/// <summary>
        /// Executes a valid move of the active player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player1">Player 1</param>
        /// <param name="player2">Player 2</param>
        /// <param name="_checker">Selected checker to be moved</param>
        /// <param name="_move">Selected move (according to one of the dice values)</param>
        /// <returns>Success (true) if the active player has won the game, otherwise false</returns>
        public static bool ExecuteMove(ref NetworkBackgammonPlayer player1,
                                       ref NetworkBackgammonPlayer player2,
                                       NetworkBackgammonChecker _checker,
                                       NetworkBackgammonDice _move)
            // Determine the active player
            NetworkBackgammonPlayer activePlayer  = player1.Active ? player1 : player2;
            NetworkBackgammonPlayer waitingPlayer = player1.Active ? player2 : player1;

            bool bActivePlayerWon = true;

            // Find active player's checker that has been selected to move
            foreach (NetworkBackgammonChecker checkerAP in activePlayer.Checkers)
                // Found checker, now find checker's move that has been selected
                if (checkerAP == _checker)
                    foreach (NetworkBackgammonDice move in checkerAP.PossibleMoves)
                        // Found move
                        if (move == _move)

                            if (checkerAP.CurrentPosition.CurrentPosition >= NetworkBackgammonPosition.GameBoardPosition.NORMAL_START &&
                                checkerAP.CurrentPosition.CurrentPosition <= NetworkBackgammonPosition.GameBoardPosition.NORMAL_END)
                                // Check whether active player kicked checker of the waiting player onto the bar
                                foreach (NetworkBackgammonChecker checkerWP in waitingPlayer.Checkers)
                                    if (checkerWP.CurrentPosition.GetOppositePosition().CurrentPosition == checkerAP.CurrentPosition.CurrentPosition)

            // Check whether active player has won the game
            foreach (NetworkBackgammonChecker checker in activePlayer.Checkers)
                if (checker.CurrentPosition.CurrentPosition != NetworkBackgammonPosition.GameBoardPosition.OFFBOARD)
                    bActivePlayerWon = false;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public NetworkBackgammonChip(CHIP_TYPE chipType, NetworkBackgammonChecker checker)
            // Load the icon directly from the manifest resource
            Icon blackChipIcon = new Icon(this.GetType(),
                                          (chipType == CHIP_TYPE.OPPONENT_1 ? "Resources.BlackChip.ico" : "Resources.WhipChip.ico"));

            // Set the chip bitmap
            m_chipBitmap = new Bitmap(blackChipIcon.ToBitmap());
            // Set the chip size based on the image size
            ChipSize = new Size(blackChipIcon.ToBitmap().Width, blackChipIcon.ToBitmap().Height);

            m_checker = checker;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void listBoxCheckers_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

                NetworkBackgammonChecker selectedChecker = (NetworkBackgammonChecker)listBoxCheckers.SelectedItem;

                foreach (NetworkBackgammonDice diceValue in selectedChecker.PossibleMoves)
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies a list of checkers and possible moves against a verified list of checkers and possible moves
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="checkersToVerify">List of checkers and possible moves to be verified</param>
        /// <param name="checkersVerified">List of verified checkers and possible moves</param>
        /// <param name="returnMessage">Additional detail information if verification fails</param>
        /// <returns>"True" if both lists (checkers and possible moves) match, otherwise "false"</returns>
        private bool VerifyCheckersAndPossibleMoves(List <NetworkBackgammonChecker> checkersToVerify,
                                                    List <NetworkBackgammonChecker> checkersVerified,
                                                    ref string returnMessage)
            bool bRetVal = false;

            // Does the number of checkers match?
            bRetVal = checkersVerified.Count == checkersToVerify.Count;

            if (bRetVal)
                List <NetworkBackgammonChecker> checkersCheckOffList = new List <NetworkBackgammonChecker>();

                // Build a list of checkers that need to be verified (and checked off once verified)
                foreach (NetworkBackgammonChecker checker in checkersVerified)

                // Loop through the list of checkers to be verified
                foreach (NetworkBackgammonChecker checkerToVerify in checkersToVerify)
                    NetworkBackgammonChecker checkerToCheckoff = null;

                    // Loop through the list of verified checkers to find the matching one
                    foreach (NetworkBackgammonChecker checkerVerified in checkersCheckOffList)
                        // Found matching checker?
                        if (checkerVerified.CurrentPosition == checkerToVerify.CurrentPosition)
                            // Number of possible moves matching?
                            if (checkerVerified.PossibleMoves.Count == checkerToVerify.PossibleMoves.Count)
                                // We can potentially check this one off, unless we find the actual possible moves list not matching
                                checkerToCheckoff = checkerVerified;

                                // Sort possible moves

                                // Verify whether the list of actual possible moves matches
                                for (int i = 0; i < checkerVerified.PossibleMoves.Count; i++)
                                    // Found one non-matching item
                                    if (checkerVerified.PossibleMoves[i].CurrentValue != checkerToVerify.PossibleMoves[i].CurrentValue)
                                        // So, we cannot check it off
                                        checkerToCheckoff = null;

                                        returnMessage += "Not all possible moves of verified checkers and checkers to be verified match for position " +
                                                         checkerVerified.CurrentPosition.ToString() + ". Verified checker has possible move " +
                                                         checkerVerified.PossibleMoves[i].CurrentValue.ToString() +
                                                         " at this position. However, checker to be verified has possible move " +
                                                         checkerToVerify.PossibleMoves[i].CurrentValue.ToString() + ".";

                                        bRetVal = false;
                                returnMessage += "Number of possible moves (" +
                                                 checkerToVerify.PossibleMoves.Count() +
                                                 ") for checker to be verified doesn't match number of possible moves (" +
                                                 checkerVerified.PossibleMoves.Count() +
                                                 ") for verified checker at position " + checkerVerified.CurrentPosition.ToString() + ".";

                                bRetVal = false;


                    if (checkerToCheckoff != null)
                        checkerToCheckoff = null;
                        bRetVal = false;
                returnMessage += "Number of checkers to be verified (" + checkersToVerify.Count + ") doesn't match number of verified checkers (" + checkersVerified.Count + ")";
