Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal static NestedFolder FindParentFolder(List <string> parentFolders, List <NestedFolder> folderStructure)
            NestedFolder resultFolder = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < parentFolders.Count; i++)
                bool foundFolder = false;

                foreach (NestedFolder folder in folderStructure)
                    if (folder.name.ToLower() == parentFolders[parentFolders.Count - 1].ToLower())
                        resultFolder = folder;

                    if (folder.name.ToLower() == parentFolders[i].ToLower())
                        foundFolder     = true;
                        folderStructure = folder.childrenFolders;

                if (!foundFolder)
                    Util.LogError($"No parent folder found in the structure!. Something went wrong. The program has been stopped.");
                    throw new ApplicationException($"Stopping the program... You can see the log file for more information.");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal static void UploadFiles(DataTable table, int rowIndex, FolderWorkflow folderProcess, NestedFolder folder, string projectId, string localFoldersPath)
            string localFolderName = table.Rows[rowIndex]["local_folder"].ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(localFolderName))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localFoldersPath) == true)
                    Util.LogError($"Argument -f for LocalFoldersPath is not given! The program has been stopped.");
                    throw new ApplicationException($"Stopping the program... You can see the log file for more information.");

                string localFolderPath = localFoldersPath + @"\" + localFolderName;

                bool folderExist = Directory.Exists(localFolderPath);

                if (folderExist)
                    Util.LogInfo($"Uploading files from local folder '{localFolderName}' to BIM360 folder '{folder.name}'...");

                    string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(localFolderPath);

                    List <string> existingFileNames = folderProcess.CustomGetExistingFileNames(projectId, folder.id);

                    List <string> allowedFileTypesPlans = new List <string> {
                        ".rvt", ".pdf", ".dwg", ".dwf", ".dwfx", ".ifc"

                    foreach (string filePath in filePaths)
                        if (!existingFileNames.Contains(Path.GetFileName(filePath)))
                            // Find root folder
                            NestedFolder rootFolder = folder;
                            while (rootFolder.parentFolder != null)
                                rootFolder = rootFolder.parentFolder;

                            string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
                            if (rootFolder.name == "Plans" && !allowedFileTypesPlans.Contains(fileExtension))
                                Util.LogImportant($"File with name '{Path.GetFileName(filePath)}' is not a supported file type for folder 'Plans'. Skipping... Supported file types are: '.rvt', '.pdf', '.dwg', '.dwf', '.dwfx', '.ifc'.");

                            folderProcess.CustomUploadFile(projectId, folder.id, filePath);
                            Util.LogInfo($"File with name '{Path.GetFileName(filePath)}' already exists in folder '{folder.name}'. Skipping...");
                    Util.LogImportant($"Local folder with name {localFolderName} does not exist! Check if the folder is placed in the correct directory. Skipping files...");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private List <NestedFolder> CustomExtractFolderStructure(BimProject orgProj)
            if (!folderStructures.ContainsKey(orgProj.name))
                List <NestedFolder> existingFolderStructure = new List <NestedFolder>();

                Util.LogInfo($"Folder structure extraction started");
                Util.LogInfo("- retrieving top folders from " + orgProj.id);

                // call TopFolder to get the initial folder ids to start
                TopFolderResponse topFolderRes = GetTopFolders(orgProj.id);

                if (!CustomRootFoldersExist(topFolderRes))
                    Util.LogInfo("No top folders retrieved.");

                    // Wait until new project's folders are created
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        Util.LogInfo("Waiting for project's folders to be created...");

                        topFolderRes = GetTopFolders(orgProj.id);

                        if (CustomRootFoldersExist(topFolderRes))
                    if (!CustomRootFoldersExist(topFolderRes))
                        Util.LogError($"There was a problem retrievieng root folders for project {orgProj.name}. The program has been stopped. Try running the program again.");
                        throw new ApplicationException($"Stopping the program... You can see the log file for more information.");

                Util.LogInfo("- retrieving sub-folders for 'Plans' and 'Project Files' folder. This could take a while..");
                // Iterate root folders
                foreach (Folder folder in topFolderRes.data)
                    string folderName = folder.attributes.name;
                    if (folderName == "Project Files" || folderName == "Plans")
                        NestedFolder rootFolder = new NestedFolder(folderName, folder.id);

                        // recursive calls to fetch folder structure
                        NestedFolder rootWithChildrenFolder = _foldersApi.GetFoldersHierarchy(orgProj.id, rootFolder);
                folderStructures[orgProj.name] = existingFolderStructure;

                throw new ApplicationException($"");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal static NestedFolder CreateFoldersAndAssignPermissions(DataTable table, int rowIndex, List <HqUser> projectUsers, FolderWorkflow folderProcess, List <NestedFolder> folders, NestedFolder currentFolder, BimProject project, ProjectUserWorkflow projectUserProcess)
            bool isUserAtRow = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows[rowIndex]["user_email"].ToString());
            bool isRoleAtRow = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows[rowIndex]["role_permission"].ToString());

            string folderColumnName = GetFolderColumnName(table, rowIndex);

            // Check if folder at this row
            if (folderColumnName != null)
                string currFolderName = table.Rows[rowIndex][folderColumnName].ToString();

                List <string> currParentFolders = GetParentFolders(table, rowIndex, folderColumnName);

                // If currently subfolder
                if (currParentFolders.Count > 0)
                    NestedFolder currParentFolder = FindParentFolder(currParentFolders, folders);
                    currentFolder = RecursiveFindFolder(currFolderName, currParentFolder.childrenFolders);

                    if (currentFolder == null)
                        currentFolder = CreateFolder(folderProcess, project.id, currParentFolder, currFolderName, currParentFolders[0]);
                        Util.LogInfo($"Folder in '{currParentFolders[0]}' already exists with name: {currFolderName}.");

                    if (isUserAtRow || isRoleAtRow)
                        AssignPermission(table, rowIndex, projectUsers, folderProcess, currentFolder, project, projectUserProcess);
                // If currently a root folder
                    if (isUserAtRow || isRoleAtRow)
                        Util.LogInfo($"\nCurrently at root folder '{currFolderName}'...\n");
                        NestedFolder rootFolder = folders.Find(x => x.name.ToLower() == currFolderName.ToLower());
                        AssignPermission(table, rowIndex, projectUsers, folderProcess, rootFolder, project, projectUserProcess);
                        currentFolder = rootFolder;
            // Asign user to folder if user at row but no folder at row
            else if ((isUserAtRow || isRoleAtRow) && folderColumnName == null)
                if (currentFolder != null)
                    AssignPermission(table, rowIndex, projectUsers, folderProcess, currentFolder, project, projectUserProcess);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roots"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Folder getNestedFolder(NestedFolder roots)
            var currentFolder = new Folder(roots.name);

            foreach (var iterfolder in roots.childrenFolders)

Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal static List <string> CopyParentFolders(NestedFolder folder)
            List <string> parentFolders = new List <string>();

            while (folder.parentFolder != null)
                folder = folder.parentFolder;

Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal static NestedFolder CreateFolder(FolderWorkflow folderProcess, string projectId, NestedFolder parentFolder, string folderName, string rootFolderName)
            Util.LogInfo($"Creating folder in '{rootFolderName}' with name: {folderName}...");

            string newFolderId = folderProcess.CustomCreateFolder(projectId, parentFolder.id, folderName);

            NestedFolder subFolder = new NestedFolder(folderName, newFolderId, parentFolder);


Ejemplo n.º 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Delete previous versions of log.txt

            AppOptions options = AppOptions.Parse(args);

            ProjectWorkflow     projectProcess     = new ProjectWorkflow(options);
            FolderWorkflow      folderProcess      = new FolderWorkflow(options);
            ProjectUserWorkflow projectUserProcess = new ProjectUserWorkflow(options);
            AccountWorkflow     accountProcess     = new AccountWorkflow(options);

            DataTable         csvData  = projectProcess.CustomGetDataFromCsv();
            List <BimProject> projects = projectProcess.GetAllProjects();

            List <BimCompany>   companies      = null;
            BimProject          currentProject = null;
            List <HqUser>       projectUsers   = null;
            List <NestedFolder> folders        = null;
            NestedFolder        currentFolder  = null;

            for (int row = 0; row < csvData.Rows.Count; row++)
                string projectName = csvData.Rows[row]["project_name"].ToString();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName))
                    Util.LogImportant($"\nCurrent project: {projectName}");

                    currentProject = projects.Find(x => x.name == projectName);

                    if (currentProject == null)
                        projects = projectProcess.CustomCreateProject(csvData, row, projectName, projectProcess);

                        currentProject = projects.Find(x => x.name == projectName);
                        CheckProjectCreated(currentProject, projectName);

                    folders = folderProcess.CustomGetFolderStructure(currentProject);

                    companies = accountProcess.CustomUpdateCompanies(csvData, row, accountProcess);

                    projectUsers = projectUserProcess.CustomUpdateProjectUsers(csvData, row, companies, currentProject, projectUserProcess);

                currentFolder = CreateFoldersAndAssignPermissions(csvData, row, projectUsers, folderProcess, folders, currentFolder, currentProject, projectUserProcess);

                UploadFilesFromFolder(csvData, row, folderProcess, currentFolder, currentProject.id, options.LocalFoldersPath);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public NestedFolder GetFoldersHierarchy(string projectId, NestedFolder thisFolder)
            if (projectId.StartsWith("b.") == false)
                projectId = "b." + projectId;

                // keep the current folder permission
                List <FolderPermission> folderPermissions = new List <FolderPermission>();

                IRestResponse res = GetFolderPermissions(projectId, thisFolder.id, out folderPermissions);
                if (res.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)

                IList <NestedFolder> output = new List <NestedFolder>();

                //get the subfolders and items residing in the folder
                IList <Folder> subFolders = GetSubFolders(projectId, thisFolder.id);
                IList <Data>   items      = GetItems(projectId, thisFolder.id);

                if (subFolders != null)
                    //process each subfolder
                    foreach (Folder folder in subFolders)
                        NestedFolder subFolder = new NestedFolder(folder.attributes.name, folder.id, thisFolder);

                        //now process the sub-subfolders within this subfolder
                        NestedFolder subFolderWithChildren = GetFoldersHierarchy(projectId, subFolder);

                if (items != null)
                    thisFolder.items = items;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        internal static NestedFolder RecursiveFindFolder(string folderName, List <NestedFolder> folderStructure)
            NestedFolder resultFolder = null;

            foreach (NestedFolder folder in folderStructure)
                if (folder.name.ToLower() == folderName.ToLower())
                    resultFolder = folder;
                if (folder.childrenFolders.Count > 0)
                    resultFolder = RecursiveFindFolder(folderName, folder.childrenFolders);

        private void ExtractFolderStructure(BimProject orgProj)
            if (folderStructures.ContainsKey(orgProj.name))
                List <NestedFolder> existingFolderStructure = new List <NestedFolder>();
                Log.Info($"Folder structure extraction started");
                Log.Info("- retrieving top folders from " + orgProj.id);
                // call TopFolder to get the initial folder ids to start
                TopFolderResponse topFolderRes = GetTopFolders(orgProj.id);

                if (topFolderRes.data == null || topFolderRes.data.Count() == 0)
                    Log.Warn("No top folders retrieved.");

                Log.Info("- retrieving sub-folders for 'Plans' and 'Project Files' folder. This could take a while..");
                // Iterate root folders
                foreach (Folder folder in topFolderRes.data)
                    string folderName = folder.attributes.name;
                    if (folderName == "Project Files" || folderName == "Plans")
                        NestedFolder rootFolder = new NestedFolder(folderName, folder.id);

                        // recursive calls to fetch folder structure
                        NestedFolder rootWithChildrenFolder = _foldersApi.GetFoldersHierarchy(orgProj.id, rootFolder);

                folderStructures[orgProj.name] = existingFolderStructure;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// runs the upload to the BIM360 environment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Upload_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var progress = new updates_upload();

            // convert string to stream
            byte[]       byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(AccProjectConfig.ExportBim360Projects());
            MemoryStream dataset   = new MemoryStream(byteArray);

            //dataset.Position = 0;

            progress.pgb.Value             = 10;
            progress.ProgressLabel.Content = "Build Connection";
            // ProgressBar "refresh"

            //maybe change
            string[] input = new string[] { "-c", ClientId, "-s", ClientSecret, "-a", BimId,
                                            "-h", AdminMail, "-f", " .\\sample", "-t", ",",
                                            "-z", ",", "-e", "UTF-8", "-d", "yyyy-MM-dd" };

            // Delete previous versions of log.txt

            AppOptions options = AppOptions.Parse(input);

            // options.AccountRegion = "EU";
            options.AdminRole = "Project Manager";

            ProjectWorkflow projectProcess = new ProjectWorkflow(options);

            // load all existing projects from the BIM360 environment
            List <BimProject> projects = projectProcess.GetAllProjects();

            FolderWorkflow      folderProcess      = new FolderWorkflow(options);
            ProjectUserWorkflow projectUserProcess = new ProjectUserWorkflow(options);
            AccountWorkflow     accountProcess     = new AccountWorkflow(options);

            progress.pgb.Value             = 25;
            progress.ProgressLabel.Content = "Convert Data from GUI";
            // ProgressBar "refresh"

            // load data from custom CSV file. Filepath was set in constructor of projectProcess by pushing the options instance
            DataTable csvData = new DataTable();

            csvData = ProjectWorkflow.CustomGetDataFromCsv_stream(dataset);

            progress.pgb.Value             = 40;
            progress.ProgressLabel.Content = "Uploading";
            // ProgressBar "refresh"

            List <BimCompany>   companies      = null;
            BimProject          currentProject = null;
            List <HqUser>       projectUsers   = null;
            List <NestedFolder> folders        = null;
            NestedFolder        currentFolder  = null;

                for (int row = 0; row < csvData.Rows.Count; row++)
                    string projectName = csvData.Rows[row]["project_name"].ToString();

                    // check if the current row defines the start point for another project (project_name column must be set)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName))
                        Util.LogImportant($"\nCurrent project: {projectName}");

                        // check if the requested project name is already present inside BIM360
                        currentProject = projects.Find(x => x.name == projectName);

                        if (currentProject == null)
                            // create the project
                            projects = projectProcess.CustomCreateProject(csvData, row, projectName, projectProcess);

                            // set the current project variable to the recently created project
                            currentProject = projects.Find(x => x.name == projectName);

                            // verify the initialization of the new project
                            CheckProjectCreated(currentProject, projectName);

                        // create the folder structure
                        folders = folderProcess.CustomGetFolderStructure(currentProject);

                        // add the companies
                        companies = accountProcess.CustomUpdateCompanies(csvData, row, accountProcess);

                        // create or update the project users
                        projectUsers = projectUserProcess.CustomUpdateProjectUsers(csvData, row, companies,
                                                                                   currentProject, projectUserProcess);

                        //activate all services
                        ServiceWorkflow serviceProcess = new ServiceWorkflow(options);

                        //check what servers needs to be activated
                        if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxservices.IsChecked == true)
                            #region Add Services
                            var listname = new List <string>();
                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxpm.IsChecked == true)
                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxfng.IsChecked == true)
                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxcollab.IsChecked == true)
                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxcost.IsChecked == true)
                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxgng.IsChecked == true)
                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxglue.IsChecked == true)
                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxplan.IsChecked == true)
                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxfield.IsChecked == true)
                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxassete.IsChecked == true)

                            var serviceList = new List <ServiceActivation>();
                            foreach (var iter in listname)
                                serviceList.Add(new ServiceActivation());
                                serviceList.Last().service_type = iter;
                                serviceList.Last().project_name = projectName;
                                //test hardcoded Test company name needs to be enter or find out
                                serviceList.Last().company = ServiceTab.Company.Text.Trim();
                                serviceList.Last().email   = AdminMail;

                                new List <BimProject>(new BimProject[] { currentProject }), serviceList);

                    // assign permissions
                    currentFolder = CreateFoldersAndAssignPermissions(csvData, row, projectUsers, folderProcess,
                                                                      folders, currentFolder, currentProject, projectUserProcess);

                    // run the file upload if requested
                    UploadFilesFromFolder(csvData, row, folderProcess, currentFolder, currentProject.id,
                    progress.pgb.Value             = 50 + (50 / csvData.Rows.Count * row);
                    progress.ProgressLabel.Content = "Uploading";
                    // ProgressBar "refresh"
            catch (Exception ex)
                //show the error
                statusbar.Text = ex.Message;

            statusbar.Text = "Upload successful";
Ejemplo n.º 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Delete previous versions of log.txt

            AppOptions options = AppOptions.Parse(args);
            // options.AccountRegion = "EU";

            ProjectWorkflow     projectProcess     = new ProjectWorkflow(options);
            FolderWorkflow      folderProcess      = new FolderWorkflow(options);
            ProjectUserWorkflow projectUserProcess = new ProjectUserWorkflow(options);
            AccountWorkflow     accountProcess     = new AccountWorkflow(options);

            // load data from custom CSV file. Filepath was set in constructor of projectProcess by pushing the options instance
            DataTable csvData = projectProcess.CustomGetDataFromCsv();

            // load all existing projects from the BIM360 environment
            List <BimProject> projects = projectProcess.GetAllProjects();

            List <BimCompany>   companies      = null;
            BimProject          currentProject = null;
            List <HqUser>       projectUsers   = null;
            List <NestedFolder> folders        = null;
            NestedFolder        currentFolder  = null;

            for (int row = 0; row < csvData.Rows.Count; row++)
                string projectName = csvData.Rows[row]["project_name"].ToString();

                // check if the current row defines the start point for another project (project_name column must be set)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName))
                    Util.LogImportant($"\nCurrent project: {projectName}");

                    // check if the requested project name is already present inside BIM360
                    currentProject = projects.Find(x => x.name == projectName);

                    if (currentProject == null)
                        // create the project
                        projects = projectProcess.CustomCreateProject(csvData, row, projectName, projectProcess);

                        // set the current project variable to the recently created project
                        currentProject = projects.Find(x => x.name == projectName);

                        // verify the initialization of the new project
                        CheckProjectCreated(currentProject, projectName);

                    // create the folder structure
                    folders = folderProcess.CustomGetFolderStructure(currentProject);

                    // add the companies
                    companies = accountProcess.CustomUpdateCompanies(csvData, row, accountProcess);

                    // create or update the project users
                    projectUsers = projectUserProcess.CustomUpdateProjectUsers(csvData, row, companies, currentProject, projectUserProcess);

                // assign permissions
                currentFolder = CreateFoldersAndAssignPermissions(csvData, row, projectUsers, folderProcess, folders, currentFolder, currentProject, projectUserProcess);

                // run the file upload if requested
                UploadFilesFromFolder(csvData, row, folderProcess, currentFolder, currentProject.id, options.LocalFoldersPath);
        private void RecursivelyCreateFolder(string projId, string uid, string parentFolderId, NestedFolder newFolder)
            Log.Info("-- copying child folder: " + newFolder.name);

            // Try to create folders until it is actually created
            string newFolderId = _foldersApi.CreateFolder(projId, uid, parentFolderId, newFolder.name);

            if (newFolderId == "error")
                if (retryCounter < 10)
                    Log.Warn($"Error occured while creating the folder: {newFolder.name}. Retrying ({retryCounter.ToString()}/10)");
                    RecursivelyCreateFolder(projId, uid, parentFolderId, newFolder);
                    Log.Warn($"Retry attempt for creating folder has reached the limit. Couldn't copy all folders.");
                retryCounter = 0; // Reset the counter
                Log.Info("-- assigning role permission to folder: " + newFolder.name);
                // assign permission to the new created folder
                bool res = _foldersApi.AssignPermission(projId, newFolderId, newFolder.permissions, uid);
                if (!res)
                    Log.Warn($"Failed to assgn role permissions to the new created folder: {newFolder.name}.");

                if (newFolder.childrenFolders.Count > 0)
                    foreach (NestedFolder childFolder in newFolder.childrenFolders)
                        RecursivelyCreateFolder(projId, uid, newFolderId, childFolder);
        private void CopyProjectFolders(BimProject orgProj, string newProjId, string uid)
            Log.Info("Project copy process started.");

            // Get root folders
            TopFolderResponse newTopFoldersRes = null;

            Log.Info("- retrieving top folders from " + newProjId);

            // quick fix for potential endless loop - add retry count as break condition
            int retry = 0;

                    newTopFoldersRes = GetTopFolders(newProjId);
                    if (retry > 20)
                } while (newTopFoldersRes.data == null);
                if (retry > 20)
            } while (newTopFoldersRes.data.Where(x => x.attributes.name == "Project Files").ToList().Count < 1);

            if (retry > 20)
                Log.Warn("Couldn't get top folders of template project. No folders are copied.");

            // Iterate root folders and match the name with original project folders
            Log.Info("- copying folders(including folder permission of role) to the new project.");
            foreach (Folder newRootFolder in newTopFoldersRes.data)
                if (folderStructures.ContainsKey(orgProj.name))
                    NestedFolder existingRootFolder = folderStructures[orgProj.name].Find(x => x.name == newRootFolder.attributes.name);
                    if (existingRootFolder != null)
                        // Without below, access to the project is forbidden...

                        // assign permission to root folder first
                        Log.Info("- assigning role permissions to root folder: " + newRootFolder.attributes.name);
                        bool res = _foldersApi.AssignPermission(newProjId, newRootFolder.id, existingRootFolder.permissions, uid);
                        if (!res)
                            Log.Warn($"Failed to assgn role permissions to root folder: {newRootFolder.attributes.name}.");

                        Log.Info("- copying the subfolders(including folder permission of role) of root folder: " + newRootFolder.attributes.name);
                        foreach (NestedFolder childFolder in existingRootFolder.childrenFolders)
                            // Recursively create new child folders
                            RecursivelyCreateFolder(newProjId, uid, newRootFolder.id, childFolder);
        private List <NestedFolder> CustomExtractFolderStructure(BimProject orgProj, string adminMail)
            // check if current project is activated
            var roleIds   = GetIndustryRoleIds(orgProj.name, null);
            var admin     = GetAdminUser(adminMail);
            var activated = ActivateProject(orgProj.id, admin, roleIds);

            if (!folderStructures.ContainsKey(orgProj.name))
                List <NestedFolder> existingFolderStructure = new List <NestedFolder>();

                Util.LogInfo($"Folder structure extraction started");
                Util.LogInfo("- retrieving top folders from " + orgProj.id);

                // call TopFolder to get the initial folder ids to start
                TopFolderResponse topFolderRes = GetTopFolders(orgProj.id);

                if (!CustomRootFoldersExist(topFolderRes))
                    Util.LogInfo("No top folders retrieved.");

                    // Wait until new project's folders are created
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        Util.LogInfo("Waiting for project's folders to be created...");


                        // query the BIM360 hubs API and check if the current project already owns the requested folders
                        Util.LogInfo("Query BIM360 and check of current project already contains folders.");
                        topFolderRes = GetTopFolders(orgProj.id);

                        if (CustomRootFoldersExist(topFolderRes))
                                "All CustomRootFolders exist already. "); // ToDo: please check if this log message relates with the intention of the method

                    if (!CustomRootFoldersExist(topFolderRes))
                            $"There was a problem retrieving root folders for project {orgProj.name}. The program has been stopped. Try running the program again.");
                        throw new ApplicationException(
                                  $"Stopping the program... You can see the log file for more information.");

                    "- retrieving sub-folders for 'Plans' and 'Project Files' folder. This could take a while..");
                // Iterate root folders
                foreach (Folder folder in topFolderRes.data)
                    string folderName = folder.attributes.name;
                    if (folderName == "Project Files" || folderName == "Plans")
                        NestedFolder rootFolder = new NestedFolder(folderName, folder.id);

                        // recursive calls to fetch folder structure
                        NestedFolder rootWithChildrenFolder = _foldersApi.GetFoldersHierarchy(orgProj.id, rootFolder);

                folderStructures[orgProj.name] = existingFolderStructure;

                throw new ApplicationException($"");
Ejemplo n.º 17
        internal static void UploadFilesFromFolder(DataTable table, int rowIndex, FolderWorkflow folderProcess, NestedFolder currentFolder, string projectId, string localFoldersPath)
            bool   isFolderAtRow    = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows[rowIndex]["local_folder"].ToString());
            string folderColumnName = GetFolderColumnName(table, rowIndex);

            // Check if folder at this row
            if (folderColumnName != null && isFolderAtRow)
                UploadFiles(table, rowIndex, folderProcess, currentFolder, projectId, localFoldersPath);
            // Upload files from folder if local folder given at row but no BIM360 folder at row
            else if (isFolderAtRow && folderColumnName == null)
                if (currentFolder != null)
                    UploadFiles(table, rowIndex, folderProcess, currentFolder, projectId, localFoldersPath);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// runs the upload to the BIM360 environment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Upload_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var progress = new updates_upload();

            //main window closing prevention
                // convert string to stream
                byte[]       byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(AccProjectConfig.ExportBim360Projects());
                MemoryStream dataset   = new MemoryStream(byteArray);
                //dataset.Position = 0;

                progress.pgb.Value             = 10;
                progress.ProgressLabel.Content = "Build Connection";
                // ProgressBar "refresh"

                //input for upload
                string[] input = new string[]
                    "-c", ClientId, "-s", ClientSecret, "-a", BimId,
                    "-h", AdminMail, "-f", " .\\sample", "-t", ",",
                    "-z", ",", "-e", "UTF-8", "-d", "yyyy-MM-dd"

                // specify a folder in the %APPDATA% to store the logging files
                var loggingFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);

                // Delete previous versions of log.txt
                    System.IO.File.Delete(Path.Combine(loggingFolder, "Bim360Interface/logInfo.txt"));
                    System.IO.File.Delete(Path.Combine(loggingFolder, "Bim360Interface/logInfo_important.txt"));
                catch (Exception exception)
                    // throw;

                AppOptions options = AppOptions.Parse(input);
                // options.AccountRegion = "EU";
                options.AdminRole = "Project Manager";

                ProjectWorkflow projectProcess = new ProjectWorkflow(options);
                // load all existing projects from the BIM360 environment
                List <BimProject> projects = projectProcess.GetAllProjects();

                FolderWorkflow      folderProcess      = new FolderWorkflow(options);
                ProjectUserWorkflow projectUserProcess = new ProjectUserWorkflow(options);
                AccountWorkflow     accountProcess     = new AccountWorkflow(options);

                // this is the admin mail to activate the projects
                var adminMail = AdminMail;
                //Get defaut company name
                string defaultcomp;
                    defaultcomp = folderProcess.CustomDefaultCompanyName(adminMail);
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    defaultcomp = "DefaultCompany";

                progress.pgb.Value             = 25;
                progress.ProgressLabel.Content = "Convert Data from GUI";
                // ProgressBar "refresh"

                // load data from custom CSV file. Filepath was set in constructor of projectProcess by pushing the options instance
                DataTable csvData = new DataTable();
                csvData = ProjectWorkflow.CustomGetDataFromCsv_stream(dataset);

                progress.pgb.Value             = 40;
                progress.ProgressLabel.Content = "Uploading";
                // ProgressBar "refresh"

                List <BimCompany>   companies      = null;
                BimProject          currentProject = null;
                List <HqUser>       projectUsers   = null;
                List <NestedFolder> folders        = null;
                NestedFolder        currentFolder  = null;

                    for (int row = 0; row < csvData.Rows.Count; row++)
                        string projectName = csvData.Rows[row]["project_name"].ToString();

                        // check if the current row defines the start point for another project (project_name column must be set)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName))
                            Util.LogImportant($"\nCurrent project: {projectName}");

                            // check if the requested project name is already present inside BIM360
                            currentProject = projects.Find(x => x.name == projectName);

                            if (currentProject == null)
                                // create the project
                                projects = projectProcess.CustomCreateProject(csvData, row, projectName,

                                // set the current project variable to the recently created project
                                currentProject = projects.Find(x => x.name == projectName);

                                // verify the initialization of the new project
                                CheckProjectCreated(currentProject, projectName);

                            // create the folder structure
                            folders = folderProcess.CustomGetFolderStructure(currentProject, adminMail);

                            // add the companies
                            companies = accountProcess.CustomUpdateCompanies(csvData, row, accountProcess);

                            // create or update the project users
                            projectUsers = projectUserProcess.CustomUpdateProjectUsers(csvData, row, companies,
                                                                                       currentProject, projectUserProcess);

                            //activate services
                            ServiceWorkflow serviceProcess = new ServiceWorkflow(options);

                            #region Add Services

                            // admin and doc_manage should be always activated
                            var serviceShortcuts = new List <string> {
                                "admin", "doc_manage"

                            // check which service should be activated in addition to admin and doc_manage
                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxProjectManagement.IsChecked == true)

                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxFieldManagement.IsChecked == true)

                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxDesignCollab.IsChecked == true)

                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxCostManagement.IsChecked == true)

                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxgng.IsChecked == true)

                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxglue.IsChecked == true)

                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxPlan.IsChecked == true)

                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxField.IsChecked == true)

                            if (ServiceTab.CheckBoxAssets.IsChecked == true)


                            var serviceList = new List <ServiceActivation>();

                            foreach (var serviceShortcut in serviceShortcuts)
                                //ToDo: this part needs revision

                                serviceList.Add(new ServiceActivation()
                                    email        = AdminMail,
                                    service_type = serviceShortcut,
                                    project_name = projectName,
                                    company      = defaultcomp

                            // take the current project and activate all services that were checked
                                new List <BimProject>(new BimProject[] { currentProject }), serviceList);

                        // assign permissions
                        currentFolder = CreateFoldersAndAssignPermissions(csvData, row, projectUsers, folderProcess,
                                                                          folders, currentFolder, currentProject, projectUserProcess);

                        // run the file upload if requested
                        UploadFilesFromFolder(csvData, row, folderProcess, currentFolder, currentProject.id,
                        progress.pgb.Value             = 50 + (50 / csvData.Rows.Count * row);
                        progress.ProgressLabel.Content = "Uploading";
                        // ProgressBar "refresh"
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //show the error
                    statusbar.Text = ex.Message;

                statusbar.Text = "Upload successful";
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.statusbar.Text = "Error on upload:" + ex.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        internal static void AssignUserPermissionToFolder(FolderWorkflow folderProcess, NestedFolder folder, HqUser user, string letterPermission, string ProjectId)
            Util.LogInfo($"Assigning permission '{letterPermission}' to folder '{folder.name}' for user '{user.email}'.");

            List <string> permissionLevel = GetPermission(letterPermission);

            if (permissionLevel == null)
                permissionLevel = new List <string> {
                    "VIEW", "COLLABORATE"
                Util.LogImportant($"Permission '{letterPermission}' for user '{user.email}' for folder '{folder.name}' was not recognized. Default permission 'V' is taken for this folder.");
            List <FolderPermission> curr_permissions = new List <FolderPermission>();

            curr_permissions.Add(new FolderPermission()
                subjectId      = user.id,
                subjectType    = "USER",
                actions        = permissionLevel,
                inheritActions = permissionLevel

            folderProcess.CustomAssignPermissionToFolder(ProjectId, folder.id, curr_permissions);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        internal static void AssignPermission(DataTable table, int rowIndex, List <HqUser> projectUsers, FolderWorkflow folderProcess, NestedFolder folder, BimProject project, ProjectUserWorkflow projectUserProcess)
            // Add role permission
            string roleName = table.Rows[rowIndex]["role_permission"].ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(roleName))
                List <IndustryRole> roles = projectUserProcess.GetRolesForProject(project.name);
                IndustryRole        role  = roles.Find(x => x.name.ToLower() == roleName.ToLower());
                if (role != null)
                    string letterPermission = table.Rows[rowIndex]["permission"].ToString();
                    AssignRolePermissionToFolder(folderProcess, folder, role, letterPermission, project.id);
                    Util.LogImportant($"No role found with name: {roleName}. No permission for this role for folder '{folder.name}' will be assigned. See row number {rowIndex + 2} in the CSV-File.");

            // Add user permission
            string userEmail = table.Rows[rowIndex]["user_email"].ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userEmail))
                HqUser existingUser = projectUsers.Find(x => x.email == userEmail);

                // Check if user exists
                if (existingUser != null)
                    string letterPermission = table.Rows[rowIndex]["permission"].ToString();
                    AssignUserPermissionToFolder(folderProcess, folder, existingUser, letterPermission, project.id);
                    Util.LogImportant($"No user found with email: {userEmail}. No permission for this user for folder '{folder.name}' will be assigned. See row number {rowIndex + 2} in the CSV-File.");
        internal static void AssignRolePermissionToFolder(FolderWorkflow folderProcess, NestedFolder folder, IndustryRole role, string letterPermission, string ProjectId)
            Util.LogInfo($"Assigning permission '{letterPermission}' to folder '{folder.name}' for role '{role.name}'.");

            List <string> permissionLevel = GetPermission(letterPermission);

            if (permissionLevel == null)
                permissionLevel = new List <string> {
                    "VIEW", "COLLABORATE"
                Util.LogImportant($"Permission '{letterPermission}' for role '{role.name}' for folder '{folder.name}' was not recognized. Default permission 'V' is taken for this folder.");

            List <FolderPermission> currPermissions = new List <FolderPermission>
                new FolderPermission()
                    subjectId      = role.id,
                    subjectType    = "ROLE",
                    actions        = permissionLevel,
                    inheritActions = permissionLevel

            folderProcess.CustomAssignPermissionToFolder(ProjectId, folder.id, currPermissions);