public async Task <ActionResult> ExternalLoginConfirmation(ExternalLoginConfirmationViewModel model, string returnUrl)
            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Manage"));

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Get the information about the user from the external login provider
                var info = await AuthenticationManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();

                if (info == null)

                var user = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName          = model.Email,
                    Email             = model.Email,
                    Uac_DataExpiracao = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(),
                    Uac_Fk            = new NewPhotoCloudUsuarios
                        Usu_Nome           = model.Nome,
                        Usu_SobreNome      = model.Sobrenome,
                        Usu_DataCadastro   = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(),
                        Usu_Nivel          = 30,
                        Usu_DiretorioBase  = null,
                        Usu_DataNascimento = model.DataNascimento,
                        //  //  Usu_Sexo = model.Genero,
                        Usu_Status = "D",
                // var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email };
                var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    NewPhotoCloud.Repositories.DiretorioBase.DiretorioRetorno DiretorioCriado = new NewPhotoCloud.Repositories.DiretorioBase.DiretorioRetorno();
                    //    DiretorioCriado = null;

                        DiretorioCriado = DiretorioBase.CriarDiretorioBase(user.Uac_Fk.Usu_Id.Value);
                    catch (RetryLimitExceededException /* dex */)
                        //Log the error (uncomment dex variable name and add a line here to write a log.
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. Try again, and if the problem persists, see your system administrator.");

                    if (DiretorioCriado.retorno == 0)
                            user.Uac_DataExpiracao        = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(30);
                            user.Uac_Fk.Usu_DiretorioBase = DiretorioCriado.diretorio;
                            user.Uac_Fk.Usu_Status        = "A";

                            await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user);
                        catch (RetryLimitExceededException /* dex */)
                            //Log the error (uncomment dex variable name and add a line here to write a log.
                            ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. Try again, and if the problem persists, see your system administrator.");

                    result = await UserManager.AddLoginAsync(user.Id, info.Login);

                    if (result.Succeeded)
                        await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false);


            ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;
        public async Task <ActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model)
            ConvertMD5 DiretorioBaseMd5 = new ConvertMD5();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var user = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName          = model.UserName,
                    Email             = model.Email,
                    Uac_DataExpiracao = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(),
                    Uac_Fk            = new NewPhotoCloudUsuarios
                        Usu_Nome           = model.Nome,
                        Usu_SobreNome      = model.Sobrenome,
                        Usu_DataCadastro   = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(),
                        Usu_Nivel          = 30,
                        Usu_DiretorioBase  = null,
                        Usu_DataNascimento = model.DataNascimento,
                        //Usu_Sexo = model.Genero,
                        Usu_Status = "D",
                var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    // await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent:false, rememberBrowser:false);

                    // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit
                    // Send an email with this link
                    // string code = await UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id);
                    // var callbackUrl = Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme);
                    // await UserManager.SendEmailAsync(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>");

                    NewPhotoCloud.Repositories.DiretorioBase.DiretorioRetorno DiretorioCriado = new NewPhotoCloud.Repositories.DiretorioBase.DiretorioRetorno();
                    //    DiretorioCriado = null;

                        DiretorioCriado = DiretorioBase.CriarDiretorioBase(user.Uac_Fk.Usu_Id.Value);
                    catch (RetryLimitExceededException /* dex */)
                        //Log the error (uncomment dex variable name and add a line here to write a log.
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. Try again, and if the problem persists, see your system administrator.");

                    if (DiretorioCriado.retorno == 0)
                            user.Uac_DataExpiracao        = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(30);
                            user.Uac_Fk.Usu_DiretorioBase = DiretorioCriado.diretorio;
                            user.Uac_Fk.Usu_Status        = "A";

                            await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user);
                        catch (RetryLimitExceededException /* dex */)
                            //Log the error (uncomment dex variable name and add a line here to write a log.
                            ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. Try again, and if the problem persists, see your system administrator.");

                    await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false);

                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form