Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void OnStateChange()
            if (State == State.SetDefaults)
                Description             = @"Enter the description for your new custom Indicator here.";
                Name                    = "VolumetricTest";
                Calculate               = Calculate.OnEachTick;
                IsOverlay               = false;
                DisplayInDataBox        = true;
                DrawOnPricePanel        = true;
                DrawHorizontalGridLines = true;
                DrawVerticalGridLines   = true;
                PaintPriceMarkers       = true;
                ScaleJustification      = NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart.ScaleJustification.Right;
                //Disable this property if your indicator requires custom values that cumulate with each new market data event.
                //See Help Guide for additional information.
                IsSuspendedWhileInactive = true;

                AddPlot(Brushes.DarkCyan, NinjaTrader.Custom.Resource.BuySellPressureBuyPressure);
                AddPlot(Brushes.Crimson, NinjaTrader.Custom.Resource.BuySellPressureSellPressure);

                AddLine(Brushes.DimGray, 75, NinjaTrader.Custom.Resource.NinjaScriptIndicatorUpper);
                AddLine(Brushes.DimGray, 25, NinjaTrader.Custom.Resource.NinjaScriptIndicatorLower);
            else if (State == State.DataLoaded)
                barsType = ChartBars.Bars.BarsSeries.BarsType as NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.BarsTypes.VolumetricBarsType;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if (Bars == null)
            if (CurrentBar < 10)
            lastBar = CurrentBar - 1;
            // This sample assumes the Volumetric series is the primary DataSeries on the chart, if you would want to add a Volumetric series to a
            // script, you could call AddVolumetric() in State.Configure and then for example use
            // NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.BarsTypes.VolumetricBarsType barsType = BarsArray[1].BarsType as
            // NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.BarsTypes.VolumetricBarsType;

            barsType = Bars.BarsSeries.BarsType as

            if (barsType == null)

            Print("Bar: " + CurrentBar);
                double price;
                /// need to see imabalance
                /// loop thru ask with the index of bid -1 and do math
                int index2 = 1;
                for (int index = 0; index <= priceList.Count; index++)
                    /// eval bid = shift ask up, means increace bid index by 1
                    double bidVol = barsType.Volumes[CurrentBar].GetBidVolumeForPrice(priceList[index + 1]);
                    double askVol = barsType.Volumes[CurrentBar].GetAskVolumeForPrice(priceList[index]);
                    if (index <= priceList.Count - 1)
                        Print(index + " Seeking bid imbal " + bidVol + " to ask vol " + askVol);
                        if ((bidVol / 2) > askVol)
                            BarData barData = new BarData();
                            barData.Price        = priceList[index + 1];
                            barData.BidImbalance = true;
                            barData.Barnum       = CurrentBar;
                            Print("\tbid " + bidVol + " has ask imbalance of " + askVol.ToString() + " red color");
                            //Draw.Dot(this, "resistance"+CurrentBar+index, false, 0, priceList[index+1], Brushes.Red);
                    if (index2 <= priceList.Count - 1)
                        /// eval ask = shift ask down, means decrease ask index by 1
                        bidVol = barsType.Volumes[CurrentBar].GetBidVolumeForPrice(priceList[index2]);
                        askVol = barsType.Volumes[CurrentBar].GetAskVolumeForPrice(priceList[index2 - 1]);
                        Print(index2 + " seeking ASK imbal " + askVol + " to bid vol " + bidVol);
                        if ((askVol / 2) > bidVol)
                            BarData barData2 = new BarData();
                            barData2.Price        = priceList[index2 - 1];
                            barData2.Barnum       = CurrentBar;
                            barData2.AskImbalance = true;
                            Print("\task " + askVol + " has ask imbalance of " + bidVol.ToString() + " blue color");
                            //Draw.Dot(this, "support"+CurrentBar+index, false, -1, priceList[index2-1], Brushes.DodgerBlue);
                        index2 += 1;
            catch {}

            //Draw.Text(this, "CurrentBar"+CurrentBar, CurrentBar.ToString(), 0, High[0] + 2 * TickSize, Brushes.AntiqueWhite);

            /// prove the list
            Print("Bar: " + CurrentBar);
            double lastPrice = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < BarList.Count; i++)
                Print(BarList[i].Price.ToString("N2") + " \t\t" + BarList[i].BidImbalance + " \t\t" + BarList[i].AskImbalance);

            /// remove old ask imbalances
            for (int index = 0; index < ImbalanceList.Count; index++)
                if (High[0] > ImbalanceList[index].Price + 0.5 && ImbalanceList[index].AskImbalance)
                    Print("--> \tRemoved Price " + ImbalanceList[index].Price);
                else if (Low[0] < ImbalanceList[index].Price - 0.5 && ImbalanceList[index].BidImbalance)
                    Print("--> \tRemoved Price " + ImbalanceList[index].Price);

            /// show ask imbalances
            foreach (Imbalances row in ImbalanceList)
                if (row.AskImbalance)
                    string name = "resistLine" + row.Price + row.Barnum;
                    RemoveDrawObject(name + lastBar);
                    int lineLength = CurrentBar - row.Barnum;
                    Draw.Rectangle(this, name + CurrentBar, false, lineLength, row.Price, 1, row.Price + TickSize, Brushes.Transparent, Brushes.Red, 20);
                if (row.BidImbalance)
                    string name = "supportLine" + row.Price + row.Barnum;
                    RemoveDrawObject(name + lastBar);
                    int lineLength = CurrentBar - row.Barnum;
                    Draw.Rectangle(this, name + CurrentBar, false, lineLength, row.Price, 1, row.Price + TickSize, Brushes.Transparent, Brushes.DodgerBlue, 20);