Ejemplo n.º 1
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        // Create scanner that reads from standard input
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(Console.In);

        if (args.Length > 1 ||
            (args.Length == 1 && !args[0].Equals("-d")))
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage: mono SPP [-d]");

        // If command line option -d is provided, debug the scanner.
        if (args.Length == 1 && args[0].Equals("-d"))
            // Console.Write("Scheme 4101> ");
            Token tok = scanner.getNextToken();
            while (tok != null)
                TokenType tt = tok.getType();

                if (tt == TokenType.INT)
                    Console.WriteLine(", intVal = " + tok.getIntVal());
                else if (tt == TokenType.STRING)
                    Console.WriteLine(", stringVal = " + tok.getStringVal());
                else if (tt == TokenType.IDENT)
                    Console.WriteLine(", name = " + tok.getName());

                // Console.Write("Scheme 4101> ");
                tok = scanner.getNextToken();

        // set this to false as default setting.
        Tree.BuiltIn.builtIn_display__do_not_print_double_quotes = false;

        // Create parser
        TreeBuilder builder = new TreeBuilder();

        parser = new Parser(scanner, builder);
        Node root;

        // Create and populate the built-in environment and

        // create the top-level environment

        // Read-eval-print loop

        root = (Node)parser.parseExp();

        Tree.Environment env_global = new Tree.Environment();
        // define environment as an identifier   for future access in scheme
        env_global.define(new Ident("global-environment"), env_global);

        Ident globalEnvIdent = new Ident("global-environment");

        Ident readBuiltIn = new Ident("read");

        env_global.define(readBuiltIn, new BuiltIn(readBuiltIn));

        Ident writeBuiltIn = new Ident("write");

        env_global.define(writeBuiltIn, new BuiltIn(writeBuiltIn));

        Ident displayBuiltIn = new Ident("display");

        env_global.define(displayBuiltIn, new BuiltIn(displayBuiltIn));

        Ident newLineBuiltIn = new Ident("newline");

        env_global.define(newLineBuiltIn, new BuiltIn(newLineBuiltIn));

        Ident evalBuiltIn = new Ident("eval");

        env_global.define(evalBuiltIn, new BuiltIn(evalBuiltIn));

        Ident eofBuiltIn = new Ident("eof-object?");

        env_global.define(eofBuiltIn, new BuiltIn(eofBuiltIn));

        Ident pred_null = new Ident("null?");

        env_global.define(pred_null, new BuiltIn(pred_null));

        Ident pred_symbol = new Ident("symbol?");

        env_global.define(pred_symbol, new BuiltIn(pred_symbol));

        Ident pred_number = new Ident("number?");

        env_global.define(pred_number, new BuiltIn(pred_number));

        Ident pred_boolean = new Ident("boolean?");

        env_global.define(pred_boolean, new BuiltIn(pred_boolean));

        Ident pred_procedure = new Ident("procedure?");

        env_global.define(pred_procedure, new BuiltIn(pred_procedure));

        Ident pred_pair = new Ident("pair?");

        env_global.define(pred_pair, new BuiltIn(pred_pair));

        Ident pred_environment = new Ident("environment?");

        env_global.define(pred_environment, new BuiltIn(pred_environment));

        Ident pred_string = new Ident("string?");

        env_global.define(pred_string, new BuiltIn(pred_string));

        Ident binary_add = new Ident("b+");

        env_global.define(binary_add, new BuiltIn(binary_add));

        Ident plus_op = new Ident("+");

        env_global.define(plus_op, binary_add);

        Ident binary_sub = new Ident("b-");

        env_global.define(binary_sub, new BuiltIn(binary_sub));

        Ident subtract_op = new Ident("-");

        env_global.define(subtract_op, binary_sub);

        Ident binary_multiplic = new Ident("b*");

        env_global.define(binary_multiplic, new BuiltIn(binary_multiplic));

        Ident multiply_op = new Ident("*");

        env_global.define(multiply_op, binary_multiplic);

        Ident binary_division = new Ident("b/");

        env_global.define(binary_division, new BuiltIn(binary_division));

        Ident divide_op = new Ident("/");

        env_global.define(divide_op, binary_division);

        Ident binary_equality = new Ident("b=");

        env_global.define(binary_equality, new BuiltIn(binary_equality));

        Ident equality_op = new Ident("=");

        env_global.define(equality_op, binary_equality);

        Ident binary_lessthan = new Ident("b<");

        env_global.define(binary_lessthan, new BuiltIn(binary_lessthan));

        Ident lessthan_op = new Ident("<");

        env_global.define(lessthan_op, binary_lessthan);

        Ident binary_greaterthan = new Ident("b>");

        env_global.define(binary_greaterthan, new BuiltIn(binary_greaterthan));

        Ident greaterthan_op = new Ident(">");

        env_global.define(greaterthan_op, binary_greaterthan);

        Ident binary_lessthanEq = new Ident("b<=");

        env_global.define(binary_lessthanEq, new BuiltIn(binary_lessthanEq));

        Ident lessthanEq_op = new Ident("<=");

        env_global.define(lessthanEq_op, binary_lessthanEq);

        Ident binary_greaterthanEq = new Ident("b>=");

        env_global.define(binary_greaterthanEq, new BuiltIn(binary_greaterthanEq));

        Ident greaterthanEq_op = new Ident(">=");

        env_global.define(greaterthanEq_op, binary_greaterthanEq);

        Ident not_op = new Ident("not");

        env_global.define(not_op, new BuiltIn(not_op));

        Ident pred_equal = new Ident("eq?");

        env_global.define(pred_equal, new BuiltIn(pred_equal));

        Ident listBuiltIn = new Ident("list");

        env_global.define(listBuiltIn, new BuiltIn(listBuiltIn));

        Ident carBuiltIn = new Ident("car");

        env_global.define(carBuiltIn, new BuiltIn(carBuiltIn));

        Ident cdrBuiltIn = new Ident("cdr");

        env_global.define(cdrBuiltIn, new BuiltIn(cdrBuiltIn));

        Ident consBuiltIn = new Ident("cons");

        env_global.define(consBuiltIn, new BuiltIn(consBuiltIn));

        Ident setCarBuiltIn = new Ident("set-car!");

        env_global.define(setCarBuiltIn, new BuiltIn(setCarBuiltIn));

        Ident setCdrBuiltIn = new Ident("set-cdr!");

        env_global.define(setCdrBuiltIn, new BuiltIn(setCdrBuiltIn));

        // working on top level loop
        Tree.Environment top_level = new Tree.Environment(env_global);

        // define top-level Scheme scm function

        // lets define the S-expression for (define (Scheme) ... func )

        Ident defineIdent = new Ident("define");

        Ident SchemeIdent = new Ident("Scheme");

        Cons cons_holdingSchemeIdent = new Cons(SchemeIdent, Nil.getInstance());

        StringLit printpromptScheme = new StringLit("Scheme 4101> ");

        Cons cons_holding_display_promptStr = new Cons(displayBuiltIn, new Cons(printpromptScheme, Nil.getInstance()));

        Ident LetIdent = new Ident("let");

        Ident InputIdent = new Ident("input");

        Ident If_Ident = new Ident("if");

        Cons cons_holding_assocList = new Cons(new Cons(InputIdent, new Cons(new Cons(readBuiltIn, Nil.getInstance()), Nil.getInstance())), Nil.getInstance());

        Ident BeginIdent = new Ident("begin");

        Cons cons_holding_write_SchemeCode = new Cons(writeBuiltIn, new Cons(new Cons(evalBuiltIn, new Cons(InputIdent, new Cons(globalEnvIdent, Nil.getInstance()))), Nil.getInstance()));

        Cons cons_holding_begin_SchemeCode = new Cons(BeginIdent, new Cons(cons_holding_write_SchemeCode,

                                                                           new Cons(new Cons(newLineBuiltIn, Nil.getInstance()), new Cons(new Cons(SchemeIdent, Nil.getInstance()), Nil.getInstance()))));

        Cons cons_holding_newline = new Cons(new Cons(newLineBuiltIn, Nil.getInstance()), Nil.getInstance());

        Cons cons_holding_not = new Cons(not_op, new Cons(new Cons(eofBuiltIn, new Cons(InputIdent, Nil.getInstance())), Nil.getInstance()));

        Cons cons_holding_if_SchemeCode = new Cons(If_Ident, new Cons(cons_holding_not, new Cons(cons_holding_begin_SchemeCode, cons_holding_newline)));

        Cons cons_holding_let_SchemeCode = new Cons(LetIdent, new Cons(cons_holding_assocList, new Cons(cons_holding_if_SchemeCode, Nil.getInstance())));

        // done defining subcomponents of  top-level Scheme scm function

        // here is a parse tree defining func (Scheme)...
        Cons define_Scheme = new Cons(defineIdent, new Cons(cons_holdingSchemeIdent, new Cons(cons_holding_display_promptStr,
                                                                                              new Cons(cons_holding_let_SchemeCode, Nil.getInstance()))));


