Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void RegisterDemand(DemandHolder demand, NeedType type)
        if (!demandCountDict.ContainsKey(type))
            demandCountDict[type] = 0;

        string demandID = type.ToString() + "_" + demandCountDict[type];

        demandDict[demandID] = demand;

Ejemplo n.º 2
    private void OnEnable()
        // Trigger the Sound

        //TODO: check their Account -> Needs the money tracking system

//        if (!hasAccount)
//        {
//            need = NeedType.makeAccount;
//        }
        _fundCheck    = AccountMoney;
        amDone        = false;
        introduced    = false;
        hapinessLevel = 5;

        //setup their action they want to do
        if (Random.Range(0, 100) > 95) //5 percent chance
            need = NeedType.robbery;
            var temp = Random.Range(0, 2); //int Rand.Range is exclusive
            need = (NeedType)temp;
        action = need.ToString();

        //set the wait time to wait
        _maxTime = Random.Range(maxTimeRange.minValue, maxTimeRange.maxValue) * 2;

        //set money wanting to use
        //set money to use in range of wanting to use(difference!)
        _moneyWanting = (int)Random.Range(moneyToUse.minValue, moneyToUse.maxValue);
        _money        = _moneyWanting + Random.Range(-moneyRange, moneyRange + 1);

        // if the account has no money, they will change their action to deposit
        if (AccountMoney <= 1)
            action = "deposit";

        //if they want to withdraw/exchange/transfer and "money" is higher than the total
        //on their bank account, the total will be the new "money"
        if (need == NeedType.withdraw && AccountMoney < _money)
            _money = AccountMoney;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 void Start()
     GetComponent <TextShowner>().text = type.ToString();
     tr = GetComponent <Transform>();
     FindObjectOfType <DemandKeeper>().RegisterDemand(this, type);