private async void Confirmed() { string NName = NewName.Text.Trim(); string Error = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NName)) { Error = "Value cannot be empty!"; } else { try { NamingTarget.Name = NName; Canceled = false; this.Hide(); return; } catch (Exception ex) { Error = ex.Message; } } if (Error != "") { MessageDialog Msg = new MessageDialog(Error); // Should NOT use Popups.ShowDialog because it closes the rename dialog // Making the caller await step thru, causing undesired behaviour await Msg.ShowAsync(); NewName.Focus(FocusState.Keyboard); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { return(((NewName != null ? NewName.GetHashCode() : 0) * 397) ^ (Test != null ? Test.GetHashCode() : 0)); } }
static public void UpdateLecturer(ref Dictionary <int, Lecturer> ListOfLecturers) { string NewName; Console.WriteLine("Please enter the Students's ID․․"); var LIDasStr = Console.ReadLine(); int LID; while (!int.TryParse(LIDasStr, out LID)) { Console.WriteLine("This is not a number! Try again.."); LIDasStr = Console.ReadLine(); } if (ListOfLecturers.ContainsKey(LID)) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the new lecturer's name.."); NewName = Console.ReadLine(); bool allLetters; while (!(allLetters = NewName.All(c => Char.IsLetter(c))) || !(Char.IsUpper(NewName, 0))) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid name format!! Try again.."); NewName = Console.ReadLine(); } ListOfLecturers[LID].Name = NewName; ListOfLecturers[LID].University.GetLecturer(LID).Name = NewName; ListOfLecturers[LID].Faculty.GetLecturer(LID).Name = NewName; } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no lecturer on this ID!"); } }
static public void UpdateUniversity(ref Dictionary <int, University> ListOfUniversities) { string NewName; Console.WriteLine("Please enter the University's ID․․"); var UIDasStr = Console.ReadLine(); int UID; while (!int.TryParse(UIDasStr, out UID)) { Console.WriteLine("This is not a number! Try again.."); UIDasStr = Console.ReadLine(); } if (ListOfUniversities.ContainsKey(UID)) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the new University's name.."); NewName = Console.ReadLine(); bool allLetters; while (!(allLetters = NewName.All(c => Char.IsLetter(c))) || !(NewName.IsUpper())) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid name format! Try again.."); NewName = Console.ReadLine(); } ListOfUniversities[UID].Name = NewName; } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no University on this ID!"); } }
static void Main() { Name name = new Name(); if (special_variable_macros.testFred(name) != "none") { throw new Exception("test failed"); } if (special_variable_macros.testJack(name) != "$specialname") { throw new Exception("test failed"); } if (special_variable_macros.testJill(name) != "jilly") { throw new Exception("test failed"); } if (special_variable_macros.testMary(name) != "SWIGTYPE_p_NameWrap") { throw new Exception("test failed"); } if (special_variable_macros.testJim(name) != "multiname num") { throw new Exception("test failed"); } if (special_variable_macros.testJohn(new PairIntBool(10, false)) != 123) { throw new Exception("test failed"); } NewName newName = NewName.factory("factoryname"); name = newName.getStoredName(); }
public override void DoImpl() { if (Value.Parent.GetValues().Any(v => v.Name == NewName)) { throw new ValidationException(Resources.Validation_DuplicateValueName, NewName); } if (NewName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new ValidationException(Resources.Validation_InvalidName, NewName); } try { var lvi = List.Items.Cast <ListViewItem>().Single(item => item.Text == Value.Name); lvi.ForeColor = NewName.StartsWith("$") ? Color.LightGray : Color.Black; OldName = Value.Name; Value.Rename(NewName); } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new ValidationException(Resources.Validation_InvalidName, NewName); } }
public override void DoImpl() { if (Branch.Parent.GetBranches().Any(b => b.Name == NewName)) { throw new ValidationException(Resources.Validation_DuplicateBranchName, NewName); } if (NewName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new ValidationException(Resources.Validation_InvalidName, NewName); } try { var tn = Tree.Nodes[0].SelectNode(Branch.VPath).AssertNotNull(); tn.ForeColor = NewName.StartsWith("$") ? Color.LightGray : Color.Black; OldName = Branch.Name; Branch.Rename(NewName); } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new ValidationException(Resources.Validation_InvalidName, NewName); } }
private Section LoadSection() { Stream str = null; OpenFileDialog LoadWindow = new OpenFileDialog() { InitialDirectory = "c:\\Pulpit", Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*|JPG (*.jpg)|*.jpg", FilterIndex = 2, RestoreDirectory = true }; try { LoadWindow.ShowDialog(); str = LoadWindow.OpenFile(); if (str != null) { Bitmap img = new Bitmap(str); StringPackage pac = new StringPackage(""); NewName newName = new NewName(pac); newName.ShowDialog(); Section sec = new Section(pac.Content, img); AddToList(sec); return(sec); } } catch { return(null); } return(null); }
public int ChangeName(NewName nn) { SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("usp_changeName"); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@UserID", nn.UserID)); command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@NewName", nn.NewNameString)); command.Connection = connection; connection.Open(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command); DataTable table = new DataTable(); adapter.Fill(table); connection.Close(); if (table.Rows[0][0].ToString() == nn.NewNameString) { return(1); } else { return(0); } }
public string this[string columnName] { get { ErrorMessage = null; if (columnName == "NewName" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewName)) { if (NewName == App.STANDARD_DESIGN_NAME) { ErrorMessage = string.Format("Der Name \"{0}\" ist reserviert.", App.STANDARD_DESIGN_NAME); } else if (NewName.IndexOfAny(System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) > -1) { ErrorMessage = "Der Name enthält unerlaubte Zeichen!"; } else { if (reg.IsMatch(NewName)) { ErrorMessage = "Der Dateiname ist nicht erlaubt!"; } } } return(ErrorMessage); } }
public RenameItem(string oldName) { InitializeComponent(); Name = oldName; Title = $"Renaming {oldName}"; NewName.Text = oldName; NewName.Focus(); }
private void Button_Click_4(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { dg_newV.IsOpen = false; ImagenesDG.Columns[5].Visibility = Visibility.Visible; NewName.Clear(); NewDataPath.Clear(); AddSVG(files); }
// Module defining this command // Optional custom code for this activity /// <summary> /// Returns a configured instance of System.Management.Automation.PowerShell, pre-populated with the command to run. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The NativeActivityContext for the currently running activity.</param> /// <returns>A populated instance of Sytem.Management.Automation.PowerShell</returns> /// <remarks>The infrastructure takes responsibility for closing and disposing the PowerShell instance returned.</remarks> protected override ActivityImplementationContext GetPowerShell(NativeActivityContext context) { System.Management.Automation.PowerShell invoker = global::System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create(); System.Management.Automation.PowerShell targetCommand = invoker.AddCommand(PSCommandName); // Initialize the arguments if (PassThru.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("PassThru", PassThru.Get(context)); } if (DomainCredential.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("DomainCredential", DomainCredential.Get(context)); } if (LocalCredential.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("LocalCredential", LocalCredential.Get(context)); } if (NewName.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("NewName", NewName.Get(context)); } if (Force.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("Force", Force.Get(context)); } if (Restart.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("Restart", Restart.Get(context)); } if (WsmanAuthentication.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("WsmanAuthentication", WsmanAuthentication.Get(context)); } if (Protocol.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("Protocol", Protocol.Get(context)); } if (GetIsComputerNameSpecified(context) && (PSRemotingBehavior.Get(context) == RemotingBehavior.Custom)) { targetCommand.AddParameter("ComputerName", PSComputerName.Get(context)); } return(new ActivityImplementationContext() { PowerShellInstance = invoker }); }
public RenameWindow() { InitializeComponent(); _renameType = RenameType.NewCategory; Title = "Создать категорию"; ResultNewName = ""; NewName.Text = ""; NewName.Focus(); }
public void CreateFolder(IClientRequest request) { NewName input = request.GetInput <NewName>(); try { FolderCreator.Create(input); } catch { } }
public void ChangeNameTest() { NewName nn = new NewName(); nn.UserID = GetUserID(); nn.NewNameString = "TESTNAME2"; int result = controller.ChangeName(nn); Assert.AreEqual(result, 1); }
/// <summary> /// Submits a supplied ResultType as a new Result Type /// </summary> /// <param name="result">Single ResultType</param> public void SubmitNewResultType(ResultType result) { ScrollToBottom(); NewName.Type(result.Name); NewUoM.Type(result.UoM); SetCheckBox(NewDefault, result.IsDefault); NewReportingPeriod.SelectListOptionByText(result.ReportingPeriod.ToString()); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); //give it a couple seconds to catch up NewCreateButton.Click(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); //give it a couple seconds to catch up }
private void Rename_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (RenameArea.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { RenameArea.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { RenameArea.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; NewName.Focus(FocusState.Keyboard); NewName.Select(0, NewName.Text.Length); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NewName = newNameTextBox.Text; NewName = NewName.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Trim(); if (newNameTextBox.Text.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Name can't be blank."); return; } Close(); result = true; }
/// <summary> /// Handles the OK button's Click event. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The button object.</param> /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param> private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_rename) { // Check for invalid characters. if (NewName.Contains("/") || NewName.Contains("\\")) { MessageBox.Show(Messages.InvalidCharacters, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); return; } } this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
public Rename(INamable Target, string Title, bool ReadOnly) : this() { NamingTarget = Target; NewName.Text = Target.Name; NewName.IsReadOnly = ReadOnly; NewName.SelectAll(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Title)) { TitleBlock.Text = Title; } }
} // ボタンが押されたときに実行されるデリゲート void OnGUI() { NewName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(CaptionText, NewName); if (GUILayout.Button(ButtonText)) { if (OnClickButtonDelegate != null) { // ボタンが押されたら、あらかじめ設定されたデリゲートに入力された名前を渡す OnClickButtonDelegate.Invoke(NewName.Trim()); } Close(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } }
} // 버튼을 눌렀을 때이 눌러졌을 때 실행되는 델리게이트 void OnGUI() { NewName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(CaptionText, NewName); if (GUILayout.Button(ButtonText)) { if (OnClickButtonDelegate != null) { // 버튼을 누르면이 눌러지면 미리 설정된 델리게이트에 입력된되어 있는 이름을 넘겨준다 OnClickButtonDelegate.Invoke(NewName.Trim()); } Close(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } }
private void OnNewNameButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { StringPackage pac = new StringPackage(""); NewName newName = new NewName(pac); newName.ShowDialog(); string na = pac.Content; if (!na.Contains(".kml")) { na += ".kml"; } ((Kml)ChosenFile.Root).Feature.Name = na; }
/// <summary> /// Comprueba que los datos introducidos sean correctos /// </summary> private bool ValidateData() { bool validate = false; // Comprueba los datos introducidos if (NewName.IsEmpty()) { SourceEditorViewModel.Instance.ControllerWindow.ShowMessage("Introduzca el nuevo nombre del archivo"); } else { validate = true; } // Devuelve el valor que indica si los datos son correctos return(validate); }
public override void SaveToStream(Stream s) { using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(s, Encoding.ASCII, true)) { bw.Write(SignerAccount); bw.Write(TargetAccount); bw.Write(NumberOfOperations); bw.Write(Fee); Payload.SaveToStream(bw); AccountKey.SaveToStream(s, false); bw.Write(ChangeType); NewAccountKey.SaveToStream(s, false); NewName.SaveToStream(bw); bw.Write(NewType); Signature.SaveToStream(s); } }
protected override MergeResult DoMerge(Operation operation) { if (base.DoMerge(operation) == MergeResult.Stop) { return(MergeResult.Stop); } if (operation is RenameColumnOperation otherAsRenameColumnOp && NewName.Equals(otherAsRenameColumnOp.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { NewName = otherAsRenameColumnOp.NewName; otherAsRenameColumnOp.Disabled = true; return(MergeResult.Continue); } return(MergeResult.Continue); }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { if (NewName.Contains("\\")) { NewName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(NewName); } string newPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(FilePath), NewName); // テスト自動生成 _generator.FilePath(FilePath); _generator.FilePath(newPath); if (File.Exists(FilePath)) { FileSystem.RenameFile(FilePath, NewName); } WriteObject(new FileSummary(newPath, true)); }
/// <summary> /// Add new item to <see cref="ScheduleDataViewModel.ItemCustomList"/>. /// </summary> private async Task AddItemCommandMethodAsync() { await RunCommandAsync(() => mModifyFlag, async() => { IoC.Logger.Log("Creating new schedule custom item.", LogLevel.Debug); if (!IoC.DataContent.ScheduleData.CanAddCustomItem) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewName)) { return; } // Trim. string name = NewName.Trim(); string colorHex = "000000"; // Add item. if (FormVM.AddItem(name, colorHex, false) == null) { // Some error occured during adding item. _ = IoC.UI.ShowNotification(new NotificationBoxDialogViewModel() { Title = "ERROR OCCURRED!", Message = $"The name of the item is already defined or some of the entered values are invalid. Please, check them again.", Result = NotificationBoxResult.Ok, }); return; } // Log it. IoC.Logger.Log($"Created new schedule custom item '{name}'.", LogLevel.Info); // Sort list. FormVM.SortItemCustomList(); await Task.Delay(1); }); }
// Module defining this command // Optional custom code for this activity /// <summary> /// Returns a configured instance of System.Management.Automation.PowerShell, pre-populated with the command to run. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The NativeActivityContext for the currently running activity.</param> /// <returns>A populated instance of Sytem.Management.Automation.PowerShell</returns> /// <remarks>The infrastructure takes responsibility for closing and disposing the PowerShell instance returned.</remarks> protected override ActivityImplementationContext GetPowerShell(NativeActivityContext context) { System.Management.Automation.PowerShell invoker = global::System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create(); System.Management.Automation.PowerShell targetCommand = invoker.AddCommand(PSCommandName); // Initialize the arguments if (Path.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("Path", Path.Get(context)); } if (LiteralPath.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("LiteralPath", LiteralPath.Get(context)); } if (NewName.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("NewName", NewName.Get(context)); } if (Force.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("Force", Force.Get(context)); } if (PassThru.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("PassThru", PassThru.Get(context)); } if (Credential.Expression != null) { targetCommand.AddParameter("Credential", Credential.Get(context)); } return(new ActivityImplementationContext() { PowerShellInstance = invoker }); }
public static void Main() { NewName president = new NewName ("George", "Washington"); NewName first = new NewName ("George", "Washington"); Console.WriteLine ("Should be equal, but Equals returns: {0}", first.Equals(president)); Console.Write ("The hash codes for first and president are: "); if (president.GetHashCode() == first.GetHashCode()) Console.WriteLine("equal"); else Console.WriteLine("not equal"); Dictionary<NewName, String> m = new Dictionary<NewName, String>(); m.Add(president, "first"); Console.WriteLine ("Should contain George Washington, and ContainsKey returns: " + m.ContainsKey(first)); Console.WriteLine ("Should find 'first', and m[first] returns: " + m[first]); Console.WriteLine ("ToString overridden so first is: " + first); }