internal static void RemovePanel(NoesisGUIPanel panel)
     if (_isInitialized)
 internal static void AddPanel(NoesisGUIPanel panel)
     if (_isInitialized)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private static void UpdateNoesisGUIPaths()
        UnityEngine.Object[] objs = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(NoesisGUIPanel));

        foreach (UnityEngine.Object obj in objs)
            NoesisGUIPanel noesisGUI = (NoesisGUIPanel)obj;

            NoesisGUIPanelEditor.UpdateXamlPath(noesisGUI, noesisGUI._xaml);
            NoesisGUIPanelEditor.UpdateStylePath(noesisGUI, noesisGUI._style);
        private void RefreshComponents()
            // This could be improved a lot, because SetDirty notifies the inspector of a change but
            // also marks the component to be serialized to disk. We could use a delegate to notity our
            // custom editor.
            // Although for now it doesn't seem to be necessary
            UnityEngine.Object[] objs = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(NoesisGUIPanel));
            foreach (UnityEngine.Object obj in objs)
                NoesisGUIPanel noesisGUI = (NoesisGUIPanel)obj;

    public static void UpdateStylePath(NoesisGUIPanel noesisGUI, Object style)
        string path = GetXamlPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(style),
                                  "Style property accepts only .xaml assets");

        if (path != "")
            noesisGUI._style     = style;
            noesisGUI._styleFile = path;
            noesisGUI._style     = null;
            noesisGUI._styleFile = "";
    public static void UpdateXamlPath(NoesisGUIPanel noesisGUI, Object xaml)
        string path = GetXamlPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(xaml),
                                  "Xaml property accepts only .xaml assets");

        if (path != "")
            noesisGUI._xaml     = xaml;
            noesisGUI._xamlFile = path;
            noesisGUI._xaml     = null;
            noesisGUI._xamlFile = "";
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        NoesisGUIPanel Target = target as NoesisGUIPanel;

        // Register changes in the component so scene can be saved, and Undo is also enabled
        Undo.RecordObject(Target, "NoesisGUIPanel");


        // Xaml File
        Object newXaml = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(new GUIContent("Xaml",
                                                                    "Drop here a xaml file that defines the user interface"),
                                                     Target._xaml, typeof(Object), false);

        UpdateXamlPath(Target, newXaml);

        // Resources File
        Object newStyle = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(new GUIContent("Style",
                                                                     "Drop here a xaml file that defines a ResourceDictionary with custom styles and resources"),
                                                      Target._style, typeof(Object), false);

        UpdateStylePath(Target, newStyle);

        // Renderer Settings

        Target._antiAliasingMode = (AntialiasingMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(new GUIContent("Antialiasing",
                                                                                              "Antialiasing Mode: MSAA=Uses hardware multisample, PPA=Propietary GPU accelerated antialiasing algorithm"),

        Target._tessellationQuality = (TessellationQuality)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(new GUIContent("Quality",
                                                                                                    "Specifies tessellation quality"), Target._tessellationQuality);

        Target._offscreenSize.x = EditorGUILayout.Slider(new GUIContent("Offscreen Width",
                                                                        "Specifies offscreen surface width relative to main surface width. Offscreen surface is used for opacity groups and visual brushes. A 0 size disables this feature"),
                                                         Target._offscreenSize.x, 0, 10);
        Target._offscreenSize.y = EditorGUILayout.Slider(new GUIContent("Offscreen Height",
                                                                        "Specifies offscreen surface height relative to main surface height. Offscreen surface is used for opacity groups and visual brushes. A 0 size disables this feature"),
                                                         Target._offscreenSize.y, 0, 10);

        Target._enableKeyboard = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Enable Keyboard",
                                                                       "When enabled, Keyboard input events are processed by NoesisGUI panel"),

        Target._enableMouse = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Enable Mouse",
                                                                    "When enabled, Mouse input events are processed by NoesisGUI panel"),

        Target._enableTouch = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Enable Touch",
                                                                    "When enabled, Touch input events are processed by NoesisGUI panel"),

        Target._emulateTouch = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Emulate Touch",
                                                                     "When enabled, Touch input events are emulated by using the Mouse"),

        GUI.enabled = !Target.IsRenderToTexture();
        Target._enablePostProcess = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Enable Post Process",
                                                                          "When enabled, NoesisGUI is affected by image post processing"),
        GUI.enabled = true;

        Target._flipVertically = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Flip Vertically",
                                                                       "When enabled, NoesisGUI is rendered vertically flipped"),

        Target._useRealTimeClock = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Real Time Clock",
                                                                         "When enabled, Time.realtimeSinceStartup is used instead of Time.time for animations"),


        // Debug Flags
        if (this._showDebugFlags)
            this._debugFlagsExpanded = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(this._debugFlagsExpanded, "Debug Flags");
            if (this._debugFlagsExpanded)
                int flags = 0;
                if (EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Wireframe", (Target._renderFlags & RendererFlags.Wireframe) > 0))
                    flags |= (int)RendererFlags.Wireframe;
                if (EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Batches", (Target._renderFlags & RendererFlags.ColorBatches) > 0))
                    flags |= (int)RendererFlags.ColorBatches;
                if (EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Overdraw", (Target._renderFlags & RendererFlags.ShowOverdraw) > 0))
                    flags |= (int)RendererFlags.ShowOverdraw;
                Target._renderFlags = (RendererFlags)flags;