Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Invoice NewInvoice(NewInvoiceDto newInvoice)
            Invoice invoice = new Invoice()
                PurchaseOrderId = newInvoice.CustomerOrderId,
                InvoiceType     = newInvoice.InvoiceType,
                PaymentMethod   = newInvoice.PaymentMethod,
                PreparedBy      = newInvoice.CreatedBy,
                DueDate         = newInvoice.DueDate,
                Discount        = newInvoice.Discount,
                Tax             = newInvoice.Tax

            if (newInvoice.Note != null && newInvoice.Note.Trim() != "")
                invoice.Note = newInvoice.Note;

            foreach (var item in newInvoice.InvoiceItems)
                invoice.InvoiceDetail.Add(new InvoiceDetail()
                    Quantity     = (int)item.Quantity,
                    Discount     = item.Discount,
                    Note         = item.Note,
                    SalesOrderId = item.CustomerOrderItemId,
                    UnitPrice    = item.UnitPrice

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public IActionResult CreateNewInvoice(uint customerOrderId, [FromBody] NewInvoiceDto invoice)
            if (invoice == null || customerOrderId == 0)

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(new InvalidInputResponse(ModelState));

            var customerOrder = _customerOrderQuery.GetSalesOrderById(customerOrderId);

            if (customerOrder == null)
                return(StatusCode(404, $"Customer Order With id: {customerOrderId} Not Found "));

            var newInvoice = _factory.NewInvoice(invoice);

            var result = _command.CreateInvoice(newInvoice);

            if (result == null)
                return(StatusCode(500, $"Unknown Error Occured While Saving Invoice Try Again"));

            return(StatusCode(201, result));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult <NewInvoiceDto> CreateInvoice(NewInvoiceDto newInvoiceDto)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(BadRequest(new ResponseDto <NewInvoiceDto>()
                    message = ErrorMessage.InvalidModel

                string role = HttpContext.GetUserRole();
                if (!(role == RoleNames.LaundryEmployee || role == RoleNames.LaundryOwner))
                    return(BadRequest(new ResponseDto <string> {
                        statusCode = "401"

                InvoiceDto invoiceDto = invoiceRepository.AddInvoice(newInvoiceDto, role, HttpContext.User.Identity.Name);
                return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(ReadInvoice), new { id = invoiceDto.Id }, invoiceDto));
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e.Message == ErrorMessage.EntityDoesNotExist)
                    return(BadRequest(new ResponseDto <InvoiceDto>()
                        message = "Customer does not exist"

                else if (e.Message == ErrorMessage.InvalidToken)
                    return(BadRequest(new ResponseDto <InvoiceDto>()
                        message = "Customer was is not in users laundry"

                //if you got this point some unforseen error occured
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //private readonly LaundryApiContext _context;
        //private readonly IMapper mapper;
        //private readonly IRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper;

        //public InvoiceRepository(LaundryApiContext _context, IMapper mapper,IRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper)

        //    this._context = _context;
        //    this.mapper = mapper;
        //    this.repositoryHelper = repositoryHelper;

        //public async Task<InvoiceDto> ReadInvoice(Guid invoiceId)

        //    var invoice = await _context.Invoices.Include(x=> x.Customer)
        //                                         .Include(x=> x.InvoiceItems)
        //                                         .ThenInclude(x=> x.Service)
        //                                         .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == invoiceId);
        //    var invoiceDto = mapper.Map<InvoiceDto>(invoice);
        //    return invoiceDto;

        //public InvoiceDto AddInvoice(NewInvoiceDto newInvoiceDto, string userRole,string username)
        //    try
        //    {
        //        var customerInDb = _context.Customers.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == newInvoiceDto.CustomerId);
        //        if (customerInDb == null)
        //            throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.EntityDoesNotExist);

        //        if (userRole == RoleNames.LaundryOwner)
        //        {
        //            if ( repositoryHelper.GetLaundryByUsername(username).Id != customerInDb.LaundryId)
        //                throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.InvalidToken);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            if (repositoryHelper.GetEmployeeByUsername(username).LaundryId != customerInDb.LaundryId)
        //                throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.InvalidToken);
        //        }

        //        var invoiceTotal = GetInvoiceItemsPrices(newInvoiceDto,customerInDb.LaundryId).Sum();

        //        customerInDb.Debt += invoiceTotal - newInvoiceDto.AmountPaid;

        //        if (newInvoiceDto.AmountPaid > 0)
        //        {
        //            customerInDb.TotalPurchase += newInvoiceDto.AmountPaid;
        //            Laundry laundry = _context.Laundries.Find(customerInDb.LaundryId);
        //            laundry.Revenue += newInvoiceDto.AmountPaid;
        //            if(customerInDb.EmployeeId != new Guid())
        //            {
        //                Employee employee = _context.Employees.Find(customerInDb.EmployeeId);
        //                employee.Revenue += newInvoiceDto.AmountPaid;
        //            }
        //        }

        //        //create the invoice object and add the invoice to the db context
        //        var invoiceItems=mapper.Map<ICollection<InvoiceItem>>(newInvoiceDto.InvoiceItems);
        //        Invoice invoice = new Invoice()
        //        {
        //            Amount = invoiceTotal,
        //            CustomerId = newInvoiceDto.CustomerId,
        //            CreatedAt = DateTime.Now,
        //            UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now,
        //            IsCollected = false,
        //            IsPaidFor = customerInDb.Debt<=0,
        //            AmountPaid= newInvoiceDto.AmountPaid,
        //            Remark=newInvoiceDto.Remark,
        //            InvoiceItems= invoiceItems,
        //            LaundryId= customerInDb.LaundryId
        //        };
        //        _context.Invoices.Add(invoice);

        //        //coomplete transaction
        //        _context.SaveChanges();

        //        //create return obj
        //        InvoiceDto invoiceDto = mapper.Map<InvoiceDto>(invoice);
        //        invoiceDto.CustomerId = newInvoiceDto.CustomerId;

        //        return invoiceDto;
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception e)
        //    {
        //        if (e.Message == ErrorMessage.EntityDoesNotExist)
        //            throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.EntityDoesNotExist);

        //        else if (e.Message == ErrorMessage.InvalidToken)
        //            throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.InvalidToken);

        //        throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.FailedDbOperation);
        //    }


        //public PagedList<InvoiceDto> GetInvoices(int pageNumber, int pageSize)
        //    var invoicesList = _context.Invoices.ToList();
        //    var page=invoicesList.Skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize);

        //    PagedList<InvoiceDto> obj = new PagedList<InvoiceDto>()
        //    {
        //        Data= mapper.Map<IEnumerable<InvoiceDto>>(page),
        //        PageIndex=pageNumber,
        //        PageSize=pageSize,
        //        MaxPageIndex=invoicesList.Count,
        //    };

        //    return obj;
        //public PagedList<Invoice> GetInvoices(int pageNumber, int pageSize,string username,string userRole)
        //    //get the laundry
        //    Guid laundryId;
        //    if (userRole == RoleNames.LaundryEmployee)
        //        laundryId = _context.Employees.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Username == username).LaundryId;
        //    else
        //        laundryId = _context.Laundries.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Username == username).Id;

        //    //get the laundry customers and use the customers to get the invoices from the invoice table
        //    IEnumerable<Invoice> invoices = _context.Invoices.Include(x=>x.Customer).Include(x=> x.InvoiceItems).Where(x => x.LaundryId == laundryId);

        //    //do the pagination and select
        //    var page = invoices.OrderBy(x => x.Amount).Skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
        //    PagedList<Invoice> obj = new PagedList<Invoice>()
        //    {
        //        Data = page,
        //        PageIndex = pageNumber,
        //        PageSize = pageSize,
        //        MaxPageIndex = invoices.Count(),
        //    };

        //    return obj;

        //public InvoiceDto ReadCompleteInvoiceAsync(Guid invoiceId)
        //    try
        //    {
        //        var invoice =  _context.Invoices.Include(x => x.Customer).Include(x => x.InvoiceItems).SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id==invoiceId);
        //        InvoiceDto invoiceDto = mapper.Map<InvoiceDto>(invoice);
        //        return invoiceDto;
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception e)
        //    {
        //        if (e.Message == ErrorMessage.EntityDoesNotExist)
        //            throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.EntityDoesNotExist);

        //        throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.FailedDbOperation);
        //    }


        //public void DepositCustomerPayment(Guid customerId, decimal amtDeposited)
        //    IEnumerable<Invoice> invoices = _context.Invoices
        //        .Where(x => x.CustomerId == customerId && !x.IsPaidFor).OrderBy(x => x.CreatedAt);
        //    if (invoices.Count() == 0)
        //        throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.CustomerIsNotOwing);

        //    //loop thru the invoices to find unpaid invoices
        //    UpdateInvoicesWIthDeposit(invoices, amtDeposited);

        //    //update the laundry,employee and customer object
        //    var customer = _context.Customers.Find(customerId);
        //    customer.TotalPurchase += amtDeposited;
        //    if(customer.EmployeeId != new Guid())
        //    {
        //        var employee = _context.Employees.Find(customer.EmployeeId);
        //        employee.Revenue += amtDeposited;
        //    }
        //    Laundry laundry=_context.Laundries.Find(customer.LaundryId);
        //    laundry.Revenue += amtDeposited;

        //    _context.SaveChanges();


        //public IEnumerable<InvoiceDto> FetchCustomerInvoices(Guid customerId)
        //   var invoices= _context.Invoices.Where(x => x.CustomerId == customerId).OrderBy(x => x.CreatedAt);
        //    var invoiceDtos = mapper.Map<IEnumerable<InvoiceDto>>(invoices);
        //    return invoiceDtos;


        //private static void UpdateInvoicesWIthDeposit(IEnumerable<Invoice> invoices,decimal amtDeposited)
        //    foreach (Invoice invoice in invoices)
        //    {
        //        decimal invoiceBalance = invoice.Amount - invoice.AmountPaid;
        //        if (invoiceBalance >= amtDeposited)
        //        {
        //            invoice.AmountPaid += amtDeposited;
        //            amtDeposited = 0;
        //        }
        //        else if (invoiceBalance < amtDeposited)
        //        {
        //            invoice.AmountPaid += invoiceBalance;
        //            amtDeposited -= invoiceBalance;
        //            invoice.IsPaidFor = true;
        //        }

        //        if (amtDeposited == 0)
        //            break;

        //    }

        //private  IEnumerable<decimal> GetInvoiceItemsPrices(NewInvoiceDto dto,Guid laundryId )
        //    var services = _context.Services.Where(x => x.LaundryId == laundryId);
        //    foreach(NewInvoiceItemDto _dto in dto.InvoiceItems)
        //        yield return services.Single(x=> x.Id==_dto.ServiceId).Price * _dto.Quantity;
        public InvoiceDto AddInvoice(NewInvoiceDto newInvoice, string userRole, string applicationUserUsername)
            throw new NotImplementedException();