?? 0, nextNormSeek);
                success = true;
                if (!success)
            ramBytesUsed = new AtomicInt64();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public NumericDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(NormsDocValues outerInstance, byte[] bytes)
     this.bytes = bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // note: just like segmentreader in 3.x, we open up all the files here (including separate norms) up front.
        // but we just don't do any seeks or reading yet.
        public Lucene3xNormsProducer(Directory dir, SegmentInfo info, FieldInfos fields, IOContext context)
            Directory separateNormsDir = info.Dir; // separate norms are never inside CFS
            Maxdoc = info.DocCount;
            string segmentName = info.Name;
            bool success = false;
                long nextNormSeek = NORMS_HEADER.Length; //skip header (header unused for now)
                foreach (FieldInfo fi in fields)
                    if (fi.HasNorms())
                        string fileName = GetNormFilename(info, fi.Number);
                        Directory d = HasSeparateNorms(info, fi.Number) ? separateNormsDir : dir;

                        // singleNormFile means multiple norms share this file
                        bool singleNormFile = IndexFileNames.MatchesExtension(fileName, NORMS_EXTENSION);
                        IndexInput normInput = null;
                        long normSeek;

                        if (singleNormFile)
                            normSeek = nextNormSeek;
                            if (SingleNormStream == null)
                                SingleNormStream = d.OpenInput(fileName, context);
                            // All norms in the .nrm file can share a single IndexInput since
                            // they are only used in a synchronized context.
                            // If this were to change in the future, a clone could be done here.
                            normInput = SingleNormStream;
                            normInput = d.OpenInput(fileName, context);
                            // if the segment was created in 3.2 or after, we wrote the header for sure,
                            // and don't need to do the sketchy file size check. otherwise, we check
                            // if the size is exactly equal to maxDoc to detect a headerless file.
                            // NOTE: remove this check in Lucene 5.0!
                            string version = info.Version;
                            bool isUnversioned = (version == null || StringHelper.VersionComparator.Compare(version, "3.2") < 0) && normInput.Length() == Maxdoc;
                            if (isUnversioned)
                                normSeek = 0;
                                normSeek = NORMS_HEADER.Length;
                        NormsDocValues norm = new NormsDocValues(this, normInput, normSeek);
                        Norms[fi.Name] = norm;
                        nextNormSeek += Maxdoc; // increment also if some norms are separate
                // TODO: change to a real check? see LUCENE-3619
                Debug.Assert(SingleNormStream == null || nextNormSeek == SingleNormStream.Length(), SingleNormStream != null ? "len: " + SingleNormStream.Length() + " expected: " + nextNormSeek : "null");
                success = true;
                if (!success)
            ramBytesUsed = new AtomicLong();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public NumericDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(NormsDocValues outerInstance, byte[] bytes)
     this.Bytes = bytes;