public void PostsToTheCorrectUrl()
                var connection = Substitute.For <IApiConnection>();
                var client     = new ActivityTypesClient(connection);

                var newActivityType = new NewActivityType("name", ActivityTypeIcon.Bell);


                connection.Received().Post <ActivityType>(Arg.Is <Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "activityTypes"),
                                                          Arg.Is <NewActivityType>(nc => nc.Name == "name" &&
                                                                                   nc.IconKey == ActivityTypeIcon.Bell));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new custom activity to this workflow instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance"></param>
        private void AddNewActivity()
            //create an instance of the specified new activity
            if (NewActivityType != null && NumberProperty != null)
                //create a workflow changes object
                WorkflowChanges wfChanges = new WorkflowChanges(this);

                //find the SequenceActivity that is a placeholder
                //for new activities
                CompositeActivity placeholder
                    = wfChanges.TransientWorkflow.GetActivityByName(
                          "sequencePlaceholder") as CompositeActivity;
                if (placeholder == null)

                //construct an instance of the activity
                //using reflection
                ConstructorInfo ctor
                    = NewActivityType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
                Activity newActivity = ctor.Invoke(null) as Activity;

                //bind the TestNumber property of the activity
                //to the TestNumber property of the workflow
                                       new ActivityBind(this.Name, "TestNumber"));

                //add the new custom activity to the workflow

                //validate the structural changes before applying them
                ValidationErrorCollection errors = wfChanges.Validate();
                if (errors.Count == 0)
                    //apply the changes to the workflow instance
                    //the proposed changes are not valid
                    foreach (ValidationError error in errors)
            public async Task CanCreate()
                var pipedrive = Helper.GetAuthenticatedClient();
                var fixture   = pipedrive.ActivityType;

                var newActivityType = new NewActivityType("name", ActivityTypeIcon.Addressbook);

                var activityType = await fixture.Create(newActivityType);


                var retrievedAll = await fixture.GetAll();

                var retrieved = retrievedAll.Where(ac => ac.Name == "name").FirstOrDefault();


                // Cleanup
                await fixture.Delete(activityType.Id);
            public async Task CanEdit()
                var pipedrive = Helper.GetAuthenticatedClient();
                var fixture   = pipedrive.ActivityType;

                var newActivityType = new NewActivityType("new-name", ActivityTypeIcon.Plane);
                var activityType    = await fixture.Create(newActivityType);

                var editActivityType = activityType.ToUpdate();

                editActivityType.Name    = "updated-name";
                editActivityType.IconKey = ActivityTypeIcon.Sound;

                var updatedActivityType = await fixture.Edit(activityType.Id, editActivityType);

                Assert.Equal("updated-name", updatedActivityType.Name);
                Assert.Equal(ActivityTypeIcon.Sound, updatedActivityType.IconKey);

                // Cleanup
                await fixture.Delete(updatedActivityType.Id);
            public async Task CanDelete()
                var pipedrive = Helper.GetAuthenticatedClient();
                var fixture   = pipedrive.ActivityType;

                var newActivityType = new NewActivityType("new-name", ActivityTypeIcon.Signpost);
                var activityType    = await fixture.Create(newActivityType);

                var createdActivityTypes = await fixture.GetAll();

                var createdActivityType = createdActivityTypes.Where(ac => ac.Name == "new-name").FirstOrDefault();


                await fixture.Delete(createdActivityType.Id);

                var deletedActivityTypes = await fixture.GetAll();

                var deletedActivityType = deletedActivityTypes.Where(ac => ac.Name == "new-name").FirstOrDefault();
