Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void SerializeNetObjDict(NonAllocDictionary <int, NetObject> dict, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, ref SerializationFlags flags, SerializationFlags writeFlags)
            foreach (var no in dict.Values)
                /// Not end of netobjs write bool
                int holdStartPos = bitposition;

                /// Write viewID
                buffer.WritePackedBytes((uint)no.ViewID, ref bitposition, 32);

                /// Write hadData bool
                int holdHasDataPos = bitposition;
                buffer.WriteBool(true, ref bitposition);

                /// Log the data size write position and write a placeholder.
                int holdDataSizePos = bitposition;
                bitposition += BITS_FOR_NETOBJ_SIZE;

                var objflags = no.OnNetSerialize(_currFrameId, buffer, ref bitposition, writeFlags);

                /// Skip netobjs if they had nothing to say
                if (objflags == SerializationFlags.None)
                    /// Rewind if this is a no-data write.
                    if (no.SkipWhenEmpty)
                        bitposition = holdStartPos;
                        bitposition = holdHasDataPos;
                        buffer.WriteBool(false, ref bitposition);
                    /// Revise the data size now that we know it.
                    flags |= objflags;
                    int bitcount = bitposition - holdDataSizePos;
                    buffer.Write((uint)bitcount, ref holdDataSizePos, BITS_FOR_NETOBJ_SIZE);

                //Debug.Log(objflags + " / flg: " + (onNetSerialize[i]  as Component).name + " " + flags);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void SerializeAllAndSend()
            byte[] buffer      = NetMsgSends.reusableBuffer;
            int    bitposition = 0;

            SerializationFlags writeFlags;
            SerializationFlags flags;

            if (TickManager.needToSendInitialForNewConn)
                writeFlags = SerializationFlags.NewConnection | SerializationFlags.ForceReliable | SerializationFlags.Force;
                flags      = SerializationFlags.HasContent;
                TickManager.needToSendInitialForNewConn = false;
                writeFlags = SerializationFlags.None;
                flags      = SerializationFlags.None;

            /// Write frameId
            buffer.Write((uint)_currFrameId, ref bitposition, TickEngineSettings.frameCountBits);

            NetMasterCallbacks.OnPreSerializeTickCallbacks(_currFrameId, buffer, ref bitposition);

            #region NetObject Serialization

            /// Loop through owned NetObjects
            NetObject.NetObjDictsLocked = true;

            NonAllocDictionary <int, NetObject> controlledObjs = NetObject.activeControlledNetObjs;

            SerializeNetObjDict(controlledObjs, buffer, ref bitposition, ref flags, writeFlags);

            //NonAllocDictionary<int, NetObject> ownedButNotControlledObjs = NetObject.activeOwnedNetObjs;

            //if (ownedButNotControlledObjs.Count > 0)
            //    Debug.Log("LIMBO COUNT " + ownedButNotControlledObjs.Count);

            //SerializeNetObjDict(ownedButNotControlledObjs, buffer, ref bitposition, ref flags, writeFlags);

            //foreach (var no in ownedObjs)

            //    /// Not end of netobjs write bool
            //    int holdStartPos = bitposition;

            //    /// Write viewID
            //    buffer.WritePackedBytes((uint)no.ViewID, ref bitposition, 32);

            //    /// Write hadData bool
            //    int holdHasDataPos = bitposition;
            //    buffer.WriteBool(true, ref bitposition);

            //    /// Log the data size write position and write a placeholder.
            //    int holdDataSizePos = bitposition;
            //    bitposition += BITS_FOR_NETOBJ_SIZE;

            //    var objflags = no.OnNetSerialize(_currFrameId, buffer, ref bitposition, writeFlags);

            //    /// Skip netobjs if they had nothing to say
            //    if (objflags == SerializationFlags.None)
            //    {
            //        /// Rewind if this is a no-data write.
            //        if (no.SkipWhenEmpty)
            //        {
            //            bitposition = holdStartPos;
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            bitposition = holdHasDataPos;
            //            buffer.WriteBool(false, ref bitposition);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        /// Revise the data size now that we know it.
            //        flags |= objflags;
            //        int bitcount = bitposition - holdDataSizePos;
            //        buffer.Write((uint)bitcount, ref holdDataSizePos, BITS_FOR_NETOBJ_SIZE);
            //    }

            //    //Debug.Log(objflags + " / flg: " + (onNetSerialize[i]  as Component).name + " " + flags);

            NetObject.NetObjDictsLocked = false;


            // Any deferrered Ownership changes from SyncState happen here
            while (NetMasterCallbacks.postSerializationActions.Count > 0)

            if (flags == SerializationFlags.None)

            /// End of NetObject write bool
            buffer.WritePackedBytes(0, ref bitposition, 32);

            NetMsgSends.Send(buffer, bitposition, null, flags, true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static string PrintOpResponseParams(this NonAllocDictionary <byte, object> data, bool printType = false)
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("{");

            if (!data.IsNull() && data.Count > 0)
                foreach (var param in data)
                    string name = string.Empty, value = string.Empty;
                    if (param.Key == ParameterCode.PlayerProperties)
                        name = "PlayerProperties";
                        Hashtable props = param.Value as Hashtable;
                        if (!props.IsNull())
                            builder.AppendFormat("{0}:{{", name);
                            if (props.Count > 0)
                                foreach (var p in props.Keys)
                                    Hashtable tmp = props[p] as Hashtable;
                                    builder.AppendFormat("{0}:{1},", p, tmp.PrintParams(typeof(ActorProperties), printType));
                                builder.Remove(builder.Length - 1, 1);
                    else if (param.Key == ParameterCode.GameProperties)
                        name  = "GameProperties";
                        value = (param.Value as Hashtable).PrintParams(typeof(GamePropertyKey), printType);
                    else if (param.Key == ParameterCode.Properties)
                        name  = "Properties";
                        value = (param.Value as Hashtable).PrintParams(typeof(GamePropertyKey), printType);
                    else if (param.Key == ParameterCode.GameList)
                        name = "GameList";
                        Hashtable hashtable = param.Value as Hashtable;
                        if (hashtable.Count > 0)
                            builder.AppendFormat("{0}:{{", name);
                            foreach (string room in hashtable.Keys)
                                Hashtable hash = hashtable[room] as Hashtable;
                                builder.AppendFormat("{0}:{1},", room, hash.PrintParams(typeof(GamePropertyKey), printType));
                            builder.Remove(builder.Length - 1, 1);
                            builder.AppendFormat("{0}:{{}}}}", name);
                        name = UtilityClass.GetConstantNameFromValue(typeof(ParameterCode), param.Key);
                        if (name.IsNullOrEmpty())
                            name = param.Key.ToString();
                        value = param.Value.Stringify(printType);
                    builder.AppendFormat("{0}:{1},", name, value);
                builder.Remove(builder.Length - 1, 1);