Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async void LabelTooltipOpening(object sender, ToolTipEventArgs e)
            var chip  = sender as MaterialDesignThemes.Wpf.Chip;
            var label = chip.Content as string;

            var query = string.Format("match(c:{0}) return count(c) as Count", label);
            var g     = await Neo4jDatabase.ExecuteQueryGraphAsync(query);

            chip.ToolTip = string.Format("Database contains {0} instances", g.Values.First());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async void EdgeToolTipOpening(object sender, ToolTipEventArgs e)
            var container         = sender as Button;
            var relationshipGlyph = container.Content as string;
            var relationship      = relationshipGlyph.Replace("-[", "");

            relationship = relationship.Replace("]-", "");

            var query = string.Format("match ()-[c:{0}]-() return count(c) as Count", relationship);
            var g     = await Neo4jDatabase.ExecuteQueryGraphAsync(query);

            container.ToolTip = string.Format("Database contains {0} instances", g.Values.First());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Init()
            var labels = Neo4jDatabase.GetNodeLabels().Result;
            var conf   = new ObservableCollection <NodeConfiguration>();

            foreach (var label in labels)
                conf.Add(new NodeConfiguration {
                    Color = "red", Selection = label, Size = 100

            this.Configurations = conf;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private async Task RepaintAsync()

            // Get the names of the first 1000 labels, the first 1000 relationships
            // and the count of nodes and relationships.
            var metadataQuery = @"
                CALL db.labels() YIELD label
                RETURN {name:'labels', data:COLLECT(label)[..1000]} AS result
                UNION ALL
                CALL db.relationshipTypes() YIELD relationshipType
                RETURN {name:'relationshipTypes', data:COLLECT(relationshipType)[..1000]} AS result
                UNION ALL
                MATCH () RETURN { name:'nodes', data:count(*) } AS result
                UNION ALL
                MATCH ()-[]->() RETURN { name:'relationships', data: count(*)} AS result";

            var g = await Neo4jDatabase.ExecuteQueryGraphAsync(metadataQuery);

            var parts      = g.Values.ToArray();
            var labelsPart = parts[0];

            var labelValues             = (labelsPart as Dictionary <string, object>)["data"];
            IEnumerable <string> labels = (labelValues as List <object>).Select(o => o as string);

            this.LabelsPrompt.Text = string.Format("Node Labels ({0})", labels.Count());

            foreach (var label in labels)
                var labelGlyph = new MaterialDesignThemes.Wpf.Chip()
                    Margin      = new Thickness(5, 0, 5, 5),
                    Content     = label,
                    IsDeletable = false,
                    ToolTip     = "Calculating...",

                labelGlyph.Click += (_, e) => { this.LabelClicked(label as string); };

                labelGlyph.ToolTipOpening += this.LabelTooltipOpening;

            var relationshipsPart = parts[1];

            var  relationshipsValues = (relationshipsPart as Dictionary <string, object>)["data"];
            var  relationshipsList   = (relationshipsValues as List <object>).Select(o => o as string);
            long relationshipCount   = relationshipsList.Count();

            this.RelationshipsPrompt.Text = string.Format("Relationships ({0})", relationshipCount);

            foreach (var relationship in relationshipsList)
                var edgeGlyph = new Button()
                    Style   = this.Resources["Edges"] as Style,
                    Margin  = new Thickness(-4, -0, -4, 0),
                    Content = "-[" + (relationship as string) + "]-",
                    ToolTip = "Calculating...",

                edgeGlyph.Click += (_, e) => { this.EdgeClicked(relationship as string); };

                edgeGlyph.Width  -= 24;
                edgeGlyph.Height -= 8;

                edgeGlyph.ToolTipOpening += this.EdgeToolTipOpening;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public MainWindow(string[] args)

            // If a configuration file argument is passed, then read this file and store it in the configuration
            if (args.Length != 0)
                var fileName = args[0];
                    var content = File.ReadAllText(fileName);
                    Properties.Settings.Default.Configuration = content;

            this.model       = new Models.Model();
            this.ViewModel   = new ViewModels.EditorViewModel(this, model);
            this.DataContext = this.ViewModel;

            this.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(this.ViewModel.ExecuteQueryCommand, new KeyGesture(Key.F5, ModifierKeys.None, "F5")));
            this.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(this.ViewModel.ExecuteQueryCommand, new KeyGesture(Key.E, ModifierKeys.Control, "Ctrl-E")));

            // See https://github.com/XAMLMarkupExtensions/WPFLocalizationExtension/ for details on localization.
            LocalizeDictionary.Instance.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en");

            // Break when a key is not found:
            LocalizeDictionary.Instance.OutputMissingKeys = true;

            // This is triggered if the failing translation is used from markup.
            LocalizeDictionary.Instance.MissingKeyEvent += (object sender, MissingKeyEventArgs e) =>
                throw new NotImplementedException(e.Key);

            // This is triggered if the failing translation is used from code behind.
            LocalizeDictionary.Instance.DefaultProvider.ProviderError += (object sender, ProviderErrorEventArgs args) =>
                throw new NotImplementedException(args.Key);

            // This is how to use the localization engine from code:
            var translated = WPFLocalizeExtension.Extensions.LocExtension.GetLocalizedValue <string>("EditMenu");

            string password;

            if (!Model.IsDebugMode)
                // Now show the connection dialog
                var connectionWindow = new Views.ConnectionWindow(this.model);
                var connectionResult = connectionWindow.ShowDialog();

                // If the user dismissed the dialog, the system should just be shut down,
                // since there is not a lot that can be done without a connection.
                if (!(connectionResult.HasValue && connectionResult.Value))
                password = connectionWindow.Password;
                password = "******";

            // Now that the value of the connection parameters have been set,
            // the global connection to the database can be established.
            Neo4jDatabase.CreateDriver(this.model.Username, password, this.model.Server, this.model.Port);

            this.InitializeAsync().ContinueWith(async(f) => {
                await this.ViewModel.OnInitializedAsync();