Ejemplo n.º 1
 public NeuronGPUEx(NeuronDataModel neuron, int globalId)
     GlobalId        = globalId;
     Id              = neuron.Id;
     IsBias          = neuron.IsBias;
     IsBiasConnected = neuron.IsBiasConnected;
     Activation      = neuron.Activation;
     // ActivationFunction = null;// GPU.Instance.Accelerator.CompileKernel(typeof(ActivationFunction).GetMethod("None1"));
     ActivationFuncParamA = 0;// neuron.ActivationFuncParamA;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public NeuronGPU(NeuronDataModel neuron)
            Id                   = neuron.Id;
            IsBias               = neuron.IsBias;
            IsBiasConnected      = neuron.IsBiasConnected;
            Activation           = neuron.Activation;
            ActivationFunction   = neuron.ActivationFunction;
            ActivationFuncParamA = neuron.ActivationFuncParamA;

            var weights = GPU.Instance.Accelerator.Allocate <WeightGPU>(neuron.Weights.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < neuron.Weights.Count; ++i)
                weights.CopyFrom(new WeightGPU(neuron.Weights[i]), i);
            Weights = weights.View;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void DrawLayerNeurons(bool fullState, NetworkDataModel model, LayerDataModel layer)
            double threshold = model.Layers[0] == layer ? model.InputThreshold : 0;

            var biasColor = Tools.Draw.GetPen(Colors.Orange);

            NeuronDataModel prevNeuron = null;

            foreach (var neuron in layer.Neurons)
                if (fullState || neuron.IsBias || neuron.Activation > threshold || layer.Id > 0)
                    if (!Coordinator.ContainsKey(neuron))
                        Coordinator.Add(neuron, Points.Get(LayerX(model, layer), TOP_OFFSET + VerticalShift(model, layer) + neuron.Id * VerticalDistance(layer.Height)));

                    // Skip intersected neurons on first layer to improove performance.
                    if (!fullState && !neuron.IsBias && model.Layers[0] == layer && prevNeuron != null)
                        if (Coordinator[neuron].Y - Coordinator[prevNeuron].Y < NEURON_SIZE)
                    prevNeuron = neuron;

                    var pen   = Tools.Draw.GetPen(neuron.Activation);
                    var brush = pen.Brush;

                    if (neuron.IsBias)
                        CtlPresenter.DrawEllipse(Brushes.Orange, biasColor, Coordinator[neuron], BIAS_RADIUS, BIAS_RADIUS);

                    CtlPresenter.DrawEllipse(brush, pen, Coordinator[neuron], NEURON_RADIUS, NEURON_RADIUS);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void DrawLayersLinks(bool fullState, NetworkDataModel model, LayerDataModel layer1, LayerDataModel layer2, bool isOnlyWeights, bool isOnlyChangedWeights, bool isHighlightChangedWeights)
            double threshold = model.Layers[0] == layer1 ? model.InputThreshold : 0;

            NeuronDataModel prevNeuron = null;

            foreach (var neuron1 in layer1.Neurons)
                if (!Coordinator.ContainsKey(neuron1))
                    Coordinator.Add(neuron1, Points.Get(LayerX(model, layer1), TOP_OFFSET + VerticalShift(model, layer1) + neuron1.Id * VerticalDistance(layer1.Height)));

                // Skip intersected neurons on first layer to improove performance.
                if (!fullState && !neuron1.IsBias && model.Layers[0] == layer1 && prevNeuron != null)
                    if (Coordinator[neuron1].Y - Coordinator[prevNeuron].Y < NEURON_SIZE)

                if (fullState || neuron1.IsBias || neuron1.Activation > threshold)
                    foreach (var neuron2 in layer2.Neurons)
                        if (!neuron2.IsBias || (neuron2.IsBiasConnected && neuron1.IsBias))
                            if (fullState || ((neuron1.IsBias || neuron1.Activation > threshold) && neuron1.AxW(neuron2) != 0))
                                Pen  pen             = null;
                                Pen  penChange       = null;
                                bool isWeightChanged = false;
                                var  weight          = neuron1.WeightTo(neuron2);

                                if (WeightsData.TryGetValue(weight, out double prevWeight))
                                    if (prevWeight != weight.Weight)
                                        isWeightChanged     = true;
                                        WeightsData[weight] = weight.Weight;
                                    prevWeight      = 0;
                                    isWeightChanged = true;
                                    WeightsData.Add(weight, weight.Weight);

                                double fraction = Math.Min(1, Math.Abs((prevWeight - weight.Weight) / prevWeight));
                                if (fraction <= 0.001)
                                    isWeightChanged = false;

                                if (isWeightChanged && isHighlightChangedWeights)
                                    penChange = Tools.Draw.GetPen(Colors.Lime);

                                if (isOnlyWeights)
                                    if ((isWeightChanged && isOnlyChangedWeights) || !isOnlyChangedWeights)
                                        pen = Tools.Draw.GetPen(weight.Weight, 1);
                                    pen = Tools.Draw.GetPen(neuron1.AxW(neuron2), 1);

                                if (!isOnlyChangedWeights && isHighlightChangedWeights && isWeightChanged)
                                    pen       = penChange;
                                    penChange = null;

                                if (pen != null)
                                    if (!Coordinator.ContainsKey(neuron2))
                                        Coordinator.Add(neuron2, Points.Get(LayerX(model, layer2), TOP_OFFSET + VerticalShift(model, layer2) + neuron2.Id * VerticalDistance(layer2.Height)));

                                    CtlPresenter.DrawLine(pen, Coordinator[neuron1], Coordinator[neuron2]);
                                    prevNeuron = neuron1;

                                if (penChange != null)
                                    CtlPresenter.DrawLine(penChange, Coordinator[neuron1], Coordinator[neuron2]);
                                    prevNeuron = neuron1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public double Derivative(NetworkDataModel model, NeuronDataModel neuron)
     return(neuron.Target - neuron.Activation);