Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// CreatedBy: MAM. IRFAN
        /// CreatedDate: 2016/02/05
        /// Getting all non reistered company branches by Registered company id
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> a list contain all branches</returns>
        public List <NonRegBranch> getNonRegBranchesNonCompId(int nonRegCompanyId)
            List <NonRegBranch> branchesLists = new List <NonRegBranch>();
            DataHandler         dataHandler   = new DataHandler();
            List <object[]>     paramertList  = new List <object[]>();

            paramertList.Add(new object[] { "@non_reg_companyId", nonRegCompanyId });
                DataSet dataSet = dataHandler.GetDataSet("spGetNonRegBranchesByNonRegCompanyId", paramertList);
                if (dataSet != null && dataSet.Tables.Count != 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
                        NonRegBranch branch = new NonRegBranch();
                        branch.NonRegBranchId = int.Parse(dataRow["non_reg_branch_id"].ToString());

                        branch.BranchName            = dataRow["branch_name"].ToString();
                        branch.BranchCode            = dataRow["branch_code"].ToString();
                        branch.BranchId              = int.Parse(dataRow["branch_id"].ToString());
                        branch.BranchAddress1        = dataRow["branch_address_1"].ToString();
                        branch.BranchAddress2        = dataRow["branch_address_2"].ToString();
                        branch.StateId               = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["state_id"].ToString());
                        branch.BranchCity            = dataRow["city"].ToString();
                        branch.BranchZip             = dataRow["zip"].ToString();
                        branch.CompanyNameBranchName = dataRow["company_name"].ToString() + " - " + dataRow["branch_name"].ToString();
                        string[] zipWithExtention = branch.BranchZip.Split('-');

                        if (zipWithExtention[0] != null)
                            branch.ZipPre = zipWithExtention[0];
                        if (zipWithExtention.Count() >= 2 && zipWithExtention[1] != null)
                            branch.Extention = zipWithExtention[1];

                        branch.BranchEmail     = dataRow["email"].ToString();
                        branch.BranchPhoneNum1 = dataRow["phone_num_1"].ToString();
                        branch.BranchPhoneNum2 = dataRow["phone_num_2"].ToString();
                        branch.BranchPhoneNum3 = dataRow["phone_num_3"].ToString();
                        branch.BranchFax       = dataRow["fax"].ToString();
                        branch.BranchCompany   = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["company_id"]);


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult LoanInfo(string title, string msg)
            ViewBag.Msg = msg;
            int    userId;
            string loanCode = null;

            try {
                userId = userData.UserId;
            catch (Exception)
                return(RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Due to inactivity your session has timed out, please log in again." }));

            if (Session["loanCode"] != null)
                loanCode = Session["loanCode"].ToString();

            ViewBag.Title = title;

            ViewBag.Username = userData.UserName;
            BranchAccess ba = new BranchAccess();

            ViewBag.roleId = userData.RoleId;
            // get the Company type for front end view
            int comType = ba.getCompanyTypeByUserId(userId);

            ViewBag.loanCompanyType = (comType == 1) ? "Dealer" : "Lender";

            if (loanCode != null)
                LoanSetupStep1 loan = (new LoanSetupAccess()).GetLoanDetailsByLoanCode(loanCode);
                Session["addUnitloan"] = loan;
                NonRegBranch nonRegBranch = ba.getNonRegBranchByNonRegBranchId(loan.nonRegisteredBranchId);

                ViewBag.NonRegBranchName = nonRegBranch.BranchName;

                //dealer email address, this will be used on curtailment page
                Session["DealerEmail"] = nonRegBranch.BranchEmail;

                ViewBag.loanBranchAddress = (nonRegBranch.BranchAddress1 != "" ? nonRegBranch.BranchAddress1 : "") + (nonRegBranch.BranchAddress2 != "" ? ", " + nonRegBranch.BranchAddress2 : "") + (nonRegBranch.BranchCity != "" ? ", " + nonRegBranch.BranchCity : "");

                ViewBag.CurtailmentDueDate = loan.CurtailmentDueDate;

                ViewBag.LoanNumber = loan.loanNumber;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// CreatedBy:Irfan
        /// CreatedDate:2016/02/11
        /// Get Non Reg Branch by non reg branch Id
        /// UpdatedBy : nadeeka
        /// UpdatedDate: 2016/03/04
        /// removed existing connection open method and set parameter to object list and pass stored procedure name
        /// call DataHandler class method and getting dataset object,
        /// return partner branch object using dataset object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="branch Id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public NonRegBranch getNonRegBranchByNonRegBranchId(int nonRegBranchId)
            DataHandler     dataHandler  = new DataHandler();
            List <object[]> paramertList = new List <object[]>();

            paramertList.Add(new object[] { "@non_reg_branch_id", nonRegBranchId });
                DataSet dataSet = dataHandler.GetDataSet("spGetNonRegBranchByNonRegBranchId", paramertList);
                if (dataSet != null && dataSet.Tables.Count != 0 && dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
                    DataRow      dataRow = dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                    NonRegBranch branch  = new NonRegBranch();
                    branch.BranchId              = int.Parse(dataRow["branch_id"].ToString());
                    branch.NonRegBranchId        = int.Parse(dataRow["non_reg_branch_id"].ToString());
                    branch.BranchCode            = dataRow["branch_code"].ToString();
                    branch.BranchName            = dataRow["branch_name"].ToString();
                    branch.BranchAddress1        = dataRow["branch_address_1"].ToString();
                    branch.BranchAddress2        = dataRow["branch_address_2"].ToString();
                    branch.BranchCity            = dataRow["city"].ToString();
                    branch.CompanyNameBranchName = dataRow["company_name"].ToString();
                    branch.NonRegCompanyId       = int.Parse(dataRow["company_id"].ToString());
                    branch.BranchEmail           = dataRow["email"].ToString();

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Frontend page: Join Dealer
        /// Title: view of Link Dealer page
        /// Designed: Nadeeka
        /// User story:
        /// Developed: Nadeeka
        /// Date created: 2016/03/30
        /// Edited: Piyumi Perera
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult LinkDealer()
            //Check result of Join Dealer page
            if (TempData["msg"] != null)
                //Check TempData["msg"] is 1
                if (TempData["msg"].ToString() == "1")
                    ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "User Successfully Created";
                //Check TempData["msg"] is 2
                else if (TempData["msg"].ToString() == "2")
                    ViewBag.Error = "Error";
            CompanyAccess ca   = new CompanyAccess();
            BranchAccess  ba   = new BranchAccess();
            Loan          loan = new Loan();

            //Check Session["oneLoanDashboard"] is not null
            if (Session["oneLoanDashboard"] != null)
                //convert session object to loan object
                loan = (Loan)Session["oneLoanDashboard"];
            //Check Session["loanDashboardJoinDealer"] is not null
            if (Session["loanDashboardJoinDealer"] != null)
                //convert session object to loan object
                loan = (Loan)Session["loanDashboardJoinDealer"];
            //remove Session["popUpSelectionType"]
            //return non registered branch details by non registered branch id
            NonRegBranch nonRegBranches = ba.getNonRegBranchByNonRegBranchId(loan.NonRegBranchId);

            ViewBag.nonRegBranches = nonRegBranches.BranchName;
            ViewBag.nonRegCompany  = nonRegBranches.CompanyNameBranchName;
            List <User> userList = new List <User>();

            //return all users of given company id
            userList = (new UserAccess()).GetUserListByCompany(userData.Company_Id);
            //filter user list who has authorization for selected loan
            userList = userList.FindAll(t => t.BranchId == loan.BranchId || (t.BranchId == 0 && t.RoleId == 1));
            ViewBag.UserIdForSendReq = new SelectList(userList, "UserId", "UserName");

            //get report list for dealer user
            List <Right> ReportRightsList = new List <Right>();
            User         us = new User();

            us.ReportRightsList = new List <Right>();
            ReportRightsList    = (new UserRightsAccess()).getReportRights();
            if (ReportRightsList != null && ReportRightsList.Count > 0)
                foreach (Right rgt in ReportRightsList)
                    //Check dealer user can view the report
                    if (!rgt.DealerView)
                        //check title need not to be tracked for selected loan and report right for Title Status
                        if ((loan.IsTitleTrack == 0) && (rgt.rightId == "R04"))
                            //if title need not to be tracked report right for Title Status is not added to right list
                        //check there is no advance fee for selected loan and report right for advance fee invoice and advance fee receipt
                        if ((loan.AdvanceFee == 0) && ((rgt.rightId == "R07") || (rgt.rightId == "R08")))
                            //if there is no advance fee, report right for advance fee invoice and advance fee receipt are not added to right list
                        //check there is no monthly loan fee for selected loan and report right for monthly loan fee invoice and monthly loan fee receipt
                        if ((loan.MonthlyLoanFee == 0) && ((rgt.rightId == "R09") || (rgt.rightId == "R10")))
                            //if there is no monthly loan fee, report right for monthly loan fee invoice and monthly loan fee receipt are not added to right list
                        //check there is no lot inspection fee for selected loan and report right for lot inspection fee invoice and lot inspection fee receipt
                        if ((loan.LotInspectionFee == 0) && ((rgt.rightId == "R11") || (rgt.rightId == "R12")))
                            //if there is no lot inspection fee, report right for lot inspection fee invoice and lot inspection fee receipt are not added to right list
            //Check user is super admin
            if (userData.RoleId == 1)
                //convert user list to session object
                Session["UserReqList"] = userList;
            //Check user is admin
            else if (userData.RoleId == 2)
                //convert user list to session object
                Session["UserReqList"] = userList;
                //return to dashboard
                return(RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "UserManagement"));