// IDispose
            public void Dispose()
                // we may have recicular COM references to itself
                // e.g., via _baseIComInterface
                // make sure to release all references

                if (_baseIComInterface != null)
                    _baseIComInterface = null;

                if (_baseClassComProxy != null)
                    _baseClassComProxy = null;
            // constructor
            public ImprovedClass()
                // get OldLibrary.BaseClass.IComInterface via reflection
                var typeBaseIComInterface = typeof(OldLibrary.BaseClass).GetInterfaces().First((t) =>
                                                                                               t.GUID == typeof(NewLibrary.IComInterface).GUID);

                // get the COM interface for OldLibrary.BaseClass.IComInterface
                _unkBaseIComInterface = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(this, typeBaseIComInterface, CustomQueryInterfaceMode.Ignore);
                Marshal.AddRef(_unkBaseIComInterface);                 // protect _unkBaseIComInterface

                // aggregate it with a helper Inner object
                _inner = new Inner(_unkBaseIComInterface);
                _unkInnerAggregated = Marshal.CreateAggregatedObject(_unkBaseIComInterface, _inner);

                // turn private OldLibrary.BaseClass.IComInterface into NewLibrary.IComInterface
                _baseIComInterface = (IComInterface)Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(_unkInnerAggregated, typeof(NewLibrary.IComInterface));

            public void Dispose()
                // we may have recicular references to itself
                _baseIComInterface = null;

                if (_inner != null)
                    _inner = null;

                if (_unkInnerAggregated != IntPtr.Zero)
                    _unkInnerAggregated = IntPtr.Zero;

                if (_unkBaseIComInterface != IntPtr.Zero)
                    _unkBaseIComInterface = IntPtr.Zero;
 // constructor
 public ImprovedClass()
     // aggregate the CCW object with the helper Inner object
     _baseClassComProxy = new BaseClassComProxy(this);
     _baseIComInterface = _baseClassComProxy.GetComInterface <IComInterface>();